Decorative beams made of polyurethane installation. Installation and installation of decorative beams

Who wouldn't want to live in their own home!

Everyone dreams about it!

Well, there's nothing you can do about it - the simple, unpretentious comfort of rural life beckons us.

The atmosphere of a village house is unique!

But today you can create exactly the same atmosphere not only in a cottage, but also in any city apartment.

It would seem, as possible with the help of decorative ceiling beams change the design of the room?

But it's very possible!

In the interior of the room, any wooden elements are associated with warmth and comfort.

There are a fairly large number of finishes and design techniques that allow you to create an exceptionally comfortable atmosphere in your home with the help of wooden elements (or wood-like elements).

One of these methods is just decorative ceiling beams.

And how can they be used?

What effect can be achieved with their help?

And how exactly do they do it?

In this article you will find all the answers!

Regardless of what exactly ceiling beams are installed for, they will give any room an incomparable charm.

The colors of the ceiling structures and their texture help to create a certain mood in the room and set a unique style.

It is very important how the bars on the ceiling are located:

  1. If the ceiling elements are placed along the longest wall, then visually the room will look even more elongated.
  2. If you want to visually expand the room, then the boards should be placed across the ceiling.
  3. If they are placed crosswise, then there will be no visual change in the geometry of the room. However, the room will look more voluminous.
  4. If the room has an excessively high ceiling, then the wooden elements are fixed on the walls below the ceiling. Such structures, floating in the air, visually reduce the height.
  5. Between parts of one room, it is easy to arrange a dividing space with the help of boards. One ceiling element located at the junction of such zones is enough. Usually lamps or other decorative elements are mounted in the beam.
  6. If you need to highlight some specific part of it in the room, then the bars can be installed on the ceiling only in its area. Ceiling elements look more original if they are placed in the form of a herringbone or lattice.
  7. To visually elevate the room low ceiling, follows ceiling structures make smoothly passing along the walls to the ceiling. In this case, it is not the boards themselves that are located on it, but a small part of them.


What are ceiling beams made of?

Of course, the ideal classic ceiling board is a solid wooden beam.

It has a huge number of pluses with two minuses:

  • big weight;
  • high price.

Therefore, such structural elements used only by wealthy people.

And at the construction stage they are used to maintain floors.

And not just in terms of decoration.

Although some homeowners install purely decorative full-bodied wooden blocks.

Because they are different:

  • naturalness;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • spectacular appearance.

However, you should also be aware of the disadvantages.

Two of them have already been mentioned.

Another disadvantage is the complexity of installation.

First of all, because of the weight of the material.

By the way, you should know that the moisture resistance of wood is very low.

Microorganisms spoil it, and it is subject to decay.

Great alternative to bars natural wood- U-shaped polyurethane products.

These products are different:

  • attractive appearance;
  • relatively low weight;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • simple installation.

Since the board has a U-shape, not only wires, but even pipes can be hidden inside it.

On polyurethane beams, a surface imitating a real tree is arranged.

If there is a desire and some skill, then you can independently make ceiling structures that will be practically indistinguishable from natural wooden beams.

The simplest bars can be made from foam.

If you need products of large thickness, then the foam is simply glued to the desired thickness.

Cutting foam is very easy.

All you need is a sharp knife.

Such a foam plastic decorative detail is glued on top with a self-adhesive film that has a “wood-like” texture.

Liquid nails are used to mount such a product on the ceiling.

Even to create a U-shaped ceiling beam, drywall or lightweight plywood is often used.

The parts from which the box is assembled are cut out.

The surface of such a box is also pasted over with a self-adhesive film.

On the ceiling, a frame is preliminarily constructed from wooden bars or metal guides for plaster.

A decorative box is attached to such a frame.

Functional use

Today, such beams are used, as a rule, only as decorative ornament rooms.

It is for this reason that there are a large number of options for their placement.

Sometimes they are used as a real support for the floor.

But this is happening less and less.

Therefore, in addition to the decorative function, the ceiling board is designed to hide defects in the ceiling and communications.

It is very convenient to carry out communications inside the hollow board.

If it is solid, then it is very convenient to attach lighting fixtures to it.

Chandelier, for example.

Mounting and fixing to the ceiling

The easiest way to describe the installation of a solid wood beam.

