How to build a wooden porch with your own hands - tips from a craftsman. How to make a porch in a private house

Almost no country house can do without a porch. This structural element of the building can be made of the most different materials. However, the most popular, due to the ease of construction, can be considered wooden options stairs.

There are also several varieties of such porches. Installation of some of them requires experience. Others are simply assembled. In this article, we will talk about how to make a wooden porch with your own hands and what such structures are in general.

Types of wooden porches

Wooden stairs can be made of logs, timber or knocked down from boards. They differ in design and design. These pictures can serve as proof of this. different options porches:

Production material

Log ladders are usually attached to log houses and baths. This option is difficult to manufacture and is quite expensive. However, this is also the most solid type of wooden stairs. It is somewhat easier to make a structure from a bar. If a chopped wooden porch is more of a tradition of our country, then the block option is more typical for Western construction.

Solid wood porch. Photo of the simplest design

The third type of wooden porch - plank, the most common. The popularity of this type of construction is primarily due to the ease of assembly and low cost. But a porch made of boards will not last as long as a log or block porch.

Wooden porch of a private house. Photo of a plank structure

What kind of wood can be used

For the manufacture of a porch in the country, a wide variety of wood can be used. Budget designs are made of pine, birch or spruce. More solid options can be assembled from larch, cedar or oak.

Design features

By design features there are only three main types of wooden porches - built-in, attached and simplified. Built-in most often is a porch made of timber. With your own hands, such a structure can be erected exclusively at the stage of construction of the village house itself. Chopped versions of stairs are also built-in. The attached porch is attached to the wall later.

Advice: With a lack of experience in working with wood for do-it-yourself construction, it is better to choose the third option - a simple staircase, which is an ordinary platform near the house with several steps.

Porch types wooden house. Photo of the attached and simplified version

The attached wooden staircase, like the built-in one, always has a railing with balusters and a canopy. In some houses, you can see a porch closed by a permanent extension or combined with a veranda.

Varieties of designs

The design of the stairs at the house is the most diverse. You can build, for example, a beautiful carved wooden porch. Lacquer or paint is also often used to decorate wood.

Beautiful wooden carved stairs

This is interesting: In our country, steps, railings and other structural elements of the porch usually have a plain design. In the West, the porch is often decorated in two different shades.

The canopy of a wooden porch is sometimes made in a semicircle or is gable, straight beveled or has complex shape. Railings and balusters often perform not only a purely practical function, but also serve as a stylish decoration for the entire structure. In general, finishing the porch of a private house is a creative procedure and provides a lot of opportunities for realizing the design fantasies of its owners.

Wooden porch. Photo of a wide radial visor


The best option for a wooden porch of a private house can be considered an attached structure with a railing and a canopy. We will talk about the assembly of just such a porch below. To begin with, let's see how to properly draft the porch of a wooden house. First of all, you should draw a design drawing in compliance with all proportions. The scheme is built taking into account the safety and maximum practicality of the stairs.

The width of a person's step is usually about 60-64cm. Therefore, the porch safety formula looks like this: 2a + b \u003d 62, where "a" is the height of the step, and "b" is its width. Thus, it turns out that marches with a step height of about 15-18 cm and a width of 20-32 cm are the most convenient to use. Its optimal length is considered to be a meter and a half. Also, a comfortable porch should have a railing about 90 cm high.

The project must also take into account the number of steps themselves. This parameter is determined based on the height of the base. However, in any case, there must be at least two steps.

Scheme of a ladder with steps fixed on a bowstring

Important: The project is drawn up taking into account the fact that its upper platform should be located at least 3 cm below the threshold of the house. Otherwise, when the door swells in wet weather, it may simply stop closing.

Look at these photos, perhaps they will help you decide on the design and construction of a wooden porch:

So, the project is done. Now let's look at the technology of making a wooden porch with your own hands in stages.

Assembly technology

Building a march from boards and timber with your own hands includes the following steps:

  1. Support manufacturing. For them, you need a bar 50 * 150mm;
  2. Digging holes and arranging a "cushion" for supports. Filling the support platform for the march;
  3. Installation of supports;
  4. Manufacturing and installation of bowstrings or stringers;
  5. Installation of steps;
  6. Installation of balusters and railings;
  7. Visor installation;
  8. Porch painting.

Under the bottom step of the wooden porch, a concrete platform is arranged to decide on the design and construction of the wooden porch

Manufacturing and installation of supports

The assembly of the frame of a wooden porch begins with knocking down the supports. For their manufacture, two bars 50 * 150 are fastened with self-tapping screws. For knocking, both ordinary nails and self-tapping screws are used. You can also just take one bar 100-150 * 150.

Under the pillars you need to drill holes half a meter deep

Under the supports they dig holes 50 cm deep. A pillow of flat stones is arranged at their bottom. How to make it if there are none? In this case, you can use rubble concrete, simply pouring it into the pits cement-sand mortar and threw in some stones. As a support for the march of the porch to the house, a rubble-concrete slab buried in the ground (under the lowest step) is laid out of wood, poured in the same way as the “pillows”.

Before installation, the ends of the supports are treated with an antiseptic composition.

Pillars must be treated with an antiseptic

Advice: Often the ends of the supports are processed bituminous mastic. However, this is not entirely correct. The fact is that this tool blocks the access of air to the wood, which causes it to rot from the inside. The result is a not too durable wooden porch for a summer residence.

