Proper hair care at home - Best recipes, reviews. hair care at home hair care at home

Women and men want to have gorgeous hair, so hair care at home will always be a hot topic. Men are not very worried about this, and for women, the beauty of curls is a sensitive topic. In magazines you can see a large number of girls with luxurious curls. But often this is just photoshop or the efforts of stylists. And in real life, unfortunately, gorgeous curls are rare. They split, fall out, break. In many cases, you have to turn to trichologists to determine the cause of the poor condition of the hair. The big mistake is that many do not even try to take care of themselves at home. How to keep beauty? Let's start in order.

Favorite recipes for gorgeous hair

Appearance always reflects the well-being and mood of a person. Healthy and shiny hair is the best decoration for any lady. That is why girls always try to keep their curls well-groomed and healthy. It is important to remember the three rules of care: cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing, protection. Various homemade masks will help you achieve the desired result. It is important to select products based on the condition and type of hairline.

What should be hair care at home, what recipes are suitable for strengthening? Let's consider this in more detail.

People have hair different types: normal, dry, oily. Depending on this, it is necessary to select a recovery program so as not to harm even more. Try to assess their condition yourself. If you notice that you are worried about excessive hair loss, dryness and brittleness, then you should find out the cause of the painful condition.

Very often they suffer from constant stress, malnutrition and lifestyle, as well as diseases of the whole organism. The reasons can be completely different, for example, not proper care behind hair, lack of vitamins or external factors(heat, dry air).

Advice! Make sure your hair doesn't dry out. Wear a scarf or hat when you are in the sun for a long time.

In addition to strengthening and wellness procedures, it is necessary to monitor nutrition, which should be varied. Eat foods rich in proteins, such as meat, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, greens, oatmeal and buckwheat, eggs.

Useful hair masks

Undoubtedly, any hair care at home should not do without masks. They provide complete nutrition and strengthening of hair. It is best to use masks home cooking. So you will be sure of 100% quality of the product.

For dry hair masks based on cosmetic oils are perfect:

  • Take one tablespoon olive, burdock and castor oil warm it up and apply. Put on a shower cap to keep the oil from leaking out and wrap your head in a towel. Wash off the mask after 40-50 minutes.
  • For fatty use mask based lemon juice and cognac. These 2 ingredients must be mixed with a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of sour cream and 1 egg yolk. Apply the resulting mixture for half an hour.
  • For owners normal hair it is also necessary to make masks to maintain health. mix burdock oil, cream and honey in a ratio of 1:1:1. Apply the mixture for 30 minutes and rinse.

Advice! If you do these procedures every month, you can noticeably feel the result of the procedures. Hair will be soft, manageable and healthy.
Many girls also prefer to replace purchased shampoos and balms with homemade products.

Dryness and brittle hair is the main cause of concern for many women. May occur due to malnutrition or external influences: frequent washing, improperly selected products, use of a hair dryer and ironing, hair dyeing. It is worth paying special attention to the care of dry hair at home.

For starters, stop washing your hair too often. This is due to the fact that the shampoo washes out special oils from the scalp, which are responsible for moisturizing the hair. Washing agents also activate the sebaceous glands, which leads to their rapid contamination.

Wash your hair with a special shampoo that is only suitable for dry hair. It contains special substances that contain acids that are responsible for retaining moisture in the hair and scalp. Wash your hair gently and gently so as not to further damage the already fragile hair.

Try to expose them to mechanical stress as little as possible. Before washing, apply oils to restore hair, such as corn or burdock.

Advice! Never comb your hair immediately after a shower, let it dry a little. And further. Try to use less styling products.

Choosing hair care products

Hair, like all organs of the human body, suffer from various diseases. Often, trichologists prescribe medications necessary for hair health. But in many cases, beauty and health can be maintained with proper care. Let us consider in more detail the basic rules of care at home.

  • Cleansing hair from impurities with the help of specially selected products. Particular attention when choosing a shampoo and balm should be given to the type of scalp and hair. It is unacceptable to use products for oily hair with dry hair, as this will lead to disastrous consequences.
  • Providing moisture and nutrition to the hairline.
  • Protection from the adverse effects of the external environment.

Use not only shampoos, balms and rinses, but also apply essential and vegetable oils, and periodically make homemade hair masks.

Pay attention to the selection of combs for hair. After all, complex care also includes proper combing. It is considered that best material for combs - horn and wood. The edges must be processed, without sharp teeth, so as not to injure the scalp.

Caring for dyed hair

Colored and highlighted hair is the most prone to damage. They often split, break, fall out. How to care for highlighted and dyed hair?

  • First, use ammonia-free hair dye.
  • Secondly, after staining, try not to use irons and curling irons for several days. High temperatures damage hair.
  • Thirdly, it is better not to comb wet dyed hair: it breaks very easily.

A mask of egg yolks helps in recovery after staining. Mix two yolks with olive oil and apply this mixture on your hair. Leave on for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water. This mask will strengthen and restore the hair structure.

The weather also affects the condition of the hair. Cold and wind dry them out. Therefore, it is doubly necessary to take care of your hair in winter. Be sure to wear a hat, because the hair follicles are cooled in 5 minutes in cold weather. They become brittle and the hair begins to fall out. In winter, take vitamins, this will improve the condition of not only the whole body, but also the hairline. Use nourishing hair balms.

In general, the condition of the hair depends entirely on your health. Take care of yourself, exercise, drink vitamins. Healthy hair grows in a healthy person.

Hair like Rapunzel? Easy!