Through the body of the bar should be drilled through holes, and install dowels on the ceiling.

Since the weight of the product is large, then the dowels should be installed appropriately.

Then, using self-tapping screws of great length, the bar is fixed to the ceiling.

Holes from self-tapping screws close up in any convenient way.

You should be aware that when installing such a product, do not use glue.

It won't help with that weight.

But on such a board you can easily place a chandelier or any other lamp.

Installing a decorative beam on the ceiling is easy.

Special knowledge is not required here.

The most important thing is to act according to the instructions, do not rush and do everything carefully.

And, of course, you need an assistant.

So the whole process will go faster.

Required Tools

Tools are something without which nothing can be done.

You will need:

  • roulette;
  • breaker cord;
  • hacksaw;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • corner;
  • ruler;
  • pencil.

Installation is carried out in several stages:

  1. The finished U-shaped bar is laid on the floor as we will attach it to the ceiling. Now you should measure the distance between the side walls.
  2. At the starting wall on the ceiling, two strokes are applied at the distance that you received when measuring.
  3. Along the entire length of the installation of the bar between the strokes, marking lines are applied using a corner and a ruler or a breaker cord.
  4. Attached to the ceiling along each line wooden structure from bars. This we will have a supporting frame located inside the decorative beam. The board is “put on” on such a frame. If its width is small and comparable to the width of one bar of the frame, then not two, but one bar is fixed on the ceiling.
  5. Determine the length of the board. To do this, using a tape measure, we measure the distance between the opposite walls to which it will adjoin.
  6. If the length of the ceiling decor is greater than this distance, then it should be cut off. For this you will need hand saw with fine teeth on the blade or a frame saw. First, with the help of a joiner's corner, a cutting line should be applied. If the length of the span is such that the length of the board, on the contrary, is not enough, then they take several products and join them on the ceiling.
  7. To decorate the junction of decorative ceiling elements, several methods are used. After the ends of the beams are fitted as closely as possible to each other, the butt joint is either sealed with special metal plates or with a wax pencil. A U-shaped wooden ring, rope or decorative belts can also be used.
  8. The ceiling beam is put on the frame, which is fixed to the ceiling. Now on the sides it should be fixed with self-tapping screws. Self-tapping screws are twisted so that the hat drowns a few millimeters in the body of the board. To make it possible to later mask the heads with wooden dowels or a wax pencil of the corresponding color. Dowels over self-tapping screws are driven into holes, cut flush and tinted.
  9. At the final stage, the joints are closed with decorative overlays or painted over with a wax pencil.

If you have various engineering communications running along the ceiling, then they can be easily hidden inside such a decor.

It is very convenient.

Nothing needs to be punched.

Communications are not visible and are reliably protected from mechanical damage.

If your decorative products are made of polyurethane, then their installation is somewhat different.

Since we will glue them, we must first prepare the surface of the ceiling.

If there is peeling plaster, then it should be removed.

Irregularities - putty.

The surface must be cleaned of dust, dirt, grease.

Ideally, it should be treated with a solution of 10% ammonia diluted one to one with water.

Installation is carried out in several stages:

  • draw a horizontal line on the ceiling with a chopping cord;
  • using a decorative beam, preliminary marking should be performed on the ceiling;
  • along the marking line, wooden dies should be fixed at a distance of 50 cm;
  • special glue for polyurethane should be applied to the end and longitudinal parts and to wooden dies;
  • the beam should be put on the dies and pressed firmly against them; until the glue dries completely, you should use supports (if you used self-tapping screws to fasten the product to the dies, then the holes from them should be puttied and painted over);
  • now you should attach the consoles;
  • after the glue dries completely, you should carefully cut off its excess and tint the joint with paint;
  • a decorative belt is used to decorate the seam.

About the price of decorative bars

Naturally, natural wood products are the most expensive.

Pine board costs 2900 rubles.

Hollow wood bars P and L-shaped will be more accessible.

For example, the cost of one linear meter of a pine board with a section of 100x150 mm is 1280 rubles.

And exactly the same beam, but made of larch, already costs 1920 rubles.

Pine bars with a section of 200x150 mm cost an average of 1825 rubles, and polyurethane, of course, is cheaper.

And are not sold running meters, but in pieces.

The standard length is 3 meters.

