Partitions in the room for zoning space. Choosing partitions for zoning space in a room Beautiful partitions for zoning a room

An interior partition can be a wall in essence, but it can only half-cover the space, it can be deaf, transparent or even suspended from the ceiling, it can divide a room or act as its decor. In a word, as many needs as the modern owner of an apartment or house has, so many offers on the market. Made of various materials, different sizes, shapes and methods of execution - interior partitions, meanwhile, always perform an important function - they zone the room into functional segments. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the options for creating interior partitions for a wide variety of cases with the help of our large-scale selection. 100 ideas for modern projects rooms with different functional affiliation.

Interior partitions - the choice of material of manufacture

Depending on what function the interior partitions will perform, the material of execution is also selected. Someone needs a full-fledged wall that can bear the weight hanging shelves or cabinets, while others need more of a decorative element that adorns the interior. Consider various materials for the execution of interior partitions, their advantages and disadvantages, technological characteristics, the possibility self-assembly and affordability.

So, interior partitions can be made from the following materials:

  • brick (full, hollow, clinker, ceramic);
  • drywall;
  • glass blocks;
  • glass;
  • aerated concrete blocks;
  • expanded clay concrete blocks;
  • metal;
  • polycarbonate;
  • acrylic;
  • tree (bamboo, wickerwork, twigs, branches);
  • combination of different materials within one product.

Brick partitions - building, hollow and clinker

Walls, and from brick (hollow, solid or clinker), it is usually the interior walls that are erected, that are the heaviest partitions. But their properties of strength and sound insulation are unrivaled. If you need a major partition between rooms or indoors, then brick can be an ideal material for execution.

Massive cabinets and shelves can be hung on solid brick and clinker walls without any problems. Can also be hung on partitions made of hollow material various designs, but it will be necessary to use reinforced fasteners, tk. fasteners can get into the empty cavity of the product. The installation of a wall made of hollow bricks can reduce the load on the floor by about 20-30% compared to structures made of solid material. But the soundproofing qualities are reduced by about the same amount.

Structures made of traditional brick and clinker are heavy, so they can only be mounted on concrete floors. It is necessary to consult a specialist in apartment buildings, and when erecting walls in private dwellings on the upper floors. But in any case, this occupation is quite laborious, not cheap and requires further processing - plastering, painting or wallpapering, wall panels. Clinker brick structures are usually not plastered, using the decorative effect of the products. But clinker structures have a high cost due to the price tag on the material itself.

Ceramic brick walls

Cheaper and faster, compared to the construction of partitions made of ordinary bricks, the installation of a wall of ceramic products with a thickness of 11.5 cm will take place. ceramic brick able to provide an adequate level of sound insulation. Usually walls from this type building material plastered, less often - covered with drywall. A partition made of ceramic products is able to withstand wall cabinets and shelves, but for fastening it will be necessary to use special spring pins designed for porous bricks.

Partition of glass blocks (luxfers)

Partitions made of glass blocks are most often used in cases where they want to save (without significant losses, at least) the penetration of lighting into different functional segments of the space, but at the same time get a sufficiently strong, wear-resistant and durable interior wall. Most often, the use of this expensive material is determined by a stylistic need, decorative qualities.

Construction of partitions from aerated concrete blocks

Aerated concrete or cellular blocks are a very popular material for the quick and inexpensive construction of interior walls and partitions. The main advantage of the material is its high flexibility to create surfaces of various shapes. If you need an original partition with smooth lines, original openings, or simply with internal wiring, aerated concrete products will be the best choice.

Compared to any type of brick, cellular concrete partitions have worse soundproofing properties. But, if you do not have goals to protect one zone from another in terms of penetrating noise, then this material that is easy to install can help you quickly create the desired partition.

Expanded clay blocks for interior structures

Expanded clay interior partitions are easy to build, they have sufficient strength for hanging shelves and cabinets (but still less than brick walls), have sufficient wear resistance and durability. In addition, expanded clay concrete products perfectly absorb sound.

A partition made of expanded clay blocks can be mounted using a conventional mortar and plastered with the so-called ecological plaster - clay, lime, gypsum or cement. At a cost, such a design will cost less than a wall made of conventional concrete blocks.

Modern plasterboard partitions

A fairly popular way to create partitions of various modifications is the use of drywall products. IN Lately effective is the use of moisture-resistant panels that can be installed even in bathrooms and bathrooms. Typically, a partition consists of two drywall panels mounted on a metal profile: a filler can be laid between them. mineral wool. As a rule, the thickness of such partitions does not exceed 10-12 cm, but may be smaller.

If we talk about the positive qualities of drywall partitions, then their presence in the premises has a positive effect on their microclimate - the structures are able to absorb and release moisture contained in the air. Such partitions can be erected very quickly, moreover, they do not require plastering, only putty joints.

Heavy objects cannot be hung on plasterboard interior walls. If such an action is necessary, then the fastening elements must be located inside the structure itself, mounted to metal profiles. Another disadvantage is the low impact strength (which is why they try not to use drywall partitions in children's rooms).

Partitions made of wood of various species

An interior partition made of wood of one modification or another can be either a very expensive product or cost you practically nothing - it all depends on what kind of wood it is made of, or you used waste material. In any case, wood products always bring notes of natural warmth, comfort and uniqueness to the interior.

Most often, wooden partitions appear in their natural color scheme with a beautiful natural pattern ...

But there are also situations when painting a wooden partition or its elements is necessary ...

To the same group of interior partitions made of natural material, can be attributed to various designs of bamboo, vines, branches, twigs and other plants. The exclusivity of the interior with similar zoning elements will be provided to you.

Glass partitions - transparent and frosted

Glass partitions are used in cases where it is necessary to create a clear zoning, while maintaining the spread of light to all functional areas of the room. As a rule, for the manufacture of transparent or frosted partitions, especially durable and safe for humans, tempered glass is used (even if the surface is broken, a person will not be injured by fragments due to a special protective film to prevent the glass from shattering).

Most often, glass partitions can be seen in bathrooms and bathrooms. They can enclose the shower area from the rest of the room or divide the room into a toilet and a segment for taking water procedures. In modern design projects, it is increasingly possible to find the use of absolutely transparent glass to create small partitions. But also matte products, surfaces with a pattern and photo printing are found as a decorative element of the interior, which, meanwhile, performs its main functions.

Partitions in the form of glass compartment doors can reliably fence off one of the functional segments located in the common room. Excellent soundproofing qualities, almost complete distribution of light fluxes and the ability not to burden the image of the room make this type of partition very popular. Although it is expensive and requires the participation of specialists.

Glass partitions with a pattern, laser engraving, photo printing or stained-glass window technique can not only decorate the interior, but become its highlight.

