Is it possible to insulate an adobe house with foam. How and how to insulate the house from the outside

The construction of the foundation of the building is an important stage in construction. The strength of the entire structure depends on how correctly the base is laid.
To build a strong and durable foundation for one-story house, must be guided regulations SNiPa: 2.02.01-83 "Foundations of buildings and structures" and 23-01-99 "Construction climatology".

Features of foam block material

Foam concrete blocks are made of cellular concrete by pouring it into special forms. The resulting layers are cut into elements suitable for building houses.

Varieties of foam blocks

The material is divided into three types depending on the density. For private construction relevant:

  • structural elements of grades D1000-1200;
  • structural and heat-insulating blocks of grades D900-500;
  • heat-insulating segments of grades D500-300.

The high density of foamed concrete allows the construction of a two-story building with a reinforcing belt.

Building material properties

Foam block buildings are becoming relevant for the owners of suburban areas. This is facilitated by the properties of the material:

  • unique "breathable" structure, thanks to which sweating of the walls is excluded;
  • the ability to keep warm in winter and cool in summer;
  • profitability - due to heat saving, the cost of heating the home is excluded;
  • good sound insulation;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • ease of processing and strength of the walls.

Low cost elements based on sand, water, cement and special foam. Small costs for consumables for construction allow you to invest more in the arrangement quality foundation Houses.

Compared to brick buildings, foam block buildings are lighter. If square meter brick wall weighs 1.8 tons, then the foam blocks have a mass of 0.9. Therefore, it will be impractical to build massive foundations. For a foam block dwelling, a monolithic tape, slab or pile base is sufficient. Regardless of the type of foundation, it is worth considering the criteria for its construction and design.

Depth Selection: Influencing Factors

The depth of the foundation for a one-story building is determined through accurate, competent analysis and calculation, taking into account the characteristics of the structure and environment. The choice of recess is influenced by the following indicators:

  • degree of soil freezing;
  • climatic features of the region;
  • groundwater level;
  • the quality of the soil surface, the occurrence of layers;
  • availability of design additions (basement, basement, garage);
  • foundation type.

The laying of the foundation for a house of expanded clay concrete blocks is carried out above the groundwater level and below the freezing layers. Correct calculations ensure the reliability and durability of the building, the main building material of which is expanded clay block.

What influences the choice of plinth height?

The height of the foundation for a one-story house is set taking into account the following factors:

  1. relief features land plot under construction. In the presence of small slopes, the depth of the foundation for a one-story house increases; in areas with seismic activity, additional measures are necessary to increase the stability of structures. The complete picture is provided by the calculation based on geodetic data.
  2. Structural features of the building and its purpose. The construction is carried out with or without a basement.
  3. The level of passage of groundwater.
  4. The presence of nearby buildings and the type of carrier system used.
  5. The composition of the soil, the presence of various voids, layers in layers and other features.

The ground part of the basement for a house made of timber can rise several meters above the ground, unlike heavy brick buildings.

Varieties and types of soils

When calculating how deep the foundation should be installed for a one-story block house, the types of soil should be taken into account. It happens:

  • non-porous - rocks, sand;
  • heaving - sandy loam, loam, clay;
  • slightly puffy - a varied mixture.

The best for the construction of residential buildings from expanded clay concrete is considered to be a non-porous type, characterized by high strength and the ability to withstand various loads. For it, the optimal depth of the base is 0.5 - 1 m, for mixed - 0.5 - 1.25 m, for clay - 1.2-1.5 m, without taking into account other factors.

Types of foundations for one-story buildings

The foundation for a house made of blocks is the supporting part of the structure. It depends on its type how reliable and durable the house will be. For the construction of a block one-story building, 3 technologies for laying a monolithic system are used: a traditional strip base, a columnar structure and a slab system.