A bar with a section of 120x120 mm costs 1110 rubles.

On average, the price of a product, depending on the dimensions and finish, is 1150 - 1300 rubles.

As you can see, a decorative ceiling beam is not such an expensive product.

Video about decorative beams on the ceiling:

It will be enough to use a false beam made of polyurethane or drywall.

Functionality practically does not suffer, and appearance exactly the same.

In contact with

Mounting polyurethane beams on an ordinary ceiling is not very difficult. Such beams are light in weight, and Spantan-1K glue, specially developed by Amaro, is sufficient for their installation.

Attention: It takes 1.5-2 hours for the glue to completely harden. During this time, supports should be placed to support the beams.

With a stretch ceiling, the situation is more complicated. A stretch ceiling is one of the most functional and spectacular design solutions, especially when combined with decorative beams. But just sticking beams to it will not work. There are several options for mounting polyurethane beams on a stretch ceiling.

Attention: When working with a stretch ceiling, gloves should be used, especially if the coating is glossy. Otherwise, it will leave ugly marks.

Suppose the stretch ceiling has already been made, and the beams to be installed have a short length, for example, about 1 meter. In this case, wooden bars should be fixed on the walls, to which beams are attached with self-tapping screws. Self-tapping screws can be painted over to match the beam itself, thus making them invisible. Due to the fact that the false beam has a small length, it will not sag. The result is an interesting design solution, as if the beam supports the ceiling.

Installation of long beams to a stretch ceiling

For long beams, the first method will not work, as in this case they will sag. The result is a very unsightly picture in the form of a gap between the ceiling and the beam. This will be especially noticeable with a glossy ceiling coating. Therefore, if you plan to install long beams, it is necessary to make mortgages even before installing the ceiling. They are attached directly to the base ceiling. After stretching the PVC or fabric web, bars are attached to the mortgages through it. Then, the decorative beams themselves are attached directly to the bars with the help of self-tapping screws.

Mortgages can be made from wooden bars, or you can use universal mounting platforms for a chandelier or special adjustable stands. There is no need to build a massive structure from durable moisture-resistant plywood, as under a heavy chandelier, since polyurethane beams are necessarily light in weight.

The mortgage can also be made from a metal profile for drywall constructions. However, this method of fastening is more suitable for installing decorative elements with a large weight than for lightweight polyurethane beams.

Mortgages must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be aligned. Alignment is best done using a laser level according to the level of the future stretch ceiling.
  2. If the fabric of the stretch ceiling is planned to be made of PVC, and not of fabric, then the mortgages must be smooth and burr-free. Otherwise, sharp edges may damage the canvas.
  3. Mortgages from wooden bars should be plastered in places of possible contact with the canvas in order to avoid damage to it.

The bars to which the beams are attached are screwed to the mortgages through the stretch ceiling, which means that holes for screws must be made in the canvas. If the ceiling is woven, such holes can be made without fear that the fabric will break through. In the case of a PVC ceiling, the screw holes in without fail must be reinforced.

Reinforcement of openings in the ceiling

The most common two ways reinforced. The first is the use of stickers or universal adhesive tape in place of future holes. However, the use of special plastic rings is considered a more reliable and correct way.

An even, thin layer of superglue is applied to the ring, and it is attached to the ceiling. You should make sure that the ring is firmly glued to the canvas, after which a hole is cut out along its inner diameter with a clerical knife. Through this hole, the bar is fastened to the mortgage.

Attention: information is given for informational purposes only. We are not responsible for the consequences self-assembly. We recommend contacting a specialist.

Installing a decorative beam on the ceiling is relatively new. design solution. It should immediately be noted that this may be a real load-bearing part of the building structure. In any case, the introduction of this element into the interior of the room, its proper decoration and processing will not only enliven the atmosphere, but also become a fresh design solution.

Ceiling beams in the interior

At first glance, an indoor wood beam looks more natural in the room. country house, the interior of which is decorated in a "rustic" style (country). However, when used correctly, this element will enliven the interior of both a fusion-style living room and a quite high-tech office cabinet.

At the same time, it is important not to make a mistake when choosing a combination of design, stylistic, color and functional solutions for this part. The wrong choice will lead to the fact that the beams on the ceiling will not be a good decor, but a ridiculous ledge on the ceiling of the room.