Making bowstrings or stringers

The steps of a wooden march can be attached to a bowstring or stringers. The latter is a board with supporting nests sawn along the upper edge.

On the bowstring, the bars filled with the desired step serve as the basis for the steps. A do-it-yourself porch made of wood turns out to be quite aesthetic in both cases.

How to make a wooden porch with your own hands. Photo of installed stringers

March Assembly

Cut bowstrings or stringers are attached at one end to the supporting pillars. To do this, you can use screws or nails. Their second end rests on a rubble concrete platform.

On a note: When making the porch of a wooden house with your own hands using a bowstring, the steps begin to be fixed from top to bottom. They are installed on the kosour from the bottom up.

Almost finished wooden porch. Photo of the installation process of steps on stringers

First, the upper platform is mounted on the bowstrings. Then install the step. A step is stuffed between them. Then again they mount the step and steps, etc. On the stringers, all the treads are first drilled and only then all the steps are fixed. Finish the installation by installing the top platform. It should be based on two beams, one end fixed to the supporting pillars, and the other to the wall of the house (corners to the wooden or to the beam to the concrete).

Riser and steps are fastened with self-tapping screws

On a note: Fasten steps and risers with self-tapping screws. In order to make the march more reliable, you can additionally use wood glue.

Installation of balusters and railings

With the use of railings, a more harmonious and comfortable wooden porch is obtained. It is also not difficult to put them with your own hands:

  1. At the bottom end of a baluster cut out of a bar, a hole with a diameter of 12 mm is drilled to a depth of 80 mm;
  2. Next, the end is sawn off at an angle to match its surface with the surface of the bowstring;
  3. A metal pin coated with PVA glue is inserted into the hole. Its end should protrude 70mm;
  4. Holes 80mm deep and 14mm in diameter are drilled in the upper edge of the bowstring.
  5. The baluster pin is smeared with glue and inserted into the bowstring hole.

Balusters are mounted on metal studs or wooden dowels

On a note: First, the extreme balusters are attached, and then the intermediate ones. The bowstring itself should be pre-marked. Before installation, the upper ends of the balusters should be sawn off at an angle under the railing.

Railings can be mounted on balusters simply with glue, or you can also use studs.

Visor installation

Next, we will step by step consider how to properly assemble a canopy over a wooden porch near the house. The device of the simplest involves knocking the frame and lining it with boards. The frame is assembled from 50 * 50 bars. From above, it is sheathed with a board about 25 mm thick.

Closed porch of a wooden house. Photo of a log version with curly poles and a rectangular visor

The resulting shield is attached with one side to the wall of the house, and the other over the support pillars of the stairs.

How to decorate a wooden porch?

If you know how to work well with wood before installation, all elements of the porch structure (except for steps and risers) can be carved.

Advice: When cutting patterns on a bowstring or stringers, do not overdo it with the amount through holes. Otherwise, you can weaken the structure of the porch.

Design with carved balusters

The finished porch, carved or ordinary, must be varnished or painted. What is the best way to handle it in the last case? The decoration of the porch of a wooden house is most often done using oil paint or acrylic paint (intended for outdoor use). It is also very important to know how to cover surfaces before painting. Usually the tree is pre-treated with drying oil. You can also use some wood primer. If you do not skip this step, the repair of the structure (replacement of rotten elements and tinting) will have to be done much less frequently.

Wooden porch device (video on how to build a veranda porch):

The completed look in the design of the house gives a properly selected style and built porch. You can build a porch for a wooden house with your own hands only when its external design and compliance with the exterior of the house itself are taken into account.

Naturally, no matter how beautiful the porch is, it is important that it is distinguished by functionality and ease of use. Therefore, we will consider the options for a porch for a wooden house available to each private developer, what the design should be in a particular case, and also what main stages its construction consists of.

Before proceeding with the construction, it is logical to first consider the most suitable porch samples for a wooden house. And only after careful consideration and weighing of all their pros and cons, you can directly proceed to the construction of the chosen structure.

Note! If the house is built of timber, solid logs or has a wooden frame structure, then it is better to choose wood as the main material. This will preserve the general style of the entire architectural composition, and will not cause difficulties if it is necessary to connect the extension to the main structure.

Porch modification table:

View Properties

This is a simple platform with steps. It is a small extension necessary for a comfortable transition from the surface of the earth to the house and back. May have railings and railings.
  • Simplicity of design.
  • Low price.
  • Minimum effort to create.
  • Small consumption of materials.
  • Dampness will always accumulate on the surface of the porch, rain and snow will fall.
with canopy

A covered wooden porch for a house implies the presence of a canopy or a full roof in its design.

Unlike the option described above, it is more difficult to manufacture, requires more effort, time and financial expenses.

However, along with this, it has the following advantages:

  • Protects the entrance to the house from rain.
  • With sufficient space, it can be used as a full-fledged terrace.
Completely closed

The porch of a wooden house is closed, it has in its structure not only the necessary steps and a platform, but also a roof, walls, windows and doors.

In fact, this is no longer a porch, but a real veranda. If you insulate it, you get a full-fledged winter room.

The disadvantage of such a structure is the maximum cash costs of all the above options.

In addition, such a porch can no longer be used as a small terrace.

External parameters

From the table above, it can be seen that the porch for a wooden private house can be made in three main modifications.