Long and strong hair. Many of us have dreamed of this all our lives. Someone was lucky to have a beautiful head of hair since childhood, and some have thin, lifeless hair throughout their lives. You can go to beauty salons and pay big money for their services, you can buy hair care products in specialized stores, or you can put your hair in order at home.

To begin with, consider a few simple rules for any type and condition of hair:

  • Don't wash your hair too much hot water, it breaks their structure;
  • Wash with a shampoo suitable for your hair, preferably in three steps. The first stage is with shampoo to wash off dust, grease and dirt, the second stage is to apply shampoo again to wash the hair, and the third is to rinse the hair with a balm;
  • Trim the ends of your hair every month. It doesn't matter if your hair is short or long, trimming the ends speeds up their growth;
  • Change the brand of shampoo from time to time;
  • Do not blow-dry your hair unless it is necessary. But if you really need it, then do not make the air flow hot, rather slightly warm.

It is better to wash long hair not with concentrated shampoo, but diluted with water. Because there is a risk of overdrying the ends and ruining their condition. Frequent shampooing can also lead to dryness. Comb long hair several times a day, starting from the ends and gradually moving to the roots. Burdock oil and tar help very well in recovery long hair.

How to achieve the desired hair length

Many of you who are interested in this article dream of lush and long hair. After all, it is in them that female attractiveness, our magnetism, is hidden. Unfortunately, not everyone's hair can grow very fast. But it is up to us to achieve the desired results. Perhaps the procedures in the salon show high efficiency, but still not everyone is happy with the result. Many girls do not trust purchased products, so they are increasingly looking for folk remedies.

If you decide to accelerate hair growth, then think about your diet. It is with food that we get the necessary Construction Materials'for our body. Lean on vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, fish, dairy products. Consume a small amount of olive or flaxseed oil daily.

Spend regularly head massage, adding burdock and castor oil, which promotes hair growth.

Great fit and masks. For example, the most common is a mask with mustard powder. Mix a teaspoon of sugar and mustard, add some water and apply to your hair. As soon as you feel a strong burning sensation that you can no longer endure, you can wash off the mask.

The mask with pepper tincture, which can be bought at any pharmacy, has the same effect. It promotes blood flow to the head and accelerates hair growth.

How to care for fine hair

Thin and brittle hair also needs to be nourished and strengthened. Most effective method is the use gelatin and mineral water masks.

Mix 2 tablespoons of gelatin with mineral water, bring over low heat until smooth, add a few drops of aloe juice. Then apply to hair, wrap with a towel and do not rinse for 40 minutes. This mask gives hair thickening, volume and shine.

Also helpful for thin hair. vitamins A and E. They can be purchased at a pharmacy and rubbed into the hair. Vitamins give strength and shine to your hair.

It is best to rinse thin hair with soft water. To make water soft, it is enough to freeze and thaw it. Wait for the water to come to room temperature and rinse your hair with it.

Nourish your hair with masks, such as yeast. Stir the cake of yeast with a tablespoon of oil and apply this mixture for 50 minutes. This mask will hydrate and condition your curls.

Advice!Choose the right hairstyle that will add volume to your hair. In this case, bob and square will be the best solution for you. Haircut should be airy and layered.

Beautiful and healthy hair always attracts attention and makes a woman feel seductive and irresistible. Often, gorgeous hair is not a gift of nature at all, but the result of proper and regular hair care at home. Even the most stunning hair can look dull and lifeless if not cared for or treated incorrectly.

In the absence of a correct daily care no treatment hair mask, used occasionally, will not have the desired effect. If you only dream of growing long hair, I recommend reading the excellent tips in the article on how to grow long hair. thick hair

One of the most simple methods is hair washing. It would seem, what is so difficult? I lathered my hair with shampoo, rinsed with water and you're done. In fact, there are some special moments here too. Firstly, It is important to choose the right shampoo that suits your hair type. Sometimes I notice that after washing, the hair seems thin, sticky, or begins to electrify when it comes into contact with clothing. I attribute this to the fact that I chose the wrong shampoo. One has only to change the shampoo to the right one, and the hair becomes shiny and voluminous again.

Recently, I have been buying professional series shampoos, they are not much different in price from shampoos sold in mass chains, but I like them much more in terms of quality. Recently, my shampoo suddenly ran out, and I had to wash my hair with our Russian brand baby shampoo. To my surprise, the hair after this shampoo became soft, manageable and stayed clean longer. Maybe this is due to the fact that children's shampoos do not add such an amount. chemical substances, as in ordinary.

Secondly, after shampooing, apply a balm or conditioner to your hair to keep your hair smooth and combable. But the air conditioner must be used correctly. In no case do not apply to all hair from the roots, in this case the hair will be greasy. Apply conditioner or balm from the middle of the hair.
Thirdly, one of the basic rules - you can not wash your hair with too hot water, it spoils the hair very much and can even cause it to fall out. For washing, it is better to use slightly warm water, and at the end rinse your hair well with cool water. This will smooth the inner scales of the hair and give the hair a healthy shine. To make your hair look more voluminous and lush, after washing, you can rinse it with nettle decoction. You can also make a decoction of nettle and burdock roots.

Another tip for hair care at home is the minimization of traumatic factors.

Try to stop using hot rollers, curling irons, straighteners, or at least reduce their use as much as possible. I prefer not to use a hair dryer, but to dry my hair natural way. Of course, it takes more time to dry, but the beauty and health of the hair is more important. If you can't imagine your life without using a hair dryer, then replace the hot air with cold air, it hurts your hair less. Most modern hair dryers have a cold air function. Pay attention to this when buying.