Examples of combining materials to create original partitions

One of the most common combinations of different materials for creating partitions is the use of glass inserts for a metal or wooden frame. Such partitions perfectly transmit light, but have good sound insulation. Such a combination is important if you need to separate, for example, an office from a living room and soundproof it, but at the same time be able to keep an eye on children who are in the adjacent functional segment.

The variety of interior partitions in terms of design and functions


An excellent combination of functionality and aesthetics is the use of a shelving unit as an interior partition (and not necessarily a bookcase). Efficient system storage and a beautiful element of the interior, which, among other things, zones the room. The advantage of such structures is that they can be used equally effectively on both sides of the zoned space.

One of the options for using storage systems as partitions is to create a spacious closet. It is up to you to decide whether to have storage systems on one side or two, or maybe use false facades in some places, use glass inserts or create a completely blank design.

The name speaks for itself - less durable surfaces - screens - are attached to supports made of durable material (metal, wood or columns made of bricks or blocks) (they allow you to reduce the weight of the structure and reduce its cost, as well as bring an element of exclusivity to the image of the room). \

Interior partition-fireplace

A stationary interior partition in the form of a fireplace is a modern and very popular device, despite the fact that it requires considerable financial and time costs for construction. Such a design hardly resembles ordinary partitions, because it has a very large width, sufficient for arranging an air duct, a chimney for a hearth. The obvious advantage of a double-sided fireplace is the ability to watch the flame dance in the hearth from different areas of the room.

Rotary partitions

An original and at the same time incredibly functional device - rotary partitions. The structures look like horizontal blinds, which, depending on the angle of rotation, can create different levels of closeness of one or another segment of the room.

Support partitions

One of the options for interior partitions, which are created not only for zoning rooms, but also for creating a support for any element of the interior, are structures that support steps and other parts of stairs. Most often, such partitions are made of wood or metal. It is extremely rare that they are performed in a continuous form, most often such partitions have holes, perforations.

The partition can serve as a support for various consoles and countertops, storage systems and even seating. It all depends on the purpose of the room in which the multifunctional element of the interior is located.

Partition - a decorative element

Often, the interior partition acts not so much as an enclosing surface, but as a decorative element. Indeed, for the embodiment of the imagination of a designer or owners of apartments and houses, there are currently practically no boundaries. It all depends on your preferences, the chosen interior design concept and financial capabilities.

Interior partitions - effective zoning

Using a partition is a common design technique. This solution allows you to organize even in a small room. Currently, they use different variants partitions. They differ in size, shape, design.

The most demanded zoning in one-room apartments Oh. Here there is an urgent need in the room to simultaneously equip the living room, bedroom and office. Also, ideas with the help of a partition are relevant in studio apartments. This is mainly due to the desire for unlimited space, but with individual zones.

Partitions can be made with your own hands, as well as purchase ready-made options. Fortunately, at present, their varieties have no limit. They are made from different materials: wood, metal, fabric, drywall, etc.

In this article, we will get acquainted with the most common methods of zoning living space.

Types of partitions

Before proceeding with the division of a room into zones, you need to know that there are two types of partitions:

  1. Stationary. They are directly attached to the ceiling and floor, so it is impossible to move them to another place without repair work. As a rule, these are plasterboard partitions, arches, columns, podiums and so on. The peculiarity of this type is that some structures are solid, and this can be reflected in the natural light of the zone. Therefore, designers recommend combining materials, such as drywall with glass or mirror inserts.
  2. have more advantages over stationary ones. If necessary, they can be easily moved or completely removed. And this, in turn, will allow you to change the design of the room and the location of certain zones.

Designer zoning of a room with a partition

Real photos of rooms divided into zones can be found in the article.

In order to properly use partitions to divide a room into zones, it is necessary to take into account not only their size and design, but also their functionality and purpose. The experts will do it best.

We use furniture for zoning

This method is considered the least expensive. Only narrow furniture is suitable for zoning. It can be shelving, cabinets, whatnots, and sometimes even cushioned furniture. The most demanded wardrobe for this role. Due to its high height, it is able to perform the functions of a solid partition, while serving as a place to store things. Zoning a room with a do-it-yourself partition is very easy to do: the cabinet is installed in any convenient place. In order for this design to have a presentable appearance on both sides, you can discuss this issue with the manufacturer in advance (if individual order It's not a problem). For small rooms, it is recommended to purchase models whose doors have a mirror coating.

Bookshelves, unlike wardrobes, form a non-continuous partition. Thanks to such designs, light can freely penetrate into the far part of the room. A model with a deaf pedestal at the bottom is perfect. It will give the necessary privacy without burdening the common space.

The versatility of textiles

Zoning a room with a fabric partition is the easiest way. This design is perfect for both classic interiors and modern ones. In the latter versions, it is recommended to use dense fabrics with a rectangular weight. This will allow you to shape it or, conversely, straighten it. Installing this type of partition yourself is not a problem. It is enough just to attach the cornice to the ceiling.

In some styles such as classicism, provence, country, you can use elegant styles with pickups, fringe, ruffles, tassels. A lambrequin will be useful.

Zoning a room with a partition (see photo here) has many advantages:

  • mobility;
  • ease of installation;
  • rich abundance of color schemes;
  • the possibility of quick dismantling;
  • small size.

Partitions of curtains fit perfectly into small rooms, for example, harmoniously separating the sleeping area. They will not only hide the space from prying eyes, but also make the interior more comfortable and warm.

Decorative screens

The indisputable advantage of decorative screens is mobility. It can be moved to another place or completely folded and removed. Many mistakenly think that this type of zoning is only suitable for classic interiors. Currently, a wide variety of models are being made that fit perfectly into any style. Zoning a room with a screen partition with oriental motifs will be an excellent solution for an ethnic direction. Suitable for high-tech metal constructions with glass or mirror inserts.

Another advantage of screens is functionality. With self-production, you can come up with various devices, for example, pockets, coasters, shelves. This solution will allow you to place a lot of small items. It can be a TV remote control, a hairbrush, a phone and more.

The only task for those who choose this method of zoning is to choose the right design, thanks to which the screen will become a beautiful addition to the overall interior.

Columns and arches

Spacious rooms need large elements, so it is recommended to use original way zoning - columns. This type refers to a stationary separation, so you need to think carefully before proceeding with their installation. In small rooms, this design is not recommended, since the power and grandeur of their appearance can hide an already small space.

Zoning a room with a partition of columns has advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at them in more detail.


  • this design is quite stable;
  • the possibility of additional lighting;
  • the versatility of the material allows you to significantly diversify the finish.


  • massive appearance columns are not suitable for all interiors;
  • you can change the design of the room only with the help of repair work;
  • impressive weight of the structure.

As for the arches, everything is much simpler here. They can be used in both small and large rooms. The shape and design is selected individually, which radically changes the external perception of space.

Sliding doors - a stylish solution

Sliding doors will become an alternative replacement for the interior partition. With the help of them, if necessary, you can completely hide a certain area. As a rule, for a clear distinction, just such a zoning of the room with the help of a partition is suitable (real photos below).