However, in addition to this, each of the presented options is characterized by a set of external parameters, such as:

  • Height. As a rule, the height of the porch of the house coincides with the same parameter of the dwelling. At the same time, the option is not ruled out when a balcony for the second floor can become a continuation of the porch. In this case, the porch and balcony are built in a single structure.
  • Dimensions. The area of ​​the door area should be such that the opening of the doors occurs without interference. Based on this, the minimum width of the site is 2-1.5 times the value of the door itself.
  • Stair type. The length of the flight of stairs is selected individually - depending on the conditions and the distance to the ground from front door. Its width, optimally, should be at least 120 cm.

Treads or steps for maximum comfort should be at least 180-200 mm wide, and their height should not exceed 120-150 mm. The height of the railing is about 80-90 cm.

  • The form. A wooden porch for a private house can be of any shape. However, one must take into account and not forget about its stylistic combination with the design of the house. The porch extension can be in the form of a semicircle, a rectangle and adjoin the house directly or from the side - the main thing is that architectural harmony is not disturbed.

Construction technology

Perhaps everyone who has at least a little building experience can make a porch to a house out of wood. However, its quality and functionality will directly depend on how competent the approach to its planning, preparation, selection of materials and implementation of all stages of construction was. Therefore, we will consider the main stages of creating a wooden porch.

Stage 1 - design

The ease of execution of all stages of construction will depend on how carefully and taking into account all the features the porch to the house will be designed. Of course, a homemade porch design does not have to be a professional document submitted to the district architect for signature. However, it should be easy to understand for the developer himself.

It is best to draw a sketch of the porch showing all its main / load-bearing elements, their sizes, indicating the type of materials used and, if necessary, the features of working with them.

In the project - a porch for a wooden house - it is necessary to reflect:

  • Dimensions of the porch platform, and its position in relation to the front door.
  • Type of steps and their characteristics (number, height, width).
  • The design and main parameters of the porch canopy.
  • Dimensions and structure of the enclosing elements of the porch - railings, handrails.
  • Type of connection to the house.
  • Types of materials used, their quantity and the required set of tools.

Stage 2 - marking, preparing and pouring the foundation

  • markup

After the plan is drawn up, you can start marking the future design. Marking is a clear definition on the ground of the contours of the future structure. It can be done, for example, by driving pegs into the ground at the corners of the perimeter at the site of the planned structure next to the front door.

In this case, it is imperative to follow the "oblique" markup. Its parameters must strictly correspond to the given geometric figure.

If it is a rectangle, its corners must not deviate from 90 degrees. more than 1 deg. The determination of the parameters is carried out either manually or with the help of special building measuring devices.

  • formwork

To create the foundation for the porch, you need to prepare the formwork. As a rule, a wooden porch is not heavy. Therefore, it is possible to use shallow columnar foundation at the corners and perimeter of the structure.

The distance between the posts should be no more than 1.5 meters. Dimensions concrete pillars- width and length - 20-30 cm, height - 40-50 cm, depth - 20-30 cm.

The formwork for such a foundation is a small hole, about 30 cm deep (to the clay layer). If the soil is loose / loose, you can make a thin layer of fine gravel, up to 20 cm thick.

The upper part of the formwork is a box without a bottom knocked together in the form of a square or rectangle, corresponding to the size of the pit and installed on top of it. If the porch is made of timber / logs, that is, it has a lot of weight, it is better to make the foundation tape, but also shallow, having previously prepared the appropriate formwork for it.

However, the depth of the foundation, as well as its type, depends entirely on the conditions of the area, the type of soil and the level of groundwater. We consider the best option - on solid ground, a straight section and groundwater not coming close to the surface.

  • Foundation

When the formwork is ready, you can start filling it with a pre-prepared concrete solution. In view of the fact that the volume of the foundation is small, concrete can be prepared independently, although if there are free resources, you can also use the production of concrete to order.

The brand of concrete must be selected strong, but not of a very high value. For example, for a framed porch made of pine boards with a light canopy, concrete grade M100 - M150 will be enough for the foundation.

It is not necessary to reinforce the columnar foundation. On the other hand, if the foundation is made in the form of a monolithic tape under a heavy porch made of timber or round timber, it is better to make a full-fledged reinforcing frame for it.

Note! Alternatively, a shallow porch post foundation can be made from standard building bricks or small concrete blocks, stacked into an appropriately sized post with mortar.

The foundation will be ready after pouring for loading after 3 weeks. At the end of this period, the formwork can be dismantled, and beams can be installed on concrete columns.

  • Foundation for stairs

The foundation is needed not only for the porch platform, but also under the stairs. It can also be made in the form of small columns with a depth of 20-30 cm into the ground.

The columns formed under the support of the lower part of the stairs should not be too high - ideally, they should be equal to the height of one step, that is, no more than 15-20 cm.

Stage 3 - construction of the porch

To make a do-it-yourself porch for a wooden house, you will need to purchase a sufficient amount of lumber and, of course, choose the right tool for processing it.

The construction of the porch includes the following operations:

  • First you need to install the beams fitted to the size - the base for the porch platform. Best suited for this purpose is a bar with a height of 150-180 mm and a width of 100 mm. After installation, the pieces of timber must be connected to each other.

To do this, you can use the method of connecting the crowns used in the construction of houses from timber - "thorn - groove", or connect them using metal corners. Or, as the easiest option, just put together large nails in the corners.

  • When the base for the platform is ready, you can immediately, so that it would be convenient to work in the future, make the floor. For this, apply edged boards not less than 40 mm thick.

