Fence from eurostudent wave. Euro fence: photo of a fence made of euro fence, ways to install a metal fence

Ways of fastening the euro picket fence to the fence, how to properly fasten the metal picket fence and what kind of fasteners are best used for mounting the picket fence to the logs, we will describe in this article:

How to fix a picket fence

Let's start from the beginning 🙂 On what factors does this or that method of fixing the picket fence depend:
1. The fence is always fastened STRICTLY from the front side
It is very important not to confuse the front and reverse side metal picket profile (especially in cases where the euro picket fence is used the same on both sides: galvanized or coated on both sides).

2. Proper fastening metal fence to the lags depends on the type of the profile of the euro picket fence.
The metal fence, depending on the manufacturer, can have a variety of profile types. Most often there is a U-shaped picket fence, there is also a Semicircular profile (its fastening is the same as that of the U-shaped one) and an M-shaped profile view.
Below we will consider the correct fastening of all the listed types of eurostudent profile.

Mounting the M-shaped picket fence

M-shaped picket fence is attached in the middle of the profile. This is an outdated type of European fence with a significant drawback: the “wings” of the planks remain loose and will play with gusts of wind. Also, due to this method of fastening, the substructure of the fence from the M-shaped metal picket fence will have minimal rigidity, because at the fastening points there is a single metal thickness and as a result, a weak geometric diagonal resistance of the fence section is obtained.

M-shaped profile of a metal fence for a fence

Fastening the M-shaped fence for the fence to the logs

Fastening of the U-shaped and Semicircular picket fence

The principles of fastening the Semicircular and U-shaped profile of a metal picket fence do not differ from each other. Fastening in both cases must be done in the side edges of the planks where, due to rolling, there is a double thickness of the metal (an unrolled picket fence is traumatic and we do not recommend it for use at all).

Semicircular and U-shaped
fence profiles

There are 2 ways to attach the Semicircular and U-shaped metal picket fence to the logs:
1. The method is less reliable but more economical. The strap fasteners are made 1 pc for each log in a checkerboard pattern:

1 Way of fastening the U-shaped and Semicircular fence (economical)

2. The method is more reliable but less economical. The planks are fastened in 2 pieces for each joist - we always recommend that Clients use this method of fixing the euro picket fence, because. he is the most reliable:

2 Method of fastening the U-shaped and Semicircular fence (reliable)

How to fix the picket fence, types of fasteners

To attach a metal picket fence to the joists of the fence substructure, you can use different kinds fasteners. TPK Metalroofing Center offers its Clients the following most popular ones:

Self-tapping screws 5.5 * 19 roofing with a 6-sided head for a 8mm bit

Roofing screws with a diameter of 5.5 are designed for installation in metal, as indicated by frequent threading and an enlarged drill part. When the self-tapping screw is screwed in, the rubber self-vulcanizes, and thereby completely prevents water from entering the drilled hole. The tip in the form of a drill allows you to work with material up to 2.5 mm thick without pre-preparation of holes.
Diameter (mm): 5.5
Length (mm): 19
Type: Roofing
Color: According to RAL catalog

Fixing the picket fence on roofing screws 5.5 * 19

+ convenient and quick to mount with a screwdriver;
+ most reliable option fastenings;

- the cost of the screw is higher alternatives;
- visually noticeable on the finished fence;

Self-tapping screws PShS or “seeds” 4.2 * 16 or 4.2 * 19 for a Phillips screwdriver

Self-tapping screws with a hemispherical head and a press washer (PShS) are designed for fastening a variety of products and materials to metal frames, steel sheets up to 2 mm thick without pre-drilling and up to 6 mm thick with pre-drilling. The tip is galvanized - a drill. The press washer, located under the head of the screw, provides additional fastening strength and resistance to increased mechanical stress. Zinc coating provides long service life and corrosion protection.
Diameter (mm): 4.2
Length (mm): 16 or 19
Color: According to RAL catalog

Fixing the picket fence on self-tapping screws ПШС 4.2 * 16

+ low cost of self-tapping screw;
+ visually almost invisible on the finished fence;

- the complexity and inconvenience of fastening (when drilling a picket fence strip and a ferrous metal log);

Blind rivets 3.2*8 (aluminum/steel)

