Furnaces on heating oil. Do-it-yourself furnace assembly for testing

For heating non-residential and technical premises often used heating units operating on alternative types fuel. For example, a mining stove runs on used engine oil. Moreover, in addition to working out, many other types of fuel can be poured into it - these are fuel oil, vegetable oils, gear oil and much more. The effectiveness of such ovens has been proven by the experience of numerous users. And having at your disposal a source of inexpensive fuel, you can provide yourself with heat for minimal money.

In this review on mining furnaces, we will tell you:

  • About the main types of liquid fuel stoves;
  • About the types of fuel used;
  • How to make a do-it-yourself drip-type furnace;
  • How to make a pyrolysis oven with waste oil;
  • About popular factory stoves;
  • On safety measures when using furnaces for working out.

A homemade stove using used engine oil is characterized by simplicity of design and high efficiency. And low oil consumption will ensure minimum costs for heat generation.

Furnace characteristics

A waste oil stove is good because it can run on the lowest quality and cheapest fuel. In this regard, those who work as a car repairman in their own garage are lucky - by engaging in a planned replacement of engine oil, you can extract mining in almost unlimited quantities. The oil stove itself is distinguished by its cheapness, because it can be assembled from the remnants of old iron.

Waste oil is a very cheap type of fuel, and for car repair shops it is completely free.

An oil-burning stove burns fuel in the safest possible way. If you set fire to used oil poured into some kind of container, it will smoke and smoke, giving rise to hellish aromas and filling heated rooms with caustic and far from safe smoke. Yes, and very little heat will be generated from such combustion. Waste oil furnace, with a well-thought-out design, burns fuel so that it does not form soot.

Depending on the design of the furnace and its dimensions, it can heat an area of ​​up to 500 square meters. m. and even more. Oil consumption is scanty - it ranges from 0.5 to 5 l / h, depending on the power of the unit. The combustion temperature reaches + 400-500 degrees. The average height of the chimney is from 4 to 5 meters. The stoves can operate on both clean and contaminated fuels. The resulting heat can be used for a variety of purposes:

  • For direct heating of rooms due to the generated heat;
  • For cooking (only some models are suitable);
  • For use in water heating systems.

Thus, a mining furnace is a fairly versatile heater with a simple device, high efficiency and low cost.

The main types of stoves

Furnaces for mining are divided into two large categories, according to the type of decomposition of fuel into combustible components. Now we will tell you why you need to decompose mining at all. As we have already said, in its pure form, it burns with the release of a minimum amount of heat, forming a huge amount of smoke and soot. Accordingly, there is little sense from such burning. But if we heat the fuel to a certain temperature, it will begin to break down into constituent fractions.

Scheme of operation of the pyrolysis furnace on waste oil as fuel.

The resulting components are mixed with atmospheric oxygen and form a combustible mixture. It burns at higher temperatures and does not form soot. If we look at the chimney, we will see that only a small amount of light smoke comes out of it. This smoke is also dangerous, but it goes outside of our premises. And inside we are waiting for the desired warmth.

An oil-fired oven can be operated by pyrolysis. A fire is kindled on the surface of the fuel, as a result of which it begins to evaporate, burning almost completely in a perforated pyrolysis chamber. The final combustion of all residues takes place in the afterburner. Benefits of the scheme:

  • The most simple design;
  • Almost complete combustion of fuel;
  • The release of a large amount of heat;
  • The versatility of using the stove;
  • The minimum amount of soot produced.

A home-made mining furnace, built on the basis of such a scheme, will delight you with the ease of ignition and quick access to the operating mode.

The disadvantage of such a furnace is that it cannot be extinguished - it goes out reluctantly, and if it goes out, it will continue to emit a combustible mixture. Therefore, such heaters are filled with a strictly metered amount of fuel.

Scheme of action drip oven, working on mining.

The drip furnace is a little more complicated - a slightly different method of fuel decomposition is used here. It falls on a special heated bowl, breaks down into components that burn with a large release of heat. Having entered the operating mode, the dropper furnace will burn combustible fractions at the maximum high temperature - the color of the flame will change from yellow to white-blue, resembling plasma. Due to this, drip stoves got their alternative name - working out furnaces with a plasma bowl.

Naturally, there is no plasma in such furnaces and cannot be - this fourth aggregate state of matter is formed at extremely high temperatures, reaching tens of thousands of degrees.

The working furnaces themselves can have the most different design. Some use natural fuel supply, while others use supercharging, which increases the efficiency of fuel combustion and raises the temperature of the flame. Also, they may differ in case type. For example, in pyrolysis models, heat is released by an afterburner and a pyrolysis chamber. The closed-type mining stove heats with its metal case or is even used to heat the coolant in the built-in heat exchanger.

Advantages and disadvantages

You already know what the principle of operation of a waste oil furnace is. The pyrolysis principle is simple, but less efficient. And drip models are more complex in design, but provide the most complete combustion of fuel. In addition, they can work as part of water heating systems. Before we tell you how to make a working out stove, you need to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this equipment. Let's start with the positives:

As you can see, there really is nothing complicated in the construction of a mining furnace.