Laying depth of the strip foundation

For one-story buildings, with heaving soil, laying depth strip foundation is 60 cm with a shallow type. The design resembles load-bearing floating systems that lie under the sole and are able to tolerate the movement of soils.
The recessed type is performed below the freezing point of the soil. The laying depth reaches 1-1.5 m. A monolithic tape with reinforcement is being constructed. This type is typical for the construction of massive brick, block houses.
Experienced craftsmen note that the width for the foundation should have a size that exceeds the thickness of the walls by 5-10 cm. This will ensure the reliability and stability of the foundation of the building.

Pile foundation level

The strength of the building depends on the depth of the basement. For the construction of one-story buildings, a pile foundation is often used.
The method of building a foundation using piles has gained popularity due to the use of drill-shaped rods. A bored structure is a universal way to equip a basement floor and has several advantages:

  1. Used on terrain with characteristic slopes.
  2. Does not require preliminary preparation of the soil and clearing the construction site.
  3. Is economical. The laying is carried out using a minimum amount of building materials.
  4. The pile system is not a continuous structure, which ensures unimpeded communications under the building.
  5. The construction is carried out without the use of special equipment.
  6. The laying of the foundation of piles can take place in turn, in contrast to the strip foundation, where the pouring of concrete must be carried out immediately around the entire perimeter.

What will be the installation depth of the pile foundation - the support for a one-story house built of blocks must necessarily be 10-15% below the freezing level of the soil. This will allow the bar structure to easily carry the loads of the building. On heaving soils, to ensure the strength of the system and prevent deformation of the structure, the piles are additionally reinforced.

Features of mounting the slab base

The monolithic system is stable and reliable. The slabs are solid concrete base. To lay them, it is necessary to prepare a foundation pit and clear the construction site.
The slab is laid to a depth of 60-100 cm, on a sand and gravel cushion. The base is able to withstand heavy loads of buildings.

How to calculate the optimal depth for laying the basement: expert advice

After determining the type of foundation and analyzing the parameters specific to a particular area, it is necessary to calculate the optimal depth for installing a solid foundation for a one-story building.
Each calculation is individual, but its implementation obliges to comply with the recommendations of the following nature:

  • any type of supporting structure is laid on average 10% below the freezing level of soil layers. For example, the freezing point is 100 cm - the trench is dug at a depth of 110 cm.
  • for loose soil in a temperate climate zone, it is advised to equip a shallow foundation (monolithic or from blocks). The plate deepens on average by 45-100 cm.
  • for a slightly heaving mixed group in harsh cold latitudes, a design is used that digs in 1-2 m.
  • The foundation for a one-story block house using two laying technologies is characterized by reliability and durability. For example, a strip base with the addition of reinforcing rods.
  • for swampy and clayey terrain, it is planned to lay a monolithic slab system with piles. The installation of the base is carried out at a depth of 2.5 m.

Some builders advise to carry out the construction of the base with a "margin". But this is not always the right decision. Firstly, it will still be necessary to carry out land work, and secondly, financial costs are necessary. The expediency of its implementation is excluded on permanent dense soils, with low seismic activity, in temperate climatic zones.
For the construction of a supporting structure for a one-story house, builders often use a strip foundation. Other types of bases have gained popularity due to cost-effectiveness and quick do-it-yourself work. To build your reliable home, it is better to resort to the use of several technologies in the construction of a durable and solid foundation.

Residential buildings with one floor have been popular with craftsmen for many years. They are economical, easy to design and build. To build a foundation for a one-story house, you need almost half as much building materials than for a two-story building.

Types of structures

Before starting construction work, it is necessary to develop project documentation. These are diagrams and drawings that will help you choose the optimal type of carrier base. For a one-story house with your own hands, you can make such a foundation:

  1. Monolithic;
  2. Columnar;
  3. pile;
  4. Tape;
  5. Column-flight.

Monolithic- This is a type of construction when a large trench is dug under the future house, repeating or slightly exceeding the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building itself. It is compacted with sand or crushed stone pillows, and then poured with cement mortar. Sometimes foam concrete or gas silicate is used, but most often such materials are used in construction country house. Sometimes such a support is built by installing a finished monolithic slab from concrete and reinforcement, which significantly reduces the time of construction work.