Doors can be selected blind or with glass. If three or more wings will be installed, it is recommended to use different models. For example, the width of the opening allows you to install four doors, then two (at the edges) are deaf, and the rest (central) - with decorative inserts. In order to prevent objects from appearing in the glass, you can choose products with special processing: matte, figured, colored or engraved.

Advantage sliding doors:

  • individual sizes;
  • a wide choice of design;
  • easy to open and close.


  • In the manufacture of doors, manufacturers do not recommend making a height of more than 2.5 meters, as this can lead to deformation of the canvas.
  • It is necessary to build an additional ceiling structure.
  • Low level of sound insulation.
  • With sudden movements or strong impacts, the sash can jump out of the guides.
  • Roller mechanisms need systematic care: cleaning, lubrication, etc.

Fireplace - decorative partition

Zoning a room with the help most often plays a conditional role. Using this method, they try to achieve a visual separation, and not clearly spaced boundaries. One of the most common delimiters is the fireplace. The time of massive models, which require a chimney and additional strengthening of the foundation, has passed. They were replaced by compact fireplaces that serve as decoration, not central heating.

In order to divide the room into zones using a fireplace, you need to choose the right model. For this purpose, false panels or electrical appliances are suitable. They plausibly imitate a live fire, so outwardly they practically do not differ from full-fledged fireplaces. Their only drawback is the lack of smell and sound of firewood crackling.

Embedded models are suitable for zoning. They are mounted in a pre-built structure, usually from drywall. And then decorate with appropriate materials.

The versatility of drywall

Currently, in residential premises, brick interior partitions have practically ceased to be used. Their functions are perfectly replaced by drywall. At the same time, it has a huge number of advantages in comparison with other building materials.

  1. Zoning a room with a plasterboard partition saves space significantly, its thickness is about 7 cm.
  2. Due to the flexibility of the material, it is possible to give structures of different shapes.
  3. Accurate adherence to technology during installation guarantees a long service life.
  4. The surface of drywall can be painted, wallpapered, finished with stone, tile, plaster and other materials.
  5. The hollow structure perfectly hides communications, electrical wiring and other inconveniences.

However, speaking of such partitions, one cannot remain silent about the shortcomings. There are very few of them:

  1. For the construction of a drywall construction, it is necessary to have special knowledge and skills in work.
  2. Installing such a partition is a complete repair, in which you need to be prepared for dust and construction dirt.
  3. The surface of drywall must be puttied before finishing.

Modern glass partitions

Sometimes the area of ​​​​the room is so small that by separating a certain zone, you can visually overload the space. How then to be in such cases? Designers have found a way out of this situation and offer an alternative zoning of the room using a partition. Glass, in this case, will be the only correct solution. It perfectly transmits light, and the room will seem much more spacious. The design of such a partition can be different: sliding, stationary, rotating. As a rule, only tempered glass is used during manufacture. It has good technical characteristics, and this minimizes the risk of accidental damage.

Wooden partitions

Zoning a room with a partition made of slats is the most common option in country houses, especially if wood dominates the interior. For apartments, this method is also relevant. In order to build such a partition, you will need to install guides on the ceiling and floor. After that, the surface is assembled in a typesetting way. The advantage of this partition is inexpensive price and the naturalness of the finishing material.

Wood in the interior is a classic. Such decoration can be used in all stylistic directions. Caring for the surface of the partition is very simple, just wipe it with a damp cloth. If over time the appearance loses its attractiveness, then you can update it with the help of paints and varnishes.

living partition

IN modern world such quality as naturalness became very much appreciated. Therefore, many prefer zoning a room with a partition made of fresh flowers. It is immediately worth noting that its appearance is incomparable with any other options. However, such a partition is very picky. Lack of light and improper care can completely ruin it. Fresh flowers require increased attention and take a lot of time, but the originality of the interior more than makes up for the spent energy.

Sliding partitions for zoning space in a room are one of the options for transforming the interior by creating separate zones. Modern designs become more refined and perfect. This also applies to the materials for their manufacture, and to the fittings responsible for smooth running, and, in fact, to the shape and finish of the canvases themselves. Light and airy sliding systems can not only create clear boundaries, but also dissolve them in the living space.

Sliding partitions for zoning the space in the room: a convenient divider

Mobile sliding partitions can create a new one or change an existing one planning solution house, apartment or private room. Moreover, such a design trick is equally suitable for both small apartments and for housing of significant dimensions. There are no specific rules for the use of various design options, but their use in design is always fresh, non-trivial, beautiful and functional.

Most often, additional isolated zones are created through room sliding partitions. They can be used when it is necessary to divide a large uncomfortable room into compact parts, hide the entrance area, protect from the eyes sleeping place or the working area of ​​the kitchen, and in large areas they can be implemented as movable walls. But no matter what function they perform, they are united by a number of important advantages:

  • the ability to install structures not only at the stage of repair, but also in the repaired premises;

  • ease of installation and, if necessary, the ability to quickly reinstall partitions;
  • saving space in the room;
  • aesthetic and presentable appearance;
  • unlimited decorative possibilities;
  • variety of used materials, forms, sliding mechanisms, styles;
  • the installation of sliding partitions does not require approval from the regulatory authorities and registration with the BTI;
  • installation does not require special skills and can be done independently.

Example with a sliding partition

Useful advice! If you are going to install a sliding partition in the room, consult with the designer so that instead of a stylish divider, you do not get only a hindrance to light and movement.

The only negative characteristic of all types of sliding room partitions is the lack of soundproofing function. In view of this, their role is reduced more to the visual delimitation of space.

The value of sliding partitions for space zoning

There are many circumstances when it is necessary to divide a living space into small separate zones. It can be a small area of ​​​​an apartment in which a large family lives, where everyone wants to have a cozy personal space. Or you need to visually beat a narrow and long room. Or it may be that a room that is too large needs to be divided into functional zones. For all these cases, you can use sliding partitions in the room.

Installation of a sliding partition between the kitchen and living room

If, after redevelopment, the kitchen and living room have turned into a single whole, one of the options for skillful division may be to install a sliding partition between these two rooms. In the closed state, the partition will hide the cooking process and temporary mess on the work surfaces, in the open position - the kitchen - will turn into a spacious dining room, where everything is at hand and you can quickly handle the serving.

Partitions with a roller mechanism can act as a sliding system in the combined kitchen-living room - they have a fairly easy move and are able to withstand a considerable load in the form of numerous openings / closings. The absence of a guide rail from below in such a system preserves the integrity of the floor covering, which is only welcome, since the overall design of the room is maintained.

Partitions-"accordions" will look original, in which they use a combination of swing and sliding opening methods. Given the small thickness of the canvases, when closed, such partitions do not take up much usable space. Often the line of demarcation of the kitchen area is made out with a partition, the design of which is called a cassette. It should be noted that such a model should be provided precisely at the stage of repair work, since it will be necessary to equip a special niche for the web to run.