  • Simplicity of design - having a set of tools, welding machine and the ability to work with your hands, you can easily assemble the stove with your own hands;
  • Versatility - the equipment can be used for heating rooms and garages, as well as for cooking;
  • Cheapness in operation - due to the low cost of heating oil, the operation of such furnaces will not lead to high costs (in some cases, fuel can be obtained absolutely free of charge or cheaply);
  • The ability to work on any type of oil - from gear to ordinary vegetable (sunflower, if you do not mind burning this product);
  • The minimum amount of harmful emissions - it all depends on the output to the operating mode and the combustion temperature.

Not without drawbacks:

It is necessary to clean the chimney regularly so that it does not completely clog.

  • Furnaces for mining should be operated in ventilated rooms. Otherwise, there is a risk of poisoning by the decomposition products of the fuel and its combustion products;
  • Increased requirements for chimneys - for the furnace to work out, you need a good chimney about 5 meters high. He must endure high temperatures. Moreover, the use of an excessively high chimney is unacceptable - otherwise it will be difficult for the device to enter the operating mode;
  • When used oil burns, soot is formed - the equipment needs regular cleaning. In addition, the fuel does not burn completely, so its residues will need to be removed.

Despite the rather serious shortcomings and limited scope, mining furnaces continue to be quite popular equipment.

Heating oil

As we have already said, any type of fuel can be used as fuel for mining furnaces. The easiest option is to purchase used engine oil. Its cost is from 25 rubles per liter. If you try hard, you can find oil at more affordable prices. In this regard, auto oil shops are lucky - it can be obtained from client cars (usually no one picks it up).

In addition to working off, you can use any type of oil:

Vegetable oil ignites quickly when heated well. It even causes fires.

  • Vegetable - the most common sunflower oil burns well, releasing a large amount of heat energy;
  • Gear oil - if you are lucky enough to get a barrel of this oil, then you can use it to work your stove;
  • Synthetic oils are excellent liquid fuels for mining furnaces.

In addition to oil, you may need kerosene to kindle the stove - it is used in pyrolysis furnaces.

It is strictly forbidden to use gasoline and solvents to light stoves - they are highly volatile and ignite with pops and explosions. The same kerosene is set on fire gently and safely.

Factory furnaces, their characteristics and features

The photo shows the Teplamos NT-612 factory furnace, which runs on waste oil.

Before we tell you how to make a do-it-yourself furnace for working out, we will consider several models of factory-assembled furnaces. A typical example is the Teplamos NT-612 furnace. This is a typical fanless drip heater designed for use in garages, workshops, hangars and other non-residential and technical premises. The power of the device varies from 5 to 15 kW, fuel consumption - from 0.5 to 1.5 l / h.

Teplamos NT-612 refers to closed-type furnaces. It contains a chimney and a pipe for supplying air. Combustion of fuel takes place in the inner chamber. In order for the stove to enter the operating mode, it must be heated with a small amount of diesel fuel poured into a special bowl. After the combustion of the fuel, we get a stove ready for refueling and further work - we open the mining supply and set it on fire.

The design of this unit has a built-in tank, which can hold up to 8 liters of fuel.

A mini-furnace for working out of the "potbelly stove" type is as simple as Matchbox. It is made of sheet iron and is characterized by versatility - it heats non-residential premises and allows you to cook food (small pots, pans and kettles are placed on the surface of the afterburner chamber). The power of such units varies over a wide range. The equipment is based on pyrolysis.

Heat MS-25 can operate both on waste oil and diesel fuel.

Consider a more solid furnace - this is the heat generator Zhar MS-25. The unit can operate both on waste oil and diesel fuel. For its operation, electricity is needed, which feeds the built-in fan. The thermal power of the device is 25-50 kW, which allows it to heat an area of ​​up to 500 square meters. m. maximum flow is up to 4.5 l/h. The stove is quite large, it weighs 130 kg and requires a good chimney. The temperature of the air entering the heated rooms is + 50-70 degrees.

Do-it-yourself oven assembly

We have already considered all the features of waste oil furnaces. Industrial-made units were also affected, including a mini-furnace for working out of the "potbelly stove" type. It remains only to deal with homemade devices. We have already said that you can assemble the stove yourself using a welding machine, a set of tools and suitable iron. Let's consider this process from a practical point of view.

Next, we will tell you how to make a furnace for working out with your own hands. Let's start with the most difficult option - this is a homemade garage oven from a cylinder. The basis for its manufacture will be the old gas or oxygen balloon from which condensate is to be drained. The cylinders have rather thick walls, so at the end of the work we will get a safe oven made by ourselves.

Do-it-yourself gas cylinder stove

Looking at the drawing of a home-made furnace for testing, we can notice that the cylinder itself plays the role of the body, from which the upper part is sawn off. Case height - 550 mm.

