Stages of attic construction, materials used, rules and regulations. Attic floor - we build a house with an attic floor on our own At what stage of the construction of the attic is the wiring

More and more people are turning to self-construction Houses.

There are many reasons for this, and everyone is guided by their own motives.

But the main thing is savings, of course, subject to knowledge of the matter.

Building a house for every man should be a mandatory attribute of success.

Investing in real estate is the best thing to do. The house will stand for decades and over time its value will only increase.

Of course, much depends on the design of both the internal and external parts of the residential building.

For a quality construction, you will need to study the technology of erecting a mansard roof. Another important skill is knowledge of carpentry. Or you can study the instructions yourself, which describe in detail the entire project of work. You should also pay attention to the fact that there are various.

When starting construction, you need to be puzzled by the following questions:

  • What are the best materials to use when building a mansard roof?
  • How many work steps are to be completed?
  • How many people will be needed to help with the construction?
  • What attic do you want to build?

It is best to plan the construction of the attic, installing a gable roof with a broken line, so you can get the largest possible area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future room.

Before starting any construction should be developed. When working through it, take the figures indicated in the calculations seriously, even the slightest mistake can lead to future damage to both the roof itself and the walls of the house.

So how to do mansard roof? This article will help you answer this question.

  • For soft roofs solid;
  • Discharged for slate.

Naturally exist certain rules installations soft roof , here they are:

  • If the pitched angle of the roof is located in the range from 5 to 10 °, then the roof has the form of a continuous flooring, special waterproof plywood or boards are used;
  • When the slope of the roof is between 10 and 15°, in this case the roof is made of timber with dimensions of 45 × 50 millimeters and in increments of 45 cm;
  • If the value of the oblique angle is greater than 15° for the crate a beam of 45 × 50 mm is used, but with a step of 600 mm;
  • For the skate attachment area install an additional beam.

Lathing under a soft roof

Installation of Mauerlat and truss system

Mauerlat is laid after work has been done to level the attic and place the flooring.

Due to the placement around the perimeter of the attic Mauerlat all non-straight corners can be corrected.

Beams are used as material.. The thickness is selected under the edge of the walls.

When you put the Mauerlat under the edge of the eaves, you should be especially careful.

Ensure that the structure is non-distorting, because it is impossible to enclose additional elements. You will have to disassemble part of the outer masonry of the wall and raise the inner part of the wall.

Mauerlat installation

Insulation installation

You need to insulate the attic if you are going to settle in it. First of all, it is worth deciding on the material used as. The best solution there will be special basalt slabs.

The density of the insulation is needed at least 30-40 km per cubic meter otherwise, its subsidence in the future is inevitable. And the thickness is 150 mm. Also, a special film is installed in the roof to protect it from getting wet.

Step-by-step installation of insulation

Installation of battens and counter battens

After the base is installed, it is necessary to install to strengthen the structure. This is necessary if the slope angle is large..

The counter-lattice is installed from small bars, which are superimposed on top of the main crate, already laid waterproofing layer. When installing a counter-lattice between the roof and the base, a ventilation space is formed, which allows to increase the service life.

Lathing installation

Installation of waterproofing and vapor barrier

Do-it-yourself sloping roof requires the installation of waterproofing. To protect the roof from moisture penetration between the roof and the base a special layer of roofing felt or film is laid. The counter grille helps better ventilation to get rid of the effect of vaporization.

The most common evaporative protection system is a three-layer design - a hydrobarrier.

  1. Reinforced lattice. It is woven from polyethylene fibers.
  2. Anticondensate or barrier barrier.

Waterproofing is installed on the rafters or crate.

Installation of waterproofing

Types of roofing materials and their installation

The market offers a wide range of roofing materials for every taste. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Any builder first of all looks at the cost of the roof, then at its quality and service life.

roofing material


The construction of a mansard roof requires special diligence and painstaking work if you want to get a high-quality and final result. We will have to invest a lot of effort, not only physical, but also moral.

It will take a smart approach to work so that it ends without problems. Encountering a number of obstacles, most owners turn to the help of hired workers. But on the other hand, what can bring more pleasure than not done quality work with your own hands.

Useful video

In this video you will learn how to assemble a mansard roof:

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The construction of the attic is a very important process that is carried out both at the design stage of the entire house and after its construction. This room provides its owners with additional square meters of living space. On the features of the construction of the attic, we will consider further.

Attic construction: project and its development

The attic is a rather difficult part of the building to build. It is preferable to design it at the stage of building the house itself. Because, the construction of a residential attic already on a finished building is not always possible. First of all, due to the fact that the attic room has a considerable weight, and therefore loads the foundation.

The construction of the attic consists of a certain kind of stages, such as:

  • attic construction blueprints;
  • dismantling of old roofing materials, in the event that the attic is being built on an already finished building;
  • strengthening the walls on the upper floor, strengthening the foundation, if necessary;
  • erection of the walls of the attic room;
  • roof construction, its insulation, waterproofing and finishing;
  • installation of window structures;
  • internal finishing works.

Compliance with all technological nuances in the construction of the attic will allow you to get a reliable and durable building.

The first and most important stage is the drafting of an attic room. At this stage, one should take into account such features as the size of the room, the material used in its construction, the roof and the level of its slope, and many other nuances.

There are three ways to design an attic. The first is the most budgetary, drawing up a project manually. However, this operation requires minimal design experience. The second way is to use ready-made project documentation, however, it’s not a fact that someone’s attic project is completely suitable for your home, so you still have to make some adjustments to it. The third way is to contact specialized organizations that, in the shortest possible time, will help you draw up an attic project for you, which is ideal for your home.

In the process of independent design, one should take into account the wall loads on the building, its appearance And Decoration Materials used both indoors and outdoors. In addition, it is imperative to take into account the load from the building on the foundation, it may need to be strengthened. If the attic is too heavy, then there is a risk of deformation or cracks in the house.

Experts will help you choose the best building materials, which, on the one hand, will ensure the durability of the attic in operation, and on the other hand, will help reduce its load on the base of the entire building.