Note! With a large width of the porch area, the floor boards can sag. Therefore, if the distance between the edges of the board stop exceeds 100-120 cm, it is possible to install a beam in the middle from the same beam that is used in the base, or from a board 40-50 mm thick across the installed board.

  • Bowstrings are attached to the base of the porch platform at the required angle - the sidewalls of the stairs, on which steps are subsequently mounted. The lower edge of the bowstring is installed on a foundation prepared in advance of a small height, which can also serve as the basis for the first step from the bottom.

Bowstrings may have different design- it all depends on the capabilities and desires of the developer. For example, a bowstring can be a beam 150 by 100 mm with grooves sawn at an angle for attaching steps. The bowstrings are usually nailed onto large nails to the base of the porch deck.

Note! The height of the porch platform with the floor should be made exactly under the threshold of the front door and match the level of the floor in the house. This must be taken into account at the stage of pouring the foundation.

  • When the bowstrings are nailed, the steps can also be nailed. By the way, for the installation of steps, the same rule applies as for the site - if the span is too large, that is, more than 120 cm, another bowstring can be installed in the middle.

Stage 4 - installation of a canopy and railings

So, when moving to this stage, the porch to the house made of wood with your own hands is almost ready. It remains to make only the roof and barriers on the site, that is, the railing.

This stage is carried out in several stages:

  • First you need to decide on the shape of the canopy for the porch and the roofing material. Next is the frame. As corner supports, you can take a square burs with a side of 10 cm, although boards with a thickness of at least 40 mm can also be used.
  • The supports must be installed strictly on a vertical level, and fixed at the bottom to the metal corners, or simply nailed obliquely to the base to the porch platform, but also temporarily fixed to the crossbars, nailed to the wall of the house.
  • When all the supports are installed, it is necessary to fasten them along the upper edge with a frame. Again, light dry pine boards are suitable for this purpose. In this case, the thickness can be less - from 25 cm. This will be the basis for the canopy.
  • Further, depending on the design, rafters are attached to the base, with the other end necessarily connecting them to the house. A crate is made on the rafters, on which, in turn, a roof is laid.

Note! To prevent precipitation from accumulating on the roof of the porch, its angle must be at least 20 degrees.

So, the roof / canopy for the porch for a wooden house is ready. Next, you can make the railing. Their horizontal elements are simply attached in any convenient but reliable way to the supports for the canopy, and the vertical ones are fixed between them and the base for the porch platform.

The wooden porch for a private house is ready. It remains to be primed and painted. Decoration must necessarily match the style of the interior of the house itself, so as not to create an architectural imbalance of the building.

To choose the right porch design for a private house, you need to evaluate your budget and needs, as well as consider photos of various ready-made solutions. Dekorin completed the last task for you: in this article, you will find out what a porch for a private house can be like in terms of its shape, materials and finishes with examples of 40 photos.

Porch in a private house - beautiful options with photos

The size and shape of the porch to the house, as a rule, are dictated architectural features and the size of the building itself, as well as the personal preferences of its owners. In particular, designers agree that the canopy and porch railing should be made in the same style as the roof and balconies of a private house. For example, if the roof of the house is gable - the canopy over the porch should be the same. And if you ordered forged balconies or grilles for windows, then at the same time take care of the railings - so that they have the same forging patterns. Similarly, you should select the design of columns, arches and other decorative elements.

However, in the photos below you will see that the most interesting facades with a porch to the house were made just with the avoidance of these general rules. But first, let's look at the main design options for the porch:

  1. Open - the most common type of entrance to the house; it can have a visor and railings, as well as be decorated with decor that is brought into the house in winter;
  2. Closed - has transparent or translucent walls made of glass, polycarbonate or plain mosquito net; designed to decorate the entrance to the house, rest at any time of the year or use as a preliminary hallway;
  3. Mounted - made when private house has a basement or when its necessity is justified by the landscape around the building; its design is often similar to a balcony;
  4. Porch-terrace - an extended version of the porch, used for outdoor recreation;
  5. The shape of the protrusion: rounded and rectangular.

Finally, you also have to choose the materials from which the porch for a private house will be made. Today, most porch structures are made from concrete, which can then be painted, tiled, stone, wood, etc. Other common materials are wood, metal, stone, and brick. Let's take a closer look at them!

Wooden porch to the house - ecology and comfort

The most common option today is wooden porch decks, which are installed on a concrete, brick, or metal base. In 80% of cases, a wooden porch is made from pine, as the most common and cheapest material. With proper sealing, varnishing, and painting, your wood porch will look good for many years to come. On the following photos you will see options on how to make a porch for a private house from wood.

Concrete porch - strength and variety

Concrete is the cheapest, most versatile and reliable material for building a porch. Firstly, the concrete porch is monolithic and does not loosen over time, as happens with wooden structures. Secondly, it is easy to repair and decorate with any decor. And finally, it can be given absolutely any shape, while it will not particularly affect the cost and duration of the project.

Most often, a concrete porch is finished with clinker or other tiles, less often with stone, paint and other materials. IN modern houses with wood, brick, and siding facades, it is often left uncoated to bring out the color and texture of the walls and the environment. We look at the photo, what a concrete porch might look like.

Brick porch - reliability and unpretentiousness

A brick porch will be more expensive, but also a very attractive and reliable solution for a private house. Its installation will take quite a lot of time and labor, but in the long run it will fully pay off due to its unpretentiousness in care. Note that quite often a brick porch has a concrete base and / or a step cover.