If, nevertheless, you decide to use a curling iron or tongs for straightening, then first spray your hair with a heat-protective spray. Such a tool protects the hair from exposure to high temperatures, while not sticking them together. Usually, the composition of such products includes amino acids that care for the hair from the inside and facilitate combing.

Combs and hair accessories.

It is very important to choose the right comb. The comb should not be metal, because it can injure both the hair itself and the scalp. In addition, a metal comb can strongly electrify the hair. Pick up a good brush, either wooden or natural hog bristle. A plastic comb will work too.

You need to start combing your hair from the ends, gradually rising higher and higher to the roots. If the hair is tangled, you do not need to brush over it again and again, this will split the hair. In this case, you need to carefully unravel the knots with your hands and only then continue to comb. One of the secrets is that you can not comb wet hair, as wet hair clings to the comb and is greatly stretched. From this, the structure of the hair is disturbed, the scales exfoliate, and the hair begins to split.

The choice of hair bands must also be approached responsibly. An elastic band that is too tight and narrow can pull the hair tightly, which can damage the hair follicle and lead to hair loss. Buy wide and soft rubber bands.

Trimming the ends.
Even if you are growing your hair out, regular trimming is a must. After all, the tips suffer most from friction on clothes, from climatic conditions, from constant combing. I trim my ends about once every three months. After a haircut, the hair looks much better, livelier and healthier.

Protection from harsh climatic conditions is just as important for hair.
When you are at home or outside, in windy weather, it is better to collect your hair in a ponytail or pigtail to prevent hair from tangling in the wind or rubbing against clothes.

In winter, hair should be hidden under a hat or hood so that it does not deteriorate in the cold and does not experience sudden changes in temperature. And in the summer it is desirable to protect the hair from the scorching sun. To do this, you can use either a headdress or special sunscreen for hair.

Proper nutrition.

Proper nutrition is the most important element in hair care.
Healthy nutrition is necessary not only for the beauty of hair, but also is the key to youth, vigor and health of the whole organism as a whole. To make hair look chic, it is necessary that the diet contains elements from all major food groups - cereals, legumes, dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, juices. Try to minimize sweets, starchy, spicy and fried foods and give up smoking and alcohol. Remember to drink enough daily clean water.

Nourishing and healing hair masks.
It is impossible not to say about the benefits of hair masks. I use masks every time after washing my hair. I usually alternate folk remedies with professional masks. Since I began to use masks, the condition of my hair has improved significantly, they have become stronger, healthier and silkier.

I love you very much kefir masks for their simplicity and availability. Before washing your hair, apply a little warm yogurt to your hair and hold for 40 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo as usual. After this procedure, the hair becomes much softer. This mask is especially suitable for dry hair, as kefir nourishes and moisturizes hair well.

One more mask honey. Honey is deservedly considered a good cosmetic product, as it contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Honey masks are suitable for both hair and face and body. Honey mask is effective for hair loss and also helps with dandruff. To prepare it, mix 2 tablespoons of honey, 2 tablespoons of castor or burdock oil and 1 egg yolk. Apply the resulting mass to the hair and leave for half an hour to an hour. Then wash it off with shampoo. This mask is best done in a course for two to three months. Then the effect will be clearly visible.

The masks described above help me to take care of my hair at home. But we all have different types of hair, so someone may not like it. In the article “Beautiful hair. Hair masks at home ”you can read other recipes for hair masks. Choose a few that you particularly like, and if they suit you, do them regularly for some time to achieve a positive result. Then it is better to change the masks for others, because when the hair gets used to them, the masks may cease to have a therapeutic effect.

Daily care implies a regular and careful attitude towards them. If you make all of the above tips into a habit, then it will not seem so difficult. Choose the right shampoo, use comfortable, non-traumatic hair bands and jewelry, and do not forget to pamper your hair regularly with nourishing masks. As a result, your hair will thank you for its healthy and radiant appearance.

Sincerely, Natalia Maksimova

To minimize the negative impact of adverse environmental conditions, heating appliances, air conditioners, low-quality food, stress, you should take care of your hair following the recommendations of professionals at home.

Hair care at home includes mandatory procedures:

Care products should normalize the process of sebum secretion, improve the nutrition of the follicles, moisturize and restore the structure.

It is necessary to choose cosmetics according to the principle of naturalness, taking into account the type of hair, trying to give preference to products from one cosmetic line.

Features of hair care for different types

Each type of hair requires special care.

Greasy hair. To distinguish this type of hair from others is simple: they quickly become dirty. Even by the evening they will already look untidy, and the next morning they will turn into icicles. Often, owners of oily hair suffer from oily seborrhea and alopecia.

To slightly improve the condition, you must follow the recommendations for care:

  • wash your hair with warm, but not hot water - this will avoid increased secretion of sebum (for the same reason, head massage is avoided);
  • choose shampoos containing seaweed extract, extracts of sage, nettle, zinc, vitamins A, C, K;
  • use masks with yogurt, aloe juice, essential oils, clay.

Dry hair. They look dull. But the main problem is that they are easy to damage when combing, they are very tangled, and the tips break off and split. Care should include intensive nutrition and hydration. Dry hair should not be washed frequently.

Shampoo is better to choose with nutrients, provitamin B5, lecithin. Base cosmetic oils, which serve as the basis for homemade masks, are great for moisturizing hair.

Features of dry hair care:

  • the head is washed with softened water;
  • try to avoid using a hair dryer or use blowing without heating the spiral;
  • comb the strands with a wooden comb;
  • massage the scalp to stimulate blood circulation. This helps nourish the follicles.

Combined hair type. It is often observed in girls with long hair. Strands greasy at the roots and brittle dry at the tips. Care should also be combined: nourishing and moisturizing agents should be rubbed into the tips to prevent cross-section, and masks should be applied to the skin in the hair growth area to prevent increased oiliness.