In addition, after drawing up the project, it should be coordinated with special government agencies. In the presence of a competent project, this process will pass quite quickly.

Do-it-yourself attic construction in the house

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the option of building an attic in an already built and commissioned residential building. In this case, the first step is to dismantle the old roof. Thus, it will be possible to expand the under-roof space, and increase the safety of the building under construction.

To dismantle the roof, it is not necessary to hire specialists, all work can be done by hand. To do this, you must first get rid of the external roofing finishing material. Next, you need to completely remove the crate and truss system.

After that, it is necessary to strengthen the walls on the adjacent floor, since the attic will exert a certain pressure on them. The design features of the attic put pressure not only on the surface of the base of the building, but also on its walls. Therefore, first of all, before the construction of the attic, it is necessary to strengthen the walls that lie close to it. To do this, you should use special calculations, according to which this process is performed and the level of strength of old walls is determined.

The next stage is the insulation and waterproofing of the attic floor, which is also the ceiling on the previous floor. With the help of this action, it will be possible to ensure a healthy atmosphere in the room. To insulate the attic, you can use various heat-insulating materials in the form of foam, mineral wool, etc.

Attic construction photo:

This is followed by the process of building walls in the attic room. The walls are made in relation to the project developed in advance. Most often, wood or timber is used to build walls. To insulate the attic, it is recommended to use mineral wool or expanded polystyrene. When choosing a material for exterior and interior wall decoration, try to give preference to materials with a high level of fire safety.

The next process is the construction of the roof. In this case, the calculation of the correct angle of inclination of the roof is very important. Since too sloping roof will adversely affect the usability of the attic space. Please note that the roof must be properly waterproofed, since if there are the slightest leaks on its surface, moisture enters the attic.

In addition, the shape of the roof should be as simple as possible, the presence of broken and curly elements will only complicate the process of their construction. Also important is the issue of insulation of the attic. For these purposes, use different kind Construction Materials. When choosing a heater for the attic, try to give preference to materials that do not absorb moisture, are resistant to frost, temperature extremes and rodents. In addition, the heat-insulating material should not allow heat to pass from the room.

It is best to focus on internal thermal insulation work. To form it, follow a series of steps:

  • install the finish in the form of a plasterboard or plywood base;
  • form a layer of vapor barrier; special films are used for these purposes;
  • lay insulating material - perfect solution - mineral wool;
  • ensure proper waterproofing of the roof with a special kind of membranes;
  • lay the outer finish roofing material.

To build a roof, you will also need to install a truss system, mount a crate, the installation step of which depends on the type of roofing material. After the installation of the roof is completed, the windows should be mounted.

In order to ensure quality lighting in the room, several windows should be installed in it, the size of which directly depends on the size of the attic itself. The window in the attic ceiling must be of high quality. It must be resistant to precipitation, wind, temperature changes. In addition, with the help of window structures, high-quality ventilation of the attic is provided.

Further actions for the construction of the attic are associated with the conduct of internal finishing works, organization of heating, decoration and design of the premises. Strict adherence to all recommendations for the construction of the attic will help ensure long-term operation of this room.

Frame attic construction technology

A frame attic is a great solution for any home, garage and even a bathhouse. Among the advantages of frame-type attics, we note:

  • ease of construction, so it does not load the main building, there is no need for additional strengthening of the walls and base;
  • affordable cost of the attic - in comparison with its stone options;
  • high level of thermal insulation and sound insulation;
  • the possibility of building an attic of almost any shape and configuration;
  • ease of construction work, since the materials for the construction are quite light and no special equipment is required to raise them to the surface of the house.

The construction of a frame attic allows you to get a finished building with excellent heat and sound insulation performance. In addition, the roof will remain intact, and the usable area of ​​​​the premises will increase significantly.

A simpler process is the construction of an attic on a building that has not yet been erected. The construction of an attic on an already finished house requires the dismantling of the old roofing. Work should begin by studying the characteristics of the soil on the site and determining the bearing capacity of the foundation. If the foundation is not able to withstand the attic, then it will be necessary to carry out a number of works aimed at strengthening it.

Next, you should examine the walls of the house for their susceptibility to additional loads. In this case, if necessary, it is necessary to strengthen the walls. After that, the old roof is dismantled and the ceiling is strengthened.

The construction of a wooden attic consists of the following stages:

  • production of a frame system;
  • wall installation;
  • insulation of the attic walls;
  • installation work related to the installation of the roof;
  • attic finishing with roofing materials and roof insulation;
  • interior decoration attic.

In addition, the construction of an attic involves the installation of window and door structures, the manufacture and installation of stairs, etc.

In order to carry out the construction of an attic from a bar, it is necessary to prepare edged board, plywood, self-tapping screws and directly the beam itself. The frame structure should be comfortable in height for the movement of an average person. The optimal height of the attic is at least two meters. The height of the ridge zone should be about 350 cm.

The easiest way is to assemble the frame on the ground, and then raise it to the roof. The top beam or frame frame will act as a hearth in the attic. To fix the frame structure on the surface of the house, special plates or plywood are used. Thus, it is possible to obtain a special platform. The knots and quality of fastening depends on the material from which the walls of the attic are made. Self-tapping screws are used to connect the timber in the upper part of the structure. After manufacturing frame walls the roof should be thermally insulated and waterproofed. After that, the external and inner lining walls, windows and doors are mounted, internal finishing works are carried out.

When planning an attic, you should carefully analyze the general condition of the main building. The attic can be one room or will consist of several rooms. At the design stage, the design and shape of windows, as well as their location, should also be taken into account.

The attic should be built from lightweight, but at the same time durable materials. Since the materials should easily rise to the roof and exert a minimum load on the base of the building.

Most optimal materials for the construction of an attic - a tree or a steel profile. An attic made of stone or concrete will load the main building. Roofing materials should also be lightweight, but at the same time durable and reliable. Preferably used for roofing shingles or piece metal. We recommend using plasterboard for interior wall decoration and for leveling them.

Since the attic is located above the main building, it is more in contact with cold air. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure proper thermal insulation of this room. The heated air in the room should not penetrate through the insulation. In addition, in order to prevent moisture from entering the room, it is necessary to ensure its waterproofing.