Photo - monolithic foundation with a sole

Columnar- a very popular type of foundation, which is considered one of the most economical options. It can be made using flood poles, installing supports made of foam blocks or bricks, and also driving concrete foundations into the ground. It is mainly used for wooden houses, block or residential premises made of timber.

pile- an analogue of the columnar, but it is used on problematic soils. At first glance, the unreliable support system copes well with high loads - on average, up to 18 tons can fall on one pile. The pile structure is used on sands, stony and clay soils, also with the help of such a system they build houses on swampy soils.

Tape the foundation for a one-story residential building is, in most cases, the ideal solution. Due to the combination of high load-bearing performance and economical consumption of building materials, most home craftsmen choose just such a system for their home. Belt type the base can also be made from block brick, aerated concrete, foam concrete, cement mortar and ligaments of reinforcement.

Photo - strip foundation

Column-tape or tape pile - this is a combined type of supporting structure for a private house. In most cases, it is simple design with point supports, which are additionally reinforced with a grillage. But some craftsmen use a more complex system for their buildings. The technology of internal pillars is the principle of building a foundation, when a trench is first dug, which is suitable in depth for the foundation. After that, additional cylindrical pits are dug in it, they, together with the upper trench, are filled with mortar.

Photo - high strip foundation

All types have their advantages and disadvantages to choose suitable option- be sure to consult with experts.

Video: foundation on screw piles

Technical specifications

Before starting construction, you need to know what should be the height and depth of the foundation for a one-story house. These dimensions can be calculated, having only the initial data on the planned wall thickness and the material of the buildings as a whole. First, you need to calculate what bearing capacity the soil has in your area.

Photo - shallow foundation

You can find this indicator in the geological bureau of your region. After you need to calculate how much pressure the building exerts on the foundation. To do this, all loads are summarized: floors, roofing materials, walls, doors, windows, insulation, etc. The resulting number is multiplied by a conditional coefficient of 1.3 - this is an approximate pressure that will be exerted by furniture and residents. A certain number of tons will come out - this is the mass of the building.

Next, you need to calculate the dimensions of the foundation. Here, each type has its own characteristics. For example, if everything is very simple with pile and columnar (the selected support and the weight of the house is divided by its bearing capacity), then everything is more difficult with tape and monolithic. At the foundation for a one-story house with an attic, the minimum allowable depth is 30 cm for rocky soil, 60 for sand and 85 for loam. Similar indicators for greater reliability can be taken for a monolithic slab, but in this case it will come out very expensive. This is a normally ruined foundation, for wooden structure or frame house can be made shallow, but its parameters need to be calculated more accurately.

After calculating the depth, you need to decide on the width. The minimum allowed width of the strip foundation is 25 cm, while it is very important that the sole, i.e. the base of the support system, is slightly wider than the upper part. Of course, the thickness of the walls plays a big role here. Masters advise taking a size for the width of the foundation, which is 5-10 cm higher than the thickness of the walls. You can choose the right proportions according to the finished project of the building.

Photo - foundation project for a one-story house

How to build a base

When the width, thickness and height of the foundation for a one-story house are known, you can start building. Consider how to make a tape support system:

  1. You need to make a trench that will match (or slightly smaller) the size of the future tape. Its walls must be strengthened wooden planks- this will protect the system from destruction;
  2. Next, install the armature. You can build it with a checkerboard pattern or tie several bundles and fasten them together. It is advisable to mount the rods in the center of the trench;
  3. After that, you can proceed to pouring the foundation of the system. It is advisable to do all the work with concrete in one day so that the base hardens evenly;
  4. The design will dry from 3 days to a week, depending on weather conditions.


Many projects imply that it is necessary to insulate the foundation for a one-story house (especially with a brick, foam concrete or high pile foundation). For these purposes, you can use an additional layer of cement mortar (fur coat), or take care of thermal insulation in advance. To do this, before pouring, a waterproofing film is installed on the sand cushion.