Trichologists advise washing hair with two different means: one for dry hair type and the other for oily hair.

First you need to use a nourishing agent, and then rinse the hair at the roots and skin with an oily type agent.

Curly hair. Care depends entirely on how oily / dry the hair is. And since most often they are combined, care will be appropriate. It is recommended to dry curls without additional heat.

Thin hair. It is advisable to refuse to use a hair dryer, and if you have to use it, then always with the application of thermal protection. To make your hair look thicker, you need to use visually thickening products. For this purpose, oil masks are made or hair is dyed with colorless henna.

Dyed hair. They need intensive nutrition and hydration, they try to wash them less often. For washing use soft warm water. It is advisable to choose compositions that protect against UV rays, creating protective film to prevent color fading. Oil masks have a beneficial effect on damaged strands.

hair wash

Hair care at home necessarily includes a cleansing procedure. To make the strands look beautiful, shiny, you must follow the following recommendations of professionals:

The washing procedure is performed in the following order:

  1. The required volume of the product is poured into the palm, a little liquid is added, the composition is foamed in the palms and distributed over the strands, starting from the front of the head. Gradually whip the foam on the back of the head.
  2. The procedure is carried out with fingertips so as not to injure the skin. If the hair is oily, then the movements should be softer.
  3. Do not leave the product for a long time, it should be washed off immediately.
  4. Do it running water. The procedure is carried out for several minutes to finally wash the shampoo.

Using balm and rinsing

When caring for hair, after cleansing it is necessary to apply a balm. The product used at home should match the type of shampoo used. It is not applied to the root zone, but distributed, starting from the middle of the strands, rubbing into the tips. It is recommended to treat slightly wrung out hair.

After washing off the balm, you need to slightly squeeze the hair and rinse it with prepared water or herbal decoction.

It is better to prepare an acidified composition, for example, water with lemon juice (0.5 lemon juice per 1 liter of liquid). This will help make your hair more elastic and smooth. If vinegar is used (1-2 tsp per 1 liter of liquid), then you need to consider - it makes the hair a little darker, so this method is not suitable for blondes who want to stay in their color.

Rinse recipes for different hair types

Oily hair is rinsed with decoctions prepared from oak bark, mint, horsetail, nettle, burdock (take 2 tablespoons of raw materials per 1 liter of liquid). These recipes are suitable for girls with dark hair. Blondes need to prepare decoctions with hop buds, chamomile.

Dry hair is rinsed with decoctions of mallow roots, linden blossom (1 liter of water is taken for 2 tablespoons of raw materials). After rinsing, the hair should not be twisted. They need to be blotted with a towel. The rinse aid is not rinsed out of the hair.


in the best way Hair drying is natural air drying. It is worth, if not constantly observing this principle, then at least striving for it.

Blow-drying your hair after every wash can lead to breakage and dry ends. If this procedure cannot be dispensed with, then it is necessary to choose a gentle mode and temperature. It is advisable to use a hair dryer in which all parameters are regulated separately. The device should be kept at a distance of 15-20 cm from the hair.

Combing wet hair after washing is not recommended. You need to do this when they are already dry and use a comb with large and rare teeth so as not to injure the hair.

Why you shouldn't wash your hair at night

It is better to get up early in the morning and wash your hair than to do it in the evening for a number of reasons:

  • thermoregulation of the scalp is disturbed, due to which the hair grows poorly;
  • the work of the sebaceous glands is activated, so the hair in the morning may look stale;
  • the hairstyle loses its shape, or rather the hairs break, which has to be corrected in the morning with the help of styling products and tools.

Hair care rules

base oils

Hair care at home is complemented by the use of base oils:

Essential oils

At home, caring for hair, it is necessary to select esters, taking into account the type of hair.

Oils for oily hair:

  • cedar;
  • lemon balm;
  • bergamot;
  • tea tree;
  • eucalyptus;
  • lavender;
  • clove.

Oils for dry hair:

  • sandalwood;
  • lavender;
  • rosewood;
  • rosemary;
  • ylang ylang.

Oils for normal hair:

Important! Essential oil must be added either to cosmetic oil or combined with any products.

  1. Peppermint, ylang-ylang, cypress, frankincense, cedar, coriander oil will help from hair loss.
  2. To nourish brittle tips, an extract of sandalwood, rosewood, vetiver is suitable.
  3. For dandruff, it is recommended to use tea tree oil, rosemary, cypress, orange, eucalyptus, lemon.

When preparing homemade masks based on oils, you need to take into account that the base oil can be solid, which means that it must first be melted in a water bath. Then liquid base oil is added to it.

If honey is present in the recipe, then before adding this ingredient, it is necessary to cool the mixture, as useful material honey begins to break down already at 40 degrees. Essential oils are added last, to the cooled mixture, since the esters evaporate when high temperature. Egg yolk or protein is added to the mass at room temperature, as it may curdle.

The longer the mask lasts, the better. You can keep it for 2-3 hours, and some formulations are applied all night (if they do not contain essential oils).

Hair masks

Hair care at home will be inferior if you refuse masks. Homemade formulas should be stored in the refrigerator for 7 days, but it is best to prepare a fresh mixture each time.

To strengthen hair and prevent hair loss

For hair growth

From dandruff

For thick hair

For hair shine

  1. Mix 2 tbsp. jojoba and coconut base oils, 1 tsp each brandy and lemon juice. To the above ingredients add 4 drops. mint oil.
  2. Another version of the mask: lemon fresh from 1/2 fruit + 4 tbsp. jojoba oil + 1 tsp cognac + yolk. At the end, add 3 drops of ylang-ylang ether.