Chic stone porch - an expressive classic

Natural stone is very strong, durable and beautiful material for decorating the porch. There are many various kinds stone, some of which are used to create the foundation, others - to decorative finishes. Accordingly, the first of them are more expensive and reliable than others. In general, any stone resists well to any weather conditions and does not require Maintenance for a long time.

Wrought iron finish and metal porch

As a rule, under metal or wrought iron porch imply decorative elements of the porch - a roof, steps and railings made of metal. However, sometimes you can see a completely metal porch for a private house, as in the next photo.

The main advantages that such a metal porch has are high strength and durability. The only point: you will have to spend extra money on its painting and anti-corrosion treatment. In addition, the metal floor is rather cold, which is why this material is not used for terraces intended for relaxation. In them, a metal base is covered with wood or a concrete base is used.

Finishing the porch of the house with tiles and polycarbonate

Tiles can be installed on a concrete and brick porch when it is necessary to increase its attractiveness or equip it with a recreation area. The modern choice of tiles allows you to find very stylish models in wood, stone and other effects. Clinker outdoor porch tiles and bright tile designs with patterns in Moroccan and geometric styles are especially popular today.

Visor over the porch made of polycarbonate

Polycarbonate is an inexpensive, very flexible and lightweight material that is used to decorate the walls and canopies over the porch. Usually it is attached to a metal base and pasted over sun protection film. The most economical and easiest way to create a canopy over the porch of a private house from all available for 2016! And it looks good:

You have viewed 40 photos on the topic of what a porch for a private house can be. We hope you enjoyed it. Leave your comment below so that we can improve our articles and delight you with even more interesting materials!

Beautiful porch for a private house - 40 photos updated: May 31, 2018 by: Margarita Glushko

The porch of the house is not only a decorative element of the facade, but also a good protection from rain, snow and wind. all year round. The wooden porch is characterized by ease of assembly, structural reliability and natural beauty. Having familiarized yourself with all the intricacies of building a wooden porch in advance, you can do this work yourself quickly and without much difficulty.

Preparatory work

You can build a wooden porch efficiently and quickly, observing certain requirements for the preparation of a future project:

  1. We create a drawing. The plan includes general form designs, dimensions of all structural elements.
  2. Determine the type of wood for construction ( the best option- hardwoods).
  3. We calculate the area of ​​​​the landing sufficient for the unhindered opening and closing of doors.
  4. We calculate.
  5. Before starting the construction of a do-it-yourself porch made of wood, it is important to think over the general appearance of the structure, the style of its design. It is important that the design is in harmony with the facade of the building, being included in a single composition.

wooden porch project

When attaching a wooden porch to the house, the following parameters are calculated:

  • Ladder height. It is easy to determine this indicator, for this they measure the distance from the soil surface to the threshold of the doorway, subtracting 5-10 cm of indentation (taking into account seasonal soil fluctuations and changes in tree thickness under the influence of precipitation).

Attention: if the height of the porch requires the arrangement of a large number of steps, experts recommend erecting a corner frame made of wood, in which one of the marches is placed along the facade of the building.

  • The length of the kosour (string). The bearing beam of a ladder with a comb along the upper line, on which the steps are fixed, is called a kosour. A bowstring is a structural element on which the steps are fixed by the groove method.

  • Width and height, number of steps. The calculation of these indicators is based on the width of a person's step. On average, the step height is 18 cm, width (depth) -26 cm. You can determine the required number of steps using the formula K = i / d, where: K is the number of steps; i is the distance from the porch to the starting point of the base of the stairs; d is the step length.

  • The width of the stairs. According to regulatory documents, this indicator should be at least 70 cm.

The choice of wood species

When planning a construction, it is important to choose the right material for the job. The most durable, high-quality wooden stairs to the porch will be made of larch or pine. Log cabins for a wooden house made of rounded logs look very colorful.

Before buying lumber, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • dryness of wood (the saw cut of the tree is even, without wet spots);
  • no traces of mold, knots, nests of bark beetles.

Design features

Wooden porch for a private house - a small extension to the facade of the building.

Device options:

  • open area with steps simple design without railings (ideal for a small one-story country house);

  • partially enclosed area with low railings;

  • closed porch - a structure consisting of a ladder, a platform, a railing and a canopy. A closed porch helps keep the house quiet and increases the level of thermal insulation.

Pros of a wooden porch

The indisputable advantage of wooden structures is the ease of processing lumber. It is also worth noting a number of positive points:

  • a large selection of models of wooden structures;
  • low thermal conductivity (wood canopies help to increase the thermal insulation of the building);
  • wood does not require additional decorative finishing;
  • simplicity and speed of construction (there is no need for a reinforced foundation);
  • if repair is necessary, it is not necessary to dismantle the entire structure, only a separate part of it can be replaced.

Cons of a wooden porch

wood like natural material subject to destruction by moisture, fungus or mold. The surface of steps made of wood wears out very quickly, cracks under the influence of direct sunlight. Of particular note is the high degree of ignition of structures made of timber and boards.

All of the above shortcomings are easily corrected. To do this, you need to regularly impregnate wooden surfaces special protective and flame retardant compositions.

How to build a foundation

When constructing a porch of wood, you can apply the following types of foundations:

  1. Columnar - perfect option bases for light wood construction. The number of support columns depends on total area porch.
  2. Slab - concrete base monolithic slab, usually used for very heavy structures.

Let us consider in more detail the process of erecting the simplest pile (columnar) foundation.