Painted blind rivet 3.2*8 is used for joining thin metal sheets, fastening to substructures. The closed head consists of an aluminum sleeve with a standard head and a steel rod. Before installing the rivet, it is necessary to pre-drill a hole with a drill corresponding to the diameter of the rivet. During installation, the rod pulls the sleeve behind it, which allows you to tightly connect the parts to be fastened. The extra rod is bitten off.
Diameter (mm): 3.2
Length (mm): 8
Color: According to RAL catalog

durable and beautiful fence easy to install yourself, because it is enough simple design. Owners of dachas and country houses often prefer to install a do-it-yourself euro fence to protect their plots, which is not only durable, but also retains an attractive appearance for a long time.

European fence construction

The main stages of the installation of eurostudent:

  • Installation of supporting pillars;
  • Creating a frame;
  • Fastening shtaketin to the frame.

Preparatory work

Do-it-yourself installation of a European fence will be successful if you first mark out as accurately as possible the place where the fence is supposed to be placed and make an accurate measurement to calculate the need for materials. The number of support pillars can be calculated, given that there should be about 2.5 m between them. Dividing the length by this distance, we get the required number. For support poles use profile pipe 60 by 60 mm with a wall thickness of at least 2 mm. This thickness will provide the necessary strength during installation. To determine how long each pole should be, it is necessary to take into account how high the fence is planned to be installed - they usually leave 1.5 m above the ground, but the height can reach 3 m. The depth should be at least 1.2 m.

Consumption of materials for a structure 10 meters long and 1.5 m high:

  • Profile pipe - 30.8 m, including for support pillars with a size of 60 by 60 mm - 10.8 m, for cross-beams with a size of 40 by 20 mm - 20 m;
  • Fences 1.5 m long and 10 cm wide - 80 pcs.

Picket fence scheme

Note! For supporting pillars, a profile pipe 80 by 80 mm is also often used, but it must be taken into account that this can unnecessarily increase the cost.

Installation of support poles

Do-it-yourself production of a eurostudent begins with the installation of support poles, for which the places where the support poles should be located are determined and holes are drilled to a depth of 60 cm, into which a profile pipe 2.7 m long is installed and, deepening it by 60 cm, is clogged with a sledgehammer for another 60 cm, so that the total depth is 1.2 m. This method will ensure the stability of the post with seasonal changes in soil density.

Driving a support post

If the soil in the area is not dense enough, then the pillar should be deepened by 1.4 m, which will increase the consumption of the profile pipe, and the buried section of the pipe is concreted to ensure stability. If the density of the soil is normal, then it is enough to fill the recess with gravel.

Compacting the area around the post with gravel

Important! Before concreting a column or before compacting with gravel, it is imperative to check with the help of a building level how vertically the level is sustained.

Leveling the post with a level

Wireframe creation

Do-it-yourself eurostudent can be made durable if the frame is welded securely. To do this, crossbars from a profile pipe 40 by 20 mm are welded to the posts, which are taken for a fence 1.5 m high, 2 pieces are taken, and the top one is welded at a distance of 15 cm from the top point of the support post, and the bottom one is 20 - 30 cm from the ground, depending on land relief on the site. At the same stage, a gate with a wicket and all fittings are installed. After that, the entire frame is primed and painted.

Note! If the fence is higher, then a third crossbar is also installed to prevent the effect of windage. That is why the first cross member, which is welded from above, is not welded too low.

Frame coloring

Be sure all sections of the profile pipes must be closed with plugs that will not allow water to get inside. Therefore, it is important to choose the plugs so that they are installed tightly, with effort.

Installation of plugs on the cut of profile pipes

Fastening shtaketin to the frame

Do-it-yourself metal eurostudent can be made from sections of any width, but a distance must be left between them in order to ensure free air exchange, which is useful for animals. Each section of the European fence is fastened with four screws to the crossbars, while it is better to use self-tapping screws in the color of the material.

Fastening sections to crossbars

In order for the sections of the eurostudent to be on the same level, a cord is pulled along the upper part after installing the first section, and the remaining sections are already aligned along it.

Pulling the cord

In order not to measure the distance every time, you need to prepare, for example, a piece of a profile pipe or a wooden block right size(3 cm), and, when installing the adjacent section, measure its distance from the already fixed one.