From split ends

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. burdock oil, liquid honey and juice squeezed from aloe leaves. Add to the mixture 1 tsp. cognac and yolk.


Hair care at home should include peeling. They are necessary in order to remove excess secretion of the sebaceous glands, open pores, wash off the remnants of cosmetics, remove dandruff and avoid hair loss by stimulating the upper layer of the skin, which contributes to better nutrition, activating blood circulation.

  1. You can do a peeling with sea or regular coarse salt. When cooking, you just need to add to right amount salt a little water so that the salt turns into gruel. Then this composition is rubbed into the scalp, root zone. V sea ​​salt contains many useful minerals, so that they are absorbed, you need to leave the composition on your hair for 5-10 minutes. Then the mass is washed off with shampoo. This composition is great for oily hair.
  2. For dry hair, you need to prepare a mixture with moisturizing and nourishing ingredients, such as burdock oil. This recipe is suitable: 1 tablespoon is added to ground coffee (2 tablespoons). burdock oil and some water. The composition is rubbed into the root zone and washed off with shampoo 15 minutes after application.


You can improve your hair by choosing proper diet. What exactly to include in the menu is determined depending on the condition of the hair, their type and the desired result.

  1. If the hair is dry, then you need to include foods containing omega 3, 6, vitamin E in your diet. These foods include fish fat(both in the composition of products and in the composition of medicines). It is recommended to use walnuts and seeds.
  2. If the hair is oily, you need to reduce or eliminate the use of hot spices.
  3. Thin weak hair will help strengthen iron-containing foods. This meat products, buckwheat, red wine in moderation, green vegetables, apples.
  4. You can add shine to your hair by eating protein foods (meat, eggs, dairy products, legumes).
  5. In order for hair to grow better, it is necessary to consume foods containing biotin - nuts, fish, legumes, eggs.
  6. With hair loss, it is important to determine the cause, since this process can be caused by a violation hormonal background. In this case, it will not be possible to solve the problem only by correcting the diet. In general, a general improvement of the diet is recommended: the rejection of fried, salty, spicy, fast food.

In order for the hair to be shiny, elastic, and look healthy, it is necessary to follow the rules for caring for them. At home, purchased cleansing care products are available for this, as well as masks made from base and essential oils, available products. It is important to follow certain principles of care and not to abuse styling products.

Article formatting: Mila Fridan

Video on the topic: Hair care at home

How to properly care for your hair:

Thick hair, beautifully lying in a wave shining with a mirror shine, is an indicator that a woman's body works like a clock. Thin dull strands, devoid of volume, hanging in separate bundles, not only can seriously ruin appearance, but also to hint to their owner about possible problems with health. If after a visit to the doctor and examination it turned out that there are no diseases, then it is time to take active measures to restore the lush healthy hair.

V modern world to put your hair in order with the help of salon services is a matter of one day. The specialist will be able not only to dye them in a fashionable color and make a neat hairstyle, but also offer a diverse range of services for the revitalization and resuscitation of damaged strands. However, constantly carrying out such procedures is expensive and time-consuming, including the journey to the salon and back, so it will be much easier and more convenient to take care of your hair at home.

Hair care depends on many different factors: hair type, season, scalp condition, age, sleep and nutrition, and so on. But there are a few rules that should be followed by everyone and always, they are based on the basic needs of hair to maintain their health and beauty:

  • hair should be washed with suitable products and at the right water temperature;
  • comb and other accessories should not injure hair and skin;
  • the tips, which eventually acquire an unsightly appearance, must be cut regularly;
  • it is necessary to use means that protect against the influence of the external environment;
  • The periodic use of various masks will help the hair receive the necessary nutrition and stimulate their growth.

It would seem that everything is elementary and there is nothing special to think about. In fact, the strength and beauty of the hair for the most part depends precisely on the observance of these recommendations. Many girls incorrectly determine their hair type, do not know their features, so they often buy care products at random, those that advertise more, and this is not worth doing at all.

1. For starters, it’s still worth visiting a hairdresser and asking him to tell you what type your hair and scalp belong to. It may well turn out that the strands are actually dry, but quickly get dirty due to the fact that the skin produces an increased amount of lubrication. Accordingly, the use of shampoo and balm for oily hair only exacerbates the situation.

In general, it is best to find out from the same master what shampoos and balms the salon can offer. Almost everywhere, specialized cleaning and care products are sold, which are not much more expensive than advertised, but at the same time bring tangible benefits. Already after 2-3 applications of such cosmetics, the result will be noticeable to the naked eye.

Washing water should not be hot - this provokes an increase in the work of the sebaceous glands, that is, by the evening the head will look dirty. The hair is washed with warm water, and at the end it is rinsed with cool water so that the scales along the entire length of the hair close and make the hairs smooth. It is good to use decoctions of herbs for rinsing, for example, nettle.

The balm after washing should not be applied to the roots and scalp - this product strongly moisturizes the hair and envelops it to make it soft and easy to comb. Contact with the skin and roots will weigh down the strands and take away their volume, so that they will look like they have not been washed for a long time. Only the middle and ends of the hair are covered with balm.

2. After washing your hair, you should not leave a towel on it for longer than 10 minutes, otherwise there is a risk of getting a dull washcloth instead of a shiny mane. On clean, gently dried hair, a no-rinse treatment is applied, and then it is best to leave it to dry freely.

The constant use of a hair dryer greatly dries out the curls, so it is better to use it only when necessary. Wet strands should not be stabbed, pulled with an elastic band and combed, since their fragility is increased at this time.

