Apple orchard yield per hectare. Apple orchard: modern technologies

Bookmark seedlings intensive garden

Which seedlings to give preference to experienced gardeners when laying an intensive garden

The main requirements of any modern intensive garden, according to experts, are:

Early (for 1-2 years) entry of the garden into fruiting;

Stable and high yield of HIGH quality fruits;

High labor productivity when performing basic technological operations (pruning, pest and disease control, harvesting, etc.);

Varieties that meet the requirements of consumers and are in demand in the market;

Short term (12-15 years) of garden operation, which makes it possible to quickly replace varieties in accordance with market demands.

Based on the foregoing, modern gardening is dominated by planting designs that provide, at optimal density, the largest number of trees per unit area. It is these plantations that are gardens on dwarf (in countries Western Europe, USA, Canada, Ukraine and in the south of Russia, mainly of the M9 type) rootstocks with a rounded crown of the slender spindle type or its modifications, using varieties of a high world rating, which ensures the rapid entry of trees into fruiting, a quick return on investment and further their highest productivity and profitability. For our conditions, the M9 rootstock, which has low frost resistance of the root system and low winter hardiness of the aerial part, is not suitable. The stock 57-146 can serve as the closest replacement for it, but it has a large fragility of wood. Worse results can be obtained with rootstocks 134 and 62-396, which produce taller trees with a later start of fruiting. The laying of such gardens requires the independent cultivation of seedlings by experienced gardeners, since such seedlings are practically not grown by local nurseries.

Consider the modifications of apple tree seedlings that exist today:

Ordinary one-year-olds;

Crowned one-year-olds;

Two-year-olds with a one-year crown (“knip-baum”);

Two-year-olds "ordinary" according to the well-known traditional technology;

Saplings with a stem-forming insert.

The quality of seedlings significantly affects the condition of the garden and its yield. Such planting material should be grown on a virus-free basis, on a high agricultural background and with irrigation. Special observations show that this provides a further increase in yield by 30-40%. True, in the Sverdlovsk region, and in the regions adjacent to it, there is no guarantee of the viruslessness of the queen cells of these dwarf rootstocks available there, since they were not tested for the presence of viruses.

In order to reduce the unproductive period in intensive horticulture, non-crowned planting material, as a rule, is not used due to its inefficiency, and crowned annuals are most common, and two-year-old apple tree seedlings with a one-year knip-baum crown are especially valued, which are unknown to our gardeners. Knip-baum seedlings, subject to agricultural practices, provide a yield of 150-300 kg per hundred square meters on the rootstock M9 in the second year after laying the garden and its active increase to 400-600 kg per hundred square meters in subsequent years. Experiments have shown that planting crowned seedlings provides a yield increase of 29% in the first 8 years of fruiting compared to uncrowned ones. In our climatic conditions, when using the above rootstocks, the fruiting of trees in the first years and subsequently should, of course, be lower.

It is possible to evaluate in more detail the effectiveness of using crowned planting material for planting. Having planted annual occulants without a crown, the gardener will have big problems with growth regulation and the entry of the garden into fruiting. Without crowning, it is possible to form an axial crown and get decent results only in the 4-5th year, although the quality of such trees in the garden will never reach the level of a similar “book”. Crowned one-year-olds have significantly less fruit buds than "knip", and at the ends of their branches, as a rule, they do not exist. Their lateral branches grow intensively in the second half of summer and, as a result, end in growth buds, they also have sharper angles of lateral branches. Therefore, after planting, such seedlings grow much stronger than the "knip", and this causes shedding of the ovary, if it has formed. In addition, growth activity inhibits the laying of fruit buds.

Two-year-old seedlings with a one-year-old crown (“knip-baum”), compared with crowned one-year-olds, have a greater load of fruit buds, including at the ends of branches. The branches depart from the conductor at large angles. Therefore, such a seedling experiences more stress after planting and will have practically no growth. In general, knip-type seedlings are ready for intensive fruiting immediately after planting, while crowned one-year-olds bear fruit much weaker. Such a level of productivity, which "knip" gives in the second year, crowned one-year-olds reach the fourth year after planting. So, from the tree "knipa" In the year of planting, from 1 to 3 kg of fruits are obtained (thinning is no longer allowed). In the second year - 6-8 kg. For the first two years, one tree gives 9-10 kg. A crowned one-year-old in the first year of fruit, as a rule, does not give. In the second year, it gives an average of 3 kg of fruit.

Knip-baum seedlings are grown in a two-year cycle, mainly by winter grafting and summer budding with a dormant eye, receiving planting material with a two-year-old root system, which ensures good engraftment in the garden.

Winter vaccination. Rootstock for winter grafting should be selected with a good root system. A two-year-old, vegetatively propagated rootstock is especially suitable; grafting is performed at a distance of 40 cm from the base (heel) of the stock. The value of budding height deserves more detailed consideration. Numerous studies have found that high grafting or budding enhances positive influence vegetatively propagated rootstock on a fruit tree, induces rapid fruiting, reduces the strength of tree growth, and contributes to higher yields of high quality fruits. Before planting in the field, the completed winter vaccinations are stored in a refrigerator or basement at a temperature of 0 ° C.

Summer budding with a sleeping eye. Rootstocks are planted with the beginning spring work according to the scheme 60x8-10 cm with a root collar diameter of 4-6 or 6-8 mm to a depth of 20 cm. At the end of July- In early August (we have no later than July 20-25), rootstocks are budded at a height of 20-25 cm above the soil level in the butt method, which ensures the engraftment of the eyes in most cases after three weeks. Whereas budding in the traditional way in a T-shaped incision- after 1.5 months. Fast engraftment is predetermined by the best combination of the cambium of the scion and rootstock, while the oculants grow better. In autumn, rootstocks with accustomed eyes are dug up and stored throughout the winter in a refrigerator, basement or special dig, avoiding drying of the root system, at a temperature of 0 ° C.

First field.With the beginning of spring work, at the earliest possible date, rootstocks with winter grafting or summer budding are planted according to the scheme 70-90x40 cm to a depth of 20 cm. 10 cm. With good growth of the cultivated shoot after planting, wild shoots on the rootstock are removed several times; with weak growth, one should not rush to remove them. On winter vaccinations, when the cultivated shoots will have at least 8 leaves, the best development shoot is left, and the weaker ones are removed. After that, on the opposite side of the cultural shoot (scion) of the stock, a wooden support is installed, to which the scion is tied up in at least two places. This prevents the curvature of the one-year-old, injury to the root system and breaking off the aerial part under the influence of the wind. From spring and throughout the growing season, careful protection of plants from pests and diseases should be carried out.

So, with normal care in the first field, a one-year-old 1.0-1.4 m high with a bole diameter of 9-12 mm grows, and this is enough. One should not strive to have very developed one-year-olds, since they can grow too strong, not always desirable for a gardener, a seedling of the KNIP type. In addition, the shoots may dry out after crowning due to intense "weeping" at the cutting site.

Second field.In early spring, annuals are crowned for re-growth. The height of crowning depends on the strength of the growth of the variety: for low-growing - 60-65 cm, medium-sized- 65-70 cm and for vigorous- 80-85 cm from the soil surface. According to traditional technology, cutting off a one-year-old at a height of 75-80 cm and removing lateral shoots in the bole zone when they reach 10 cm, a crowned two-year-old was obtained. In contrast, when a “knip-baum” seedling is formed, only one of the strongest cultivated shoots is left below the crowning point, from which the guide is grown, and all others are removed gradually in three steps, focusing on the growth activity of the guide, in the direction from above down. For example, if the conductor has reached a length of 15-20 cm, all lateral branches in the upper part of the trunk are removed at the same distance, and so on. When the left guide will have 7-8 leaves, it is necessary to use well-known techniques that actively influence the crown formation of the oculant, since the number of branches- one of the main factors of seedling value.

The formation of shoots from lateral buds located in the axils of the leaves is stimulated by cytokinins synthesized by the root system and inhibited by auxins synthesized by the newly formed leaflets and the growth point of the conductor.- apex, and the latter, as a rule, dominate. The activity of growth processes largely determines the tendency of seedlings to crown formation, and in conditions of insufficient agricultural background and a lack of moisture in the soil, they will branch poorly. Temperature conditions of the environment significantly affect the branching of oculants. Studies have established that the branching process occurs more intensively at a temperature of 21 ° C and high humidity. This also contributes to the laying of fruit buds and the subsequent formation of full-quality inflorescences. Among the methods of actively influencing the process of crown formation abroad, the use of synthetic growth regulators, such as promalin (USA) or paturil (Hungary), has become widespread.

So, when the left conductor will have 7-8 leaves, they begin to pinch its top by unscrewing and simultaneously tearing it off underdeveloped leaves, located around the apical bud ("tuft"), in order to promote branching during growth (decrease in the level of plant auxins). This special pinching is performed 5-7 times at appropriate intervals depending on the ambient temperature. If the temperature is close to optimal (2 ° C), it is enough to pinch once every 10 days. In the heat, when the temperature is about 30 ° C, pinching should be done after 4-5 days. If the temperature is too low and the branching of the conductor is delayed, its upper part is additionally sprayed with these or other growth substances. But this provokes the formation of lateral branches with sharper branches from the conductor.

With a good agricultural background, numerous lateral shoots grow on the conductor with almost right angles of discharge, thereby contributing to the differentiation of fruit buds, including at the ends of growths. It should be emphasized that it is possible to achieve the laying of fruit buds only under the condition of a high agricultural background and the use of high-quality improved rootstock and graft material.

Studies conducted in Western Europe and North America have shown that for the establishment of modern intensive apple orchards with early fruiting, a quick return of funds for their establishment, minimal labor costs for care and harvesting, the most effective were orchards on a dwarf rootstock type M9, planted with two-year-old seedlings with a one-year-old crown (“knip-baum”) and are significantly inferior to one-year-olds with a crown.

In principle, there is no particular difficulty in growing two-year-old seedlings with a one-year-old crown (“knip-baum”), and we have experienced gardeners and planting a garden from these seedlings. Of course, the dwarf rootstock M9 is absolutely not suitable for our conditions, and you will have to use rootstocks 57-146, 62-396, 134 or other more frost-resistant and winter-hardy ones. But even with these rootstocks, it will be necessary to protect (insulate) for the winter not only the root system in the absence of snow, but also the aerial part to the grafting site, since its length is 20 cm. using a dwarf insert from the indicated rootstocks, making it longer (more than 20 cm) to reduce the size of the future tree. True, this will lengthen the time of growing seedlings. For vaccination, the most valuable local, winter-hardy, scab-resistant varieties should be used. I see the greatest difficulty in implementing the idea of ​​growing knip-baum seedlings in our country in finding and acquiring a virus-free dwarf stock stock.