Photo - insulated foundation

Regardless of the height of the foundation, it wraps around its entire area. After the structure is poured, and another layer of insulation is installed on top of the finished base. It can be economical foam or more expensive foam concrete. Such a facade device will protect the residential building from heat loss and flooding.

The foundation for a one-story house is different from the basis of a multi-storey building. A one-story building exerts less load on the foundation, in contrast to a building with several floors. In addition, the dimensions of the base of a building with one floor smaller sizes the base of the overall dwelling. But all this does not mean that a low-rise structure can be erected without much effort. The basis is the main element of the house, therefore, when constructing it, you must follow the instructions and follow all the rules and regulations.

Base for a building with one floor: types of bases

There are many basic structures on which you can build a one-story structure:

  • Tape base;
  • Pile base;
  • slab foundation;
  • Columnar basis.

The choice of design depends on a number of specific factors, the main of which is almost always the composition of the soil on the site. Each type of soil has its own basic structure.

A strip or column base will become ideal solution if the building is built on loose and non-porous rocks. In wetlands, on floating waters, as well as on soils prone to frost heaving, it is necessary to use a monolithic foundation or a pile structure.

When choosing a base, not only the types of soil are taken into account, but also the landscape of the site. If the relief of the building site is relatively flat (maximum slope is five degrees), then it is possible to perform a monolithic and tape basis. In a place where the angle of inclination is slightly larger, it is worth stopping the choice on a columnar base. And in especially hilly areas, a pile foundation is erected for a one-story house made of aerated concrete, foam concrete or other light material.

Speaking about the materials from which the structure is made, it should be noted that they also affect the choice of the basis option. Obviously, the base for a brick building with one floor will be somewhat different than the base for a house made of wood. Therefore, the foundation option is determined by the types of building materials.

For example, wooden structures are erected on columnar structures, heavier buildings (made of stone, brick, etc.) are made on tape and monolithic bases, and pile-type bases are suitable for almost all structures made of non-massive block materials.

Dimensions of the basic structure for a one-story building

The dimensions of the base are determined based on the size of the facade, since the width of the walls must fit into the width of the base. Therefore, the dimensions of the base in any case will exceed the dimensional characteristics of the walls of the building, whether it is a base for a wooden structure, or a foundation for a one-story house made of expanded clay concrete blocks.

As for the depth of laying the foundation, it is determined by other factors:

  • The higher the groundwater is located to the surface of the earth, the less the structure is deepened;
  • The depth of foundation in the area dominated by heaving soil should exceed the level of soil freezing by 0.3-0.5 m. If you ignore this recommendation, there is a risk that a non-massive one-story building will undergo deformation under the influence of seasonal heaving of the soil;
  • If the building plan provides for a basement, then the depth of the foundation will be similar to the depth of the part of the structure below the ground surface, plus 0.3-0.5 m.

The width of the base of a low-rise building, as a rule, should be equal to the bearing wall of the building, plus 15-20 cm.

Ultimately, this dimensional characteristic depends on the heat resistance of the materials used. For example, the width of the base for a wooden structure does not exceed 40 cm, because the crown (25 cm) protects inner space home from severe frost.

If a foundation is being made for a one-story house made of foam blocks, a width of 60-75 cm is enough for it, because in order for it to be warm in such a structure, the wall of the house made of foam blocks must be no narrower than 60 cm.

High-quality thermal insulation brick house it is possible if the width of the walls is 0.8-1 m. Based on this, the thickness of the base for a brick structure cannot be less than 1-1.2 m.

The width of the basis can be artificially "cut off" by mineral wool, which is mounted on the facade. A layer of insulation of 5 cm can reduce the size of the wall of foam blocks by 20 cm. And pre-insulated masonry of hollow bricks makes it possible to build walls 0.5 m wide, which will significantly reduce the thickness of the base (by 2 times).