The same applies to various devices for straightening and curling. With their daily use, it is necessary to purchase a thermal protection agent, preferably in the form of a spray, so it is easier to distribute it evenly over the entire area of ​​​​the head.

As for the comb, the ideal choice is wood products and special plastic that removes electrostatic from the hair. The tips of the teeth should be rounded so as not to scratch the scalp. For a daily massage, a bristle brush works well, it gently detangles the hair, soothes the skin on the head and stimulates blood circulation, which will positively affect the growth and strength of the hair.

The combing procedure begins with the tips, since it is there that knots often form, which are easier to disassemble. Additionally, it is worth choosing a cream or spray that facilitates this task. Many products, especially in the line of professional and semi-professional cosmetics, successfully combine several qualities so that only one balm or spray can be used.

3. No matter how much you want to keep the length of your hair, the ends will still have to be cut, since it is impossible to help them. No matter what the commercials promise, the ends will still dry and bristle, immediately giving an unhealthy look to the whole hairstyle.

For long hair, this procedure is enough to carry out once every couple of months, and for medium and short hair - at least once a month, or even more often, depending on the appearance of the haircut. If it is smooth, then you may need to visit the hairdresser even once every 3 weeks. A haircut with torn strands can keep a stylish look longer - up to 4-5 weeks, but after this time the ends will need to be trimmed.

4. We must not forget about protection from climatic conditions. The sun's rays and winter cold can damage your hair even more than rain or wind. Burning out or freezing, the hairs become brittle and brittle, and the bulbs cease to function. Therefore, it is important not only to use protective equipment, but also to wear hats.

A spray with an ultraviolet filter is useful not only in the warm season, but also in winter on sunny days, if for some reason you can’t put on a hat. Even with such weak radiation, hair can burn out, so it's better to be as safe as possible.

If in summer it is not worth applying nourishing and protecting oils to curls, then in winter this must be done. In addition to the cold outside, dry indoor air negatively affects the hair. Batteries and heaters work everywhere, pulling moisture from the air, hair and skin. It is also worth taking vitamin and mineral complexes for additional nutrition.

5. In the modern world, natural cosmetics, especially those prepared by oneself, are gaining more and more popularity. There is nothing complicated about this, the choice of recipes for hair masks is very wide - both nourishing and moisturizing, and stimulating growth or eliminating dandruff. With their help, you can dry oily hair or strengthen weakened hair.

The ingredients that make up the masks are also diverse - everything is used, from burdock oil to cognac.

You should not get carried away with masks, it is enough to use them 1-2 times a week, otherwise the excess nutrients will not affect the curls very well - they can become either very oily or, conversely, too dry.

Hair is divided into normal, dry, oily and combined (dry strands and oily scalp). The easiest way, of course, is for girls who have a normal hair type. They look good and do not need special conditions, if you do not take into account the choice of shampoo and balm after washing.

In this case, it is worth washing your hair as it gets dirty, daily water procedures can provoke an increased production of sebum, due to which the curls will quickly become stale. As for the masks, it is enough to do them once every couple of weeks to maintain the shine and smoothness of the hair.

Dry hair is more of a problem. Even if they do not fall out and do not break, the appearance of the hair leaves much to be desired - strands without shine and volume, often bristle in different directions and become electrified.

For them, it is imperative to use moisturizing and nourishing detergents and care products. But even in this case, it is recommended to wash your hair about once a week. It is desirable to use devices for drying and styling to a minimum with the obligatory use of thermal protection.
Oily hair often shines beautifully, and immediately after washing it looks like it came from the salon. Unfortunately, the effect is short-lived. Sometimes by the evening the head becomes dirty, which causes a lot of inconvenience to the owner of the hairstyle.

However, it is quite possible to deal with this problem. To begin with, you should normalize nutrition by removing or reducing all junk food and adding more vegetables, fruits, dairy products, green and white tea and pure water to the diet. You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of drinks per day, not counting coffee and tea. Sugar, of course, is also desirable to stop using.

It is better to wash oily hair every day, using special shampoos for this. But the balm rinse should be abandoned in favor of a light spray or milk without rinsing. Such care does not weigh down the hair, while nourishing it. Drying masks can be used a couple of times a week, but care must be taken not to overdry the curls.

Oily scalp and dry hair ends also need special care. It is not as convenient to carry it out as for other types, but the result is worth it. Here you will have to apply masks on the skin and roots that can reduce the production of sebum, and intensively moisturize the middle part of the curls and tips with oils and creams.

It is also necessary to trim the hair as it begins to look sloppy. A haircut using hot scissors will be optimal - this procedure helps to instantly solder the hair and protect it from fraying longer than usual. But it is undesirable to be in the sun with this type of hair, as well as often use a hairdryer or other hot appliances.

Hair of the last two types should never be washed with hot water, although this is generally not recommended. In addition, it is advisable to visit an endocrinologist and check the level of hormones.

Sometimes sebaceous glands work with increased activity precisely because of hormonal imbalance.

In addition to the four main groups, there are also dyed, weakened, thin, gray, and hard hairs. When choosing care products, you need to consider what effect they will have in order not to get the opposite result. There are a lot of recipes, but among them there are the most popular, proven by more than one generation of women.