In relation to the design features of the attic, it consists of a system of rafters, which is installed in compliance with a step of sixty centimeters. To fill the gaps between the rafter system, it is recommended to install heat-insulating materials such as mineral wool inside them. It is possible to lay insulation in one, two or even three layers. To calculate the total thickness of the thermal insulation material, the total heat loss coefficient in the room should be taken into account. To protect the roof from the inside of the room, a vapor barrier should be installed. Next, you should finish the roof with drywall, lining or finishing panels.

Do not forget to leave a ventilation gap, the main function of which will be to get rid of excess moisture in the under-roof space. The width of this gap depends on the type of roofing material. FROM outside of thermal insulation material, a vapor-permeable wind protection should be installed.

An excellent vapor barrier material is polyethylene film, glassine or roofing material. The insulation is laid with an overlap of 15 cm. Construction tape is used to glue the seams. Please note that foil waterproofing is laid with a foil coating inside the room. Thus, the foil will reflect the heat that comes from the room.

Attic construction video:

Free space under the roof of the house can be converted into a residential attic. This is not only a rational option to turn the attic space into a functional area, but also a great way to increase the usable area. Turning an attic into a room today is not difficult. Fortunately, there are advanced technologies for this and modern materials. Often, all work is carried out independently, taking into account the nuances of such a room. The arrangement of a free zone under the roof is useful not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a functional one. When carrying out work on the arrangement of the upper part of the house, the mansard roof is additionally insulated.


The popularity of houses with an attic is explained by the peculiarity of the architecture of the building. The attic got its name from the founder, the French architect Francois Mansart, back in the 17th century. Since then, it has become convenient to use the last floors of buildings, although initially they were allocated for household needs, it was not a living or warm room.

Today it is quite possible, for example, to equip an additional bathroom. But more often the room is modified for an additional bedroom, living room or game room for children. The attic will never be a living room in the traditional sense due to the broken roof and technical nuances. However, this does not prevent many from planning the construction of houses, taking into account additional meters, just in case. Like any building, an attic room in a private house has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

It is worth mentioning the following main advantages of a functional room in a private house:

  • no additional structures are required;
  • the building is able to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house;
  • no need to solve problems with sealing buildings;
  • you can beat the design of the external appearance of the structure;
  • even a two-level design is reliable;
  • heat losses are reduced (this is especially noticeable in winter);
  • in the process of arranging the attic, as a rule, major repairs are not required.

When evaluating the quality of the building as a whole, it would be useful to recall the shortcomings of the attic:

  • sometimes this is not an opportunity to increase space, but a clear “loss” of useful meters (mainly in old houses);
  • problems may appear in the presence of sloping ceilings and walls;
  • hydro and thermal insulation of the house leaves much to be desired (what to say about the attic);
  • old roof windows sometimes cause a lot of problems.

Peculiarities attic floor often lie in the fact that this room itself (more often in modern houses) extends almost along the entire perimeter of the house. In this regard, it is often necessary to modify or supplement the facade of the house (parapets, niches, ledges, decorative elements) in accordance with technical features roofs. In individual construction, the possibility of completing or altering the mansard roof is provided.

Types of roof structures

For individual construction, the use of various options for the roofing system is typical.

Particular attention is paid to the construction of a mansard roof, which differs in the main types of structures:

  • single or gable (broken, gable);
  • hip and semi-hip.

Characteristic features for each type determine the possibility of arranging the attic.

Today, in addition to traditional, more modern forms are used:

  • shed mansard roof with a sloping area (mounted on bearing walls Oh);
  • rigid gable mansard roof with a slope on opposite sides;
  • sloping roof (installation of a gable roof option);
  • a hip or half-hip roof with four slopes (the end slopes of the hip roof differ in shape in the form of beveled triangles (the gable area is protected at the half-hip roof);
  • pyramidal (also called tented) types of roofs, which are not widespread, are distinguished by their polygonal shapes.

The shape of the roof is not the only distinguishing feature of a modern mansard roof. What matters is the height of the building and the nature of the coating (corrugated board, metal, you can make plastic tiles).

Separately, it is worth highlighting the universal distinctive features of the mansard roof:

  • it is not only the roof, but also the walls of the house;
  • the maximum height of the building is not more than 2.5 m;
  • the possibility of installing metal-plastic windows with tempered glass;
  • multilayer structure;
  • the cost of a mansard roof is ultimately more than a regular one.

Even when designing a house, you can choose the most suitable shape roofs, lengthen if necessary rafter legs(layering from the walls is about 50-55 cm), calculate the loads and allocate space for windows.

Types and sizes

The highest point of the height of the under-roof space must be at least 2.5 m in order to consider this room as an attic. Otherwise, it's already an attic. According to SNiP, you can set the minimum value from ceiling to floor.

Differences in the types of attic roofing are determined by the following values:

  • semi-attic - with a vertical wall height of less than 0.8 m;
  • attic - with a wall height of 0.8 to 1.5 m;
  • floor - with a wall height of more than 1.5 m.

The width of the structure is another main component for determining the type of attic. The minimum standards for width are at least 80 cm. For a residential attic, this indicator (width) increases to 2 m, especially if the width of the house itself is at least 4.8 m. As for the building area, this parameter can be set using a special formula. Calculations are carried out in accordance with building codes and regulations. The area of ​​​​an ordinary attic cannot be less than 16 square meters. m. The attic project covers everything structural elements- roof slopes, supporting walls, gables, rafters. The type and size of the attic room is fully taken into account.

In general, the work on the arrangement of the attic is as follows:

  1. the roof is checked;
  2. lathing is carried out (from wooden boards);
  3. fastening of insulating materials is carried out;
  4. the top of the truss structure is strengthened;
  5. stiffeners are checked (if necessary, replaced) - rafters for the roof;
  6. beams are laid along the perimeter of the outer walls, they are connected to the rafter structure;
  7. diagonal bevels (ties) are performed to give strength to the mansard roof;
  8. supporting supports are strengthened.
  9. A waterproofing layer is laid, insulation.