The use of strip foundation

The tape basis is almost always used as the basis for buildings with one floor. The design provides for the presence of a basement floor, the walls of which are the walls of the base itself.

Strip foundation for a one-story brick house(or a house from another type of block) is performed in the following order:

  • The building site is being cleared and levelled. Marking is applied;
  • The upper fertile layer of soil is removed from the construction site;
  • A trench is digging along the boundaries of the marked area under the base;
  • The bottom of the trench is leveled (you can check its evenness with a building level);
  • A sand cushion is poured;
  • Waterproofing is laid on top of the sand cushion;
  • If a monolithic structure is being built, a formwork frame is mounted;
  • The frame is being reinforced;
  • Concreting is done in layers. To prevent air voids from appearing in the solution, it is necessary to use a building vibrator.

After the concrete has hardened, the formwork box is dismantled, waterproofing is laid and the voids between the base and the soil are backfilled. The strip foundation for a one-story house (made of aerated concrete, foam concrete or brick) is ready.

Using a pile basis

Such a base is used in places where unstable rock prevails. The main feature of the foundation is the redistribution of the load on more stable soil, which is located at great depths. This basic design has another advantage - in order to deepen the pile supports, there is no need to use specialized equipment.

Pile base laying technology:

  • The construction site is being cleared;
  • The site is marked;
  • At the points that were planned in advance, wells with a diameter of 200 mm are drilled;
  • At the bottom of each hole, a sand cushion 100 mm thick is poured, which is wetted with water and compacted;
  • A layer of crushed stone (100 mm) is poured onto the sand. The backfill is leveled;
  • Asbestos-cement tubes are placed in the pits;
  • Pipe reinforcement is in progress;
  • The finished elements are poured with concrete mortar;
  • A grillage is being carried out along the borders of the future house.

The use of a monolithic structure

Despite the fact that the base of this type gives the impression of the most impressive, the technology of its construction is not particularly difficult. This foundation is in the form of a solid platform. This design is often used when there is a risk of deformation of the base: in areas dominated by heaving soils, in areas with special soil moisture.

The work is carried out in the following order:

  • The site is being cleaned;
  • Marking is applied around the entire perimeter of the future structure;
  • A pit is dug under the basic structure;
  • The sand and gravel cushion is being dumped;
  • The concrete base is being poured;
  • Waterproofing is laid in 2 layers;
  • mounted wooden frame across the entire width of the pit;
  • The box is reinforced;
  • Concreting of the monolithic base is being carried out.

After the concrete has matured, the foundation for a one-story brick house is coated with bitumen.

Video: building a foundation for a one-story house:

ElenaRudenkaya (Expert Builderclub)

Good evening.

The fact that you did not do geology is very bad, as it is important for the foundation and the whole house. Well, let's work with what we have.

In order:

1. The layer of chernozem must be removed at the very beginning from the entire construction site, since plant particles in the chernozem constantly rot.

The depth of the foundation depends primarily on the freezing of the soil, on the weight of the house itself, and on the characteristics of the soil on which it rests. Soil freezing in Kazan is 170 cm. The solid base is loam or sandy loam (rather heaving soil). By all standards, we must lay the foundation below the freezing depth by at least 10 cm, that is, 1.8 m. The house is quite large. Consider first a monolithic reinforced concrete strip or strip foundation made of FBS blocks. You can read more about these foundations in our article. The foundation is tape. Strip foundation device technology. At the same time, the laying depth should be taken at least 1.8 m, excluding backfilling. That is, the trench will have to be 2 m deep. This is the minimum foundation depth that is safe for the house on your soils in the area, regardless of the material of the walls of the house and its other characteristics. Also, immediately after construction, it will be necessary to make a blind area along the perimeter of the house, make it at least 80 cm wide with a slope from the house and make sure that surface water did not stand under the house (the slope of the blind area should be from the house). If possible, the blind area can be insulated, then the soils adjacent to the foundation blocks will freeze less, you can read about it in detail in the question Insulated blind area - saving on the foundation or in the article Blind area. The device of the blind area at home, thermal insulation of the blind area. It is obligatory to apply adhesive waterproofing on the outer walls of the foundation, it is desirable that modern synthetic material such as glass roofing material or other type of roofing material be used.