If transparent glass or plastic is used as the material for the partition wall, the space of the combined premises will turn out to be visually open and large even when closed. The content of the sliding system should be selected based on the style of the overall interior of the apartment. Modern trends are characterized by combinations of aluminum and glass, wood, bamboo and other natural materials are suitable for classic solutions.

Sliding partitions for room zoning: multiplication by division

The main inconvenience of Khrushchev apartments is the unpretentious layout and the small area of ​​the rooms. Having a comfortable personal space is one of the main human needs. At the heart of any redevelopment decision is the competent division of the apartment into functional zones. The use of sliding partitions for zoning will help to avoid global restructuring.

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in a well planned cozy interior First of all, there should be a place where each of the family members will be calm and comfortable. And do not be upset if there is no free separate room in your house for this. You can organize your personal space without it by arranging a separate office or a quiet sleeping place, separated from the common space by a light matte sliding partition.

The cause of discomfort does not always lie in tiny square meters. If the room is spacious, and a family of four lives in it, the allocation of individual zones using sliding partitions in the room will also be appropriate. However, dividing one room into two or more, you always have to sacrifice a window. In this regard, you should think carefully about which part of the secluded corner will be without a window.

Useful advice! You can visually increase the height of the premises by installing a sliding structure from floor to ceiling.

The zoning technique works great in children's rooms when it is necessary to allocate separate places for study and entertainment. And if there are two children in the family, zoning will help to arrange a personal space for each of them in one room. Numerous photo examples of delimiting space using sliding partitions in children's rooms will become a kind of guideline for creating a comfortable interior for your little household.

Partition design in the room: photos of impeccable solutions

There are dozens of options for using partitions in a room to delimit space. If you are not quite sure of your design abilities, use the photo of the partitions in the room as a sample. Numerous options for successful ideas for the use of structures will become an example for creating a unique and most comfortable interior.

Useful advice! When arranging openings for installing interior sliding partitions, the value of vertical and horizontal deviation should not exceed 3 mm.

When using sliding systems, decorative finishing of openings is important. Borrow ready-made examples matching the decoration of the opening to the existing style direction. If there is a modern minimalist style or a high-tech line, then, in most cases, the opening should be left unframed and designed identically to the walls. For such cases, the installation of guides is carried out flush with the ceiling surface.

Traditional stylistic trends are characterized by the use in the design of the opening of the same materials from which the canvases of sliding partitions are made. You should order a ready-made kit for decorating the opening along with a sliding system. The photos posted on the network illustrate the use of an appropriate decorative cornice to mask the mechanisms of sliding systems.

The available photos of glass sliding doors and partitions will help you decide in which cases you should choose frosted, transparent or stained glass. Examples of design-seasoned use of sliding partition models for transforming a room will help you choose an option that will not overload the interior with an inappropriate design.

Used materials for sliding partitions in the room

Modern sliding structures for zoning have a variety of designs, a wide range of materials used and a rich selection of patterns and canvas patterns. The frame for paintings is made of wooden beams, metal and plastic profiles. For canvases use plastic, different kinds tempered glass, as well as numerous options from their combinations.

It is worth noting that the glass used in partitions can have a large selection of ornaments and patterns. Glass filling can be done by artistic matting using sandblasting technology or laser engraving. Very often, a combination of frosted and clear glass is used, or a photo print is placed between two glass surfaces.

Partitions are unique, specially designed by designers for a specific style of the room. They can use the most elegant materials, original technologies and curvilinear configurations. Exquisite stained glass models amaze the imagination with complex patterns and framing of wrought metal and bent wood.

Useful advice! When installing a sliding partition in a children's room, make sure that it is made of safe materials.

For adherents of environmentally friendly materials, manufacturers offer options for partitions with the maximum use of wood, as well as bamboo, leather or painted textiles. As for plastic, various types of polymers and plexiglass are used for sliding partitions. Such designs are light in weight and ideal for decorating borders in small rooms.

Glass sliding doors and partitions: product prices

Many domestic and foreign manufacturing companies are engaged in the production of sliding structures. The assembly is carried out on behalf of the client-customer, previously familiarized with the product catalog in electronic form. Before you buy sliding partitions for zoning a room, you need to come to a showroom or a company representative office in order to see the model in reality.

The cost of sliding partitions and doors is formed taking into account the material for the canvas, the mechanism used and the installation of the structure. The price is also affected by the popularity of the manufacturer and the version in which the models will be performed: standard or individual. It should be borne in mind that the lead time for an order can be up to 3-4 weeks if the design is of a domestic manufacturer, and up to six months if the model is imported.

Installation of sliding doors can be performed both at the stage of repair work, and in an already renovated room

The price of a sliding partition model Diana 2 with two canvases made of frosted glass with a diamond engraving measuring 0.95 x 2.1 m is 46,500 rubles. The design uses a suspension mechanism. The model is equipped with a decorative overlay and is ready for installation without purchasing additional elements. The product is guaranteed for 12 months. Estimated production time is 4 weeks.

The Waterfall series will cost from 43,600 rubles. behind full set. Doors can be fixed both to the ceiling and to the wall. The manufacturer provides a choice of about 200 profile shades, up to 10 types of glass, 15 opening methods, about two dozen types of fittings. The design uses tempered glass 8 mm thick. The maximum height and width of the paintings are 3.2 and 1.5 m, respectively.

Sliding type installation does not require approval from the regulatory authorities and registration with the BTI

In order to make it convenient for the buyer to navigate the size and weight of glass sliding doors and partitions, many companies place special calculators on their websites to calculate the size of the canvas and the weight required for glass. These data will be useful when choosing a sliding mechanism. Prices in online stores are for informational purposes and are subject to clarification from the company manager when ordering.

Assembling sliding partitions with your own hands

There are many options for the design of sliding systems, made independently. You can make a small light sliding partition with your own hands from a door leaf, the design of which implies such an application. To do this, instead of a hinged device in the form of loops or canopies, the canvas is equipped with a roller mechanism. If the height of the door is not enough, you can assemble a lintel of the appropriate width from the profiles.

Guides and fittings can be purchased at any hardware store. When choosing a roller mechanism, steel rollers should be preferred, since analogues with a rubber coating quickly fail. You can use both built-in and mounted mechanisms. The latter option requires utmost care during installation, as it is a visible element.

One of the options handmade partitions - assembly . Its design consists of several frames and a number of thin canvases interconnected by loops. For the manufacture of the frame, you can use a PVC profile, and for filling any will do a suitable type of sheet plastic or vertical lamellas from the same material.

Adding zest to the interior, you can make a frame frame of a screen made of wood, and use dense textiles or rattan weaving to fill it. Partitions look unusual and stylish, filled with canvases with unusual prints. Having shown imagination, you can independently make a unique model that will emphasize your taste.