In addition, there is a need to close the beams on the ceiling if they do not fit into the overall stylistic decision. For this, they can be used various designs, for example, the installation of a plasterboard false ceiling.

Advice! In order to hide the carrier beam from prying eyes, you can also use stretch ceiling, caissons, as well as various skins made of edged board or wagons.

The use of beams in various interior styles

Designers, creating solutions for interior equipment, think over how to beat a room with beams on the ceiling. As mentioned above, most often this element is used as a decor in design options with ethno-style motifs. However, using simple tips professional designers, decorative beams on the ceiling will become a harmonious part of the interior in other cases:

  • For classic interiors designs of light or silver shades with a glossy surface are suitable. In some cases, carving or ornamental painting on this interior detail will give the entire room a special chic and luxury;
  • For Art Nouveau interiors, you can use both light and dark colors in decoration. In this case, it is quite acceptable to highlight this design with contrasting and bright colors: red, bright blue or green;
  • "Hi-tech" is glass and metal. Therefore, the surface with imitation metal coating would be particularly appropriate here;
  • Rustic style interiors often use antique wood look elements. In this case, the surface texture can be given a rough "raw" look;
  • The French interior requires the use of natural wood elements that are carefully crafted. At the same time, they should be neat and without traces of rough finishing. Their surface can be whitened for this.

Materials for the manufacture of beams

Real load-bearing structures on the ceiling in houses are most often wooden, but artificial beams on the ceiling are made of various materials. The main ones are the following:

  • wood;
  • metal;
  • polymers;

wooden beams

Wooden beams on the ceiling can be part of the ceiling, or they can be decorative. The load-bearing elements are made of oak or coniferous species, and softwood species (ash, poplar, birch, aspen) are also suitable for the manufacture of decorative structures. By installing the beam on the ceiling, you can close external engineering communications (pipes, wires, cables, etc.). Hollow elements are used for this.

metal beams

Metal structures are usually heavy and therefore require thoughtful fastening. However, when using light metals (aluminum sheets, bent steel profiles, etc.), the mass of the beam will not be large. In addition to saving material and simplifying installation, cavities can be used for technical purposes (even by placing ventilation ducts and pipelines for heating and water supply systems).

steel beams

plastic beams

Plastic decor is very convenient to use when decorating a room, because it is very light, cheap and easy to process. Polyurethane constructions are resistant to moisture, they do not absorb odors and are easy to clean. The wide range of finishes available for polyurethane products explains why it is so popular in interior applications.

Decorative polyurethane beams

Decorative beam from MDF

For the manufacture of prefabricated structures, various types of chipboard and fiberboard are used. Most often used MDF - medium density fiberboard. Outside, such a plate is usually laminated with veneer or artificial coating, which imitates the texture and color of various types of wood.

Installation and finishing of wooden beams

If wooden beams on the ceiling are installed as a supporting structure for the floor, then only dry and high-quality lumber of rectangular or round shape without blue, rot, etc.

During installation, the ends of the structure are wound into brick wall. It will be very difficult to change the supporting structure subsequently, so it must be of high quality.

Fixing beam ends in masonry

The ceiling on a wooden beam is installed immediately. Floorboards are processed (sanded and varnished) even before they are installed on the supporting structure. The beam itself is processed after the installation of the ceiling.

The surface of the wooden beam needs protection and additional finishing. For this, widely known methods are used: grinding, impregnation, toning, impregnation, painting, etc.

Surface brushing

One of spectacular ways processing of wooden beams is brushing - giving the surface of the material a pronounced texture and volume. This requires a minimum of tools and fixtures:

  • angle grinder ("Bulgarian");
  • electric drill;
  • special nozzles.

In addition, you will need metal, synthetic and sesal brushes. They are applied sequentially for rough and intermediate surface treatment as well as for final polishing.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  • The top layer of wood is removed with a metal brush. In this case, soft fibers are selected to a greater depth;
  • Grinding is carried out with a synthetic brush;
  • Sesal brushes are used to polish the surface.
  • The treated surface is covered with stain and varnish.

This treatment imitates an old tree.

Additionally, you can give wooden surface visibility of damage by a bark beetle.

To do this, you need an awl, an engraver and an engraving nozzle. The "exits" of the woodworm are pricked with an awl, the "moves" of the bug are drawn on the surface with an engraver with a nozzle.