Action algorithm:

  • According to a pre-calculated scheme, they dig holes in the ground.
  • A small layer of sand and gravel is covered at the bottom of the pit. It is necessary for high-quality moisture absorption and preservation of pillars from premature decay.
  • The support is installed in a prepared pit and poured with a concrete solution. Important: the depth of the supports is 20 cm from the level of soil freezing.
  • After waiting for the required time for leveling and hardening of concrete, check the height of all supporting pillars. If necessary, sawing of the necessary sections is carried out. Important: in order to increase the strength of the structure, the extreme supports are attached to the facade of the building with self-tapping screws.

How to build a wooden porch

Having determined the dimensions, type of construction, purchasing necessary materials you can start building.

When constructing a wooden porch, you must adhere to certain rules and course of action:

  • as supports, pine logs will become the most suitable material;
  • an additional waterproofing layer must be laid between the wood of the kosour and the base of the foundation;
  • support poles must be treated with protective compounds;
  • support poles are dug into the ground no more than 80 cm.

How to make a wooden porch with your own hands

A clear algorithm of actions has been developed, following which you can easily and quickly build a wooden porch with your own hands:

  1. We are designing a plan for the future construction. We calculate the dimensions of all structural elements, the amount of material required.
  2. We equip the foundation.
  3. We build a ladder to the porch of wood with our own hands.
  4. We equip a canopy, railings.
  5. We cover the entire structure with protective compounds.

We equip the flooring, steps and fencing

There are several ways to lay boards for flooring and steps:

  1. A wooden beam or board is tightly fitted to each other and attached to the base with self-tapping screws. Important: in this case, the slope of the site is at least 2°C.
  2. The boards are laid with a certain gap (no more than 3 mm).

Installation of steps must begin from the bottom of the bowstring. First of all, the risers are mounted, and then the steps.

The final step is the installation of railings. There must be a fence if the height of the stairs exceeds three steps.

Installation of a wooden porch floor

The site is built from durable thick boards that can withstand the daily movement of a large number of people. A small gap (gap) is left between the flooring boards, which is necessary for the free flow of rainwater and unhindered air movement.

Important: it is necessary to lay out the boards for the site at a slight angle of inclination.

Care and protection of a wooden porch

A canopy will help protect a wooden porch. Visors from wooden beams above the porch frame.

Extend service life wooden structure It is possible, adhering to certain rules and requirements:

  1. Wood requires periodic treatment with protective compounds. The first time the tree is processed before the start of construction, then protective layer applied during the life of the structure.
  2. Give more decorative look painting or varnishing will help to show the beauty of the tree. It is necessary to apply paint and varnish compositions in several layers.

Important: do not cover pine wood with transparent varnishes. For soft woods, water-based, alkyd or polyurethane paints are most preferred.

Step by step instructions on how to make a wooden porch yourself

When building a wooden porch with your own hands, it is important to follow a clear sequence of actions:

  1. Project development and calculation of the required amount of materials. The quality of the work performed, the reliability and durability of the erected structure largely depend on the accuracy of the calculations.
  2. Foundation arrangement. For a wooden structure, it is enough to build a foundation from a pile. This easy-to-install base ensures your porch is reliable and durable for years to come.
  3. Construction of the frame of a wooden porch - the formation of a bowstring.

It is easy to assemble a single structure, all elements are interconnected by a tenon-and-groove method. Metal staples will help strengthen the frame.

  1. Arrangement of the platform, steps, railings. The easiest way to arrange a wooden porch site is to cover it with boards. The elements of the risers and feet are fixed to the frame with self-tapping screws. Installation of steps begins from the bottom of the bowstring. First of all, risers are installed, and then steps.

The safety of movement on the stairs is provided by wooden or metal railings.

It is realistic to make a beautiful wooden porch with your own hands, the main thing is to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of the process in advance and strictly observe all stages of construction.

In most existing houses (with the exception of basements and basements), the mark of the clean floor of the lower floor, that is, the zero mark, is located at a distance of at least 40 cm from the ground surface. In order to get into the house, a staircase is required, above which it is logical to equip a canopy or visor to protect the extension and people from rain and snow. All these elements are combined into a single structure - the porch. The easiest way to build a porch for country house wood, but other materials can be used. It doesn’t matter that you decide to buy or build a porch to the house with your own hands, projects, photos will help you choose the right option.

Wooden porch with mini veranda Source

The main types of porch designs

Along with its functional purpose, the porch also serves as an additional decoration of the house. As a result, there are a fairly large number of varieties of designs, but basically the division is based on the type of placement of the porch relative to the house - it can be:

    built-in; when some part of the house is allocated for its placement in its middle or one of the corners, and the design of the stairs and platform is based on common foundation Houses;

    speakers; when it is placed outside the perimeter of the outer walls, representing a free-standing extension; such a design rests on its own foundation; in some cases, it can be based on metal or reinforced concrete consoles, specially arranged in the foundation during the construction of the house.

Video description

Examples of various options for making a porch in the video:

What materials can a porch be made of?

Before building a porch in wooden house first of all, you need to decide what it is best to make it from, because the design and material from which the porch is made must correspond appearance facade of the house. Of course, a wooden porch is best suited for a wooden house, but if a brick cladding is used or the plinth is lined with stone, then the appropriate porch is suitable - brick or stone. The most commonly used porch materials are:

  • reinforced concrete;

    brick, cinder block or massive stone blocks;

    metal (for the device of load-bearing frames).