Useful area calculation

When arranging the under-roof space, it is important to correctly calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe attic room. The size, size, height of the attic, especially the angle of inclination are closely related in the calculations. Any redevelopment is carried out in accordance with the norms of SNiPa. So, according to this provision, the minimum height of the dwelling under the roof is 2.5 m. The slope of the roof affects the calculation of the height of the room. Thanks to the calculations during the design, it is possible to reflect the real parameters of the upper floor of the house to obtain a usable area.

You can do the attic area yourself when calculating, but the initial data will depend on the following parameters:

  • slope level of 30 degrees (in the narrowest part of the slope, the height is 1.5 m);
  • slope level of 45 degrees (in the narrowest part of the slope, the height is 1.1 m);
  • the slope level is 60 degrees and above (at the narrowest part of the slope, the height is 0.5 m).

To calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure, the smallest height is taken and and is multiplied by 0.7 (reducing factor). Then, for the minimum level of the walls of the attic with a slope of 30 degrees, an indicator of 1.2 m is obtained; from 45 to 60 degrees - 0.8 m; over 60 degrees - do not limit. It is important to remember that successful project an attic with a modern roof requires accurate and accurate calculations, for this you can use specially designed computer programs (a work scheme will appear before your eyes).

Design and materials

When choosing materials for the construction of the attic, timber is traditionally chosen, and aerated concrete is also actively used. But there are other options for building and finishing materials for construction, the main thing is that it be frame technology. The choice is made based on the type of structure and its size, taking into account the configuration of the roof and the slope of the walls. Wooden rafters are best suited for the attic frame, moreover, it is important that they are perfect - without cracks and knots, especially without signs of decay.

As for the choice of aerated concrete, it is a fairly cheap and easy-to-install material. In addition, it is strong and durable. Aerated concrete blocks can be further processed with a special tool. However, due to the lime that is part of the material, aerated concrete cannot be classified as environmentally friendly materials. Instead, you can use corrugated board, foam blocks or sip panels. The advantages of the foam block include a sufficient level of noise and heat insulation.

When arranging the under-roof space, competent design and drawings are of great importance. Modern mansard roofs enjoy well-deserved popularity not only in cottage construction. More and more different options for small country houses with an equipped attic appears in our open spaces. It's all about the rationality and efficiency of such a room. Ready-made roofing schemes are of interest, which imply an attic in a classic form, although the alteration of space even in an old house is not always capital. Most of the schemes are not very complex, so the entire attic or balcony can be designed and made by hand. There are separate schemes for finished structures, where beams and ceilings do not even change.

Engage in design should be at the initial stage of construction or repair. The attic floor is included in the project of the house. And the choice of roofing type largely depends on how successful the building as a whole will be. The finished attic space can also be skillfully converted and equipped, turning it into a full-fledged functional room. Thanks to modern technologies and materials today it is not a problem to design an attic floor in a finished house. The project can be selected by the type of attic.


The room under the roof is given special role so that it can be used comfortably.

To this end, a number of requirements are imposed on the attic space under the attic:

  • the shape of the attic should be as convenient as possible;
  • you need to pay attention to warming;
  • room lighting is also important.

Proper planning will help to realize many useful ideas. The geometric shape of the attic has become a classic of the genre. Such a roof can be triangular or broken, with symmetrical or asymmetrical sides relative to the walls of the building. The floor itself can be located both on one of the sides and across the entire width, even somewhat going beyond the boundaries of the outer walls. Some of these projects involve the installation of additional supporting structures, for example, in the form of columns or walls.

In general, roof structures can be designed as follows:

  • in the form of a separate multi-level floor;
  • solid floor with two-level development;
  • two-level floor with the base of the mezzanine floor.

The load-bearing walls of roof structures usually consist of two parts:

  • vertical wall (wall material for the construction can be used the same as in the construction of the lower floors);
  • inclined wall (its frame is rafter system, and the roof serves as an outer skin).

The ratio in the project of all these elements among themselves depends on the design as a whole. The shape of the mansard roof gives the whole house a special look. Attic premises of a residential type may vary in the shape of the roof.

Basically, it is customary to distinguish the following types:

  • shed roof (without sidewalls, with a single roof space);
  • gable roof (a complicated design that allows you to design a comfortable attic floor, taking into account the roof windows);
  • a broken gable roof with a characteristic silhouette (slopes can be bent inward or bent outward).

A competent project allows you to "free up" the desired usable area. It can be increased by installing a vertical, attic wall. It is worth considering that the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200ba hipped roof is less than that of a gable roof. This is due to the large number of bevels that do not allow free design of the under-roof space. Optimal use standard project attic.

Since the height of the attic floor is important, it affects the usable area. In addition, the height distinguishes the type of room under the roof. For the overall picture, it does not hurt to study the project of a typical attic structure in section.

Let's consider what it is.

  1. If the height of the vertical wall of the roof space is more than 1.5 m, then this is already a full-fledged floor. In the center of the structure, you can move freely without bending over. With an attic wall height of more than 2 m, we can talk about a functional room, which in terms of comfort will resemble a typical room.
  2. If the attic has a single or gable roof with an attic wall height of about 0.8 m (up to a maximum of 1.5 m), then this design is characterized by increased functionality.
  3. The presence of walls less than 0.8 m high (or if there are no vertical walls) may indicate an insufficiently functional room.

There are several ways to turn the attic into a functional room, more convenient and rational. The general tone is set by the interior of the roofing room. Sometimes extraordinary solutions may be required for its arrangement, but it is better to follow well-known and proven rules in work. So, quality characteristics attics largely depend on the purpose of the room. For example, it is convenient to turn a small, narrow attic into an extra bedroom. The high attic allows you to equip an entire guest floor under the roof. It is also important what furniture will be in the room and, accordingly, you can build in a wardrobe or put a rack.

It is important to comply with two general requirements:

  • for a large room, the height of the walls to the floor from the ceiling is not less than 2.2 m;
  • the height of the attic walls from the level of the bed is about 1.4 m.