Now we will figure out how to assemble a furnace for mining from a gas cylinder. To do this, we need a welding machine, power tools and a tape measure. In addition to the balloon, you need to prepare:

  • A piece of pipe with a diameter of 110 mm (air will be supplied through it);
  • A piece of pipe with a diameter of 20 mm (fuel will be supplied through it);
  • Metal for welding legs;
  • Metal to create a bowl.

We make a cover from the upper part, through which a pipe with a diameter of 110 mm will be inserted into the cylinder, not reaching the bottom by 60 mm. We weld a cover with four holes to the bottom of this pipe (one hole in the center, its diameter is 22 mm, three more holes with a diameter of 5 mm along the radius, with a slight indent from the middle). A pipe with a diameter of 20 mm is inserted into the hole in the middle, through which fuel is supplied.

To the bottom inner pipe we weld a metal bowl - in it we will burn diesel fuel, warming up the bowl, into which mining will subsequently drip. The cup itself is made from a piece of pipe with a diameter of 140 mm and a piece of sheet iron, cut in the form of a circle and welded on the underside. The height of the bowl is 20 mm.

By the way, it is necessary to make five rows of holes with a diameter of 10 mm in the inner tube of our furnace during mining. The total number of holes is 35 pieces (a total of five rows of 7 pieces each). Distance between rows - 100 mm.

In the end, you should get a similar design.

Next, we proceed to the formation of the chimney and blower. The blower is made at the very bottom of our stove- through it, diesel fuel is poured into the bowl for ignition and heating. Also dripping mining is ignited through it. We cut a hole for the chimney in the upper side part - we weld a piece of pipe with a diameter of 110 mm into the resulting hole. Subsequently, the chimney pipe itself will need to be welded to it.

It is also recommended to make another viewing window with a lid in the upper part. As for the intake of atmospheric air, it is better to take it from the outside by welding a cover with a hole for the air supply to the upper part of the inner pipe.

At the end of everything, we weld the top cover - the process of creating a furnace with used oil with your own hands can be considered complete. Now it needs to be tested in test mode - it is best to conduct experiments on the street. Pour some diesel fuel into the cup and wait until it burns out. After that, we open the valve with working off and see how the process of entering the operating mode begins. Only after completion of the test, you can proceed with the installation of the furnace in a heated room.

We make a pyrolysis furnace for testing

Now you know how to assemble a stove from a gas cylinder with your own hands. Working on mining or on any oil, the unit will please you with a lot of heat. For example, the scheme of the working furnace presented above is designed for heating a room with an area of ​​​​70-80 square meters. m. Let's now consider the scheme for creating a pyrolysis unit - that is, a small potbelly stove.

Scheme of the assembly of a pyrolysis furnace operating on mining.

This oven will consist of three main parts:

  • Oil container with lid and damper;
  • Combustion/pyrolysis chamber;
  • Afterburner.

The oil tank is made from a piece of pipe with a diameter of 344 mm, its height is 100 mm. From below we weld a cover from sheet iron. Our top cover is removable, it is made of a pipe with a diameter of 352 mm - sides 600 high are welded to it. In the cover we make a central hole for a combustion chamber with a diameter of 100 mm. Nearby we make a hole with a diameter of 60 mm - it will serve as a blower. This hole is closed with a simple rotating cap.

By adjusting the gap of the blower, we can regulate the intensity of combustion, which will affect the air temperature in the room. If you completely close the blower on a working stove, it may go out.

We make an afterburner - we use a pipe with a diameter of 352 mm and a height of 100 mm. In the lower part we make a hole with a diameter of 100 mm, into which the combustion chamber pipe is inserted. In the top cover we make a hole with a diameter of 100 mm for the chimney. Inside, closer to the chimney, we weld a small partition 330 mm wide and 70 mm high. Our do-it-yourself oven is almost ready.

It remains to modify the combustion chamber. Everything is simple here - we take a drill and a 9 mm drill, drill 48 holes (6 rows of 8 holes in each). With a total height of the combustion chamber tube of 360 mm, the holes should be located at a distance of 20 mm from the bottom and 50 mm from the top.

After completing all work, check the tightness of all welds - this will allow you to count on the maximum efficiency of the stove.

Check the performance of the resulting unit on the street. This will protect you from possible fire and other accidents.

We start testing the furnace - we install it on the street, fill the mining into the oil tank, pour kerosene on top. Gently ignite, leaving the blower open. After some time, the stove will go into operating mode - you can adjust the intensity of combustion with a blower. After that, the stove is transferred to the room (it must be ventilated).

In order for the heating to be as efficient as possible, install the furnace in a working out in the corner, and cover the side walls with galvanized iron so that all the heat is reflected inside the room.

Security measures

The stove in the garage for working out is a simple and inexpensive solution for heating a room technical purpose. And if the garage is a workshop where people often come to change the oil, then there will be no problems with fuel - it will always be in abundance. Care should be taken during the operation of the furnace:

  • Do not ignite faulty stoves;
  • Do not use gasoline, alcohol or other aggressively burning liquids to ignite;
  • Do not overheat ovens;
  • Do not leave equipment unattended;
  • Do not touch hot elements;
  • Keep a fire extinguisher nearby;
  • Home-made furnaces for testing must be tested in outdoor conditions.