For zoning a room with a large area, two types of partitions were used - and a curtain-partition made of fabric

An example self-manufacturing sliding system can be doors made according to the principle of partitions from the wardrobe. Work can be minimized by ordering finished canvases in the workshop. In this case, it remains only to independently attach the guides and hang canvases with a roller mechanism on them. Those who have the time and certain skills can assemble the design of the canvases exclusively on their own.

Using sliding partitions to delimit the space in the room, you can achieve the transformation of the interior with minimal time and financial investment.

Studio apartments, large rooms, country houses, as well as small living spaces need a comfortable arrangement. Choosing a partition for zoning space in a room of any type is the best way to divide a room into several functional areas. And you can use at least 10 materials and types of structures for this.

Interior fences differ from each other in form, method of implementation, mobility and functionality. They can be decorative and discreet, stationary and transformable. The choice of design is influenced by the features of the room and the tasks that the partition should perform: visual separation, complete sound insulation, temporary separation of space.

But they are united by advantages:

  • the choice of materials - glass, plastic, wood, drywall, metal - for everyone there is a product "to their liking";
  • durability;
  • environmental Safety;
  • adaptability to the design message;
  • aesthetic appeal, accuracy.

Minus decorative fences - low sound insulation. Some options are expensive.

When choosing partitions for zoning space in a room, several parameters are taken into account: the size of the room, its type (living room, bedroom), interior concept. When designing a room, take into account what specifications should be at the barrier. Do you need good sound insulation, how practical will a home-made wall be.

If only a visual separation is required, then choosing heavy stationary materials for zoning is not an option. If there is a lot of space, the technical parameters of the room allow, and the owner wants to get 2 full-fledged rooms from one, then the brick form of the structure is the best choice.

Choice for the living room

A place where people spend a lot of time is often combined with other functions. There are many ideas for partitions for zoning a living room: decorative, stationary, sliding and even hanging. The type of structure for dividing the space of the room is chosen by all family members.

When choosing the color and material of the future product, take into account furniture set, as well as a space division zone. For example, when separating the kitchen from the living room, it is better not to use wrought iron partitions, as they get very hot.

Combine several types of designs in the living room. Separate the kitchen with glass or drywall partition, and to temporarily highlight any zone, use modular elements - screens.

The living room uses shelving filled with books, decorative items, plants. This is the most practical of the original methods. Tall structures fill the living room with endless comfort and zone the room well. But the racks can be low - 1-1.5 meters.

Other solutions are successfully written into the living room: bar counters, aquariums, hedges. The last option is most interesting when separating the front of the room, which has a large window (or several).


IN small apartments decorative partitions for zoning the bedroom are used:

  • when separating working area from the place of rest;
  • to separate the bathroom;
  • when arranging a dressing room or changing area.

Here you can install glass structure, and a carved partition, and a screen, or choose a sliding compartment for a cozy and functional space zoning.

If the bedroom is combined with an office, it is necessary to zone the recreation area: it is psychologically difficult to work in the same room where a person should sleep.

Even a small screen that occupies a minimum of space will have a good effect on well-being and will 100% fulfill the function.


If the enclosing wall is needed in the kitchen, then it is usually used to separate the dining room and the cooking area. Here you should choose practical products that are not afraid of moisture: glass, drywall treated with a special coating, thin plastic, or well-protected wood. If the separating part is installed far from the stove and sink, then you can be more daring in the choice of materials.

An interesting solution is a false partition made of a wooden frame with tightly wound wire. It does not heat up as much as forged metal, allows air to pass through, but prevents strong penetration of odors. The cost of construction, unlike a forged partition, is several times lower.

Children's room

There are 3 zones in the child's room: rest, study, playground. When zoning large rooms, conditions are created for the baby to sleep and play; from a psychological point of view, it becomes easier for him to switch from one type of activity to another.

A practical way to divide the space in such a room is to use shelving with inserted boxes. If the area does not allow, then you can make a sliding structure or create a thin plasterboard partition.

Classification of interior partitions

Structures for separating zones are temporary and permanent - partitions of the first type are mobile, fold and move if necessary. Sliding coupe canvases are also referred to as temporary.

There is another classification:

  1. Solid interior railings. They are created from blocks, bricks, glass. Suitable for creating full-fledged rooms from one room.
  2. Frame railings. Manufactured on metal or wooden frame, inside are filled with drywall, acrylic, glass and other materials.
  3. Non-standard solutions for decorative structures. Often they have only the upper and lower fixing element. For example, a partition made of carved wood in a nursery or bedroom is inserted into the upper and lower brackets, attached to the wall and a vertical rail on the sides.

Partitions are divided according to the type of translucence: transparent or opaque. Glass cloths are opaque, partially opaque, completely transparent. There are block structures that are made of transparent glass, but they greatly distort the space in the fenced area.

glass partition

With the help of glass, you can create an interesting atmosphere in the room. The transparent design looks easy, does not limit the space, but it is better to use such products in homes without children.

If you really want to use such a structure, but a child lives in the apartment, use hardened partitions or plexiglass canvases.

Tempered glass shatters on impact into small pieces that cannot injure a person. If a glass partition is used to separate the bedroom, then choose a matte option.

It is not necessary to use a flat or perforated canvas. There are block structures-cubes: they contain a cavity that creates excellent soundproofing abilities.

Using a frosted glass room divider in the bedroom is the choice for rooms where you want light to enter the room, but don't want to let guests see what's behind the fence. This solution is popular modern interiors minimalism and high-tech.

A glass partition for zoning a room saves space, as it takes up little space and does not put pressure on flooring. Products do not narrow, but create a clear division of the room into functional areas. The only drawback of the decorative area is the inability to hide the wires in it, as well as the need for regular cleaning. Adhering dirt on a large object affects the entire design of the room.

If applied to glass partition textured perforation or multi-colored pattern, then dirt will not be visible.

Glass can be used in screens, stationary and sliding partitions. They are installed in any conditions, regardless of temperature and humidity in the room.


Partitions made of glass with a reflective coating are often used on hinged or sliding structures. Their main advantage is a significant expansion of space. If you combine matte panels with mirrored ones, you will be able to achieve perfect comfort and visual enlargement of the room.

Sliding partitions

A sliding room divider divides the space easily, creates a stylish and functional interior, takes up minimal space. Such a partition has impeccable indicators of visual isolation, if you make a floor-to-ceiling structure, then it dampens extraneous sounds well.

Sliding devices are made of different materials:

  • glass is used to separate the bathroom and the room, separating one part of the cabinet from the other;
  • mobile partitions are great for use in the office, most often they are made of glass;
  • if necessary, the partition in the room can move towards the wall, expanding the space (for example, at night, for a more comfortable stay, if the system is installed to separate the living room and bedroom).

You can make a mobile partition for zoning a room from any material you like, it is easy to apply a pattern or embossing on it, creating a beautiful option for a specific interior.