A competent ceiling device will improve the proportions of the room under the roof to the desired ones (in accordance with the standards).


Do-it-yourself construction of an attic roof implies a strong foundation and a reliable floor, the presence of reinforcing supports to ease the load due to the attic floor (the attic needs to be further strengthened). Sometimes it is necessary to further strengthen the foundation of the house or redo a separate foundation. Professional skills are indispensable here.


Even at the initial stage of the attic device, it is necessary to resolve all issues related to the design features of the building, taking into account all the partitions. The house may have slopes that affect the design features as a whole. And the under-roof space itself can differ in a variety of forms. The interior decoration of the attic will depend on the features of the intra-roof structure. If the roof of the house is constructed in a special way, then you will have to remove the old rafters and materials, replacing them with new ones, taking into account the specifics of the project (additional load, angle of inclination and other design features the buildings).

truss system

The entire truss structure must be calculated and designed for the type of attic floor. The best option for a typical house - the manufacture of an attic floor with a broken gable roof. Such a roof has a large load on the walls, however, the combined area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe attic space is most often equipped in this way. At the same time, it is important to comply with the requirement for the presence of additional load-bearing supports (installation of inclined rafters designed for vertical and horizontal loads). When installing the rafter system, the Mauerlat is installed, after which the rafter legs are assembled and installed. The installation of the rafters is carried out, starting from two opposite legs, they are pulled on top of each other (the installation accuracy must be adjusted). This is how the frame of the truss system is installed, after which the crate is performed, which depends on the roofing material.


When constructing the upper floor, it is important to take into account the complexity of the attic roof. She is different from typical roof already by the fact that it bears the functional load of the residential and roofing premises. The ceiling of the house is a mansard roof with the necessary sound and heat insulation layers, with the finishing of the room. It should be as warm, comfortable, spacious and light as possible. An additional crate of the roof structure will improve the quality of the thermal insulation of the attic floor, although mineral wool can serve as the main insulation for these purposes.

High-quality finishing of the roof-ceiling depends on the purpose of using the attic. So, for example, lining, fiberboard, plywood sheets are traditionally used for summer cottages. Finishing of residential premises is carried out with more substantial and expensive materials. Roofing material for exterior decoration creates comfort for the interior of the attic. In this case, slate, bitumen-based materials and modern tiles are traditionally used. It is better not to use metal sheets, they do not retain heat and create additional noise during rain, wind. It is also better to refuse roofing material, since in summer it heats up a lot, releasing a specific smell.


The correct frame of the roof structure includes the arrangement of windows. They are installed between the rafters. For the reliability of the window attachment points (bottom and top of the structure), horizontal lintels from a bar are placed.

Installation of roof windows is carried out in stages:

  • build an opening for a window;
  • mount a frame with a dismantled double-glazed window;
  • lay insulation and a layer of waterproofing;
  • carry out fastening of the gutter of the window structure;
  • install details;
  • return the dismantled double-glazed window to its place;
  • perform interior decoration.

There is not always a constructive opportunity to build or expand the usable area of ​​​​the house by adding a full-fledged upper floor or side building. To increase the space in small houses, it is best to use the attic. It does not take up much space, but it allows you to “unload” the house a little, saving on construction.

In order to build an attic or make it from an attic, you need to stock up on materials:

  • rafters are placed from wooden beams(with a section of 50x180 cm);
  • the crate is made of a wooden board;
  • end wall cladding is made of wall panels;
  • fastening of roofing elements is carried out on self-tapping screws, nails, metal profiles and metal corners;
  • during construction, heat-insulating, vapor-proofing and waterproofing materials are necessarily used;
  • roofing material is used at the finishing stage;
  • at the end, the interior decoration of the room is done from modern facing materials, the main heating is installed.

Before starting work, it is important to make sure that the floors that are located between the first floor and the attic are sufficiently strengthened. Loads need to be calculated. After making sure that the fasteners are reliable, you can proceed to the arrangement of the truss system. In the process of work, the quality of the connections of each element of the system is controlled. For a sloping roof project, support beams with end walls are first mounted. After that, work begins on the collection of the frame structure of the truss system.

Separate elements of the truss system are fastened with a groove-ledge connection and with metal plates for greater reliability. The use of all wooden elements is possible after special processing for additional protection. Flame retardant treatment is also required to reduce flammability wooden structures. After assembling the truss system, they proceed to the processing of the bevels of the walls and internal partitions.

An obligatory stage during the construction of the attic is the ventilation of the attic floor. It was enough for the attic to ensure the ventilation of the room. The attic building must meet the requirements of the dwelling. Ventilation problems can lead to heat loss, moisture condensation, and rot. All these external factors can lead to subsequent destruction. Simple ventilation is ineffective here, forced ventilation of the system and insulation is necessary.

Next, the arrangement of several layers of the mansard roof is carried out: the very top is a roofing material, under it is a waterproofing material, a crate, a heat-insulating and vapor barrier material, and a ceiling finish. It is important to emphasize that the sequence of multi-layer stacking cannot be changed. Installation of insulation is carried out on the truss system. There is a gap between the insulation and the roof for natural ventilation. In some cases, insulation (mineral wool and other fire-resistant insulator) is laid on the crate.

The heat-insulating layer is about 25-30 cm thick. For reliable fixation of this layer, an additional frame perpendicular to the rafters can be used. A vapor barrier in the form of a breathable membrane and a waterproofing material are attached at some distance from the insulation. It is worth considering that not only the roof should be insulated, but also the walls of the attic room to ensure greater comfort. It turns out a "pie", which ensures the reliability and strength of the structure. Finishing the roof-ceiling is made in the usual way- sheets of plywood, ceiling tiles, drywall, clapboard.

Decorative decoration of the attic depends on the overall design of the room. Usually the walls and ceiling are covered with wallpaper in the style of the whole house. Walls can also be painted or plastered.

Warming and soundproofing

The main sound insulation in the attic room falls on the floors. Noise reduction is necessary to ensure comfort in the upper part of the floor, and so that excess noise does not spread to neighboring rooms.