Measuring the distance from the neighboring section

Note! The distance between sections can be from 2 cm to 5 cm. It is not recommended to retreat more than 5 cm.

After all sections are installed, a ridge bar is fixed on top of the fence, which gives it a more aesthetic appearance.

Installation of the ridge bar

It is best to introduce you to how to properly install a euro-fence with your own hands with a video that will clearly show the sequence of operations

Features of the installation of eurostudent

It must be remembered that each installation of the fence may have features that are caused not only by the terrain, soil conditions, but also by the specifics of the materials and tools that each master uses, so the videos and instructions only give a general sequence of actions.

Several options for using materials and installing a fence:

  • It is better to take euroshtaketins with a rolled edge. In this case, everything will look more aesthetically pleasing;
  • In order to fence off the neighbors as much as possible, but not to reduce the airflow, a fence is installed with the sections fastened in a checkerboard pattern. In this case, the distance between adjacent sections is about 8 cm, but no more. A feature of such a fence is that it is quite permeable, and if you look at it from the side, then the site is visible, although not clearly, and if you look straight ahead, it seems solid, but for this effect, sections painted on both sides should be used;

Installing sections in a checkerboard pattern

The eurostudent, installed on its own around the site according to the proposed method, will look no worse than the one mounted by the craftsmen, because no complicated measurements or actions are required. The only condition that will significantly speed up and facilitate installation is the presence of one or more assistants.

At the same time, your possessions will not lose their individuality: many variations of the installation of such a picket fence have been developed, it is available in different sizes and colors - there are plenty to choose from. It does not take much effort and special skills to install such a fence with your own hands. It will become the subject of your pride and the envy of your neighbors.

Do-it-yourself corrugated fence: step by step instructions

  1. frame. It is made from a metal profile pipe with parameters 6 by 6 cm or 8 by 8 cm. The thickness of the pipe wall is from 2 to 4 mm. The pipes are cut into pieces of the desired length, depending on the planned height of the fence, plus at least 1.2 m to the depth of digging. Then holes should be drilled in the ground, into which pipes are first lowered and then driven in.
  2. The distance between the support pipes determines the height and weight of the corrugated board, it varies from 1.5 to 2.5 m. The voids are filled with gravel and compacted, concreting is not recommended by experts. In conclusion to the received pillars
    you need to weld horizontal logs from the same profile pipe - there can be two or three if the fence is higher than two meters.

  3. Finished frame must be coated with a special anti-corrosion compound. It is available in a fairly wide range of colors. This will not only protect your fence from mechanical impact. external factors and extend its durability, but also give it an aesthetic appearance. The fence made of corrugated board will harmoniously fit into the overall design without falling out of the color palette.
  4. Now you can start installation the picket fence itself. You can choose pickets with rolled or non-rolled edges. In the budget version, pickets are cut from a single sheet of corrugated board - this can be seen from the raw edges of the pickets and the standard pattern of the profile itself. If pickets are made according to custom order, they are passed through a rolling machine to give the desired shape and relief.
  5. The upper edge of the euro picket fence can be flat, rounded, triangular, in the shape of a trident, arrow, etc. For low fences, pickets with a sharp upper edge should not be chosen, as this can lead to injury.

    Pay attention to the method of painting: it can be double-sided, one-sided, polymer or powder. The picket fence is fastened with metal screws at four or six points - it depends on the number of horizontal logs.

  6. The appearance of a fence made of corrugated board is largely determined by the width of the gap between the pickets. The maximum distance is 5 cm. You can make a gap of 4, 3 or 2 cm. Or you can increase the gap to 8 cm (along the width of the fence), but at the same time fix the fences in a checkerboard pattern from the inside and outside.
  7. Profiled eurostudent goes well with others finishing materials especially with stone, brick and wood. You can first lay out the foundation, the base of the fence and columns of red, for example, brick, and install segments of brown picket fence between them - it will turn out stylish and solid.

How much does a corrugated picket fence cost: materials and work

Material prices will depend not only on the number of linear meters of the fence itself, but also on the parameters of the picket fence. Fences are produced various sizes(length from 0.5 to 3 m and width from 8 to 11.5 cm). From 6 to 8 shtaketins per linear meter of fencing - depending on the width of one fragment.