By following these rules, you will ensure the complete safety of the premises and protect yourself from injuries and burns.


One of the most economical furnaces are waste oil, which is a cheap fuel. Usually there is enough of it at service stations, in trucking companies. Of course, mining can be disposed of, but it is more expedient to reuse it, which saves money. After all, mining furnaces provide high heat transfer - 15 kW, which is comparable to the indicators. At the same time, moderate fuel consumption is guaranteed - up to 2 liters per hour.

Note: Using a stove for mining has its advantages. The principle of air heating is applied, which allows heating workshops, garages and other similar premises. Since working off is an integral " side effect» activities of a car service, then mining furnaces are often used in such premises.

Owners significantly save on energy.

Mass production waste oil furnace

Let's highlight the advantages of using used oil:

  • no soot, burning during combustion;
  • ease of operation;
  • high fire safety (fumes burn);
  • fuel availability.


However, there is a downside to using used oil:

  • unrefined oil will clog nozzles, filters and other elements of the stove during mining, an explosion is possible;
  • unrefined oil contains alcohols, water and impurities that will not allow it to be used for the boiler.

Therefore, the oil needs to be refined. Doing it yourself is unlikely. Certain conditions are required. Therefore, prepared oil must be bought. Since car services are obliged to conclude agreements for the disposal of spent fuel, the purchase will cost a certain amount.

Simple design waste oil furnace

At the same time, more serious storage conditions must be provided for oil than, for example, for firewood. After all, at low temperatures it freezes. It is necessary to store in a heated room or to dig a hole for a container with fuel, the depth of which will exceed the level of freezing of the earth.

Device types

Let's consider what furnaces are in working out.

The most popular options are turbo burners and pyrolysis devices. In the latter, mining is heated when there is a lack of oxygen in the first chamber. The combustion of decomposition products takes place in the second chamber, where there is already a sufficient supply of oxygen. By varying the air supply level, the process temperature is controlled.

Waste oil furnace in protective housing

The main disadvantage of such a mining furnace is that it is not possible to automatically maintain the temperature, and there is also a need for periodic cleaning of the fractions that accumulate in the chamber.

Special waste oil furnace

Turbo burners operate on the principle of diesel engines. Oil enters the chamber, and its vapors burn. Such a waste oil furnace needs to comply with a certain quality of fuel. In addition, the device must be warmed up before use.

Allocate such oil stoves, given the design:

  • with drip fuel supply;
  • supercharged;
  • from a gas bottle.

Operating principle

The principle of operation of the oil-fired oven is based on the combustion of vapors. As a rule, about a liter of liquid is poured into the fuel tank. To provoke a fire, a little gasoline is poured on top, and then set on fire. After a few minutes, the oil heats up, begins to boil, vapors rise, they ignite and pass through a specially perforated pipe. Thanks to the holes, air is supplied to ensure the combustion process.

A furnace that runs on waste oil

When a stable regime is reached, a temperature of 900 degrees will be reached. There is a container on the pipe, which plays the role of a heat exchanger. It can be used as a tile or for organizing water heating.

If the scheme of the furnace for mining is correctly selected and implemented, the device can work for almost a day at one gas station. Temperature regulation is carried out using a hole through which oil can be poured. The increase in temperature is accompanied by the opening of the damper. If it is completely closed, the device will stop functioning.

Standard oil stoves include:

  • two containers;
  • a pipe with holes connecting these containers;

To make the fuel burn better, air pressurization can be used. An excellent operating principle is characterized by a stove where combustion occurs from top to bottom.

Ready solutions

A waste oil stove is quite often present in the assortment. different manufacturers heating equipment. The models on the market are characterized by different sizes, power and other parameters, not to mention the difference in appearance devices.

Ready-made models of furnaces operating on waste oil

One of the options is the Zhar oil stove. This design is designed for space heating with warm air. Waste oil obtained from various engines, hydraulic circuits and other devices is used as fuel. The device manages to successfully maintain the air temperature of 50-70 degrees. These parameters are determined at the furnace outlet. The device provides smooth adjustment of the pump rotation speed to obtain a certain level of power - from 20 to 40 kW.

The kit includes a fuel tank, which is necessary to ensure the functioning of the furnace without the need for additional refueling. Consumption - 2.5–4.5 liters. The weight of the device is 130 kg. Automatic ignition provided. A natural addition to the design is a certificate of quality.

Requirements for homemade structures

To make a do-it-yourself waste oil furnace, it is recommended to first decide on the materials for production, dimensions and other technical data. Only on the basis of these parameters can you try to ensure the efficient and safe operation of the device.

DIY waste oil stove model

The device must be hermetically sealed, its design must comply with the ideas about the safety of using such devices. Then a do-it-yourself stove made with used oil will work really safely.

Having created a drawing of a waste oil stove, you can proceed to further steps.

From a gas bottle

Note: As a material for making a stove for working out with your own hands, it is best to use gas cylinder. Such containers have sufficient wall thickness, which will contribute to more long-term operation device.