For this purpose, old proven methods and new technologies are used:

  • polyethylene foam with foil is laid on the logs (on one side);
  • sand 5 cm thick is poured between the beams.

Properly executed soundproofing dampens impact noise from above, whether it be steps, falling objects. For sound absorption, mineral wool, polystyrene or felt, as well as basalt slabs, are often used. It also provides vapor barrier and thermal insulation.

Due to the constant contact of the attic roof with atmospheric loads, summer overheating or winter cooling of the roof, it is necessary to carry out work on additional insulation of the attic. To do this, even at the stage of construction, under the slate or other flooring, a special protective layer insulation and films against moisture. The main scope of work on waterproofing the attic is carried out from the inside after the completion of the main stage of construction.

It is important to leave a small space between the roofing layer and the insulation for natural ventilation. Today, additional external insulation of the attic is being carried out modern means so as not to reduce the usable area inside the attic building. The light weight of the insulation does not allow the structure to sag or deform. On sale there are special heaters - materials for spraying. They create a uniform, durable surface that prevents the appearance of moisture.


original and practical solutions on the cladding of a wooden or brick attic room they give free rein to fantasy. The design of the attic is largely determined by the overall design decision, but sometimes the most daring ideas are used. Facing the attic floor is primarily associated with features finished construction. In this regard, the interior decoration of the attic has a number of features.

It is necessary to pay attention to several points.

  1. The presence of skylights affects the internal appearance of the attic. They are located on the slopes of the roof. A normal window is located on flat wall, the room gets more light.
  2. Can you think of unusual design attic walls, for example, in colorful shades that contrast with the color of the ceiling or floor.
  3. The bevels of the mansard roof can be designed in a designer way, emphasizing all the unusual design of the attic room.
  4. The special atmosphere of the attic room is given by non-standard furniture (for example, irregular shape). A low, non-equiangular cabinet will fit perfectly in the narrow and low part of the attic.
  5. A large attic area can be divided into functional zones.

There is only one real opportunity inexpensively increase residential square meters private house. It is in the attic to organize an attic. In this article we will talk about how to properly build an attic so that it is inexpensive. We will analyze two options: when a house with an attic is already in operation, when a house is just being built. Let's consider the entire technological chain: from the choice of materials to the finishing of new premises.


Rules for organizing an attic in an old house

What is an attic. This is under the roof of the house. That is, there is nothing above it, except for the roof structure. Therefore, the attic can be organized in any attic, regardless of what type of roof it is located under. the main task- create all the conditions for a comfortable stay in the attic room. That is, it should be not only beautiful and comfortable, but warm in winter and cool in summer, not to mention the presence of the necessary communication networks.

To make an attic on an old wooden or brick house, you need to think carefully about everything. Firstly, it is necessary to solve the issue of constructing a solid floor with laying a floor base. Secondly, the issue of roof insulation. These are the two main tasks. After that, you can engage in the laying of heating systems, plumbing and sewerage, install air conditioning, and carry out the finishing of new premises.


Floors in the attic

If we are talking about wooden house, then the floors in it are formed by load-bearing beams from timber, on which boards are stuffed. Wooden flooring must be insulated. The same construction is often found in brick houses. But in most cases, concrete floor slabs are used with brick buildings, which are also insulated.

How to quickly make floors in the attic along the floor beams.

    On the laid beams along their lower edges, the so-called tiled bars.

    across at them stacking boards close to each other.

    Laying waterproofing film, which will perform the functions of protecting the insulation from moist air vapor emanating from the rooms of a private house.

    Between the beams on the waterproofing layer lay insulation(mineral wool or polystyrene foam boards).

    over the beams lay the vapor barrier.

    Top across installing plank floor from grooved boards. You can use plywood or OSB boards, which will later be laid flooring(laminate, linoleum, tile, etc.).

The main task of the manufacturer of works is to make the floor even, durable, and heat-resistant.


If the floor of the house is reinforced concrete slabs, then the insulation is carried out in the following order. It all depends on what thermal insulation material will be used. For example, expanded clay:

    overlap leveled with concrete screed small thickness (3-5 cm);

    after drying of the latter, the entire area of ​​​​the floor base closes waterproofing film in the form of strips, which I overlap with each other with an offset of 10-15 cm and are closed with adhesive tape;

    around the perimeter of the attic stack the bars section 70x70 or 100x100 mm, they are attached to concrete floor anchors;

    in the longitudinal or transverse direction stack the same bars with a step of 1-1.5 m;

    into the resulting cellular structure expanded clay falls asleep medium or fine fraction;

    on top the crate is covered vapor barrier membrane;

    on top of the heat-insulating cake along the laid bars boarded floor or slab, sheet material.

If slab heat-insulating materials are used as a heater, then everything is done in exactly the same way. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the tight pressing of the insulation boards to the elements of the floor crate so that there are no cold bridges.


Roof insulation

If the roof rafter system, the crate and the roofing material itself are in good technical condition, then the issue of building an attic in the country is simplified to a minimum. What do I need to do:

    first of all, all wooden elements of the roof structure processed at first antiseptic composition after drying flame retardant;

    on rafter legs fit vapor barrier film so that it exactly repeats the configuration of the rafter legs, as shown in the photo below;

    then between the rafters lay insulation, in the photo below this is also clearly visible, the main thing is the tight pressing of the material to the ends of the rafter legs;


    over two stacked materials stretch waterproofing film;

    after which the whole structure covered with tiles or sheet material , for example, it can be drywall, plywood, chipboard, fiberboard, OSB and so on.

On our website you can find the most . In the filters, you can set the desired direction, the presence of gas, water, electricity and other communications.

Construction of an attic superstructure

So if building new house or the roof of the old one does not meet modern operating requirements, then it is possible to build an attic superstructure, as they say, “from scratch”. What does that require. First of all, the project. You can't just buy building materials and start building. The attic is not a heavy structure, but this does not mean that it should be treated with a lesser degree of responsibility.

It is better to order the project to professionals who will take into account the bearing capacity of the walls of the building, foundation and others. building structures. And on the basis of this, they will create a project that will guarantee that the old or new house with an attic will serve faithfully for more than a dozen years.