Also, combined options are often found. Source

What are the stairs

The porch staircase usually rests on a square or rectangular landing that is flush with the floors of the house. The site can be simple with a minimum area of ​​​​2 to 4 m² or expanded and have additional space for placing flowers or creating a small outdoor seating area.

Sometimes, at the level of the top of the basement of a country house, a gallery is arranged, which can adjoin the house from one side or encircle it from several sides. The porch can be part of such a gallery. If the porch has more than three steps, be sure to arrange a railing that goes into the fence of the site.

Porch steps can be adjacent to the site:

    on one side (parallel to the facade);

    on both sides (perpendicular to the facade);

    from three sides (combining the 2 previous options); a special case - semicircular steps and a platform.

Open and closed porch

The porch can be open or closed. Open has only light railings. Closed has protection installed along its entire height from the floor to the visor. It can be made both solid and in the form of glazing. Which of these types is preferable depends on the taste of the owner and the design project of the country house.

Enclosed porch with panoramic windows Source

On the one hand, the glazed porch provides additional protection from wind, rain, heat loss, protects the structures of steps and platforms from adverse atmospheric influences, prevents "uninvited guests" from entering the house. On the other hand, it requires additional costs for glazing, an additional door, and gratings.

In our catalog, you can get acquainted with the most popular companies providing suburban construction and landscaping, among the houses presented at the exhibition Low-rise Country.

When the porch area is extended and it is planned to use it for recreation, glazing will greatly interfere with unity with nature. In this case, it is better to choose an open porch. Also, an open porch sometimes looks preferable to a closed one from an aesthetic point of view, especially if the glazing is made of plastic windows.

Options for building a porch for the house

If the porch is made for a wooden house, then it is logical to use wood as a material. The supporting frame in this case is made of wooden elements, which are suitable for flat square or rectangular bars with a minimum width of 50 mm (50 x 50, 100 x 50, 100 x 100). With a kosour type, three sewn boards, at least 30 mm thick, can be taken as an inclined beam (the total width of the kosour will be about 90 mm).

Rounded logs can be used as stringers and steps Source

Porch for a log house

If country house built of chopped logs, its porch can be arranged in the same style. Such a chopped log porch will have log walls and board steps. The thickness of the board for the horizontal part of the step (tread) should, depending on the span (the width of the stairs), be chosen so that it is not unsteady and does not bend under a load of less than 150 kg. This can be checked by placing three fifty-kilogram bags of cement one on top of it in the middle.

The diameter of the logs must correspond to the diameter of the logs from which the house is cut down. The basis for the side walls can be concrete columns buried in the ground below the depth of its freezing and protruding above the surface to a height of 15-20 cm. The length of the logs should match the length of the horizontal projection of the platform and stairs. Logs are stacked one on top of the other to the required height. If the porch is being built at the same time as the house, its ends facing the wall can be cut into it.

Massive porch made of chopped logs on a concrete pad source

Otherwise, they are fastened to the wall and to each other with inside with the help of corners, staples, strips, etc. After laying and fixing the logs, stepping back from the wall to the length of the site, they start cutting vertical and horizontal sections from above for future treads and risers of the stairs. It is unlikely that it will be possible to buy such a plan for a porch for a country house made of metal in finished form. In most cases, this work is done under the order and individually.

Porch for a log bath

If the site has a bath with a floor above the ground, its entrance can also be arranged with a porch. To make such a porch from a bar for a bath will be the most the best option. From a bar, you can make a frame with rectangular or inclined (kosoura) elements. It is also easy to fold the side walls from the timber and cut out places for step supports in them.

A timber porch is most often done together with a veranda. source

The nuances of arranging stairs

Treads and risers wooden stairs can be fixed on horizontal and vertical frame elements. Such a system most often requires side cladding and protection, as a result of which an internal closed cavity is formed under the steps. It is necessary to provide for the possibility of access to such a cavity for its regular cleaning and inspection of the technical condition of the structures.

Also, steps are installed on special inclined beams - stringers. Stringers can be made both from metal rolled beams - I-beams, channels, and from wood.

Variant with combination of materials Source

It is not recommended to use solid beams or logs as stringers. It is better if the stringers are made of 2-3 boards sewn together with screws or nails. This design is more resistant to bending stresses that occur in an inclined beam.

The design of the stairs on the stringers on the one hand rests on a platform with load-bearing horizontal support beams, which must also be metal or wooden. The beams, in turn, rest on the walls.

In the zone of conjugation of stringers and beams, vertical supports are arranged. Such supports must have their own support platforms and can be made of bricks in the form of columns with a cross section of 380 x 380 mm (1.5 bricks) or metal pipes with a diameter of 150-200 mm. On the opposite side of the beam, the platforms are supported on the wall with anchor bolts or brackets. The construction on the stringers is most often made open from below with the absence of a solid sheathing under the steps.

Open staircase on stringers Source

Before use, all wooden elements in without fail should be impregnated with antiseptics to protect against rotting and mold, and also treated with flame retardants to fire safety. Metal parts are treated with anti-corrosion agents and protected with paint coatings, which may include bituminous varnish (black), minium (red-brown) or chromium oxide (green) on natural drying oil.

Video description

A few more options for stairs on the video:

Foundation for stairs or when a porch needs a foundation

The upper side of the ladder adjoins the wall of the house, and the lower side rests on the ground. To prevent damage to materials, depending on the weight of the ladder, its lower part is installed on a support platform or a full foundation.