For a monolithic strip foundation, I would advise taking concrete with a frost resistance of at least F100 and a water resistance of W2. More than W4-W6 makes no sense to take. You can also take ordinary concrete M 150 or M 200 and add hydrophobic additives there, since the reservoir is nearby. For example, Aquatron, Penetron, etc. there are a lot of them now. They just raise the mark for water resistance. Since groundwater can rise up to a meter from the surface of the earth. ground water there is close to 100%, perhaps so far only partially. Usually, during construction, everything shows up, you can break underground mouths by digging a foundation pit. But we will understand this only when you start construction, because although the neighbors of 40 m were digging a well, this does not mean anything at all. Geological data may vary by 3 m2.

The width of the tape is selected depending on the width of the wall, I think in your region it should be at least 600 mm (although we can double-check the thickness of the insulation according to thermotechnical calculation, tell me if you need it), respectively, the width of the tape will be 600 mm. Under the extension, a bed of 10 cm of sand (tamp down), leveling the pit with sand, if water does not appear, will be enough.

Reinforcement: 8 rods of longitudinal reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm, connected with clamps of transverse reinforcement with a diameter of 8 mm in increments of 40 cm (same as in the extension). The indentation of the reinforcement from the edge of the concrete is at least 5 cm, it can be a little more - up to 7 cm. Schematically, reinforcement is shown in the diagram below.

A worthy option for consideration is a 600 mm wide FSB tape laid in 3 rows, a block height of 600 mm, a total of 1.8 m is obtained (just what you need). It will cost much less than reinforced concrete tape. Under such a foundation, it is necessary to add sand and crushed stone 25-30 cm with tamping and concrete preparation is the same as for the reinforced concrete tape (expansion as in the diagram above) - 600x300 mm with reinforcement 12 reinforcement (you can do without concrete preparation). But then along the top row of blocks (before brickwork plinth) it will be necessary to make an armored belt with a height of 250-300 mm per block width with reinforcement with 12 reinforcement (4 horizontal rods and tie them in a “box” every 30-40 cm). Scheme:

A good option is bored piles, buried at least 2-2.5 m (preferably 2.5), with a low or high monolithic grillage. A low grillage can be made provided that you add sand under the grillage. It should be noted that with heaving soils (you have clay), the grillage should “hang” on piles at a height of 150-200 mm from the soil surface, for which a pile protruding from the ground is made (soil heaving, can reach 15 cm in moisture-saturated soils).

High grillage

The foundation parameters are as follows: bored piles with a depth of 2-2.5 m and a diameter of 300-350 mm. We recommend pouring piles into fixed formwork, such as asbestos-cement pipes with a diameter of 350 mm or any other pipes of the same diameter (metal or plastic). What is it for? It happens that a pile is poured and instead of 2 cubes of concrete, for example, 3 cubes leave, since the concrete can flow into the ground and be distributed incorrectly there (this extra costs and the pile may turn out to be of irregular shape).

When the well for the pile is ready, to increase the strength of the pillars, it is necessary to make a spatial reinforcing cage. For a pile with a diameter of 350 mm and a length of 2-2.5 m, 3 vertical bars of reinforcement Ø 10 mm are sufficient, fastened together through 400 mm crossbars from reinforcement Ø 8. It can be reinforced with 4 longitudinal, but three are enough, the diagram below. To connect the pillars with the grillage, vertical rods must be brought above the poured piles to a height equal to the height of the grillage minus 2-3 cm.

Pile reinforcement scheme

A grillage is made under all load-bearing walls (as well as piles) with a width of 600 mm, a grillage height of 500 mm is enough.