Installation of the attic begins with laying the mauerlat on the walls of the house. This is a beam with a section of 150x200 or 200x200 mm. It is attached to the walls with anchors that were previously installed in the reinforcing belt. The latter is poured along the outer walls of a private house. How it turns out in the end result is very clearly visible in the photo below.


Attic projects

The first construction work has been completed. It is carried out regardless of what configuration the attic was planned by the project. As mentioned above, living quarters can be organized under any roof. For example, the photo below shows an attic under pitched roof. It would seem not quite good example, but such projects exist, which means that this confirms that you can live under the roofs of any configuration.


And yet there is one design, which is called the attic. She has a broken roof, which you will not confuse with any other.


Construction of a classic mansard roof

This type of roof has two slopes, divided into two parts. The first upper part is with a small angle of inclination, that is, sloping, the other lower part is with a large inclination, that is, steep. This is the main difficulty in building an attic superstructure on old house or new.

This problem is solved like this:

    The project must have exactly stated fracture site.

    It is in this place that it is laid from wall to wall roof beam. There will be two of them for each kink.

    Along every beam vertical racks are installed, which determine the useful height of the attic room. Usually it is within 2.5-3.0 m. The cross section of the beams is at least 100x100 m, the installation step is within 1.5-2.0 m. Two beams are installed along the Mauerlat between the floor beams.

    Along the top of the beams a strapping is made from a beam section 100x100 mm. Strapping is done not only around the perimeter of the installed racks, but also between them in the transverse direction. The frame of the attic was formed in the form of a box of racks.

    In the middle of the transverse elements of the upper trim install short poles, forming the upper slopes of the roof. The longer the racks, the steeper the slopes.

    Installed on racks horizontal ridge run.

    Mount rafter legs gentle slopes. With their upper edges they rest against the ridge beam, with their lower edges against the upper trim of the structure.

    form steep lower attic slopes. Rafters are also installed here, which with their upper edges abut against the upper trim of the attic structure, and with the lower edges against the Mauerlat.

Video description

The video shows in detail how to build a classic mansard roof:

So, the frame of the attic structure is ready. It remains to form the floors of the room, conduct insulation and cover the roof with roofing material. And then move on to the finishing touches.

How to make insulated floors - has already been described above. How to insulate a mansard roof too. But there is one point here that facilitates the implementation of thermal insulation measures for the roof structure. The thing is that the roof has not yet been covered, which means that it is better to lay the vapor barrier membrane on top of the truss system.

The photo below shows this very well:

    across the rafters install vapor barrier strips, which are attached to them with small nails or steel staples using a stapler;

    over insulation and rafters mount rails, which will perform the functions of a counter-lattice. Its task is to create a ventilated gap between the heat-insulating cake and the roofing material in order to remove moist air vapors that have leaked through the insulation;

    along the counter-lattice across the rafters lay the crate;

    carry out installation of roofing material.

Other operations: laying insulation and waterproofing is carried out from the inside of the attic.

Scheme of assembly of insulated mansard roof Source

Formation of gables

This is an important part of the design of the mansard roof. In fact, two pediments are the walls of the new premises. And they must meet strict requirements. living rooms. It is in them that windows and doors are installed. The latter only if a balcony or terrace is attached to the attic.

With insulation, everything is simple. It's like in a frame house:

    from outer side install a vapor barrier;

    do the outer lining sheet or panel materials: lining, plywood, OSB, etc.;

    from within lay insulation;

    close the gables waterproofing membrane;

    carry out inner lining.


In principle, the attic is ready. It remains to finish inner space. There are no strict restrictions here. The attic is a living space, so any design projects and finishing materials are used. In this case, you can build a horizontal ceiling, you can leave everything as it is, that is, with slopes going up. Everything is at the discretion of the customer. As one of the options, a project in modern style in the photo below.


Advantages and disadvantages of the attic

The main advantage is to get additional residential square meters for small capital investments. The attic is a frame structure, which means it is not heavy. And if it is erected on an old house, then in most cases this does not affect the strengthening of the foundation and load-bearing walls of the building. If you think carefully about the exterior decoration of the entire building, it will not be noticeable that the superstructure was built later than the main house.

As for the disadvantages, according to the method of construction, the classic mansard roof is more complicated than a single or gable roof. It uses a large number various elements, which will have to be cut, adjusted to the required dimensions, which leads to the formation of a large amount of waste.

Video description

In the video, the specialist discusses the advantages and disadvantages of houses with attic add-ons:

Conclusion on the topic

So, we tried to deal with the construction of attics on an old house (with attic projects, indicating some important nuances structures). Houses with such superstructures today grow like mushrooms after rain. They are popular, they provide an opportunity to save on construction. The main thing is the project, which takes into account all the construction moments in accordance with the rules and regulations.

A modern mansard roof is a great opportunity without extra hassle greatly expand the living area of ​​your home. But, if you involve builders in the work, then this can cost a pretty penny. It is quite understandable that each of us thought about the question of whether it is possible to do everything on our own without experience. We assure you that a do-it-yourself mansard roof is more than real. We provide you with comprehensive instructions.

Currently the best way- broken attic. It is quite spacious and can really become a full-fledged living space with a large area. Naturally, for this you need to make accurate calculations.

Building a mansard roof will require you to consider many factors before. Let's list the main ones.

Video about the mansard roof of the house with your own hands

It is quite clear that the smaller the angle of inclination, the more usable space will be in your attic. But it is far from always necessary to strive for the most gently sloping placement. Here are some features of the choice:

  • If your house is located in a temperate area, where it is often windy and snow is rare, then you can safely make a roof with a slight slope;
  • If snowfalls and downpours are common in your area, a sloping roof should be discarded;
  • Do not forget that you need to take care of high-quality heat, sound and waterproofing. The attic is such a living space, like the rest of the rooms in your house;
  • The best roofing materials are tiles or slate. Many mistakenly put metal coating, but with the advent of cold weather, they face problems of heat conservation in the attic. Please note that the materials must be fireproof and moisture resistant. The roof always consists of wooden elements. In order to better preserve, it is recommended to treat all such surfaces with an antifungal solution;
  • An outdoor staircase for the attic will significantly save space in the house. An internal staircase is a much more convenient option, but it also takes up a lot of space. Great if you take care of installing a ceiling ladder. She practically does not take up space. As an alternative, you can install a spiral staircase, but its convenience is often questionable.