A stove made from a gas cylinder is capable of heating a room up to 100 m 2. It is quite possible to equip it to organize water heating. Such a do-it-yourself furnace requires forced air supply. The drawings of the furnaces at mining should ensure the creation of such a design that will prevent the cylinder from heating to fire hazardous temperatures.

Waste oil stove made from a gas cylinder

To make a stove for working out with your own hands, you need the following materials, tools:

  • level, tape measure;
  • drill;
  • file;
  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • steel corners;
  • pipes for the burner and chimney;
  • 50 l gas cylinder;
  • capacity for fuel with a volume of about 10 liters.

Now let's look at how to make the device yourself, focusing on pre-prepared drawings and diagrams.

The wall thickness of the gas cylinder is 1.5 cm. If this parameter is greater, heating from the inside will not be ensured, which will not allow the oil to evaporate. About 600 degrees will be provided in the chamber, while the fuel boils at 300 degrees.

A variant of the design of a home-made stove from a gas cylinder

To make a high-quality design, it is worth taking care of the destruction of the characteristic smell of gas, to which a fragrance is specially added to detect a leak. You need to drain the condensate. In some cases, the balloon is filled with water and then drained. Next, it must be tightly buried in the ground, and then cut off the top, using, of course, a grinder.

The bottom part will be useful as a chamber, and the cut off top will be used as a cover. Then you need to weld steel corners to the bottom of the cylinder, which will be used as legs.

DIY waste oil stove

Next, we take the lower part, measure 10 cm from its top, cut the hole necessary for the exhaust pipe. Therefore, when performing an operation, it is necessary to take into account its diameter (as a rule, a size of 10 cm is chosen, a length of 4 m).

A pipe must be inserted into the hole made. Holding it vertically, it should be welded. The verticality of an element can be traced using a level.

From the junction of the pipe and the cylinder, you need to retreat 10 cm along the pipe to make holes. To do this, you can use a welding machine, since the diameter is needed about 2 mm. There should be about 10 such holes, the step between them is 5 mm.

A simple design of a waste oil furnace made from a gas cylinder

A hole with a diameter of up to 8 cm should be made in this pipe. This is necessary for welding a pipe up to 4 m long. It is installed horizontally. On top of the cylinder you need to make a hole for pouring oil. Its diameter is up to 8 cm.

It should be noted that even unrefined oil cannot be poured into a home-made oven. It may contain components that can cause a fire or even an explosion.

To provide heating of water or food, you can make an additional “tray” with your own hands. To do this, you can use a steel rectangle, it is welded to the lid.

Do-it-yourself oven for working out


Oil needs to be filled in at about 0.7 of the volume of the cylinder. After that, the paper is lit, laid on top. Next, the lid closes. You need to wait a while for the temperature in the oven to rise. The oil will begin to emit vapors that themselves will begin to burn.

The simple design of a homemade waste oil furnace

And here you need to pay attention that you can not add oil, gasoline, if the stove is working. When the equipment has cooled down, you can clean it yourself.

Summing up

The waste oil stove is built on good technology, which can be used for heating non-residential premises. If you think over the scheme correctly, draw drawings, then it is quite possible to make a design with your own hands.

Independent production of a furnace operating on waste oil from a barrel

And although you yourself will not be able to achieve the same quality as that of ready-made models, home-made samples have sufficient efficiency and functionality to try to make them yourself. To provide best quality combustion, you can retrofit the device with your own hands, then the mining furnace will become an indispensable source of heat, moreover, affordable and productive.

How everything should look in the final version - you can see in this video:

In this article, we will consider the technology for creating a waste oil furnace, everything is very simple and accessible to everyone. Having at hand necessary materials and tools and knowing the basic skills of welding and cutting metals, you can do everything yourself without involving specialists. Let everything be not so beautiful, but functional!

Each caring owner makes sure that they are kept dry and warm as long as possible: garden house and a greenhouse, a crop in the cellar, a personal car in the garage and similar, dear to the heart premises and objects. At the same time, important factors are the possibility of manufacturing a heating device independently, environmental friendliness and safety. heating element. And also the cheapness of the raw materials used to produce thermal energy.

Structurally, a waste oil furnace consists of two metal tanks of round, square or rectangular cross-section, connected by a perforated pipe, equipped with a lid and a chimney. The tank located below is the firebox, the middle part (pipe with holes) is the burner, the upper part of the furnace is the heated module. The firebox is equipped with a hole with a lid for fuel ignition and draft control.

There are waste oil furnaces that have been modified in accordance with the requirements of manufacturers.

Operating principle

Fuel is refueled into the lower tank of the furnace using a funnel, set on fire with a burning rag, paper or match. It is allowed to use a small amount of gasoline, kerosene or a special liquid for quick ignition. After a few minutes, the surface layer of the fuel begins to boil, and the resulting vapors escape into the burner, where they are enriched with oxygen and burned. The products of combustion enter the upper tank, and then are discharged through the chimney into the atmosphere.