1 meter of corrugated picket fence will cost from 500 to 700 rubles, depending on the processing, height, method of painting. The region also plays a role: if similar products are not produced there, but imported, the cost will be slightly higher. Now multiply the cost by the number of running meters. Add the cost of supporting profile pipes for the frame - about 200 rubles. per metre. Plus mounting material. And plus Additional materials for installation and decoration, if any: brick, stone, wood, as well as a gate or gate. Don't forget about delivery.

If it is not indicated that it is free, for one kilometer you will have to pay an average of 25-30 rubles. – prices vary by region and city.

Installation of a metal euro-pickup by a team of specialists with a height of 1.5 m costs from 1300 rubles, a height of 1.8 m - from 1450 rubles, a height of 2.5 m and above - from 1600 rubles.

European picket fence. Reviews

  • “The aesthetic appearance of the fence will be much better if you apply a little imagination in the process of working with corrugated board - just like with any other building material. And you will be original and inimitable. After all, the corrugated board can be chosen in any color, width and height. So the corrugated board and your creativity will be able to create such beauty that will please your eye and serve faithfully for decades.”
  • “The corrugated board for the picket fence is a very good and non-standard idea. It is clear that such a fence not only looks more beautiful, but will also last much longer than a wooden one. A very useful note is that when choosing the decorative shape of the upper edge of the profile, one should not forget about the height of the fence - although children and pets can get hurt.
  • “It’s just a blind fence 2 meters high - it’s somehow closed, protects from the living world, like in a monastery or prison. A corrugated picket fence gives lightness and a pleasant variety, not all neighbors have such a fence. The main advantage as a gardener I think is that household plot not only protected, but also well lit and ventilated. Yes, and decorated very beautifully and original.
  • “I installed the fence segments with solid corrugated board, alternating them with corrugated picket fence segments. And I also laid out brick pillars with my own hands, there was enough trouble with such a fence. But the spans of the fence made of corrugated board or picket fence are, in principle, quite simple to mount, everyone can handle it, there would be hands and desire.

Install a fence from corrugated board- it's a simple matter, but for someone it will seem boring and tedious. In this case, contact a specialized company. You will have to pay more, but you will receive in the shortest possible time a brand new eurofence, manufactured and assembled according to your individual sketch.

A photo

A fence made of metal eurostudent can be installed with gaps of different widths. Euro picket fence is stylish, creative and practical.

As for the advantages of a metal picket fence (it is also called a "euro fence"), advertising is largely justified. Before understanding the nuances of building a fence from this product, you need to understand what it is.

By and large, these are metal strips that have protective layer from polymer compounds. There are no standards for their manufacture, but the most common samples with such linear parameters: length - from 150 to 300, width - 10 (cm).

Let's consider the main varieties of the "euro fence", which is used for the construction of fences:

By production technology:

  • Cutting sheets of corrugated board ().
  • Individual production of samples by rolling on the mill.

For end parts:

  • Cropped.
  • Rolled (rounded).

Protective paint:

  • Unilateral.
  • Double-sided.

By material:

  • "Galvanization".
  • Copper (the cost is very high).

Now it will become clearer how to build a fence from a euro picket fence with your own hands.

Selection of materials

Naturally, we will first of all talk about supports (pillars). Considering aesthetic appeal"Euro fence", it is advisable to stop the choice on metal blanks. Which ones to use? Most often, owners of plots for poles purchase a profile pipe (with a square section) or.

The latter option is more convenient because it eliminates the need to perform a significant amount of earthworks. The total cost of such a fence will be cheaper, since building materials (cement, gravel, ASG) will not be needed for concreting the buried parts of the supports.

As guides, you can use strip iron or a profile pipe of a small section. By the way, such lags are commercially available. Their length is from 2 to 12 m, so it is not difficult to choose the required number.

Territory marking

The distance between the posts is selected depending on their height and general design site. The recommended interval between them is about 1.8 m. With its increase, there is a risk that the fence will “play”.

Installation of supports

Simple work - piles are screwed into the ground. If pipes are used, then holes are dug, after which the installed support is covered with solid fractions (crushed stone, brick or concrete battle), the entire mass is compacted and poured cement mortar. For gates and gates, it is advisable to install "their own", personal poles.

When using pipes, it is desirable to weld a metal plate to the lower end. It will help to fix the support more firmly in the ground.