V. N. Shalamov

Other articles by V. Shalamov in the section

Intensive type garden on clonal rootstocks

Intensive gardens are the era of modern gardens, which have become common for most European countries, the southern regions and the central zone of our country. In other words, in the agricultural sector, these are high-tech apple orchards, highly productive, less expensive, with best quality obtained fruits, both in industrial and home gardening.

In our country (in the Ural zone), this direction in horticulture has not been developed. Our market still provides gardeners with seedlings of apple trees obtained by grafting onto a seed stock, i.e. to the wild An intensive type garden is created from planting apple tree seedlings grafted onto special low-growing clonal rootstocks.

The advantages of such rootstocks:

1. Restrain the growth of fruit trees, as a result: a) it is convenient to take care of them and harvest them; b) small crowns are better illuminated, photosynthesis processes are more active, the crop is better formed; c) it is easier for low trees to cover themselves with snow, and therefore, to overwinter.

2. They force the tree to enter the fruiting phase earlier and increase the yield faster in subsequent years.

3. Improve the taste, color and size of fruits.

4. Reduce the frequency of fruiting.

5. Allow to grow trees where groundwater is close.

6. Allow to increase planting density, and, accordingly, the number of varieties of apple trees in small garden plots.

Cons of undersized rootstocks:

1. Winter hardiness of clonal rootstocks is lower, and where there is little snow, there is a danger of freezing of the root system.

2. The absence of a central root reduces the adhesion of the root system to the soil, the stability (anchoring) of the tree, as a result of which, at high crop loads, under the weight of fruits, the trees can deviate from the vertical position, therefore, they need supports. I make a trellis on both sides, because. then I use it to tie branches loaded with fruits.

3. The period of productive fruiting in intensive type apple trees is less, about 20-25 years.

4. Prices for seedlings on vegetative rootstocks are still higher due to the shortage of the latter.

It is known from various information sources that similar rootstocks were tested by specialists, gardeners of our zone, but the conclusions were not encouraging. What prompted me to start creating an intensive type of garden?

Severe winter 2009-2010 remained in the memory of many gardeners. This winter took away from me all the fruit trees, which for the most part were above the level of the snow cover. These are young (5-7-year-old) apple trees that have begun to bear fruit on seed rootstocks. And it is not surprising, because the temperature at the site, according to the watchmen, dropped to minus 52 degrees. The birds froze on the fly. Only low plantings of one-year-old apple trees and columnar apple trees remained alive after that winter, most of the above-ground mass of which was under snow. Burning with the desire to quickly revive the fruit-bearing garden, he actively worked to create an intensive type garden (before that he was fascinated by the testing of columnar apple trees). Fortunately, I have my own clone rootstocks. The mother liquor of such rootstocks was planted for columnar apple trees.

The place for testing fruit plants of an intensive type was the environs of the city of Perm, which is north of Yekaterinburg by 1, Chelyabinsk by 2 degrees north latitude. My main plot of 12 acres is located in a lowland, on the banks of a river, an open field from the northwest, not protected from cold winds. The temperature is 5-7 degrees lower than reported in Perm reports. Two other plots of three acres each have more favorable conditions.

The starting material for obtaining seedlings of intensive-type apple trees is clonal rootstocks: dwarf 62-396 and P-60; medium height 57-545 and 54-118. Such rootstocks for apple trees grow well and propagate according to intensive technology using an organic substrate.

The year 2010 can be considered the beginning of active work on testing standard apple trees grafted onto clone rootstocks. Many of the same-year-olds planted in 2010 gave their first fruits a year later. These are Papiroyantarnoe, Cosmonaut, Altynai, Sinap Minusinsky, Rodnikovaya, Sokolovskoye, Tolunay, Gorny Sinap, Dachnaya. Two years after planting, the following varieties yielded: VEM yellow (Danila), Pervouralskaya, Mamrovskoye, Autumn striped, Ural Bolskoye, Anis Sverdlovsky, Aroma Uktus, VEM pink, Seman, DL-34-104.

There were also those who gave fruit in the year of planting: Toropyzhka, Aksyon, Excellent, DL-11-12-120, DL 22-105, hybrid 25, but the next year they usually rest. Therefore, it is better to remove the first flowers so that the seedling gets stronger, forms a good root system, crown, leaf apparatus. Every year new varieties come to fruition and delight with their characteristic, valuable and interesting features.

Leading varieties appear according to valuable economic traits. The test of the fruits of each new variety is an interesting event, like a small holiday. All the troubles, worries about compact trees are justified when we enjoy winter by consuming our juicy, tasty, beautiful, healthy apples.

Currently, more than 75 varieties of standard apple trees are under testing, not counting the columnar ones. Had to buy two more small plots, somewhat with the best microclimatic conditions. As for the vegetative rootstocks I use, they have never failed me in six years. There were no cases of freezing either in the mother liquor or in the fruit trees. The snow cover on my plots is at least 40-50 cm, this is enough for the temperature in the upper soil layer to drop during our frosts not lower than -7 ... -10 ° С, and root system my rootstocks can withstand up to -16 ° C according to the description.

Beklemyshev S. I.

Tel. 8-902-646-64-61

[email protected]

If you are looking for planting material: seedlings, cuttings, seeds and more, carefully look at all the addresses in the section

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Grow intensive, i.e. a highly productive, low-stemmed and early-growing garden is quite within the power of even novice amateur gardeners, if they are familiar with the basics of gardening. The beginning of the fruiting of horticultural crops depends on the quality of the planting material, as well as some details in the technology of their cultivation. First of all, as a scion, cuttings selected on trees of high-yielding and early-growing zoned varieties should be used. The rootstock is obtained from seedlings grown in a direct way. After winter vaccination, annual seedlings 1.0 - 1.5 m high are planted in the garden. Thanks to such actions, it is possible to minimize injury to the root system of trees during their digging and replanting, which will favorably affect their further development and the beginning of fruiting.

Under the plantation garden plot contribute at least 8 - 10 kg / m 2humus, and directly when planting trees, in each planting hole - 15 - 20 kg of soil mixture from humus and a fertile soil ball. This method will allow you to do without the systematic feeding of trees during the first 3-4 years.

The formation of a low trunk (25 - 30 cm) is another trick that helps to bring the beginning of the productive period of crops closer. As practice shows, in trees with a flat crown shape, a low trunk (and even its complete absence) does not limit the possibility of processing and caring for the trunk circle and row spacing, but allows you to significantly reduce the height of the tree and concentrate the crop in the central part of the crown.

Crown formation begins in early spring, cutting seedlings immediately after planting at a height of 70 - 80 cm from the ground. When the buds swell, they are removed on the future stem to a height of 15–30 cm. In the spring of the next year, all shoots formed from the preserved buds located above the stem are bent in the direction of the row (future fruit wall) at an angle of 75–80 ° to the trunk and shortened by a third (upper) or a quarter (lower). This technique enhances the branching of the future semi-skeletal branch. The lower bent branches are attached with twine to pegs driven into the ground in the plane of the row, and the upper ones to the branches located below. In autumn or next spring, the pegs are removed, and all the upper branches are subsequently attached to the lignified lower ones.

Depending on the strength of growth and branching, the continuation shoot (trunk, conductor) is shortened by 25–40 cm. In this case, one should be guided by the consideration that a highly cut conductor will lead to the formation of “windows” in the crown, gaps that will increase plant growth and decrease in its productivity. As soon as the buds swell (after 10-15 days), they are removed on the upper surface along the entire length of future semi-skeletal branches to avoid the formation of tops. It will also contribute to the further development of lateral buds that form horizontal shoots (and later branches with numerous fruit formations) located parallel to the ground.

The same crown formation technology is followed in subsequent years. By the age of five, six, the trees will already be fully formed. And the central conductor during the last pruning at this age is removed by transferring to a weaker horizontal branch.

The whole system of agro-activities of the early-growing garden is aimed at accelerating the fruiting of trees and maximizing the growth of their leaf surface. In the case of the appearance of fruits in one- or two-year-old plants, they are not cut off in the spring, but are allowed to fully ripen. If a tree at the age of five or six blooms profusely and gives high yields, it is necessary to prune the crown in order to thin it out and create conditions for better lighting of the plant. Simultaneously with thinning, semi-skeletal branches are shortened (by transferring to a weak shoot), which by this moment already touch the branches on a neighboring tree, and strong apical ones are removed. If tops form on the central conductor or at the base of the semi-skeletal branches, they are not removed, but bent and shortened by a third (quarter) to turn them into fruit branches.

When creating a garden of biennial or annual (with a crown) plants with a high trunk (80 - 100 cm), it is recommended to immediately reduce it to 25 - 30 cm. cm, as in the case of unformed annual seedlings. All subsequent operations are similar: removal of the kidneys on the future stem up to a height of 15–30 cm, bending in a row and fixing the skeletal branches by tying them to pegs.

During the first two years, the trees are watered at the rate of 5 - 10 buckets per plant. In the year of planting, at least 2 - 3 are carried out, and the next - 1 - 2 waterings. Row spacings can be sown with perennial grasses the very next year after planting, but in this case the trees require regular watering at least twice a month using 4-6 buckets of water for each seedling. It is also desirable to water the grass in the aisles.

In connection with the accelerated fruiting and high rates of increase in productivity, in the fifth - sixth year of crop growth, doses are increased mineral fertilizers 1.5 - 2 times compared with the usual norms. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied twice - three times per season (the first time - during the early spring closing of moisture, the last - in mid-June), potash and phosphorus - in uniform doses in June - August and immediately after harvesting. All mineral fertilizers are applied superficially, and then embedded in the soil between rows in the process of loosening or digging.

An intensive garden grown according to the above technology from early-growing low-stem flat-crown trees differs from traditional fruit plantings in more early dates the beginning of fruiting and fruit ripening, high efficiency and quality of the crop.

Aggregated indicators

investment project implementation

apple orchard bookmarks

intensive type but

St. Petersburg

BRIEF OVERVIEW (Summary) of the project

Name of the project - " Aggregate indicators of the implementation of the investment project for laying an intensive-type apple orchard with an area of ​​30 hectares ».