The following oils can serve as fuel for this furnace:

  1. industrial;
  2. machine;
  3. transformer;
  4. transmission;
  5. shale;
  6. diesel fuel (solar oil);
  7. heating oil;
  8. fuel oil;
  9. some waste from the paint and varnish industry.

Do not use flammable liquids as fuel - solvents, gasoline and the like.

The positive aspects of the design of the furnace

  • A waste oil furnace is very economical. Fuel consumption 0.5-2 liters per hour.
  • When burned, used oils do not emit soot and smoke.
  • Simplicity of design is a guarantee of durability, ease of installation and operation.
  • Possibility of connecting the furnace to a heating system with a water or air circuit.
  • Energy independence of the furnace (no need for electricity or gas supply).
  • Environmentally friendly (waste oil is burned, and not disposed of in drains and soil).
  • Mobility.
  • Fire safety.
  • The ability to control the heating temperature, fuel consumption and choose its type.
  • You can cook food on the top of the oven.

Furnace Disadvantages

  • The design involves the mandatory installation of a chimney that does not have horizontal sections and a length of 4 meters or more.
  • Frequent cleaning of the furnace and chimney is required.
  • If the oven is constantly used at full power, it will wear out quickly and become dirty.


Any oven requires care when handling to avoid a fire, ours is no exception!

  • burn in the firebox any materials other than oils;
  • make a fire in a stove that is not connected to a chimney if the chimney is connected incorrectly or is damaged;
  • leave the stove running for a long time without supervision;
  • allow water to enter the hot parts of the furnace, as well as into a container with oil;
  • allow children and animals to operate the stove;
  • block the holes in the burner;
  • in no case should you refuel a running stove with fuel;
  • use a faulty oven;
  • install the oven in a room with poor ventilation or without it;
  • store containers with flammable liquids in the immediate vicinity of the oven.

Important! In case of emergency extinguishing, sand or a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is used.

Waste oil furnace installation

The foundation for such a furnace is not required, since the structure is very light, but the surface on which the furnace is installed must be strictly horizontal. Install the stove in such a way that it is convenient to pour fuel. For the convenience of pouring fuel, a funnel (watering can) is used. If the floors are wooden, then before installing the stove, a metal sheet is laid on the floor.

Among important aspects regarding the design, the following can be distinguished:

  • the inner diameter of the chimney must be at least 10 cm, the wall thickness must be at least 1 mm;
  • steel thickness for tanks - 4 mm, for the bottom of the firebox and the cover of the upper tank - 6 mm;
  • burner length must be more value its diameter;
  • the optimal volume of the tank intended for fuel is from 8 to 15 liters;
  • pipes are selected from such materials as: stainless steel, copper, painted tin;
  • the chimney must be able to be dismantled for ease of maintenance of the furnace;
  • the inclined position of the parts of the chimney located in the room is allowed (to improve the heating of the room), however, outside the room, the pipe must be strictly vertical (to prevent wind blowing).

What is required for work

  1. drawing;
  2. welding machine and electrodes;
  3. grinder, cutting wheels for metal, file, sandpaper;
  4. steel corners or fittings;
  5. a set of drills and a drill;
  6. steel sheets 4 and 6 mm thick;
  7. chimney and burner pipes;
  8. hammer;
  9. tape measure and level.

Preparation and assembly of the furnace (drawing)

  1. We print the drawing and start preparing for assembly. We connect all parts with a welding machine. An exception is tank elements marked on the drawing as "tightly fitting". We make them collapsible. All welds are carefully checked for tightness. We clean the scale with a grinder or a file.

  2. We lay out sheet steel on a flat surface, make markings and cut parts with a grinder. We perform bending on a bending machine, preparing the details - the walls of the tanks. We check the tightness of the parts.
  3. On the left in the photo is the finished cover of the lower tank, on the right is its lower part. We do not weld them together, the parts should remain collapsible, but fit snugly against each other. The hole for pouring fuel into the furnace is about 5 cm in diameter.
  4. We assemble the upper tank (we weld the walls to the bottom).
  5. We weld a baffle baffle in the upper tank (closer to the hole for the burner). Attach the exhaust pipe. We will subsequently connect a chimney to it.
  6. On the pipe intended for the burner, we drill 48 holes with a diameter of 9 mm each. We connect the upper chamber and the burner by welding.
  7. We check the dimensions of the parts. Install the sealing ring.
  8. We weld a tank designed to fill the oil. We equip it with an overflow pipe.
  9. We cut out three legs 20 cm long from a metal corner and connect them to the bottom of the furnace.

Creating a waste oil furnace with your own hands - video lesson

Some details of this furnace can be cut from a thick-walled pipe, a used gas cylinder. But if there were no cylinders, there is no possibility or desire to bend the metal into a radius, you can mount a similar furnace, but square section. Cutting out the details of this design is much easier. In the absence of a grinder, we use guillotine shears for metal.