In addition, you need to think about how to seal the upper ends of the pillars, otherwise water will begin to accumulate in them. Options - weld metal mugs, install plastic "plugs".

Mounting rails

The main ones are two; one above, the other below (horizontally). If the fence is high enough, then a third metal strip should be laid in the center. It will perform the function of a stiffener, since the metal fence itself has a small thickness and is deformed from mechanical stress.

The guides are welded to the supports, so they are pre-aligned with a level or level. Another question - at what height should they be placed? Usually the lower one is attached about half a meter from the soil, and the upper one is 25 cm below the upper cut of the fence. Although this is just an example, and the master performs the installation, in accordance with the specifics of the work.

Before starting this stage, you should mark the guides and drill holes for attaching the fence strips.

Frame painting

Considering that the fence is located in the open air, it is better to use paints and varnishes with an acrylic base. Previously, all the "iron" is degreased and treated with a primer. This ensures that the paint lays evenly and lasts for a long time.

Fence installation

They are fixed with screws. Given their number, it is advisable to work. How to spread the planks around the perimeter, the owner decides for himself. But here you need to take into account the height of the fence and what is located behind it. If there are beds, then it is desirable to make the gap between the fences larger (it will cost about 1,150 rubles / m.p.). This will further increase the illumination of the surrounding area. The installation of a "blind" fence will require a larger number of metal strips, fasteners and will lead to an increase in the cost of the structure (up to 1,900 rubles / m.p.). So you have to choose best option based on site specifics.

Canopy gates and gates

How to do this depends on the design. Fastening of loops or on bolts, or welding. If everything is done carefully, then such a fence will not even require cosmetic repairs for 25 years, at least.

Helpful Hints:

  • If financial possibilities allow, it makes sense to buy ready-made frames (logs + supports). All elements are fastened with bolts.
  • To prevent damage to the protective layer of the slats with self-tapping screws in the process of fixing the shtaketin, plastic rings (gaskets) must be placed under the heads of the fasteners. Moreover, the hardware is taken only galvanized.

It is quite simple to assemble a fence from a euro-pick fence with your own hands. This is one of the types of barriers, which stands out for its attractiveness, long service life, high quality. Made of durable galvanized metal, the euro fence is made in the form of a profiled flooring, which is factory cut into individual elements. Due to the processing with polymers, the metal surface of the fence is not exposed to negative effects environment, does not require additional staining and special care.

Fencing in the country

Euro picket features

The main criteria during the selection of building materials for the construction of the fence are the duration of operation, reliability and strength.

Eurostudent is a relatively new type of fence that meets all the above requirements.

Village installation option

In addition, even an inexperienced person can choose a fence design from a euro picket fence and assemble a fence. The variety of ways to install a picket fence will help turn an ordinary fence into original design in the backyard or cottage.

Installing a picket fence has many advantages that explain the popularity of this material.

Near the road

Description of the main features:

  1. Large selection of products (shape, width, height, color).
  2. Attractive look.
  3. Ease of installation.
  4. High reliability.
  5. Wide functionality (can be used for zoning the backyard territory, flower beds, flower beds, fencing of general purpose buildings).
  6. Used for construction different forms, combined with traditional materials (stone, concrete, wood).
  7. The fence does not require any further maintenance. The material is processed with special compounds that are highly resistant to atmospheric phenomena, therefore it is not necessary to paint this fence.

Close to private house

Also, as the main advantage, the relatively low price of the fence, in contrast to alternative building materials, should be noted. The cost of hedges is most often no more than $ 35 per square meter.

There are few shortcomings of the eurostudent. To begin with, construction will cost a little more, unlike a wooden picket fence. But in the end, this fence comes out cheaper, because metal structure no need to treat with an antiseptic and regularly stain.

Front garden option

In addition, during installation, special fasteners equipped with a press washer are used, since conventional mount using self-tapping screws will not be able to firmly fix the metal sheet.