The investment project provides for the laying of an intensive apple orchard in the Kharkiv region, Lozovsky district, with. Garden, with an area of ​​30 hectares on a trellis support using drip irrigation, equipped with modern equipment.

Payback period of the project - 5 years

Apple orchard business plan

Apple orchard

Rootstock - M9

Landing patterns: 4m x 1m;

Number of trees per 1 ha planted: 2500 trees;

The source of water is an artesian well.

Irrigation system - drip.

The planned planting of the garden will be produced by promising varieties late dates ripening: Idored, Golden Delicious, Jonagold, Ligol, Gloucester, Renet Semirenko

When planting a garden on a dwarf rootstock using intensive technology, it is planned to install trellises and bamboo as a means of individual support for each tree.

Intensive fruit growing technology, as the most cost-effective one, is currently used by all European countries.

The technology of planting an intensive garden includes the following costly aspects:


Soil preparation;

Breakdown of the site into quarters, cells, rows;


Support installation;

Irrigation system device;

grass mowing;

Herbicidal weeding in rows;

Protection of plants from pests and diseases;

Plant nutrition in conjunction with watering;

Pruning, green operations and other types of work;

Acquisition of specialized equipment.

Growing technology

Site description

The plot of the apple orchard consists of cells, the varieties in each cell alternate in rows (for better pollination during the flowering period), it is more convenient for each variety to have an even number of rows. Row length should not exceed 150m (due to drip irrigation and harvesting restrictions). The cells are separated by roads 15m wide.

The satellite image shows 2 possible areas (32ha and 38ha) for the first stage of planting (autumn 2012). These sections were selected due to the possibility of their faster commissioning compared to the rest. Rows should be placed in the direction of the North-East - South-West (parallel to the shelterbelts).

In each row, poles are installed every 10-13m (3-4m height of the pole: 1m underground, 2-3m above the ground), the poles must be metal (used drill pipe NKT60) or reinforced concrete (the most expensive). The end posts are fixed with galvanized steel wire (4mm) and anchors (1m long) screwed into the soil, or anchored in any other available way (for example, concreted or fixed with a load buried in the soil). 3 rows of galvanized steel wire (3mm) are stretched between the posts (at a height of 0.5m, 1m, 1.5m). A drip line is subsequently attached to the bottom wire (through 100 cm of length) and the lowest branches. Subsequent rows of wire (at a height of 2m and 2.5m) are stretched as the trees grow in height. Immediately after planting the seedlings, individual supports should be installed for each bamboo seedling (2-3 cm in diameter, 3 m high) or any available analogue.

One of the most important measures in the laying of industrial plantations of apple trees is the selection of modern varieties. For laying intensive orchard it is expedient to use, first of all, economically profitable varieties of winter-ripening apple trees, which are in high demand on the market, are transportable and can be stored well. In industrial plantations, up to 5-6 winter varieties of apple trees should be grown, which occupy 70-80% of the area. If there is a sales market near the farm, then a certain proportion of high-quality summer and autumn varieties should be introduced for direct sale.

With a small number of varieties in the garden, it is easier to implement a system for protecting plantings from diseases and pests, varietal formation and pruning of trees. When selecting varieties, one should take into account their requirements for soil and climatic conditions, primarily temperature regime and length of the growing season.

Brief description of varieties.

Idared. The tree is medium-sized with a rounded dense crown, quite winter-hardy. Early-growing variety with an annual yield. Affected by powdery mildew, foliage - slightly scab. The fruits are large, flattened, slightly ribbed, correct form. The peel is thin, slightly oily, shiny. The main color is greenish-yellow, the integument is bright red over most of the surface. The pulp is greenish, dense, fine-grained. The taste is sweet and sour, slightly astringent with a slight aroma, rough. The fruits are stored in ordinary fruit storages until June-July. Due to early maturity, high annual yield, transportability and ability of fruit to long-term storage, the Idared variety, which has been recommended in Ukraine since 1986, will still hold a prominent place among other winter varieties in the near future.

Golden Delicious. One of the world leaders, a fast-growing, medium-sized variety with low winter hardiness of trees, it does better in microzones with a warm climate. The trees are slightly damaged by powdery mildew, the fruits are resistant to scab, which affects the foliage. The fruits are medium, elongated-conical regular shape. The peel is rough, light yellow. The pulp is yellow, dense, fine-grained, sweet taste with barely perceptible sourness, pleasant aroma. They are stored until May, but with reduced air humidity in storage facilities they wither.

Jonagold and his clones. One of the most promising varieties of European countries. The trees are vigorous, very high yielding, insufficiently winter-hardy, unstable to scab and powdery mildew. The fruits are large (225 g), round, intense yellow, sometimes green with bright red or orange stripes, shooting maturity - October, stored until April-May. The pulp is yellow, juicy, fragrant, high palatability. Triploid requires at least two pollinators, the best of which are: Idared, Alkmene, Melrose, Spartan. Clones with a more intense fruit color are spreading: Jonagored, Jonika, Wilmut and others. The fruits ripen 8-10 days earlier than the variety Golden Delicious, higher palatability are stored for 8-9 months.

Ligol. The tree is early-growing, above average vigor, easily formed. Fruits generously with a tendency to periodicity. Frost resistance is above average, average resistance to scab and powdery mildew, is affected by bacterial burn and wood diseases. The variety is self-fertile, the best pollinators are Idared, Gala, Golden Delicious. The fruits are large or very large, aligned, round-conical, with expressive ribbing near the calyx. The peel is strong, smooth and shiny, greenish, completely covered with a bright red blush on the sunny side. The pulp is creamy, fragrant, sour-sweet, tasty. Harvesting maturity occurs in late September - early October, consumer maturity - in January-April.

Rootstock characteristic.

M9 (England): This is a typical dwarf rootstock and is the international standard for dwarf rootstock. M9 is the most significant and widespread rootstock in the world. Trees grafted on the M9 rootstock begin to bear fruit 2-3 years after planting in the garden, and if the seedlings are of high quality (knipp-baum), flowering is observed already in the year of planting. The main disadvantage of the M9 stock is the low frost resistance of its root system (-10C) and, in connection with this, trees planted in risky, extreme for gardening areas must be spudded with earth or organic matter for the winter so that their roots do not freeze in snowless winters. The problem of winter damage to the root system of trees grafted on M9 in most cases is eliminated by the presence of snow on the soil surface. The depth of penetration of zero temperature in the proposed area of ​​laying the garden reaches 80 cm. Orchards on this stock are successfully grown in the Voronezh region, where the depth of soil freezing reaches more than 120 cm, which means that there should be no freezing of the root system under the conditions of the proposed site for laying the garden. Trees on the M9 rootstock are very demanding on irrigation. Drip irrigation is most preferred, allowing the application of fertilizing with watering. This is important, since most varieties on M9 are very early-growing and prone to overloading and shrinking fruits with a lack of moisture and nutrition. About 30 clones of M9 are common in industrial gardens: M9 EMLA (England), RN 19, RN 29 (Belgium), T337, T338, T339, T340 (Holland), etc. Immediately after planting, it is imperative to install permanent supports near those grafted on M9 trees, and in their absence - temporary supports, which, no later than the end of the first growing season, should be replaced with permanent ones.

Features of protection against pests and diseases.

Diseases and pests are a significant threat to fruit plantations. They cause weakening of plants, reduced yields and deterioration in fruit quality. In intensive gardens, the same diseases and pests are harmful as in gardens of traditional designs. To combat them, you can use all the recommended chemical and biological means of protection. The list of pesticides, doses and terms of their application are published in the professional literature, constantly supplemented with the advent of new pesticides and methods of their application.

In densely dense plantations with smaller trees, the frequency and intensity of manifestations of individual diseases or pests may be somewhat different than in traditional garden designs. The technique of spraying trees is also specific.

Due to their small size, trees in an intensive garden are better ventilated and more efficiently treated with chemicals that reduce the development of diseases and pests inside the crown, and spraying requires much less working fluid, handmade and energy costs.

To spray an intensive garden with a conventional garden sprayer, it is enough to use about 600 l/ha of working fluid, and with a special "column-like" sprayer 300 l/ha, reducing the dose of the preparation by 20-25%.

Fan" href="/text/category/ventilyator/" rel="bookmark"> fan with airflow over 30000 m3/h cause significant loss of working fluid, which only 25-40% gets on foliage and fruits, polluting environment and requiring significant energy consumption.

Changes in plant spraying technique consist in the use of economic "column-like" sprayers with horizontal air flow, fan capacity of 20-30 thousand m3/h. and the optimal drop size of the working fluid (70-150 microns), which ensures best coverage sheet surface and low runoff losses. Thanks to the use of a tractor with a lower power of 30Kn, fuel costs are reduced, up to 30% of funds for the purchase of pesticides are saved, and the environment is less polluted." align="left" width="207" height="277 src="> Herbicides. When using herbicides, the width of the near-stem strip in plantations up to 4 years of age is about 0.5 m, in older ones - 0.7-1 m, and their application is carried out in the absence of wind, and at a temperature not lower than +50C, making sure that the drug does not get on boles and foliage of trees.

The choice of herbicide and the dose depends on the age of plantings, weed species and their number, soil type and availability of drinking water near sources.

In Western European countries, the following herbicides are used in apple and pear plantations: soil - simazine and its analogues (azotope), kerb, devrinol kazoron; contact - basta and combined action - roundup (fosulene, glyphosate, nitosorg) and others.

Apple tree on rootstock M9, on root growth which was hit by Roundup herbicide last year.

Soil herbicides are used in cloudy weather in early spring before the emergence of weeds, spraying the surface of moist soil near the trunk with the working liquid to create a so-called herbicide film that prevents the growth of weeds. Herbicides of the simazine group, in addition, are used in the fall after harvest. Before applying, the surface of the stump strip is freed from plant residues so that the drug solution gets on the cleaned soil and creates a "herbicide film". In dry weather, soil herbicides are impractical to apply, or they need to be incorporated into the soil to a depth of 5 cm. Some farms use a desiccant - Reglon, instead of herbicides, it has a more gentle effect compared to preparations based on glyphosate.

Contact and systemic herbicides should be applied to vegetative weeds in sunny and calm weather at least 2-3 hours before rain falls. Roundup and other systemic herbicides are applied by directed spraying, preventing liquid from getting on the foliage and stems of trees, and the height of the weeds should not exceed 15 cm. In Holland, it is not recommended to apply roundup after the beginning of July, as this can cause damage to the trees due to its active evaporation.