Masks for oily hair

  • Dry mustard and almond oil, 2 tablespoons each, yolk, a couple of drops essential oil(mint and lemon balm, citrus fruits, rosemary, tea tree, ylang-ylang, lavender, bergamot, cedar, eucalyptus are suitable for oily hair). The ingredients are mixed with water to a mushy state, and applied to the roots and scalp. After 15-25 minutes, the mask is washed off with cool water.
  • The yolk and a couple of tablespoons of cognac are added to the juice of half a lemon. To thicken, you can add a spoonful of honey. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes to half an hour and rinse with cool water.
  • A tablespoon of cocoa is thickly diluted with water, the yolk and half a glass of kefir or yogurt are added. You can keep such a mask from half an hour to an hour, then rinse with water of low temperature.
    Such masks are applied to unwashed hair, and after rinsing with cool water (so that the yolk does not curl), they are washed off with shampoo.

Masks for dry hair

  • Using a blender, puree is prepared from one banana, yolk, 2 tablespoons of honey and 3 thick sour cream. The mask is applied for 30 minutes, wrapped in polyethylene, on top - a turban made of fabric.
  • 2-3 yolks are rubbed with castor oil and mountain arnica tincture, 2 tbsp each. The mixture is applied to the entire length from roots to ends, the head is wrapped for 30 minutes.
  • Olive oil in the amount of 2 tbsp. added to a spoonful of honey, egg yolk, 2 teaspoons of beer or red wine and 20g of colorless henna. All components are kneaded until smooth and combined with whipped yolk. The curls are covered with a composition, insulated and kept for at least an hour.

Masks for combined hair

  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and aloe are mixed with one yolk, a clove of garlic is squeezed into the mixture. The mask is kept for 40 minutes, removed with shampoo and rinsed with a decoction of nettle or chamomile.
  • A beaten egg and a teaspoon of 3% vinegar are added to a mixture of 2 tablespoons of castor or burdock oil and glycerin. The composition is distributed over the entire length of the curls for 1.5 hours and covered with a warm cap, washed off with shampoo.
  • 1 egg, half a glass of kefir, yogurt or whey, 1 tablespoon of olive or any base oil, such as grape seed. Mix, coat hair and scalp, insulate. After 1-2 hours, wash off with cool water, then shampoo.

Girls with straight curls often envy the owners of lush curly hair and by all means try to achieve the same effect using a curling iron, perm, curlers. But curly locks are not easy to care for, and this applies to both natural and artificial curls.

  • Shampoo for basic care should not contain sulfates, as these are too active substances, not suitable for curls - they will lose their shine and strength.
  • In other products, there should be no silicone, since it is poorly washed out of wavy hair, weighing them down.
  • When cutting, do not use thinning scissors and a razor - this will lead to severely split ends. The haircut is done on dry hair, because otherwise, after styling, the curls will lie in a completely different way.
  • Styling products are not always suitable for girls with curly hair, as even the lightest of them will separate the strands from each other, which will create a feeling of dirty hair. It is better to use a cream or oil that does not need to be washed off. So at the same time, the hair will also receive the necessary nutrition.

If there was a perm using chemicals, then a few more conditions are added to the previous rules that must be met:

  • combing should be done only on the next day after the procedure, otherwise the curls will bloom;
  • it is allowed to dye hair only after 3-4 weeks, preferably with ammonia-free paint, otherwise the result may be unpredictable;
  • during the week, you should not subject the curls to washing and procedures using heat;
  • a variety of oils are ideal as care, nutrition and moisturizing - base (olive, grape, burdock) plus essential (citrus, lavender, coconut).

There is also such an option as biowave, which is much softer. In order for the curls to keep their shape, they are treated with a special fixative. For a long-term result, it is desirable to do lamination, then the curls will last longer. This procedure is carried out 15-20 days after biowaving.

Hair can be washed after two days, as well as dried with a hairdryer. But you can not comb them until they cool completely, otherwise the form will not hold. You can make any masks with such hair, but you should add vitamins A and E to them, they are sold in a pharmacy separately or in the Aevit preparation.

Taking care of curly curls takes quite a lot of time and attention, but styling is much easier than on straight hair - curls are simply dried with a hair dryer, often even a fixative and styling is not required. And how stylish and beautiful the hairstyle looks with large shiny curls.

Hair extensions are not a problem today, such a service is available in any salon. There are several methods for turning short strands into long ones, but the care recommendations will be the same, regardless of the type and length of hair:

  1. The pH of shampoos, balms and conditioners should be neutral.
  2. As a comb, you should choose a brush with thick sparse teeth without round tips.
  3. Periodically, native hair must rest, otherwise they may begin to fall out.
  4. Shampoo for washing must be purchased at a salon or a professional hair cosmetics store.
  5. Masks and balms should not be used, since they are very difficult to wash off, it is recommended to rinse your hair with decoctions of herbs.
  6. You can not tilt your head forward when washing, the strands should remain in the position in which they grow.
  7. If special capsules are present, they should be carefully protected from contact with curling or straightening devices so that they do not melt.
  8. Going to bed, you need to put your hair in a pigtail.

Using hairpieces attached to the hair with hairpins, they should be washed with slightly warm water with the addition of shampoo. Before going to bed, the chignon must be removed. Otherwise, the care rules are the same as those recommended for natural hair.

Probably, most girls dye, lighten or tint their hair, not only to change the color, but also to brighten their native shade or give expressiveness to curls. Such procedures, despite the variety of high-quality salon paints, still cause great damage to the strands. Hair becomes weak, dry, breaks quickly and looks lifeless.

Maintaining the health and beauty of dyed hair is not so difficult. To do this, you need to use products that are suitable for just such hair, and regularly make masks with oils and vitamins. Vitamin-mineral complexes should also be taken orally to nourish the hair from all sides.


When starting hair care, it is important to remember that all procedures must be carried out systematically. One mask a month will not have any effect, and three masks a week will make your hair greasy and provoke dandruff due to an excess of active substances. A regular approach to business will quickly give the desired result and make the curls chic, as in advertising.