Mirrors are often inserted into the partition for invisible delimitation of the room into zones for the entire area of ​​the sliding structure, or for 2/3, setting the reflective surface in the middle.

The method, due to reflection, greatly expands the space and hides the presence of another zone in next room. Instead of glass, some people who decide to divide the room into 2 areas use reflective plastic.

Drywall solutions look interesting, on which wallpaper or paint is applied, as on the walls. When using a partition of this type, there is a clear merging of a stationary wall and a mobile structure, not allowing visitors to distinguish another room behind the sliding mechanism.

Stationary partitions

Stationary partitions for space zoning are made of brick, aerated concrete blocks, drywall. The first two options are easily replaced ordinary wall and have excellent features:

  • high fire safety;
  • maximum strength - the structures can withstand heavy shelves, hanging furniture, heavy decor items, decorative dividers can be attached to them;

  • durability - brickwork will last 20-30 years, or even longer with proper use;
  • environmental resistance - tolerate moisture, high and low temperatures;
  • the best soundproofing characteristics when used together with a door.

However, a brick wall as a partition has two drawbacks: solid weight (requires approval and permission), takes up space, which is critical for small rooms.

Fact! Natural brickwork walls without decorative finishes- a way of arranging a room in a loft style.

More often, a partition is used between rooms - a dining room and a living room, a living room and a bedroom, if there is enough space for this. You can install it in recreation and work areas. But, if there is no need for complete isolation of the room, then you can choose cheaper and simpler options from drywall or plywood.

At the same time, it should be remembered that the partition will not provide the necessary isolation of extraneous sounds if it is not supplemented with a door. It is also important that it starts from the floor itself and reaches the ceiling - it is a stationary wall.

Such a bold decision - arranging a brick structure without using finishing materials- may seem uncomfortable. But, if you correctly calculate the project, choose softening decorative elements or build an artificial (electronic) fireplace into the partition, the atmosphere will turn out to be comfortable, homely.

The use of heavy brick partitions is appropriate for the construction of large country houses, where the first floor is a huge room that requires zoning. It is here that the fireplace looks perfect, and if it adds wooden furniture or overlap, the effect will only increase.

Wooden partitions

A beautiful decorative wooden partition for zoning a room will fit into any style. Even in the high-tech direction, wood can be used in black or unusual shape, paint it in other unusual shades.

Wood can be minimalistic or carved. It easily repeats Arabic, ethnic motifs. A variety of options are possible:

  • polish the structure, varnish it or choose an initially dark shade of wood, make small even cuts in the partition, and it can be used both in the loft and in high-tech brutalism;
  • use natural light wood without gloss, do not mask knots - a great solution for a Scandinavian interior;
  • add fabric or paper to the tree, place live plants next to it, and the partition becomes an inspiring touch of eco-style.

A decorative partition for separating space is made of timber, boards, chipboard or MDF boards. Any form of natural wood can be used.

Bamboo stems placed close to each other and tied with natural liana will perfectly complement the ethnic or ecological design.

Important to handle wooden structures protective coatings. To increase fire safety, compositions based on anti-flammable agents are recommended.

Using wood to create fencing details is a cozy, eco-friendly choice. The designs look expensive, improve the indoor climate, do not absorb odors and do not emit harmful substances. Here are a few more interesting options wood products:

  • carved structures that transmit light well and perform only a decorative function;
  • wooden frames for the subsequent creation of partitions with other slabs inside;
  • fences that mimic the natural growth of tree branches;
  • modular partitions assembled, like a constructor, from different elements;
  • thin slats or lining.

Remember that even the most beautiful wooden structures, such as openwork branches or bamboo stems, are difficult to fit into simple interiors and attract too much attention.

Shelving as a partition

Room dividers - fixed or sliding - are suitable for most rooms. But furniture that acts as a zoning fragment looks no less profitable and interesting. Shelving as a similar fragment is a practical solution.

There are several designs with closed or open shelves that are suitable for arranging the living room, dining room and bedroom. You can also use them in the children's room. Here are just a few features:

  • shelving is easy to install ordinary furniture, some of them are fixed on the floor, others just stand like a closet;
  • practical designs are often used "through" - without a back wall, creating a small view through the cells;

  • half empty cells can be filled with sliding boxes and boxes;
  • designer racks can be not only square, but also diamond-shaped, performing the function of an impeccable shelf for books and magazines;
  • on rectangular cells, you can install doors or roller blinds with or without locks.

Dividing partitions in the form of racks are high and low. The design, reaching 1-1.5 m in height, is suitable for use between a sofa and a bed, or in the dining area. Such racks are successfully used in children's rooms, dividing the zone of games and study.

By a similar principle, shelving can be used to separate the work area from the main room. The space is cozy and practical. Other variations:

  • in one rack, you can combine several options for compartments: make large drawers at the bottom, install drawers above, and put opening doors even higher, leaving the last 2 rows open;
  • the rack that separates the bed from the living room looks interesting, if you make it deaf, and in the center make room for the TV;

  • between the dining area and the living room, shelving with enlarged cells is used - this way the effect of a spacious area is preserved, but interesting zoning is obtained;
  • the rack can be narrow, with frequent shelves on which accessories and other necessary things are placed - the option can be used in a dressing room or bathroom;
  • racks can be asymmetrical, combined: vertical parts are made of metal tubes, and wooden shelves are located between them.

An attractive feature of shelving among many other options is their ability to transmit light and highlight different areas, while maintaining the integrity of the room. In some rooms, due to the effect, it is possible to achieve visual expansion area, preventing closure.

Partition screen for zoning a room

Do-it-yourself room zoning will help a screen - one of the most ancient types of partitions, created in China and migrated to interiors Arab countries and then Europe. At first, screens were made from wood, paper or fabric, it could not do without handmade and in the decoration of products: drawings, embroideries, stones and other design elements were applied.

The first screens, like many other interior items in the East, contained phrases and runes that scared away evil spirits.

A modern screen can be made of fabric, paper, plastic, wood and drywall. If the screen is used as a wardrobe element, then on the inside you can attach small shelves for accessories and hooks for clothes.

It should be borne in mind that paper structures, as well as screens made of light fabric, are not designed for any bearing loads. Here are some more examples of a mobile partition in the form of a screen:

  • mobility - it is easy to move it for temporary separation of private space;
  • functionality - a folding screen with hinges can be folded and removed, or placed against the wall, turning it into a design element of the room;
  • glass panels can be placed inside the screen on a metal frame.

Designs with which it is easy to divide the space are made in several versions: simple designs with or without legs, products on wheels, wooden screens with a blind effect instead of simple panels.

Drywall partitions

Plasterboard partitions are one of the best ways to zone any space. GKL panels create stationary structures with a door installed in the frame. They are used for partial separation of space, and are also used for decorative purposes.