The working solution of herbicides is prepared before use. The consumption of working fluid per 1 hectare of the cultivated surface when using soil herbicides is 200-300 l, and when vegetative weeds are treated with contact or systemic herbicides - up to 600 l/ha. Spraying is carried out with reduced pressure (2 atm.) in the absence of wind with the lowest speed of the unit, using T-shaped or special (eccentric) nozzles and directed spray torches and protective shields.

Fertilizer and irrigation.

Joint rationed application of water and fertilizers to the soil is the organizational, technological and environmental basis for optimizing the conditions for growing high yields of agricultural crops and their quality. This method is based on the use of various drip irrigation systems with the simultaneous supply of a fertilizer solution, which allows you to constantly maintain soil moisture in the optimal proportion in the “water-air” system in the soil and supply plants with fertilizers in small doses. This contributes to their increased digestibility, less leaching compared to traditional methods of fertilization and, as a result, a higher coefficient of nutrient absorption by plants.

In addition, such a system of fertilization with irrigation - fertigation allows you to make a balanced amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients, taking into account the phases of plant growth. The supply of fertilizer solutions with irrigation water leads to a more uniform distribution of them throughout the moistened layer. The drip-moistened soil layer is located in the zone of the main mass of roots, has a certain horizontal and vertical dimensions, depending on the type of soil and the dose of irrigation. During fertigation, not the entire surface of the soil of the plot is moistened, but strips of a certain width, which saves water, prevents the growth of weeds, and reduces the cost of maintaining the soil in a weed-free state.

When using drip irrigation with an automatic control system, the exact dosing of the intake of all fertilizers in the solution is carried out, and the amount of solution per unit area of ​​irrigation is controlled.

Fertigation is carried out during the entire irrigation cycle or in the middle - end of the cycle, but in such a way that at the end of the fertigation cycle clean water for flushing drip irrigation systems.

Fertigation allows you to maintain the required level of nutrient concentration in the soil on soils with low absorption capacity, poor in reserve nutrients. Fertigation saves labor and energy costs for fertilization compared to traditional methods. Fertigation, in contrast to conventional irrigation using large doses of irrigation, allows not only the efficient use of fertilizers, but also the prevention of pollution. ground water, does not create conditions for secondary soil salinization.

The use of fertigation requires compliance with certain requirements for the use of fertilizers. For fertigation, only completely soluble fertilizers are used, free from sodium and other harmful impurities.

The fertigation program should take into account the type of soil and the presence in it of mobile forms of basic nutrients available to plants. Based on agrochemical analyzes according to standard methods and the planned yield level, a fertilizer application program is drawn up. It can be based not only on the use of fertigation, but also on the application of part of the fertilizer during soil preparation - the main application + fertigation. However, the international practice of fertigation shows that on sandy and sandy loamy soils, it is better to apply all fertilizers by fertigation. On soils of medium mechanical composition (light and medium loamy) with a low level of nutrient content, the main application of fertilizers is combined with fertigation, and with an average and high level of provision with nutrients, only fertigation is used. On soils heavy in mechanical composition - various types chernozems and heavy loamy podzolized soils - at a low and medium level of supply with nutrients, a combination of the main application of fertilizers with fertigation is used, at high rates only fertigation is used. Usually, up to 10% nitrogen is given in the main application - 40% phosphorus and 30% potassium. For the main application, you can use different kinds poorly soluble fertilizers: superphosphate, ammophos, potassium chloride, nitroammophoska and others.

When calculating the norms for the introduction of nutrients, a recalculation is made using coefficients that take into account the degree of use of fertilizers by plants. For nitrogen fertilizers in the main application, a coefficient of 1.2 is used, for fertigation - 1.1, for phosphorus, respectively - 1.9 - 2.25 and 1.6, for potassium - 1.4 and 1.2-1.6. Coefficients can be specified taking into account local conditions.

Regulations for the use of fertilizers.

When fertigation is used, due to obtaining consistently high yields, the removal of nutrients from a unit area increases significantly, which should be taken into account when planning a fertilizer system.

For fruits, the removal is N - kg / t, P2Okg / t, K2O - 7.79 kg / t, according to E. Degodyuk et al., 1992.

According to M. Roelos, Germany, 1998, in intensive orchards on loamy soils with a pome crop yield of 40 t/ha, N-kg/ha, P2Okg/ha, K2O - kg/ha are applied, taking into account soil fertility, including N - 50kg/ha, P2O5 - 30kg/ha, K2O - 80kg/ha in the main application.

According to I. Papadopoulos, Kemira, 1997, the minimum requirement certain types fruit in the batteries is presented in the table.

Fertilization rates for apple trees (kg/ha a.i.).


Plantation age

12 years or more

The indicated doses of fertilizers are usually applied with fertigation.

The fertilizer rate planned for a certain yield is recalculated using coefficients that take into account the use of fertilizers by plants, as well as the level of soil fertility, according to the analysis.

A feature of the fertigation of fruit crops is that each fruit plant uses a large amount of soil, therefore, subject to the main application of fertilizers, periodic fertigation can be used. Usually starting from early spring, fertigation continues until mid-summer and ends 1 - 1.5 months before harvest. To improve the keeping quality of pome fruits, nitrogen fertilizers are applied in the first half of the season, no later than two months before harvesting. The average rate of fertilizers applied with fertigation in intensive fruit-bearing orchards varies from 80 to 130 kg/ha for nitrogen, from 115 to 140 kg/ha for potassium. With post-harvest fertigation for better overwintering, give kg/ha of nitrogen and kg/ha of potassium. The remaining fertilizers are usually used as the main application.

An example of irrigation and fertilization of an intensive apple orchard by months:

Irrigation rate 10 l/der (20 m3/ha)

Fertilizer application: norm for 2012 according to a.i. N23 P13 K22

For one watering with fertigation, give no more than 2 kg. d.v. per ha

Interval between waterings fertigation at least 3 days

Fertilizers use only completely soluble

Breakdown of fertilizer application in a.i. by months per 1 hectare:

April N6 P3

May N6 P3 K3

June N3 P2 K3

July N2 P1 K4

August N3 P1 K6

Master 13:40:13(N-13% P2O5-40% K2O-13%)

Ammonium nitrate(N-34%)

Potassium sulfate(K2O-50%, S-18%)

Total amount of fertilizers in physical weight:

Master 13:40:13- 32.5kg

Ammonium nitrate 56 kg.

Potassium sulfate 38 kg.


1st watering 2.04 N1 P0.5 1st watering 2.04 master 13:40:13- 1.25kg (physical weight)

2nd watering 7.04 N1 P0.5 ammonia village - 2.5kg (phys. weight)

3rd watering 12.04 N1 P0.5 2nd-6th watering same as first

4th irrigation 17.04 N1 P0.5

5th watering 22.04 N1 P0.5

6th irrigation 27.04 N1 P0.5

May: number of waterings-6 after 4 days

1st watering 2.05 N1 P0.5 K0.5 1st watering 2.05 master 13:40:13- 1.25kg (physical weight)

2nd watering 7.05 N1 P0.5 K0.5 ammonia village - 2.5kg (phys. weight)

3rd watering 12.05 N1 P0.5 K0.5 potassium sulfate - 0.7 kg (physical weight)

4th watering 17.05 N1 P0.5 K0.5 2nd-6th watering same as first

5th irrigation 22.05 N1 P0.5 K0.5

6th irrigation 27.05 N1 P0.5 K0.5

June: number of waterings-6 after 4 days

1st watering 1.06 N0.5 K0.5 1st watering 2.06 ammonia plant - 1.5kg (phys. weight)

2nd watering 6.06 N0.5 P0.5 K0.5 potassium sulfate - 1kg (physical weight)

3rd watering 11.06 N0.5 P0.5 K0.5 2nd watering 6.06 master 13:40:13- 1.25kg (physical weight)

4th watering 16.06 N0.5 P0.5 K0.5 ammonia village - 1kg (phys. weight)

5th watering 21.06 N0.5 P0.5 K0.5 potassium sulfate - 0.7 kg (physical weight)

6th watering 26.06 N0.5 K0.5 3rd-5th watering same as second

6th watering is the same as the first

July: number of waterings-4 after 4 days. Watering is carried out in the first and last weeks of the month (we do not water the second and third weeks of the month to create a stressful situation that will contribute to the differentiation of the kidneys, but at the same time not allowing the N.V. to drop below 70%). The non-irrigation period is desirable to agree in advance.

1st watering 1.07 N0.5 P0.5 K1 1st watering 1.07 master 13:40:13- 1.25kg (physical weight) 2nd watering 6.07 N0.5 P0.5 K1 ammonia village - 1kg( physical weight)

3rd watering 25.07 N0.5 K1 potassium sulfate - 1.7 kg (phys. weight)

4th watering 30.07 N0.5 K1 2nd watering same as first

3rd watering 25.07 ammonia village - 1.5 kg (phys. weight)

potassium sulfate - 2kg (phys. weight)

4th watering same as the third

August: number of waterings-6 after 4 days

1st watering 4.08 N0.5 K1 1st watering 4.08 ammonia village - 1.5kg (phys. weight)

2nd watering 9.08 N0.5 K1 potassium sulfate - 2kg (physical weight)

3rd watering 14.08 N0.5 K1 2nd-4th watering same as first

4th watering 19.08 N0.5 K1 5th watering 24.08 master 13:40:13- 1.25kg (phys. weight)

5th watering 24.08 N0.5 P0.5 K1 ammonia village - 1kg (phys. weight)

6th irrigation 29.08 N0.5 P0.5 K1 potassium sulfate - 1.7 kg (physical weight)

6th watering same as fifth

September: number of waterings-6 after 4 days

1st watering 4.09 N0.5 P0.5 K1 1st watering 4.09 master 13:40:13- 1.25kg (physical weight)

2nd watering 9.09 N0.5 P0.5 K1 ammonia village - 1kg (phys. weight)

3rd watering 14.08 N0.5 P0.5 K1 potassium sulfate - 1.7 kg (physical weight)

4th watering 19.08 N0.5 P0.5 K1 2nd-6th watering same as first

5th irrigation 24.08 N0.5 P0.5 K1

6th watering 29.08 N0.5 P0.5 K1

In dry autumn, it is necessary to make water-charging irrigation of 200-250 m3/ha.