Bulk support platform

Light porch in the form of a spatial metal frame from a rolling corner sheathed with a wooden board, it can be built according to a foundationless scheme, resting on one side on a system of anchor bolts installed in the wall of the house, and on the other side on a support platform.

To prepare such a platform, it is necessary to dig a pit in the ground at the place of support, with a width corresponding to two widths of the treads of the stairs. Its length should be no less than the width of the flight of stairs, and the depth should be 20-25 cm from the ground surface.

This pit should be covered with crushed stone in layers no more than 5 cm thick with layer-by-layer tamping. After crushed stone is backfilled, a flat area of ​​asphalt concrete is arranged on top.

Light porch without foundation source

Monolithic support platform

Another way to arrange a porch staircase in a private house, its steps and platforms is to use monolithic reinforced concrete. After the installation of inclined and horizontal beams, the formwork is sequentially placed for each of the steps, starting from the first, and poured with concrete of class B20-B25, (M250-M300). At the same time, stringers can be hidden in the body of concrete.

Reinforcement of the step itself is carried out in the inclined lower part with a mesh with mesh sizes of not more than 12 x 12 cm from rods with a diameter of at least 10 mm. The riser (vertical part) is reinforced with the same mesh. In the upper horizontal part, a mesh with cells of 10 x 10 cm made of reinforcement with a diameter of 6 mm should be installed. A protective layer of concrete, more than 1 cm thick, must be provided between the reinforcement and the outer surface of the product.

Arrangement of a monolithic platform for the porch Source

The fittings are connected to each other exclusively by knitting wire without the use of welding, so as not to break the molecular bonds in the metal.

Separate porch foundation

Brick, cinder block or blocks of natural stone are also used as the basis for steps. Inclined walls are made of brick or stone with supporting horizontal and vertical sections in the upper part, coinciding with the dimensions of the treads (horizontal parts) and risers (vertical parts) of the steps. For such a step device, it is necessary to use strip foundations with the laying of the sole below the depth of soil freezing (1.5-2.0 m). The steps themselves can be made of wood or reinforced concrete.

It is good if the foundation of the porch is carried out simultaneously with the foundation of the house. It is not recommended to rigidly connect the foundation of the protruding porch with the foundation of the house, since with uneven deformations of the soil base due to unequal loads in the steps and the platform, defects in the form of distortions and cracks may appear.

Heavy porch on the foundation Source

Types and types of visors

Porch visors can vary in several ways:

    in geometric form;

    by material;

    according to the method of fixing on the facade.

Peaks are single-pitched, double-pitched, in the form of a profile, which is the surface of a segment of a ball or ellipse, cut in diameter into 4 parts. Gable canopies triangular or arched in their central part form a small pediment.

It is better to choose a single-pitched visor for a porch with steps perpendicular to the facade, and with steps installed parallel to the facade - a gable one.

According to the coating material, the visors can be:

    metal - from roofing galvanized sheet or profiled flooring;

    plastic - made of durable plastic different color and profile - smooth, wavy, etc.; plastic can vary in color from transparent to a wide variety of colors, from which it is easy to choose a shade to match the facade of the house;

    wavy asbestos slate - conventional or painted with polymer compounds to increase its strength and durability.

Peaks are fixed on the facade with anchor bolts embedded in the wall.

Mounting the visor to the wall - Option 1 Source

Fixing the canopy to the wall - Option 2 source

External porch canopies are usually supported in the corners adjacent to the facade on metal or wooden triangular brackets, and in the corners far from the facade - on poles, which are wooden, metal or very rarely brick. In addition to supporting supports, they also perform a decorative function, as they can be finished and decorated in a wide variety of ways.

There are porches, in which the ceiling of the above-located balcony, decorated in the same style as the porch, serves as a visor.

Design and original ideas

Wood is a very convenient and easily processed material, therefore it can be used for the most free design solutions decoration of a wooden house. A wooden porch can be decorated with various carved elements of cornices and gables. Wood can be used to make chiseled and carved poles supporting the canopy and balusters (vertical railing posts), as well as the railing itself. An interesting porch for a wooden house will turn out if you use wicker mats made of reeds, vines or willow twigs for fences. For almost any building, a porch for a country house made of metal is suitable, buy in this version as classic version decorations without frills and beautiful products with fences hand forged with floral or abstract ornament.

Video description

A selection of beautiful and original video solutions:

And a few examples in the photo:

Budget, but beautiful and neat porch Source

Glazed porch with a small staircase Source

There are no unnecessary details in this project - simple and tasteful Source

A beautiful house has a beautiful entrance Source

Despite the simplicity, to create such a veranda you need an accurate calculation. Source

Option to mask the space under the steps Source

Here, the steps and the veranda fit very harmoniously into the overall exterior. Source

The original solution - instead of the usual steps at the door, a full-fledged open veranda was made in front of the entrance. Source

You can’t put such a porch in a house on stilts right away - you have to wait for the end of the shrinkage process of the log house. Source

Practical, modern and inexpensive option for an open veranda protected from the sun Source

Very beautiful decoration of the porch, plus night illumination of the steps Source

The original track device for a double-sided porch Source

How to be the porch of your house depends only on your own financial capabilities, taste, ability to listen to the advice of designers, architects and planners. If possible, it is worth trying to model a house with a porch in some kind of computer design program. This approach makes it possible to most consciously choose the appropriate type of porch and the materials from which it will be made.