Advice! Coniferous wood is best suited for brushing.

Wood surface after brushing


The placement of the beam on the ceiling, in addition to the functional load-bearing function, also performs a decorative role in interior design. Right choice material, design, and decoration of this element of decor will give the room a special comfort and style. In addition, the use of beams allows you to rationally emphasize the geometry of the room and hide various communications.

In this video you can learn how to properly mount decorative beams on the ceiling.

Competent installation and decoration of ceiling beams, installation features of products from different materials, ways of finishing old beams.

The content of the article:

Finishing the ceiling surface with beams looks stylish and respectable. This is a great way to emphasize the originality of the design and transform the room. Laying wooden beams on the ceiling is carried out even in the process of building a house. However, such elements are heavy and expensive, therefore, for decoration, peculiar false beams from different materials are most often attached.

Styles for beams on the ceiling

If you decide to finish the ceiling in this way, then you need to correctly combine the installed beam with other decorative elements. Moreover, if you have certain design skills, this detail can be beaten in almost any style.

Let's look at what style solutions can be used to decorate beams:

  • Classical. Beams made of wood or wood imitation material, combined with matching furniture or parquet, are undeniably classics. Contrasting dark wood on a pastel light background looks original. But carving and painting will add respectability to the traditional interior.
  • Victorian. The rooms, decorated in this style, look aristocratic and luxurious. Therefore, the beams must be installed from expensive mahogany with antique finishes.
  • Modern. Beams in rooms with this design can be painted in bright colors, installed inside the backlight and embody various stylistic ideas.
  • Hi-tech and loft. Finishing the ceiling in such rooms with polyurethane beams with a texture that imitates metal will be very useful. Especially if the walls in the room are in the form of brickwork.
  • Provence. Perfectly smooth, white painted beams on the ceiling will be a great addition to the French, rural style.
  • Rustic. A rough wood finish that emphasizes the natural structure of the material is the best option.

Do-it-yourself technology for mounting beams on the ceiling

The equipment for simulating beams on the ceiling consists of several stages. In order to carry out installation work quickly and efficiently, you need to decide on the type of model, correctly draw up a diagram taking into account the characteristics of the room and securely fasten it so that the structure is smooth and durable.

Rules for drawing beams on the ceiling

The location of the beams on the ceiling can visually expand the space or make the room lower. Therefore, the scheme of their installation primarily depends on the effect that you want to achieve.
  1. If the beams are arranged along the length of the room, then it can be visually extended even more. Accordingly, to expand the space, the ceiling elements are placed across.
  2. The cross-shaped fastening of the beams visually makes the space more voluminous.
  3. You can visually reduce the height of the room by fixing the beams below the ceiling.
  4. One beam with installed lamps or other decorative details is able to divide the room into zones.
  5. Placing several beams in one part of the room will visually highlight it. In this case, the elements do not have to be fixed in parallel or crosswise. The Christmas tree arrangement looks interesting.
  6. You can visually increase the height of the room by fixing the structures on the wall and making a continuation on the ceiling. At the same time, not the entire beam, but only part of it, needs to be fixed on the ceiling.
The correct location of the ceiling elements will allow you to change the geometry of almost any room. Before drawing up a drawing, it is imperative to measure all the walls. In the project, also include a communications supply scheme.

Selection of materials for mounting beams on the ceiling

Variety of building and finishing materials allows you to use for mounting beams:
  • wood. It is environmentally friendly and looks respectable. Most often, preference is given to conifers (pine, larch, spruce, cedar). They are more practical and durable. Hardwoods (for example, oak) are used less often because of the high cost.
  • Drywall. Practical, relatively inexpensive, easy to handle. It can be finished in almost any way.
  • Polyurethane. modern material, characterized by high operational characteristics. It is available in a wide range of colors and textures, is lightweight and moisture resistant.
Whatever material you choose for mounting the beam on the ceiling with your own hands, consider how harmoniously the products will fit into the overall design.