Corrective nutrition system (foliar top dressing)

1st top dressing - loosening the bud Megafol 0.5-1 l/ha

2nd dressing- phase rose bud. Boroplus

3rd dressing- after flowering, in the phase of falling petals. Boroplus - 50-60ml \ 100l of working solution. Master Special (N-18, R-18, K-18, Mg-3 + micro) - 2 kg/ha.

4th feeding - fruit up to 3 cm Megafol 0.5-1 l/ha

5th feeding - during the period - the fetus is more than 3 cm. Kalbit S Master (3:11:38+4+micro) - 2 kg/ha.

6th dressing- during the period of filling and ripening of fruits. Kalbit S 60 - 80 ml \ 100l of working solution.

Frost and hail protection.

From frost effective protection is overcrown sprinkling, but it requires a significant amount of water - up to 5000 m3 per 10 ha of orchard for 10 hours at a temperature of -5°C. During the freezing of water, heat is released (80 calories / liter), which is enough to maintain the temperature around zero degrees.

With fine sprinkling (water costs are reduced by 50-70%), it is possible to protect the most valuable quarters in a relatively small area. Micro-irrigators are placed above the crowns of trees on supports or trellis existing in the garden, so most of the water falls on the crown, and not on the soil surface.

The efficiency of micro-irrigation is ensured under the following conditions:

Cloudless weather, irrigation should be started at an air temperature of + 3 ° C (the buds on the trees at this time will have about 0 ° C);

The wind speed does not exceed 8 km/h;

The air temperature cannot be lower than -7°С;

Water must be supplied continuously throughout the night until it begins to appear on the branches under a layer of ice.

Traditional methods of frost protection are mixing air or burning straw, fuel oil, car tires etc. - are ineffective or pollute the environment. The use of fire extinguishing foam is also being tested.

Additional agrotechnical measures - maintaining the cleanliness of the near-trunk strips, low grass mowing between rows and the inclusion of drip irrigation - can increase the temperature by only 0.5 ° C, but this is enough to save the crop.

From hail, the only, but very expensive means of protection is the anti-hail net, which is widely used in Germany and France (in Holland it costs 10 thousand dollars per hectare). In Belgium and Holland it is more common to insure gardens against hail damage.

Pollination and thinning of the ovary.

Efficient pollination is a prerequisite for ensuring active fruiting of plantations and the formation of high-quality fruits with high keeping quality. Insufficient number of pollinating insects during the flowering period can be the cause of weak setting and the formation of low-quality deformed fruits. This is of particular importance in case of unfavorable weather or a short flowering period, especially for triploid varieties such as Jonagold, Mutsu, as well as Elstar, Cox Pepin orange, etc.

In terms of the fact that insects are able to pollinate no more than 30% of flowers, in plantations of traditional designs, it is recommended to exhibit bees at the rate of two hives per hectare. However, taking into account the possible unfavorable conditions during flowering and the need for guaranteed pollination, 3-6 bee colonies should be placed per hectare of an intensive garden, and 9 bee colonies per hectare of a high-intensity garden.

Bees bring about 10% of flowers during the opening period, placing every 100-150 m through one row spacing, and leave them in plantations for up to two weeks. To avoid disorientation of bees near plantations, honey plants that bloom earlier or simultaneously with fruit plants (winter rapeseed) should not be grown, and flowering weeds should be destroyed in a row-spacing and near-trunk strips in a timely manner.

Spraying with insecticides during the flowering period is excluded. If the flowering of trees is not intense enough, fungicide treatments should also be avoided, since preparations of the benzimidazole (topsin) group can impair pollen germination, and copper preparations can cause burns to flowers.

Thinning the ovary, like pruning, is one of the most important garden care practices. Of the common apple cultivars, only Cortland, Jonathan, Idared, Melrose, and Boskop Beauty can bear fruit regularly without removing excessive buds, while others bear fruit intermittently and require thinning.

The most effective is manual thinning, however, it requires a significant amount of work and is difficult to perform in a timely manner over a large area. Therefore, this event is used in addition to chemical thinning and on young trees.

Chemical thinning consists in spraying the crowns of fruit trees with appropriate preparations, starting from the period of active flowering up to several weeks after its end. If the intensity of flowering of individual varieties in the quarter differs significantly, the rows with intensive flowering should be marked and sprayed separately from the others.

Calculation of capital and operating costs for laying 1 hectare of garden.

Calculation of costs for the purchase of seedlings:

Planting pattern: 4m row spacing, 1m in a row.

Food area - 4 sq. m.

Taking into account the insurance fund, 2625 seedlings are required per 1 ha.

Estimated price of "Knipp-baum" seedlings for autumn 2011 is 4.8€.

Total required for the purchase of planting material 12600

Design cost calculation:

The average cost per 1 hectare of garden design is about 50€.

Calculation of costs for soil preparation:

Average cost of soil preparation for planting 60€

Breakdown cost calculation:

The average cost of laying out 1 ha of a garden is 30€

Landing cost calculation:

The average cost of planting one seedling is 0.75€

Total required for planting 1ha 1970€

Calculating the cost of installing a drip irrigation system:

Irrigation cost per 1 ha 1400€

Calculation of costs for the installation of a support:

The cost of one metal pole from drill pipe tubing 60 – 10€

reinforced concrete – 20€

221 supports are required for 1 ha - 4420€

(with a row length in a cage of 150m and an average distance between supports of 12.5m (alternating in a row of distances between supports of 12 and 13m))

The approximate cost of bamboo (0.40 € / piece) per 1 ha - 985 €

Organizing a tapestry - 920€

Total costs for the installation of a support - - in the version with reinforced concrete pillars) 6325€

Calculation of weeding costs:

The average annual cost per 1 ha for weeding is 30€

Calculation of plant protection costs:

The average annual cost per 1 hectare of protection is 70€

Calculation of food costs:

The cost of fertilizers per 1ha annually is 250€ (1st and 2nd year: 100€, 3rd: 150€,

4th and subsequent 250€ (with a yield of 35-40 t/ha)).

Calculation of costs for the purchase of specialized equipment.

Bar machine based on MTZ tractor€

Garden tractor 83000€

(Claas NECTIS, John Deere 5725, New Holland TN95FAorFendt 209)

John Deere5725 can be purchased for 50000

dearest Fendt 209 83000€

New Holland TN95 FAcosts about 72000

Basic requirements for a tractor:

Front and rear PTO, hitch

Plenty of hydraulic outlets front and rear

Sufficient power for the SIMULTANEOUS operation of the rotary mower and sprayerhp)

Tractor width - the narrower the better

Tractor New Holland TN95 FAhas a swivel front axle, which gives it an additional advantage when working in intensive gardening over other tractors

Garden sprayer (2pcs) 14000€

Pillar 3200€

Rotary mower 3000€

Herbicide sprayer 875€

Total expenses for the purchase of specialized equipment 45075€

Capital costs for planting 30 hectares of garden in 2012:

Purchase of seedlings 378000€

Installation of irrigation systems 41666€

Well drilling 25000€

Support installation 189750€

Purchase of special mechanisms 31975€

Design 1500€

Soil preparation 1800€

Breakdown 900€

Landing 59100€

Total: 729691€

Capital expenditures in 2013:

Purchase of containers 3750€

Total: 5250€

Capital expenditures in 2014:

Acquisition of a container ship 1500€

Purchasing a garden tractor 83000€

Purchase of containers 18750€

Total: 103250.

Capital expenditures in 2015:

Purchase of containers 24375€

Total: 24375€

Capital expenditures in 2016:

Purchase of containers 9375€

Total: 9375€

Total capital costs for project implementation 689816

Operating expenses in 2013:

Weeding 900€

Watering and nutrition 3000€

Total 6000€

Operating expenses in 2014:

Weeding 900€

Plant protection products 2100€

Watering and nutrition 3000€

Cleaning costs (yield 12t/ha) 10170€

Total: 16170€

Operating expenses in 2015:

Weeding 900

Plant protection products 2100€

Watering and feeding 4500€

Cleaning costs (yield 25t/ha) 21187€

Total: 9687€

Operating expenses in 2016:

Weeding 900€

Plant protection products 2100€

Watering and feeding 7500€

Cleaning costs (yield 35t/ha 29663€

Total: 40163€

Operating expenses in 2017:

Weeding 900€

Plant protection products 2100€

Watering and feeding 7500€

Cleaning costs (yield 40t/ha) 33900€

Total: 44400€

Calculation of payback periods by years.

Naming of expenditures

Capital investments, Euro

Operating costs, Euro

Total costs, Euro (clause 1 + clause 2)

Accumulated costs by years, Euro (clause 3, with accumulation)

Gross harvest, kg

Gross income, Euro

Accumulated income by years, Euro (item 7, with accumulation)

Net income of the project, Euro (clause 8-clause 4)

Productivity by years, t/ha

Garden area, ha

Wholesale price, Euro/kg

From the table, we can see that the excess of income over expenses occurs in the fifth year after planting the garden (in 2016). According to the results of 2016, the expected net profit from the project being implemented will be 389179 Euro. The service life of gardens of this type is 15-20 years.

the payback period of the project is 5 years.

Establishing the optimal design of plantations in relation to certain natural and economic features of the economy is one of the solutions to the problem of increasing the gross production of fruits.

According to N. M. Kurennoy, the design (type) of a garden is determined by a combination of the following factors: the peculiarities of the placement of trees, the formation and pruning of the crown, the strength of the growth of the rootstock and the productivity of the variety-rootstock combination, the agricultural technology used, the system of machines, tools, the economic efficiency of the production of fruits and etc. For the southern zone, N. M. Kurennoy distinguishes the following designs (types) of gardens.

Orchards on seed and medium-sized vegetatively propagated rootstocks with dense line placement of trees in rows and wide row-spacings (300-600 trees per 1 ha.), Formed as a round (spherical, volumetric) or semi-flat small crown with a height of up to 3.5 m. with 5 - 8 main branches. In a full-grown state, plantations form continuous crowns in a row with a width of more than 2.5 - 3.0 m.

Orchards on seed (medium - and low-growing varieties), semi-dwarf and medium-sized clone rootstocks with the placement of 500 - 800 trees per 1 ha, formed according to the type of flat crowns (palmettes) with the predominant development of the lower branches, up to 3.5 m high and the width of the fruit wall 1.5 - 2.5 m.