The monolithic grillage is reinforced: 4 rods of longitudinal reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm, connected by transverse reinforcement with a diameter of 8 mm every 30 cm. Reinforcement indent from the edge of concrete - 5 cm.

It is necessary to make a reinforcing cage, according to the accepted reinforcement scheme. Scheme:

Scheme of releases of frame reinforcement

For questions from our readers, we have written a lot useful articles I advise you to read this article in its entirety. Do-it-yourself frame house. Foundation for a frame house. It describes piles according to TISE technology, and you will have bored piles to such a depth, the technology is almost the same, only in bored piles the cone bottom of the pile, and TISE with expansion. With the extension of the pile has best performance, but they are not made to such a depth as 2-2.5 m.

Regarding the arrangement of piles, you may have everything right, but there is no size between the piles. The principle is correct: piles should be at angles and at intersections bearing walls. The rest are placed at a distance of no more than 2 m.

2. I described question number 2 in the first one, the only answer is that, yes, judging by the plan, your inner wall of 0.4 m is a carrier. And you correctly placed the piles. For her, you can make a grillage 400 mm wide, not 600 mm.

3. We do not have a reinforcement project, since we only work with diagrams and small drawings. It seems that everything can be understood from them, and this is usually enough for everyone. I've put in everything I could to fit your needs.

It will just be possible then to delve into the bored piles. There, the grillage can be very deep, but it is necessary to fill it with sand so that the earth does not swell and it does not break the grillage with its pressure.

4. About the basement. The basement is carried out immediately after the piles and grillage are completed. But the basement, this is a "loud" word, with this type of foundation, it will be possible to make an underground in some place for storing vegetables.

With your pile foundations, it is possible to make an underground if there is no water nearby. To do this, you need to step back from the piles and the grillage inside 1 m (from each wall) and dig a pit. At the bottom, you can pour a small slab on the ground up to 150 mm and build brick walls in the brick floor. Only on such walls it will not be possible to hang shelves for cans, therefore it is better in a 250 mm brick. Ideally, your cellar should be at or below the freezing depth. Then there will be good temperature for storing vegetables. Also, you need to take care of natural ventilation in this room. The scheme is something like this:

5. I can't say anything without geology. Do you have streams flowing in the spring on the site? Is the property in a low area or upland?

6. And under the stairs and under the fireplace, a separate shallow slab foundation 25-30 cm thick is made. With reinforcement with 2 reinforcing meshes with a cell of 100x100 mm from wire 4-6 mm.

7. For internal bearings, the laying depth should be the same, the width can be reduced to the thickness of the wall (400 mm).

8. It is better to do waterproofing and insulation immediately. If only the grillage will be insulated, it is completely simple and fast. And if it is still tape, then it is better to do it right away, because then it will be difficult to apply warm bitumen to a dirty surface and it will not be possible to dig out the entire foundation at once, only in parts. With an insulated blind area, all the more so, since the EPS is placed under the screed.

The floor on the ground will also need to be insulated, but this can be done already before pouring the finishing screed.

And yet, you remember that 2 layers of roofing material are laid on the grillage before laying the wall, so that the wall is not saturated with moisture from below the ground.

9. It is better to make terraces either with a separate slab of 30-40 cm. But I like it more when the foundations are solid, so you can simply place piles and one intermediate one at the corners of the terrace (it all depends on the size of the terrace), if the terrace is large. The porch is made according to the same principle, a couple of piles in the corners and a grillage with masonry.

10. So, only water and sewer pipes are laid underground. It is very convenient to bury them under a pile foundation, since this can be done after the construction of the box to the floor on the ground. The laying depth is usually below the freezing level of the soil, but since there are now good thermal insulation materials, then in your case, provided that you insulate the pipes, you can lay them to a depth of 1.2-1.3 m. Electricity and gas always go on top.

Ask. It is very difficult to answer so many questions at once, as now it will be "mess". It would be desirable and convenient for you to create separate branches with questions.