  1. Prepare the bottom of the oven. To do this, we connect together the legs, bottom and side walls of the fuel tank.
  2. The upper part of the firebox must be hermetically put on the lower one. We carefully check the dimensions of the walls before cutting metal. We attach the fuel tank cap to a screw or steel riveting to make it possible to turn the cap if necessary.
  3. We weld the pipe, which we will connect to the chimney.

Since the chimney will have several sections with a slope of 45 degrees, we install special bends at the junctions of the pipes. In the place where the pipe passes through the ceilings, we additionally sheathe it with non-combustible materials ( mineral wool) and a layer of metal (a special “pass through the roof” element is sold for this in hardware stores, which facilitates installation). In addition to the bends, clamps and a metal fungus are useful, which prevents rain and snow from entering the pipe.

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For heating technical rooms like garages, workshops and utility blocks, a do-it-yourself stove can be made to work out. Drawings, videos and additional information about the creation process will allow you to better understand the basic principles of the construction of such a structure.

Before starting work, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of furnaces operating on the presented type of liquid fuel. After evaluating the positive and negative points, you can decide whether to engage in self-manufacturing heating structure.

The configuration of structures can be very diverse.

Enumeration of the main advantages

First of all, it is proposed to consider a list of the main advantages:

  • acceptable fuel consumption;
  • fast ignition;
  • relatively simple device;
  • the possibility of creating a water circuit;
  • quite compact dimensions
  • ease of operation.
Helpful information! If necessary, a furnace operating on waste oil can be introduced into a water heating system by placing pipelines for the coolant in certain places.

A few minor flaws

Do not forget about the disadvantages that such ovens still have. The first of these is the rapid cooling of the structure. Normal heating is provided only during fuel combustion. However, for utility rooms this disadvantage is not significant.

Another disadvantage is the need for frequent cleaning of the chimney and the oil chamber itself. However, in reality it all depends on the time of operation of the structure. In garages and workshops, stoves are not heated all the time.

About the main types of structures

It is possible to make at home not all types of furnaces for working out with your own hands. Drawings, videos and technical data for certain types designs will be a useless application due to their complex structure. You can independently make only ordinary pyrolysis burners, which are assembled on the basis of ready-made containers or using metal sheets.

As for models with dripping liquid fuel, it is hardly worth trying to make them yourself. Such designs are distinguished by economical fuel consumption, but are difficult to manufacture. In addition, they are sensitive to the quality of the fuel used.

Do-it-yourself stove for working out: drawings, videos and other useful information

Although many specialized stores have a working stove, not all consumers are eager to buy it. Many of them are trying to find a more economical solution, which consists in self-construction of the structure. It is assembled from inexpensive elements.

Making a furnace with used oil with your own hands: drawings of structures from a gas cylinder

As a basis for a future design, you can take an unnecessary gas cylinder. Its walls are quite thick, so it will take a very long time to burn through. In addition, such a container has a suitable shape. From additional materials you will need metal pipes, corners and sheets.

The internal space should be divided into two combustion chambers. One will be at the bottom and the other at the top. From the bottom side, legs made of metal corners are fastened by welding. A partition is attached to the cover of the upper chamber in the same way. It should be located closer to the chimney.

Two circles are cut out of a steel sheet. The first of these will act as a removable cover for the lower chamber. The second circle will create the bottom of the upper compartment. Holes are made in the center of the blanks corresponding to the diameter of the chimney.

48 holes are drilled in the connecting pipe, eight of them are made in a circle, and six are in height. Their diameter should be 9 mm. This is necessary for the afterburner, in which the burning vapors will be saturated with oxygen. At the final stage, a chimney is connected to the structure.

In the finished drawings of the waste oil stove, you can find the specific dimensions of certain parts. If they are not indicated, then it is necessary to independently make measurements.

Creation of a waste oil furnace with a water circuit from sheets of metal

Above, we talked about the construction of a structure from a finished container in the form of a gas cylinder. However, many people want to learn how to make a mining stove from ordinary sheets of metal directly with a water circuit. The steel thickness for the walls should be 4 mm, and for the covers and bottom - 6 mm.

Blanks are cut out from individual sheets according to the drawings. They are cut out with a grinder, after which they are welded to each other around the perimeter. Seams after production are mandatory checked for tightness. A 6x6 mm hole is made in the cover of the lower compartment for pouring fuel.

Holes are drilled in the connecting pipeline, as is the case with the gas cylinder design. A chimney is attached to the top cover.

Basic rules for operation and maintenance

To protect yourself when using a homemade stove, as well as extend the life of the structure, you must follow some rules:

A heating device using used engine oil is an economical and simple solution to the problem of heating a garage, workshop, greenhouse, and even at home. In addition to the cheapness of fuel, which is, in fact, waste, this furnace has a high coefficient useful action. A do-it-yourself stove for working out, the drawings, videos and photos of which are presented in this article, can be completely made independently.

An oil stove can be made from a gas bottle

A device that runs on engine oil is especially popular at car services, where this raw material is always in excess.

Advantages of the heating device in development:

  • as a result of burning engine oil, soot and fumes are not formed;
  • the device is fireproof, since it is not the oil itself that burns, but its vapors;
  • the raw materials for the operation of the furnace cost nothing, it can be obtained at any service station.
Helpful information! Many car services that use other types of heating are happy to get rid of mining stocks, as it is difficult to dispose of.