Orchards of spur-type varieties grown under irrigation or in areas with increased moisture on medium and low-growing rootstocks (respectively 500 - 666 and 1000 - 1666 trees per 1 ha with the formation of a freely growing rounded crown and 833 - 1000 and 1250 - 2000 trees - with formation of flat crowns).

Orchards on dwarf rootstocks grown under irrigation or in areas with high moisture.

Orchards on low-growing rootstocks (M9, M26, M7) with rounded, low-volume crowns, which form a solid wall in the plantation, undergo a wide production test. This is a free-growing spindle-shaped shrub with plant placement 3 x 1 - 1.5 m and a crown diameter (crown row width) 2 - 2.5 m, slender spindle and columnar formation (piler) with a placement of 3.5 - 4 x 1 and 3, 5 x 1m (2500 - 5000 trees per 1 ha) and a crown width of about 1m.

According to Z. A. Metlitsky, more than half of the total height and width of the crown of fruit trees in the gardens of the first two types with large crowns falls on a part of the branches that are bare from overgrowing twigs and leaves and perform only the functions of a connection between the roots and the top of the crown. A rare tree placement system does not contribute to the creation of highly productive plantations, since the crown projection area in such gardens is only 20-50% total area garden instead of the normal 60 - 80%. The creation of powerful trees capable of producing record yields with a sparse placement in the garden did not justify itself. Russian biologist - fruit grower P. G. Shitt put forward and substantiated a proposal for a thickened (linear) planting of fruit trees, combining the advantages of dense and rare placement of trees and devoid of their inherent disadvantages.

This can be achieved by using varieties and rootstocks suitable for planting thickened apple orchards.

Varieties and rootstocks for intensive apple orchards

According to biological features and the nature of production, dwarf and semi-dwarf trees are among the most intensive culture. They begin to bear fruit on the 2nd - 5th year after planting, and the relatively small size of such trees allows them to be placed on a unit area several times more than vigorous ones.

According to Y.S. Nesterov, for planting apple orchards of an intensive type, varieties are promising - spurs Yellowspur, Wellspur, Rabispur, Cherrired and varieties with restrained growth Wagner, Low Red, Rum Beauty, Lambourne, Granny Smith, Williams, Annie Elizabeth, Farside.

Very promising for intensive plantings of the southern horticultural zone are zoned apple varieties bred by SKZNIISiV: Kuban spur, Delicious spur, Luch..

Apple cultivars Grive Rouge and Red Melba on low-growing rootstock M9 are also suitable for cultivation using intensive technologies. In addition, when laying intensive-type orchards, the previously zoned varieties Idared and Starkrimson on a similar stock that have proven themselves should also be used.

Winter-ripening apple varieties: Western European Gloucester and American Jonagold on a low-growing rootstock M9 also meet the requirements of intensive fruit growing. It is necessary to add to the characteristics of these varieties the high commercial quality and the special attractiveness of their fruits.

It should be noted that Gloucester and Jonagold varieties are affected by fungal diseases. However, they are widely used in intensive gardens in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Hungary and other countries. Currently, these varieties are undergoing a wide production test in the south of the European part of the CIS.

According to experts (N. I. Kondratenko), in the apple orchards of southern Russia, it is advisable to cultivate the early-growing, highly productive variety Golden Delicious, which for a long time retained "leadership" in intensive plantations in many European countries and the USA.

At present, the attention of practitioners is attracted new variety Golden Delicious (Clone B), more resistant to sunburn. The expediency of its cultivation on alluvial-meadow soils of the Kuban horticulture zone has already been proven in terms of productivity, consumer and commercial qualities of the fruit.

It is very promising to use the Red Jonagold variety, a colored mutant of the Jonagold variety, under these natural conditions. As the experiment showed, during the formation of the crown of trees of this variety on the rootstock M9 according to the "spindle" type and placing them according to the scheme 4 x 1.5 m, already in the 3rd year after planting the orchard, the beginning of commercial fruiting is noted with a yield of 9.7 tons per 1 ha. At the same time, the yield of premium fruits is 94%.

In recent years, apple trees on low-growing rootstocks have begun to be widely introduced into industrial fruit growing. The dwarf culture has become so widespread due to a number of advantages that lie in the biological characteristics of growth and fruiting. Their essence is as follows:

1. Weak apple rootstocks give grafted varieties greater uniformity in crown size than vigorous ones. This facilitates the unification of agricultural practices that increase labor productivity.

2. Dwarf trees are much smaller than the same varieties on seed rootstocks. They are much easier to care for and reduce labor costs in such work as crown formation and pruning, pest and disease control. Fruit picking is faster, more accurate, the amount of improvised carrion is reduced.

3. In orchards on low-growing rootstocks, especially when cultivated on a trellis, the yield over the years grows much faster than on the same varieties, but grafted on strong-growing rootstocks.

4. Although the productivity of dwarf trees during the period of full fruiting is lower than that of vigorous ones, but when more of them (666 - 2000) are placed on one hectare, the total yield per unit area of ​​the garden is also greater.

5. Commercial qualities of fruits at good care higher, the fruits are larger, better colored, contain more dry matter.

6. Periodicity in the fruiting of dwarf trees is less pronounced than on vigorous trees. The results of vegetation experiments indicate the prospects of using the semi-dwarf rootstock M26 for the most complete manifestation of the potential of some apple varieties recommended for intensive orchards. So, for example, the productivity factor Q of the Idared / M26 combination is 1.32. Quite suitable for use in intensive orchards of the southern regions are new clonal rootstocks of apple trees bred by SKZNIISiV, dwarf SK-3, SK-4 and semi-dwarf SK-2.

Formation of tree crowns in high-density apple plantations

The task of formation is reduced to the construction of production-appropriate crowns of fruit trees, which, regardless of the adopted systems, should provide:

construction of small-sized (compact) crowns, corresponding to the accepted system of placing plants in the plantation, simple in design and technology of formation;

· high strength, stability and flexibility of the skeletal part, capable of withstanding a large crop load, etc.;

· intensive increase in leaf surface area, early entry of trees into fruiting and rapid growth of industrial yields;

good illumination of all parts of the tree and the crown of the compacted row;

· the formation of trees with a limited amount of skeletal wood (main branches) that do not need complex and expensive pruning during the entire productive period of life;

· sustainable preservation of the position of the branches of the first order, intensive growth, regular abundant fruiting and high quality of fruits;

· mechanization of work in the garden (pruning, soil and tree care, harvesting), increasing labor productivity and the efficiency of fruit production.

In connection with the compacted placement by reducing the distance between plants in the rows, formation is of particular importance, ensuring their sufficient illumination and, accordingly, productivity.

Such formations, according to V. I. Cherepakhin, R. P. Kudryavts, A. S. Devyatov, include a spindle-shaped bush (spindelbush), a spindle (spindle), a slender spindle (gruzbek), a French axis (piler), a free-growing spindle ( free spindle, Russian spindle).

The spindle-shaped bush (spindelbush), according to V. Velkov, was developed and introduced in the Hungarian garden by Sandor Feyesh and recommended for apple trees grafted on M9 and M4. Planting pattern for apple trees on M4 - 7 - 7.5 x 4 - 4.5 m; on M9 - 5 - 5.5 x 2.5 - 3m.

The spindle-shaped bush is characterized by a non-tiered arrangement of horizontally directed branches on the trunk in a spiral and has a pyramidal shape with a wider base. Its final dimensions are as follows: height 2 - 2.5 m, crown diameter 4.0 - 4.5 m.

The advantage of the spindle-shaped bush is the ease of formation with a successful selection of varieties, early fruiting, culture without support. Such a crown is not suitable for varieties that bear fruit late and have branches with sharp angles of discharge.

The spindle (spindle) was created by gardeners in Western Europe and, according to A. S. Devyatov, differs little from the spindle bush. It is smaller in size: crown height 1.8 - 2.2 m, diameter 1.5 - 2.0 m, and apple trees grafted on rootstocks M9, M26, M27, P22, B146, 63 - 396, planted according to the scheme 2.5 - 3.0 x 1.5 - 2.0 m. Varieties are recommended that are low-growing, early-growing and with good branching (Idared, Golden Delicious, Jonared, Lambourne, Ionica, Champion). Trees require supports 2.5 - 3.0 m high made of spruce, oak, acacia, bamboo, which do not rot for up to 20 years.

Further improvement of the spindle crown (spindle) led to the emergence of two new crown forms - a slender spindle (gruzbek) with constantly fouling branches and a French axis (piller) with cyclically renewed fouling branches.

A slender spindle (gruzbek) was developed in the late 60s of the twentieth century. for low-growing apple plantations on the rootstock M9, B9, 62 - 396, B146, P22. Its authors, according to A. S. Devyatov, were the fruit growing inspector J. Smith and the manager of the company in Gruzbek V. Jean. In 1978 it was described by S. Wertheim. It has become widespread in the Netherlands and Belgium with single-line placement of trees according to the scheme 3 - 4 x 1 - 2m. Unlike other spindle-shaped crowns, a slender spindle is formed from annual seedlings with branches. In addition, in the third year, the continuation branch is shortened to a lateral weak branching (translation), and the branching itself is shortened to 30–40 cm. In the future, the central conductor is shortened as in the third year. This contributes to the weakening of its growth and better fouling.

IN final form a slender spindle (gruzbek) on the stock M9 has a height of 2 - 2.5 m, and a diameter of 1.0 - 1.5 m.

The French axis (piler) was developed in England by G. A. McLean and is recommended for trees of spur varieties of apple trees with a spreading crown on undersized rootstocks. According to R. N. Kudryavts, the piller consists of a central conductor up to 2 m high, on which 20–25 overgrowing branches (fruit links) are evenly (every 10–12 cm) placed. In each link one -, two and three-year-old shoots and twigs are formed. Three-year-old branches that bear fruit are cut into a stump, leaving two or three buds. Tree planting scheme 4-5 x 1 - 1.5m. A.S. Derevyatov clarifies that initially this crown was called "Piller" and was put into practice in France by J. Lespinasse and called the "French Axis". It resembles a slender spindle and has a height of 3 - 4 m and with shorter, periodically renewed overgrowing and fruiting branches with a ratio of trunk diameter and branches of at least 3:1. For the southern zone of fruit growing, rootstock M9 and M26 are recommended.

The advantage of the piller is early maturity, ease of care, good commercial qualities of the fruit. Disadvantage: rapid aging of the lower links.