The photo shows a metal fence.

metal fence

Types of rails

There are the following types of eurostudent:

  1. "Econova". Unlike its counterparts, this type of fence has a lower cost due to the smaller width of the pickets, up to 100 mm, and the number of ribs - up to 14. The height can vary depending on the order of the fence and, as a rule, is made within 1–2 m. Reiki installed in 2–10 cm increments. You can mount in a checkerboard pattern. The picket fence is most often used for fencing country houses and dachas.
  2. "Nova". The width of pickets up to 120 mm with 15 ribs makes it possible to apply various patterns and create a rigid and reliable fence. The protective polymer layer is 20 microns, which prevents the formation of corrosion. There is a matte and glossy finish. It can be installed to fence summer cottages or used for protective fencing in the construction of various structures.
  3. "Barrera" retains all the properties of the European fence, but differs in a special way of staining. Special powder coating contributes to the appearance protective film on the surface of the sheet. special shapes the tops create a large assortment of picket fence choices, and the production in the form of sections simplifies the installation of the fence. A width of 85–130 mm with a size of 1.4–2.2 m allows you to install a picket fence in 2 rows without a gap. In this case, the profiled sheet can be mounted evenly or in a semicircle on a brick or metal base.
  4. "Light-M". The width of the picket fence is 75 mm with 5 ribs, which makes it possible to give the structure a light weight. The fence is installed in one row with a gap of 2–10 cm, or a checkerboard is used. Due to its low cost, in addition to the standard use for fencing country houses, it is also often installed as a temporary building for fencing construction sites.

Design Varieties

Before you make a fence on your territory, you also need to decide on the design option:

  • "convex arc", the fence is installed by spans, the top of the sections along appearance looks like a convex arc;
  • "wave", the fence is distinguished by a wave on each section;
  • “herringbone”, the installation scheme of the barrier is standard, and the picket fence itself in the upper part resembles the shape of a spruce;
  • "concave arc", the installation is carried out in sections, which are made in the form of a concave arc, while the middle parts of the picket fence are the smallest in length;
  • "peaks", the top is made in the form of a peak. Each section has 5–6 of these outlines;
  • "trapezoid", the section is bent in the form of a trapezoid;
  • “canyon”, the installation of this fence from a metal picket fence takes place in sections, while each picket fence is made one centimeter smaller from the beginning of the sheet and, starting from the center, the picket fences increase in size again;
  • "Pyramid", the top of the bar looks like a pyramid;
  • "ladder", made of planks of greater and lesser length, alternating with each other;
  • "wings", the top of the picket fence is similar to the wingspan.


Preparing for installation

Before preparing for the installation of the fence, it is recommended to watch a training video on how to make a fence from a euro picket fence with your own hands and which supports are better to choose for mounting the structure.

Read also: Installing a fence from a Gitter mesh: price, photo, do-it-yourself installation of 3D welded sections

On the preparatory stage construction work, cleaning of the territory is required, then a drawing is taken or a sketch of the future fence is drawn and the site is marked on which the structure will be installed.

All shrubs, stumps, old parts of fences and other items that may interfere during construction are removed. Then, when the perimeter is cleared, it is required to divide the total length into sections of 2.5 m, one set mark is a column, which is set later.

Do-it-yourself fencing installation scheme

When the number of sections and columns is precisely determined, the required amount of building material is calculated. Why you need to decide how close to each other you need to install the rails.

If you install with a gap that is equal to the width of the bar, then total area is divided by two, so the required amount of building material for one section is obtained.

Then this figure is multiplied by the number of sections and the total amount of material is obtained.

So, the gate will be the same height as the installed sections. If a gate of a different size is required, then the parameters are calculated separately.


How to make a fence from a metal picket fence, read the link.


One of the main advantages of the European fence for giving is the convenience and ease of installation. The picket fence can be installed on one side or on both sides of the fence, which significantly increases the choice of design.

For self installation You don't need any special tools, just a screwdriver. As a rule, the installation of a picket fence is carried out with a gap of 5–6 cm. Since the windage of this fence is less, unlike a profiled sheet, the wind load on the fence is insignificant, and construction will not be required for the construction strip foundation. Step-by-step instruction installation eurostudent is as follows.

Pole installation

If a profiled pipe was chosen as a support for the fence, then it can be used of any section, as a rule, dimensions of 50x50, 60x60 or 70x70 mm are chosen, the walls must be at least 3 mm thick.

Drawing for the installation of pillars

The requirements for the pillars of the eurostudent support are not as strict, in contrast to the fence made of corrugated board. Their concreting in the ground is most often not performed.