Beams from artificial materials also differ in the types of profiles:

  • From chipboard or MDF. Veneer elements in parts with straight joints in this case are connected at angles of 90 or 45 degrees. Beams with rounded edges are made of veneered MDF or chipboard and connected with a profiled rail at the inner joint. Such models can be patinated and painted.
  • From durable wood lamellas. For manufacturing use oak, ash, pine, larch. May have straight or rounded edges. Treated like a normal tree.
  • From array. In production, an ordinary timber beam is used. The beam can be suspended and bearing. Facing is carried out in the same way as from ordinary tree. These models are much more expensive.

When choosing the material of manufacture, it is important to take into account the specifics of the room in which the installation is planned. For installation in conditions high humidity, for example, polyurethane products are optimal.

Preparing to Install Ceiling Beams

Before proceeding with the installation of beams on the ceiling, the coating should be prepared. This is a stage consisting of the following processes:
  1. We take out all the furniture from the room, remove lighting fixtures, mirrors, curtains, carpets, cornices.
  2. We clean the surface of the old finishing layer.
  3. We get rid of unreliably fixed elements.
  4. If necessary, remove the old wiring.
  5. We treat stains of mold, fungus or rust with a special primer. You need to get rid of them, otherwise they will later appear on the new finish.
  6. We close up large cracks and crevices with cement-based putty.
  7. We prime the coating with an antiseptic composition.
  8. We level the surface with plaster (for irregularities from 5 cm) or starting putty (for irregularities up to 5 cm).
  9. We prime the ceiling and paste over with fiberglass for reinforcement.
  10. We apply a layer of finishing putty and wait for drying.
  11. We grind the roughness with fine-grained paper and impregnate with a primer based on acrylates.

Features of fastening wooden beams to the ceiling

Ceiling elements made of natural wood are heavy, and therefore special attention must be paid to the reliability of fixation. The beams themselves can be purchased ready-made or made with your own hands from a bar. In the latter case, it is worth choosing a tree with a shrinkage of up to 12%, on which there are no damages and traces of rot. It is also important to treat the material with antiseptic compounds to protect against moisture, mold, rodents and insects.

We perform the installation as follows:

  • We adjust the ends of the elements with a planer and grind with fine-grained paper for the most snug fit.
  • We fix the bars to the side panels using self-tapping screws.
  • To fix the lower element with a drill, we drill holes in the bars in increments of 15-20 cm. They should be located at an angle of 90 degrees to the self-tapping screws connecting the bar and the sidewall. The distance from each hole to the self-tapping screw should be about 5 cm.
  • For reliability at the junction, we coat the wood with carpentry glue.
  • We connect all the details with self-tapping screws, forming a U-shaped false beam.
  • On the ceiling we fix the bars in increments of 0.5 meters. The width of the bar must correspond to the internal size of the emptiness of the box.
  • We attach the beam to the bars with the help of self-tapping screws, deepening the caps of the fasteners inward.
  • We cover the places of the recesses with putty to match the color of the wood.
  • We carry out the finishing of the ceiling element.

Please note that in order not to damage the ceiling finish, painting the beam, you can paste over the joints with ceiling covering masking tape.

How to install plasterboard beams on the ceiling

The correct installation of the plasterboard structure on the ceiling, first of all, depends on the accuracy of the markup. That is why, using a level, a tape measure and a chopping cord, it is first recommended to apply the profile attachment lines and only then proceed to work.

Before you make a beam on the ceiling of the plasterboard, we recommend that you read the installation instructions:

  1. We attach the guide profile with dowels along the marked lines.
  2. We make segments from the carrier profile, which will be equal to the height of the beam.
  3. We insert the cut blanks into the starting profile and fasten them with self-tapping screws in increments of 10-15 cm.
  4. Along the bottom edge we connect all the segments with a guide profile.
  5. Jigsaw or sharp knife for drywall, we cut out parts from sheets according to the size of the beam.
  6. We attach drywall to the profile with self-tapping screws.
  7. We glue the joints with sickle tape. We putty gaps and places of deepening fasteners.
  8. We apply a finishing layer of putty and, after complete drying, rub the roughness with fine-grained sanding paper.
  9. We prime the surface and finish the beam.
For installation of such a design, it is better to use a 9 mm thick plasterboard.

Fixing polyurethane beams to the ceiling

The main advantage of installing polyurethane beams on the ceiling is the simplicity and speed of installation work. The design is lightweight, therefore, to fasten a polyurethane beam of standard length (3 meters), you will need only three wedges.