Among the advantages of zoning with a plasterboard partition are:

  • durability;
  • ease of installation and decoration;
  • good soundproofing properties when using solid structures;
  • you can create curved lines, uneven shapes.

However, with impacts, strong shocks, drywall cracks, dents and holes form. It is not recommended to place heavy shelves and equipment on such structures. If it is intended to use such elements, then a metal frame is used when installing the product.

Drywall is a material with which the most unusual products are created for zoning the kitchen and dining room, living room and dining room, bedroom and hall, nursery.

Drywall partitions are made in a straight or curved form. Inside, additional sound or heat insulating materials are often installed. Wavy details look unusual, with the help of which they smoothly separate the work area from the rest area.

It is easy to create a partition from drywall that completely imitates part of the wall: put the structure in the middle of the room, install a nightstand next to it on one side, and hang a TV on the wall. On the other hand, you can beat the hallway or dining area.

Drywall is often used to implement arched openings. Inside, small recesses are made that serve as shelves. These recesses can be through or deaf.

Plastic partitions for zoning

When zoning a room with a partition, you can use plastic elements. The structures are lightweight and embody different ideas of designers. Plastic structures are suitable for sliding, transformable and stationary systems. Often mobile screens are made from the material. PVC structures look beautiful in rooms with a stretch ceiling.

In terms of variety, plastic partitions are not inferior to glass ones, and even outperform them in terms of cost, safety and weight. But only if you use PVC made according to modern technologies without the use of hazardous formaldehydes and metallic substances. Do not install plastic structures if there are people in the family who are prone to allergies.

It is easy to create openwork structures and decorative fences from acrylic canvases:

  • partitions with cells, drawings;
  • translucent installations with built-in micro-lighting;
  • matte or completely transparent structures;
  • wave-like glossy designs that reflect light;
  • light structures, visually indistinguishable from glass.

The disadvantage of an acrylic or plastic wall is that it is electrostatic. Products attract, like a magnet, any dust. You can solve the problem if you use special means to relieve static electricity.

But on the other hand, such an advantage as impact resistance compensates for a small lack of plastic. Even if a crack appears, the partition will not crumble into many fragments.

Fabric partitions for zoning

Fabric curtains or blinds look beautiful in any apartment decor. They are able to complement even minimalist hi-tech without pretensions to the overall interior: hang a thick black curtain on the grommets between the sofa and the dining area, made with the addition of the same shade.

Natural fabrics are hypoallergenic materials that can be used in different rooms. Additionally, they are treated with safe impregnations that repel dust. But even with the use of such products, the curtains need regular washing. It is not recommended to use polyester materials in residential premises: they impede air circulation, contribute to the development of allergies and strongly attract dust.

Thick fabrics for curtains can be used for a little soundproofing. In the bedroom, to separate the work area and the relaxation area, create a two-level structure of dense fabrics and weightless tulle.

The combination of materials that differ in texture will help create interesting solutions. A dense fabric completely isolates the light, and if you leave tulle under it, then during the day the curtains are moved to the sides, and a weightless curtain softens the light that enters the room.

A few features of fabric partitions:

  • light curtain structures are installed under the ceiling for attaching fabric;
  • if a fixed curtain is used, it can be fixed on the eaves without guides from below and above;
  • fabric is used on wooden and metal frames mobile structures - screens.

Fabric blinds are used in different interior styles. They can be dense or very thin, wide or narrow, vertical and horizontal. Blinds are easy to install anywhere, sometimes they are made stationary, and the thickness of the strips reaches 1-1.5 m.

Movable blinds are used if control of the light entering the room is required. Horizontal blinds are also used as a building envelope. For example, it is convenient to install them between the kitchen and the dining area or integrate them into the screen canvas. In addition to fabric, light plastic (acrylic) is used for blinds.

Threads and ropes

Curtains made of decorative threads or ropes look unusual. You can use them in any interior, as the material is selected differently: beads, fishing line, braided ropes, light fabric.

Rope partitions are installed in 2 ways: fastening to the ceiling or double mounting with strong thread tension.

Wrought iron partitions

Forged products look unusual, elegant and can be used in different design directions. decorative elements easily repeat tree branches, asymmetric and abstract lines, hedges and smooth transitions.

The cost of a forged structure is high, as it requires the approach of a real artist and the ability to work with metal.

Forged products are light, openwork, but in a more rigorous version they can be dense. You can find a master who will make a beautiful partition in companies involved in the design and manufacture of stairs.

Well "feel" forged elements in the style of Art Deco, Art Nouveau. They will also fit into the bionic direction, and if you give the design straight, rough lines and complement it with wood, then it will suit the loft interior.

Minimalistic, straight lines fit into high-tech design and other modern trends.

A wrought iron partition can be combined with glass frescoes or hedges - it looks unusual, stylish, suitable for creating maximalist interiors.

Other options

For zoning a room, designers often use tricky tricks:

Unusual solutions for creating enclosing structures in an apartment or house use all available materials. Designers are able to bring to life the strangest, boldest and brightest ideas.

Technology for creating a decorative partition

Decorative products can be made independently, using good materials and reliable tools. At home, masters most often use drywall - a pliable material from which durable and beautiful structures are obtained.

The use of glass or metal is not possible in such conditions.

Processing products requires skills and professional equipment.

An approximate technology for creating a decorative fence for zoning a room using drywall:

After installation, the partition is decorated with coatings, stick photo wallpapers or other elements.

The choice of the type and material of the partition for zoning the space in any room depends on many factors. Some of them can be taken into account certain rules and guides. If complex zoning is planned, and it is difficult to understand the features of the room on your own, you should contact a specialist. The master will select the ideal plan for arranging reliable, functional and beautiful enclosing elements.

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With the introduction of new layouts in new buildings, partitions for zoning space in a room have become popular. They replace the wall if there is no possibility or desire to erect it, and they look very picturesque and beautiful.
Often this is a salvation for small apartments - studios or rooms in which two zones are combined: a bedroom with a living room. Dividing a long room and making a recreation area and a guest area is the dream of many owners of one-room apartments, and partitions allow you to do this effectively and functionally.

Designers have come up with many options for partitions. Usually, they serve to isolate personal space from residential or common space.
I perfectly understand those people who, in this way, are trying to recapture a little space for a double bed or a kitchen from standard narrow seventeen-meter rooms.

Decorative partitions differ from walls in their light transmission, because often when dividing a room, one of the zones becomes without access to a natural light source. And here designs without a back wall or from a transparent material come to the rescue.

According to their structure, partitions can be stationary or mobile. Drywall constructions can be classified as stationary, and sliding partitions or shelving can be attributed to mobile ones.

Zoning materials are also striking in their diversity, in fact, you can use everything that is at hand or that is more accessible to you.

Below we will analyze interesting ideas that have already been brought to life by bold and active interior designers.
All partitions are matched to the overall style of the interior.