A free-growing spindle (free spindle), according to V. I. Cherepakhin, is a modification of a slender spindle and is characterized by stronger growth at the base of the crown of branches 100–150 cm long. This crown is intended mainly for apple varieties with a spreading crown (Golden Delicious, Mantua , Renet Simirenko, Glory to the winners, etc.), grafted on low-growing rootstocks M9, M26, P22 with a planting pattern of 4 - 4.5 x 1.5 - 2m. Design features crowns, principles, techniques of formation and pruning of trees are basically the same as previously described for spindle-shaped crowns. The crown consists of a trunk and branches of the first order with a length of 1 - 1.5 m. The lower branches are placed elevated (the angle of inclination is 55 - 60 °), the upper ones are horizontal.

In the fifth year after planting, pruning of overgrown branches begins with a three to four year replacement cycle. Fruiting branches are shortened by 3-4-year-old wood with a transfer to a shortened branch with two to three buds, a replacement knot or fruit formations from which new shoots grow. Two-, three-year-old fruit-bearing branches, if necessary, are shortened in order to regulate their load with fruit formations, especially in the Golden Delicious, Starkrimson, Mantua varieties, in order to prevent crushing of fruits from overload. In the future, they try to limit the size of the crowns by trimming so that the height is within 2 - 2.5 m, the diameter is up to 1.5 m.

Unlike other spindle-shaped crowns, the free-growing spindle has one drawback eliminated - sagging branches, which makes it easier to care for the soil in the row.

Tree placement

Previously, it was customary to lay large orchards with such placement of plants when the distances between trees in rows did not differ much or did not differ at all from the row spacing, for example, for an apple tree on vigorous rootstocks 12 x 10, 10 x 10, 10 x 8 m. This made it possible to place 83-125 trees on one hectare. At the same time, each tree in the garden was provided with a large area and a significant amount of air-light environment, significantly exceeding the needs and possibilities for their effective use, especially by young trees.

The use of apple varieties created for intensive fruit growing, together with dwarf rootstocks and fusiform crowns, made it possible to create dense plantations with the placement of 2 to 5 thousand trees per hectare. This made it possible to eliminate all the above disadvantages and increase the yield in an adult garden up to 30-40 tons per 1 ha.

The development of fruit growing along this path is more preferable also because the amount of arable land per capita is constantly decreasing, and tens of thousands of hectares are withdrawn from the annual turnover for various reasons.

New thickened structures of fruit plantations are one of the most important achievements of science and practice in the field of horticulture. Thickened plantings are the starting point for a new horticultural system that incorporates new structure and crown formation technology to maximize the benefits of compacted gardens while avoiding their disadvantages.

At the same time, with excessively thickened placement of trees in rows and a decrease in row spacing, as well as with rational placement, but the lack of care for crowns that grow and thicken, the radiation regime worsens, which negatively affects the yield and quality of fruits, the use of machines and etc.

Crown formation.

Slender spindle. This spindle-shaped crown was developed in the Netherlands in the late 1960s. for a very dense apple orchard on a dwarf rootstock M9. Its authors were the horticultural inspector J. Smith and the farm manager in Gruzbek W. Jean. It was first described by S. Wertheim in 1978. Initially, this crown was called "gruzbek", but later the name "slender spindle" was assigned to it. This crown has become widespread in the Netherlands and Belgium in single-row planting with row spacings of 3-4 m and row spacings of 1-2 m.

Apple orchard: modern technologies

The placement according to the scheme 3-3.25x1.25 m is considered more optimal.

A slender spindle is characterized by a central trunk, several strong branches at the bottom and rather weak ones along the entire trunk up to the top at a height of 2.5 m. At the end of formation, the crown has a conical shape.

The slender spindle arose on the basis of the "spindle". Outwardly, it differs from it in a smaller crown diameter and a shorter length of overgrowing branches. It is obligatory to install a stake, which must stand until the garden is uprooted.

For the formation of a "slender spindle", crowned one-year-olds are preferred. To do this, proceed as follows. One-year-olds in the nursery are not dug up, but left for another year. They are cut to grow back at a height of 40-45 cm from the ground and a new trunk is grown, essentially a two-year-old, but with summer branches. Their peculiarity is that they always have a wide angle of departure, up to 60-90 degrees and do not need to be deflected.

The stem of the seedling is cleared of branches to a height of up to 40–50 cm. The trunk is cut at a height of about 1 m to ensure the growth of branches in length. At a height of 70-90 cm there should be 3-5 branches. Lateral branches are not shortened. If among the upper branches there are one or two directed upwards, they are removed leaving a hemp 5–10 mm long or deflected to a horizontal position, fixing with twine. Always make sure that the barrel is securely fixed in the support.

Skeletal branches are not allowed in the "slender spindle". The thickness of overgrowing can reach 2–2.5 cm. For their formation, sloping ramifications of medium growth strength, which are formed in the middle part of last year's growth, are valued, since they do not require bending.

To ensure strong enough growth of fouling branches, the stem guide is transferred annually to a weak top branch or competitor. This achieves the goal of restraining the growth of the tree in height. The transfer of the central conductor must be done annually, and each time in the opposite direction. As a result, the trunk acquires a zigzag shape and does not deviate from the vertical to the grafting site.

It is not customary to shorten the lateral branches on the trunk in the first 4 years of the formation of the "slender spindle", with the exception of the uppermost of the annually formed ones, if they are directed upwards and grow strongly. They must be cut out leaving a short spine.

Formed trees are pruned annually. At the same time, strong growths oriented upwards are cut out and sloping branches are shortened if they reach a neighboring tree.

The total height of the formed tree is 2–2.5 m, the diameter of the cone-shaped crown is 1.5–2 m. After reaching a given height, further growth of the trunk is completely cut off annually.

The control variant is formed according to the "spindle" type. This crown was created by gardeners in Western Europe. Apple trees grafted on rootstocks M9, M26, M27, P22, B146, 63-396, planted according to the scheme 2.5-3.0 x 1.5-2.0 m are formed according to this type. with good branching (Idared, Red Jonagold, Jonared, Lambourne, Ionica, Champion).

Annual seedlings without branching after planting in a permanent place are pruned at a height of 75–85 cm from the ground.

In the spring of the first year of vegetation, after awakening of the buds, while examining the trees, they pick up a stem 40–60 cm high. Stamping is carried out in this zone, and when the increments reach a length of 50–60 cm, they are tilted to 69–70 ° from the vertical and fixed with twine. If the lateral growths do not lend themselves to bending, they are cut out in the spring of the second year of vegetation, leaving a stump 5-10 mm long. In the spring of the second year, the central conductor is tied to a stake and cut at a height of 30–40 cm from the upper growth.

In the summer of the second year, green operations are carried out (pinching and breaking of vertical shoots on the branches of the first order).

In the spring of the third and fourth years of vegetation, branches continue to form on the trunk. To this end, annually in the spring, the branch of the continuation of the central conductor is shortened at a distance of 30–40 cm from the upper branching. The main task is to ensure good coverage of the trunk with overgrown branches by pruning the conductor, to prevent gaps of more than 15–20 cm. The length of the branches of the first order depends on the distance between the trees and reaches 75–100 cm. trunk zone - 1.5 -2 cm. On the branches of the first order, only overgrowing branches with growth and fruit buds are placed.

Vertical growths on the branches of the first order are not allowed, they are cut out in the spring (if they were not tilted and pinched in the summer). The height of the crown is brought to 1.8–2.2 m. In subsequent years, the crown is thinned out annually, cutting out all strong growths with a vertical and close to it orientation, if they were not rejected in the second half of summer during green operations.

One of the priority areas for the development of the agricultural sector of the Kuban is currently the introduction of intensive gardening. An intensive garden is considered innovative technology, although for the first time in the world they tried to introduce it in 1964 in Canada. In the Krasnodar Territory today there are only up to 30 farms that have established intensive orchards. Surely, many agricultural producers do not yet have answers to questions about how to make it really profitable. Although, perhaps, the high costs at the initial stage are frightening. But what business does not require investments? Let's try to consider an intensive garden as an investment object.

How much money should be invested in it, in what time frame and what financial result can be achieved? An intensive garden is a special kind of standard business, consisting of a number of factors. The absence or insufficiently reliable functioning of one of them can lead to a significant decrease in economic efficiency. That is, an intensive garden without irrigation or without tree supports is like a good car without wheels or a supermarket without goods. In both cases, the absence individual element disrupts the normal functioning of the system as a whole.

From seedling...

The first component of this business is seedlings. They provide about 80% of commercial success. As Russian and foreign experience shows, the use of healthy two-year-old seedlings with a one-year-old crown - "knip-baum" - "flowering branch" is optimal. In the world gene pools of apple trees today there are more than 20 thousand variety samples. The main difference between the varieties of intensive type, in addition to high marketability and content of the fruit, is the property of intensive laying of flower buds on annual shoots. Breeders are now looking to combine this property with immunity to fungal diseases and certain pests to reduce pesticide contamination of fruits and the environment. Of course, regional selection is important to obtain varieties that are well adapted to a particular locality. But at the moment, according to experts who planted intensive gardens, it is better to give preference to imported seedlings - for example, Italian ones. Although problems may arise here too: not all variety samples are allowed for import into the territory of our country by Rosreestr, even those that are optimally suited to our geoclimatic conditions.

Nevertheless, there is a choice for gardeners, and high-quality planting material, subject to a number of requirements, can ensure a crop in the year of planting and, accordingly, ensure a quick return on investment. The sapling - "knip" is specially formed in the nursery and from the very first year of planting "works" for fruiting, that is, in the garden with such a tree there is practically no need to work.

The tree bears fruit every year. The fact that the "kneep" bears fruit already in the year of planting opens up the possibility for the gardener to maneuver in the market with pomological varieties. This means that it allows you to conquer the market as quickly as possible and ensure the highest profit. Despite the fact that its cost is 2.5 times higher than the usual one-year-old, such a seedling is able to pay for itself very quickly. In addition to careful selection of seedlings, supports are extremely important. A modern intensive garden is inconceivable without reliable supports for trees loaded with crops. You can choose from three options for supports - a stake near each of the trees, impregnated with creosote or blue vitriol, and two types of trellis - from 1-2 rows of wire and a bamboo support near each tree, or from three to four rows of wire to which trees are tied.