In the process, we adhere to the following action plan:

  • We mark the fastening of the beam.
  • We drill a hole in the wedge bar, with a diameter of 2 mm less than that used to fix the screw.
  • We fasten the blanks to the ceiling in increments of up to one meter. If a joint of elements is planned, then a wedge must also be fixed on it.
  • We process the surfaces of the wedges with special glue and attach the beam.
  • For additional reliability, we fix the structure with self-tapping screws.

If you want to hide communications inside the beam, then cutouts can be made in the bars through which corrugated pipe wires are laid.

Ways to decorate old beams on the ceiling

Installing false beams does not take much time and does not require special skills. Anyone can handle installation work. But what if there are already old beams on the ceiling? They can be aesthetically pleasing.

To do this, you need to use the following methods: painting (if necessary, preliminary putty and primer), installation on the old structure of a polyurethane false beam, decoration with ropes in nautical style, pasting with mirror tiles. If there is a beam in the kitchen, then a special suspension (railing) can be attached to it and used to store dishes, bags of herbs and kitchen utensils. Using the same methods, you can beat a concrete beam on the ceiling.

As for the ways to completely mask the ceiling elements, the most common are:

  1. Stretch fabric. In order not to lose the height of the ceiling, you can make a two-level structure.
  2. Plasterboard ceiling. Sheets and frame should be attached to the ceiling, and not to the beam.
  3. Caisson structure. The most elegant and expensive option.
  4. clapboard. The easiest way. Instead of lining, you can even use an ordinary edged board.

Please note that you can completely mask the beam only in high rooms, otherwise by hiding 15-20 cm of room height, you can absolutely ruin the interior.

How to decorate beams on the ceiling - look at the video:

In the material, we examined the main ways to install false beams on the ceiling from different materials. Acting according to the instructions and taking into account the recommendations, you can personally perform installation work. And the tips provided on how to beat a beam on the ceiling will help you transform the room and make this element not only decorative, but also functional.

Polyurethane foam beams can be mounted on glue or mounted on wooden bars. The first method is suitable for non-load-bearing beams. Fastening decorative beams on glue differs in simplicity and high speed of work, does not demand the special tool and wooden blocks. Anyone can install beams on glue, even those who have never encountered interior decoration. Installation of false beams on wooden blocks is more laborious and takes more time. In most cases, fastening to wooden blocks is not required.

Beams are mounted after completion finishing works. Before installation, they must be kept indoors for a day. If installation of polyurethane beams(correctly polyurethane foam) is carried out on glue, you need to read the instructions and check on a separate beam for how long the glue sets. You should also pay attention to what temperature you can work. Typically, for such work, the room should be at least 5 ° C.

Before attaching decorative beams, you need to make marks on the ceiling or wall, cut the beams to the desired length. The markup must be done very carefully, because it depends on how the location of the mounted beams will correspond to the designer's project. To cut beams, use a hacksaw with fine teeth. It is more convenient to cut small fragments with a knife that has a hard, sharp blade. The edges of the beam after sawing or cutting are recommended to be treated with coarse sandpaper.

Installation of false beams on glue

To apply glue, use a special gun or simply squeeze the glue out of the tube. The glue is applied to the edges of the beam in an even continuous layer and pressed against the surface of the ceiling or wall in the marked place. Fastening false beams can be performed by one installer if their length is about a meter or less. In the case when the length of the products is significant, the work is carried out together, which ensures the convenience and accuracy of fastening. If necessary, use props until the glue dries completely.

First of all, the main beams are mounted. Installation of jibs and cross beams is carried out after the adhesive has completely hardened, usually after 24 hours.

Amaro recommends doing installation of decorative beams on the ceiling and walls using Spantan-1K glue own production. It has proven itself well in terms of reliability and ease of use. The glue is absolutely harmless, quickly seizes, has high strength and good adhesion.

Installation of false beams on wooden bars

For installation, choose bars, the section of which corresponds to the groove of the beam. The bars are attached to the wall or ceiling with dowels along the marked lines after 1 m for each beam. Opposite their middle, a mark is left so that it is visible after the beam is installed. Further installation of decorative false beams comes down to the fact that they are put on the bars and, focusing on the marks left, are fixed with self-tapping screws. Places where self-tapping screws are screwed in are puttied and covered with paint in the color of the beams.