So in the Japanese style, to divide the room into two zones, Japanese curtains are used, in eco-style and country - wooden partitions, in the east - screens and filament curtains and other options.

Drywall partitions

The most popular material for dividing space is drywall. It is affordable, allows you to make different shapes and is easy to mount. Such designs are most often stationary and have through shelves or ledges for storing decorative elements.

Such partitions are popular for separating zones in a nursery.

The recesses serve as shelves and allow sunlight to pass through. Such a partition allows you to divide the room into two zones: for children and for adults.

This is a suitable method for highlighting the personal zones of heterosexual children.

Photo of a successful zoning solution in a one-room apartment.

The top of the partition serves as a window and ventilation at the same time and divides the 18 sq.m room into two zones.

Separation of the kitchen from the living room. An aquarium is built into the niche.

The functional design of drywall allows you to conveniently arrange household appliances.

Drywall partition decorated with wood.

You can also zone with a low partition. The photo shows a cozy version of the room with two zones: a bedroom and a common one.

Separation of the bedroom from the living room.

Solid partition from GVL. The lack of light is compensated by lamps. beautiful ideas decorating from the inside with veneer panels.

A bright partition can become the main accent in the room.

Wooden partitions

Partitions made of wood always look cozy and expensive. Moreover, you can be sure that during the hot summer, they will not emit different kind poisonous substances such as formaldehyde.

If you apply imagination, then you can divide the room with affordable bars, the remains of lining and boards. View of the tree different stages processing is always impressive and beautiful.

The wood can be processed and therefore an exquisite pattern can be made.

Decorative elements in the form of birch branches give a feeling of unity with nature.

Ordinary slats can be a decoration of the apartment.

Design option using wood saw cuts.

Partitions are matched in the same style and color as the floor.

The photo turned out to be very light and functional zoning.

Ideas of naturalness permeate the entire interior of the apartment.

Wooden compositions may be unusual, but the structure of the tree does not lose its attractiveness.

Wrought iron partitions

Forged designs amaze with their elegance and graceful lines. But their cost is much higher than that of drywall or other materials. This option serves as an example of a partition between rooms.

But, if funds allow, or if you really want to, then you still need to find a master who does this. Often you can find them where metal stairs are made, because. forging is in full swing there.

Screen for space zoning

Screens in ancient times were used in palaces and in the east.

Now it's a beautiful compact design element. It can always be moved to different places, fenced off from home, and if not needed, folded and removed.

This mobile version of the partition will appeal to many owners of narrow rooms.

Glass structures

Glass is also a great option when dividing a room. It transmits light and looks very light. Of course, you must be sure of the quality of the glass if you have children. Therefore, tempered glass or plexiglass is often chosen. Tempered glass shatters into small, non-sharp pieces on impact, making it hard to cut.

In rooms where a sleeping place is fenced off, you can use frosted glass with a special coating, so you let the light into the second zone, but do not show what is in your bedroom.

The glass partition between the bed and the sofa is popular for use in minimalist and hi-tech styles, because. this material is self-sufficient and performs a maximum of functions with a minimum of space weighting.

The transparent partition completely transmits light.

Shelving as a partition

You could see the options in the previous article. Shelving structures that act as partitions are often made very roomy and without a back wall. They can separate the hallway or living area from the dining room.

They are often filled with books and decorative elements or understaffed with drawers and doors. This allows you to maximize the use of storage space.

A closet is built into the plasterboard construction.

The partition smoothly flows onto the wall.

A low rack visually separates the sofa from the bed and this helps to divide the room into two zones: a bedroom and a living room. See photo.

Cabinets are hidden in the structure.

Fantasy shelving suits a light interior.

The rack, which is used to separate areas in the apartment, is complemented by doors.

Bar counter for room zoning

- perfectly separates the kitchen from the dining room. This is a salvation for owners of combined living rooms with a kitchen and one-room apartments. Often the bar counter also serves as a dining table. Due to its height, it fully allows access to light, but nevertheless, clearly separates the boundaries of the room.

The bar counter matches the general tone of the room with a glossy surface and serves as a partition between the kitchen and the living room.

Partitions from living plants

This trend has appeared recently, thanks to the creation and possibility of using drip irrigation at home. In this way, you can create partitions with lawn grass or ivy. Using the most unpretentious and sparsely growing plants. Bindweeds allow you to quickly attach a partition beautiful view, but at the same time spend little effort on their care.
Often a simple vase with tall plants planted in it can serve as a partition.

Here, the whole effect will come from creating a composition of these flowers, which serve as a partition between the hallway and the living room.

Blinds as a space divider

Use blinds to divide the space. Also became quite recently. This option allows, if necessary, to isolate the room, for example, to close it from sunlight. Due to their lightweight design, they facilitate the interior and do their best as a partition between the living room and the hallway.

More popular vertical blinds, but horizontal ones are also found and serve as a partition between the kitchen and the hallway.

In the materials you can find paper blinds, made of aluminum or plastic, which help to divide the room into 2 zones and not eat up the space. The wider the individual details, the more modern and integral the interior looks.

Sliding partitions like a coupe

To divide a room into two zones with a compartment door or wardrobe, use guides and door leafs. Sliding partitions perfectly cope with their role of zoning. This option is suitable for small spaces and allows you to give the room a twist, thanks to its coverage. Matte options or glossy whites that reflect light look so chic.

If you insert mirrors, you can also visually enlarge the space, and with the doors closed, guests will not even guess that you have another room.

Doors have contrast trim.

The canvas is covered with plastic.

Dividing space with threads and ropes

A decorative partition can also be made of various kinds of threads and even ropes. This option will look spectacular if you observe a strong tension of the ends.

Beads are often strung on threads.

Such options are popular in eastern countries. Now they are included in our everyday life and allow us to give color to the design.

The ombre principle can be embodied everywhere and can serve as an example of dividing a room with curtains.

Thin dark threads add airiness to the space.

We use plastic pipes as a partition

Designers do not sit still and come up with new interesting ideas for decorating an apartment. For example available to all plastic pipes can be a very stylish design element. As a result, such an unusual partition was created between the toilet and the bathroom.

Such a partition can even be made at home if you can cut off all the details evenly.
The advantages include the ease and accessibility of the design, as well as many variations of forms.

From parts of different diameters, you can create many interesting options.

Textile partition (Japanese curtain)

The easiest way to fence off the comfort zone is to use textiles. Curtains can play this role.
Thick curtains will replace the doors to the dressing room, fence off unwanted looks and emphasize the softness of the interior. The only downside is the low sound insulation.

Curtains with a beautiful shade emphasize the overall design idea.

Separation in a one-room apartment.

Bright color attracts attention. When necessary, the textile partition can be moved.

For the daytime version, tulle is suitable, and at night - curtains.

Japanese curtains came to us from organized Japan.

These are stretched canvases of fabric with a variety of patterns and ornaments. They perfectly zone the room and do not look like a heavy or foreign element.


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