How to care for hair at home

From this article you will learn:

Beautiful, thick, and most importantly, healthy hair is the dream of all girls and women of any age. Without them, it is impossible to create your own unique, individual image and be attractive. However, modern living conditions are such that more and more often it is necessary to subject curls to merciless procedures in hairdressing salons, from which they become even more sick, brittle, split ends and eventually fall out in whole strands. To prevent this, it is not enough to give up beauty salons. You need to know how to take care of your hair at home so that they bloom day by day with beauty and health, without causing trouble and worries. It's quite real!

Before you study the educational program on how to properly care for your hair on your own, at home, you need to understand one of the most important rules in this case. You need to take care of curls regularly, and not from time to time, that is, daily. Only in this case you will be able to achieve the desired results: their density, good growth, the absence of split ends and the cessation of loss. Do you want your hair to shine and radiate beauty and health? In this case, provide them with care at home, following our advice.

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly in the morning.
  2. When styling, it is advisable not to resort to a hair dryer, because it is its hot air that adversely affects the ends of the hair, provoking their section.
  3. If you are a happy owner of long and thick curls, when creating a hairstyle, do not use tight elastic bands and hairpins, because they damage the structure of the hair itself, as well as the roots. This leads to the loss of curls and their fragility.
  4. Do not go out without a hat at any time of the year. Acid rain, the scorching sun with its ultraviolet radiation, frost, polluted air - all this does not affect the hair in the most favorable way. However, keep in mind that the headgear must be perfectly clean and made of natural materials rather than synthetics.
  5. After work, let your hair rest: free them from hairpins and elastic bands, walk with loose curls.
  6. Don't wash your hair too often because it disrupts the sebaceous glands of the scalp. It is because of this that you can either have too dry or too oily hair. 2 times a week is enough to not harm them.
  7. Try to carefully select the means with which you care for your hair. Remember that store-bought shampoos, conditioners, balms are full of chemicals that often harm than help. Track their compositions - buy those that are as close as possible to natural ingredients.
  8. At least once a week pamper your hair with natural masks prepared at home from products (fruits, vegetables, eggs, milk), oils (vegetable, cosmetic, essential), herbs, pharmacy vitamins. They will help you take care of your hair at home with maximum effect.
  9. Never brush wet hair. Dry them without using a hair dryer.
  10. Try to use less tongs and irons, the thermal effect of which adversely affects the condition of the hair.
  11. Try to avoid perms and dyes as long as possible. Go to the hairdresser only once every 1-2 months to trim split ends.

Here's how to take care of your hair at home: every day, step by step, refusing store-bought products and discovering new ones that are more natural and useful. This is not as easy as it might seem at first, because modern women are too accustomed to the instant action of irons, hair dryers, styling and other trendy hairdressing innovations. However, do not forget the common truth: beauty requires sacrifice - so know how to give up everything harmful for the sake of the health of your hair. In addition, you will have to significantly change your lifestyle.

Well-groomed hair is a way of life

Some women claim that they know how to take care of their hair, regularly follow the above tips, but the curls still split and fall out. Why is this happening? The thing is that hair is an indicator that reflects the state of the female body. If you lead an unhealthy lifestyle, eat poorly and have a number of diseases, you are unlikely to be able to put your hair in order. If you want results - another portion of advice for every day regarding your lifestyle.

  1. Drink at least 1.5 liters of ordinary, high-quality water per day (not counting juices, tea, coffee and other liquids).
  2. Tidy up the food: less - fast food, soda, alcohol, fried, sweet and salty; more - meat, fish, fruits and vegetables.
  3. You will have to give up bad habits (smoking, for example) - this is the only way you can fully care for your hair.
  4. Get enough sleep: get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every day.
  5. Pass a medical examination, identify all weak spots your health and get well.
  6. Breathe in fresh air.
  7. Move more.
  8. Try to think less about the bad, not be nervous, enjoy life, indulge only in positive emotions. From state nervous system health of your hair directly depends.
  9. Go in for sports.

If you take seriously all these tips on how to care for your hair at home, you can finally forget about all kinds of complexes associated with the health of your curls in the shortest possible time. Of course, it is not as simple as it seems at first glance. However, the motivation is too strong: beautiful and healthy hair for a long time, and without attracting any additional financial investments. The only thing that will be associated with costs is the choice of hair care products, which should be taken quite seriously.

Hair care products

If we take care of hair at home, we will need a certain set of tools that will help us in this responsible and important matter. A lot will also depend on them - the appearance and internal health of the curls. You can not take the first tube that comes across from the store shelf - with such an attitude you will never be able to make your hair blooming and beautiful. Our tips will help you in this event.

  1. Hairbrush must be wooden or have teeth made of natural material.
  2. Shampoo should not contain parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, silicone.
  3. Balm it is better to take separately from the shampoo (not 2 in 1), but the same line with it.
  4. To prevent hair from becoming electrified, use air conditioned for hair.
  5. Caring hair masks it is better not to buy in the store: make it yourself on the basis of eggs, mustard or various oils: the result will be much better.
  6. Hair dryers, irons, tongs, curlers - use thermal hair styling tools no more than once a month, only on major holidays.
  7. Gels, varnishes and styling don't get carried away with the hair either.

Now you know how best to take care of your hair at home so that it always shines with beauty and health. Try to follow our advice - and you yourself will be amazed at the results that you get in the end. These common truths will help you get rid of many complexes and learn to accept compliments from others about the beauty and radiance of your hair. A thematic video about this will allow you to verify this once again.