An outdoor staircase for the attic will significantly save space in the house

  • To get started you will need wooden beams 10x10 cm in section. They are applied over waterproofing. The best material for her is roofing material or roofing felt, which is sold in rolls. Working with them is quite convenient and you do not need any additional skills. If your ceiling is also made of wood, then there is no need to lay an additional beam under the main beams.
  • The next step is to install the racks on the beams. The same bar with a section of 10x10 cm will suit you. These racks are a kind of skeleton of the walls of your attic. In order for them to fully fulfill their functions, they must be placed no further than two meters from each other. Make sure each one is perfectly level. We recommend checking each with a level and, if necessary, filing in the right places. When the racks are installed, they must be sheathed on both sides. For inside great option- drywall or ordinary plywood, for the outside - slab. It is important not to forget at this stage to lay the insulation between the racks. Each rack is separately fixed with spikes and staples. So that at the same time they do not lean, we recommend that they be properly fixed with temporary braces.
  • Next, lay the top beam. Its cross section should be the same as in the previous paragraphs. You can fix it the way you want. But make sure that the beams are held firmly and firmly.

Each rack is individually secured with spikes and staples

  • Now you need to install the Mauerlat. This is a kind of support for the rafter leg, which is located at the bottom of the structure. For Mauerlat, you will need a beam with a section of 40x40 cm or a board with the same thickness. Thanks to the Mauerlat, high strength of the roof rafters to the walls will be ensured. It allows you to redirect the weight of the roof directly onto the walls. More than 40 cm cross section is optional. All the same, the Mauerlat lies directly on the wall and the load on it is relatively small. Just remember to put waterproofing under it, otherwise it will start to rot over time.
  • High-quality fixed mauerlat protects your roof from the effects of wind, snow mass in winter and other loads. Therefore, make sure that it is fixed carefully. To do this, you can use a wire with a diameter of up to 5 mm. It is best to choose annealed wire, which is just designed for strapping. In order to make the walls more durable, the wire is embedded directly into them.
  • Now you need to install the rafter legs. Make markings on the rafter frame and Mauerlat in places where the rafters will be installed. Usually the step is 1-1.2 m. For rafters, a board with a section of 4-5 cm and a width of 15 cm is suitable for you. Choose only perfectly flat boards. It is better to overpay a little money for them, but be sure that a do-it-yourself residential attic will not cause you to collapse the roof of the attic.

For rafters, a board with a section of 4-5 cm and a width of 15 cm is suitable for you

  • Rafter legs should rest on the ridge beam. If your attic has a large area, then the weight of its roof will be large. Therefore, the beam is an indispensable structural element. It is not needed only if the length of the rafter is less than eight meters. In this case, you can do with the usual stretch marks.
  • Filly installation. Produce it in the same way as the rafters. To simplify the process, start with the two extremes, pull the twine between them and align with it when installing the next ones.
  • Now it is necessary to nail the hem board to the fillies. It will become an obstacle to wind and almost any precipitation.
  • Before you make a mansard roof, you must consider where the windows will be installed. Remember that their area should occupy at least 12-13% of the area of ​​the side walls. Where you decide to put windows, you need to strengthen the rafters. To do this, install the cross bars. They will take on the role of the lower and upper parts of the opening, where the window frame will be installed and attached.

Before you make a mansard roof, you must consider where the windows will be installed.

When the previous ten points are completed, you need to carefully double-check everything that has been done. Already at this stage, you will understand how to make a roof with an attic without any problems, but you always need to play it safe. Especially if you are doing it for the first time.

Carefully go through the level along all the rafters and beams, check whether they really hold tightly and securely, whether there is insulation everywhere, whether problem areas need to be finalized. It will be better if you ask one of the more experienced builders to assess with a trained eye whether everything is really done the way it should. Remember that the roof in your house must be safe and strong. But if everything is fine and the design is held securely, you can proceed to further work:

  • You have already created the roof skeleton. Now you need to nail the battens to the rafters. The pitch depends on which roofing material you choose for your roof.
  • When the crate is installed, a hydrobarrier must be installed on it. In most cases, plain plastic film works best for this. It is inexpensive, qualitatively protects the attic from moisture ingress and is easily attached with construction brackets. The main thing to remember is that the layers of the film must be laid from the bottom up with the layers overlapping each other.
  • A heat-insulating layer must be placed on top of the film. One of the best materials, which serves for these purposes - mineral wool. It is lightweight, keeps heat well and is completely safe for your health, unlike many others. thermal insulation materials. In addition, it effectively prevents the spread of rodents in your home.

On top of the film it is necessary to put a heat-insulating layer

  • When you get to the roof, proceed in the same way as in the case of plastic wrap. The roofing ball also lies from the bottom up, and the elements are superimposed on each other. Make sure that in those places where there is a break in the roof, the upper ball of the roof protrudes above the lower one. It is very important. Otherwise, with the slightest rain, your roof will leak, and the structure will gradually rot.
  • The installation of the ridge should take place in such a way that its design completely excludes the possibility of rain falling under the roof of your roof.

Completion of installation

The main part of the work has come to an end. It is recommended to make mansard roofs multi-layered so that they provide the best heat, noise and waterproofing of the entire attic. Do not forget also that the attic must "breathe". Modern windows and doors are an essential element of any such roof.

If you have not fully decided on the installation of stairs, then for a start it is better to install an external one. It will be cheaper and easier that way. In any case, if you feel that this option does not suit you, you can make a staircase indoors at any time, sacrificing space in the house.

Video about a gable roof

Now you know how to build a mansard roof according to all the rules and not resort to the help of an expensive team of builders. Be patient, choose quality materials and tool, and then follow our instructions. Good luck!