It should also be noted that a drip irrigation system is applicable for an intensive garden - it cannot be cheap, but other irrigation systems are not suitable in this case. The fertilizer system is developed and adjusted annually, taking into account the content of nutrients in the soil, the activity of vegetative growth, yield, rainfall, temperature, foliar diagnostics and other conditions.

And it should be remembered that it is better to “underfeed” trees than to “overfeed”. The next component of the "garden" business is a system of protection against pests and diseases. It's not only chemicals but also reliable tractor and sprayer. Unfortunately, the existing domestic sprayers do not meet the requirements of intensive gardening. Close to the optimal option is any imported sprayer. Working with a working fluid flow rate of about 260 liters per hectare, it allows to reduce the drug consumption rate by 25%, and this covers the additional costs for the purchase of an imported sprayer in four years. A garden is impossible without a fence, which also costs some money. Anti-hail installations are also needed.

... to the refrigerator

Storage is one of the most important elements that allows you to maximize the profit from the garden, and an indispensable component of success in this type of business. The presence of a refrigerator must be taken care of from the time the decision is made to engage in gardening, because the "knip" allows you to get a significant mass of apples in the second or third year - about 50 tons / ha. Without storage, the meaning of such a business is lost, because in autumn the market is filled with apples that have a low price. The container is necessary in order to put apples in storage, it is also a very solid investment. Renting a refrigerator can be more expensive than building your own.

apple orchard apple business

In the Krasnodar Territory, there are horticultural farms that, even before laying the garden, installed their own modern refrigerators - from 2 to 5, for 5 thousand tons each.


Well, as they say, everything is still decided by personnel. Although an intensive garden involves a minimum of personnel - because modern technologies provide for the automation of many processes, up to pruning trees in an intensive garden. Despite this, competent staff is needed at all stages of the functioning of an intensive garden. As a rule, with rational technical support for a garden of 10 hectares, one manager is enough - a specialist fruit grower, one machine operator and two permanent workers. During busy periods of work, for example, for harvesting, temporary workers from the local population can be involved.

Let's count?

So, the laying of an intensive garden and its maintenance requires considerable investment. From the foregoing, it follows that the exclusion of even one of the elements of such a garden will nullify all the work. So how much money is needed to lay a garden, say, with an area of ​​5 hectares, with 2,500 trees per hectare? We consider. Returning to what has been said, high-quality, healthy knip-baum seedlings will be required: 12,500 pieces at $ 3 - a total of $ 37,500. Next - supports, for example, a single-wire trellis with bamboo near each tree, worth $ 16,615. The third is drip irrigation: if there is a source of water and electricity, the cost can be about $10,000. Fourth - fencing: chain-link mesh 1.5 m high and reinforced concrete pillars for its fastening every 4 m will cost 1444 dollars. Do not forget about the equipment: you need a tractor (possibly domestic), a sprayer (necessarily imported), a rotary mower for mowing grass between rows, a herbicide sprayer and a transport trolley - about 9300 dollars will be required.

In total, the approximate amount of investments and fixed assets will be about 75 thousand dollars. The garden planting work also includes tree planting, pole installation, drip irrigation installation, and fencing, and is estimated at around $2,000. It is worth adding the annual operating costs, which are the sum of the costs of chemical protection against pests and diseases, fertilizer, irrigation, facility security, fuel and lubricants, refrigerator rental, wages for specialists and hired workers.

They can reach 22470 dollars. Such an impressive amount of overhead annual costs involves the use of renting a refrigerator and buying disposable containers. The sum of these costs takes up to 40% of the above annual costs. If you use the option with your own refrigerator and reusable containers, these costs can be significantly reduced. In terms of one tree, the total costs for 15 years of the existence of plantations will be only about 30 dollars. For the entire period of fruiting, one tree provides up to 90-100 dollars.

net profit. Large investments in the creation of the garden are paid off by the harvest of the third year, after which the annual profit will exceed $ 100. Thus, for every dollar invested in an intensive apple orchard, we get 2.7 dollars. net profit. Of course, this example is exaggerated. It does not take into account the payment of taxes, force majeure. But it allows you to see what are the real potential opportunities for the strategically important segment of the agricultural business for the south of Russia - intensive gardening.

Industrial cultivation of apples. Apple orchard as a business. Intensive technology for growing apple trees: photo, video.

Today we will talk about industrial gardening, and in particular about growing the most popular fruit - an apple.

At the moment, in our country, the main share of the apple market is imported products from Poland and Turkey, domestic products occupy less than 30% of the market.

Modern industrial horticulture requires considerable investment, besides, horticulture, like the agricultural business, has its own share of risk, and this primarily concerns weather conditions, a sudden drought, hurricane or severe frost can destroy the crop and the plantations themselves.

But with the use of modern technologies, the percentage of risk can be reduced, the same drip irrigation will avoid the loss of seedlings and crops from sudden drought, and overhead irrigation will reduce losses from sudden spring frosts.

Another very important point of the apple business is the payback period of investments, here the technology of growing an apple orchard plays an important role.

Technologies for growing apple orchards:

  • Extensive on seed rootstocks.
  • On medium-sized (semi-dwarf) rootstocks.
  • Intensive on dwarf rootstocks.

If we talk about the classical extensive technology used in 70% of industrial orchards, then the first harvest can be obtained 6 years after planting apple seedlings, and reach the industrial level only 7-9 years (active phase of fruiting). Accordingly, throughout this period, care is required for seedlings: watering, hilling, pruning, pest control and the prospect of making a profit is rather vague.

But if, when laying an orchard, an intensive technology for growing apple trees with drip irrigation is used, then the first crop can already be obtained 3, and in some cases even 2 years after planting already grafted seedlings. With proper agricultural technology for 3 years, it is already possible to obtain a yield of about 20 t / ha from an intensive orchard, for 6-7 years up to 50 t / ha.

Intensive technology for the apple business.

So, what is the intensive technology of growing apple trees.

The intensive technology of growing apple trees is based on the use of tall varieties on dwarf rootstocks, which can significantly increase the density of planting trees 2000 - 5000 pcs. per 1 ha. Another very important point is a special technique for trimming the crowns of growing trees, which allows you to solve the problem of shading neighboring seedlings.

Intensive technology for growing apple trees has its drawbacks:

  • The location of the root system of a dwarf rootstock in the upper soil layer, respectively, low frost resistance of the root system to -10 - 11 ° C.
  • The root system of a dwarf stock requires more frequent watering, an irrigation system will be needed.
  • The crowns of trees in an intensive garden require special spindle-type pruning and the installation of additional supporting trellises.

But all these disadvantages of intensive technology cover the following advantages:

  • High yield of apple trees up to 50t/ha.
  • Early harvests for 2 - 3 years after planting (industrial volumes for 4 - 5 years).
  • The low crown (3 - 3.5 m) of trees allows you to harvest more quickly, to spray pests as efficiently as possible.

The intensive technology itself is not new and has been successfully used in Western countries for a long time, so the advantages of its use are obvious.

Peculiarities of apple-tree agrotechnology under intensive technology.

Garden bookmark.

For laying a garden with intensive agricultural technology on low-growing rootstocks, flat areas with the most fertile soil with the possibility of drip irrigation are used.

For growing apple trees, it is optimal to use medium loams, ordinary black soil, gray, dark gray forest soils.

According to the mechanical composition, medium, light loams are suitable. Apple trees are short-lived on carbonate soils, the rate of carbonate content in the soil layer of 0.8 m by weight of lime does not exceed 12%.

Selection of varieties of apple trees for planting.

It is advisable to grow economically profitable varieties, transportable fruits, with a long shelf life, mainly winter varieties.

The most popular varieties of apples are:

  • Champion.
  • Jonagold.
  • Golden Delicious.
  • Gloucester.
  • Idared.
  • Florina.
  • Ligol.
  • Eliza.
  • Rosavka.
  • Pinova.

You need to decide on a rootstock, the following rootstocks are the most popular:

M-9- dwarf rootstock, fruiting for 2 - 3 years after planting, high yield.

MM-106- semi-dwarf rootstock root system is more frost-resistant than M-9.

Soil preparation for planting apple trees.

Soil analysis, calculation of the rate of mineral fertilizers, application of organic and mineral fertilizers.

Norm of organic fertilizers:

  • Gray forest soil - 70 t / ha of humus.
  • Soils of the chernozem type - 50 t / ha.

Planting apple seedlings.

Landing can be carried out in autumn in October, or in early spring. For planting seedlings with a well-developed root system, pits with a diameter of 0.5 m are required; a tractor with a mounted drill is used to dig holes.

The most common planting pattern on dwarf rootstocks is 4 meters between rows, the distance between seedlings in a row is from 0.6 to 2 meters.

You can plant on the M-9 rootstock, with row spacings of less than 4 meters, but then small-sized equipment will be needed for gardening.

After planting, a drip irrigation system is immediately installed.

Pruning and shaping the crown of apple trees.

If already crowned seedlings are planted, then they are not pruned after planting, if the seedlings are without a crown, they are cut at a level of 0.9 m from the soil level. As the seedlings grow, shoots are removed in the root zone - 0.6 m from the soil.

The most important stage is the formation of the crown, in intensive technology pruning and crown formation is used - a slender spindle, the shape of the crown resembles a rounded spindle with a base of about 3 meters.

When forming the crown, the installation of supporting trellises will be required.

Irrigation of the apple orchard.

Intensive technology requires frequent watering, best option drip irrigation.

  • The iron content is 3-5 mg per 1 liter.
  • The content of carbonates in terms of the anion HCO 3- up to 4 mmol / 1 l.
  • With a neutral reaction (рН=7).

The rate of drip irrigation per day is 10 - 15 m 3 / ha. If overhead irrigation is carried out to prevent spring frosts, 150 - 200 m 3 / ha.

Apple orchard care.

Soil cultivation in the apple orchard. Row spacing in the garden after planting up to 3 years is kept under black fallow, over 3 years old, a parosideral system or sod-humus is used.

Periodically, it is required to treat trees with preparations from various diseases and pests.

Harvesting is done manually by seasonal workers. The storage of apples requires a fruit storage with controlled temperature, relative humidity, and the storage of apples also requires control of the content of carbon dioxide, oxygen and ethylene in the storage.

Growing fruit trees in an intensive way is quite promising business, the modern consumer prefers fruits grown by domestic producers, the share of imported low-quality products is decreasing. All these factors contribute to the development of industrial horticulture in our country.