Cons of using mining:

  • before use, mining must be cleaned of impurities of water and alcohol, otherwise the nozzles of the unit may become clogged;
  • mining cannot be stored in the cold, so it will have to be kept in a warm garage or in a specially prepared bunker.

Do-it-yourself types and drawings of a waste oil furnace

Homemade devices for testing come in several varieties:

  • constructions from metal pipe or gas cylinder;
  • devices with additional air supply;
  • heating appliances with drip oil.

Most often you can find heaters made from the body of a conventional gas cylinder.

Waste oil stove drawing:

Drip oil supply is a rather complex process that is difficult to reproduce in artisanal conditions. Typically, these ovens are manufactured by industrial manufacturers and can be purchased. A drip-type stove is capricious in terms of fuel purity, so only purified oil is suitable for it.

In such furnaces, a special filter is installed for cleaning. Some craftsmen use car fuel filters for this purpose. A drip pump can also be taken from the car, making a return line to eliminate excess pressure. To adjust the oil supply, a conventional medical dropper is used.

Features of the operation of oil stoves

The oil filler cap and adjustment tools must be located in a free access area. To remove exhaust gases, you will need to install an exhaust ventilation sleeve. The inner diameter of the sleeve must be at least ten centimeters. Well, if the exhaust pipe is easily detached from the stove, it will be easier to carry out regular cleaning of the unit.

Note! The end of the ventilation sleeve must be absolutely vertical, otherwise the wind will be able to blow into the chimney and extinguish the flame. The height of the vertical section is at least four meters.

Before starting the heater, it is necessary to check the integrity of the ventilation and the absence of unnecessary objects in the device. To speed up the kindling procedure, a little lighter fluid or kerosene can be added to the fuel compartment.

After five to ten minutes, the stove will begin to heat up and the fuel will boil. After starting the process, it is important to control the stove and periodically add fuel.

Note! The gap in the opening of the firebox should be no more than one and a half centimeters, so soot will not get into the room.

To stop the operation of the device, simply stop the oil supply. A fire extinguisher is used for emergency extinguishing. water oil ovens simmering is not recommended.

How to properly ignite the furnace for working out, video:

The heater must be cleaned at least once a month. For this purpose, the device is disassembled, soot is removed from the inner walls and the chimney. After cleaning, all joints are coated with sealant.

Security measures

It is important to remember that a waste oil stove is a device that, if safety measures are not followed, can harm property and human health. That is why you should:

  • Do not use acetone, gasoline or other flammable liquids as fuel. Failure to comply with this rule is fraught with an explosion of the device.
  • Remove all pieces of furniture, textiles from the oven. There should not be anything within a meter radius of the stove that can easily catch fire.
  • Do not use the stove without a chimney, with closed air intakes and leave it unattended for a long time.
  • It is not recommended to fill the stove with water to extinguish the flame.
Helpful information! For independent emergency extinguishing of a fire, you can prepare a solution of twenty-five liters of water, eight kilograms of salt and four and a half kilograms of ammonia. This mixture is stored in hermetically sealed half-liter bottles. In the event of an emergency fire, bottles are thrown into the fire zone with force so that they break. The gas formed from the mixture will extinguish the fire.

How to make a stove for working out with your own hands: drawings, videos, photos

The heater on secondary engine oil has the following main structural elements:

  • the first chamber with an opening for air and fuel refilling;
  • a second combustion gas chamber having multiple oxygen access openings;
  • the third, upper chamber for smoke formation and afterburning of residual gases.

Waste oil furnaces

You can make an oil stove yourself. For this purpose, a faulty gas cylinder with a one-piece body will be required.

For work you will need:

  • welding machine for arc welding;
  • drill, tape measure, building level, grinder;
  • chimney and burner pipes;
  • bottle of fifty liters.

Related article:

In a separate post, we will talk about right choice this device according to your needs and budget.

How to make a working oven:

  • Iron legs twenty to thirty centimeters high are welded to the cylinder.
  • The body is cut in accordance with the diagram.
  • The entrance for the radiator is drilled, and a pipe is installed.
  • A hole with a diameter of five centimeters is cut at the top of the tube for air movement.

The stove is painted with a mixture of chalk, silicate glue and aluminum powder.

Video: do-it-yourself stove for working out, drawings and assembly process

  • It is not necessary to install a furnace for working out in rooms where people are constantly present. The unit burns out oxygen, which can adversely affect a person's well-being.
  • To increase the efficiency of the device, you can organize additional air supply using a fan.
  • The upper part of the oil stove is very hot, you can heat water or heat food on it.

Heat from waste

Having studied the drawings and video of making a stove for working out with your own hands, we can say with confidence that nothing is impossible. Assembling an oil-fired stove does not take much time.

Such a heating unit is an invaluable device for a garage or service station, where mining is waste material. It is only important to observe safety measures and operate the device correctly.

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