Calculation of the power of a gas boiler for a private house: recommendations and examples of calculations. Electric boiler for heating a house (100 square meters): characteristics

Which boiler is suitable for a house 100 km.m.

According to GOST, in a perfectly insulated house, heat losses are 10-12 kW, and it is recommended to choose a boiler with a capacity of at least 11 kW. But this is in the event that we have qualitatively insulated the roof, walls, foundation, windows, doors, as well as the gas pressure in the gas pipeline of at least 1.5 bar. Therefore, for heating a private house with total area 100 sq.m I recommend choosing a gas boiler with a capacity of 14 kilowatts. Why the power of a gas boiler must be at least 14 kW:

  • A power reserve of 30% is needed so that the boiler does not work for wear at the limit of its capabilities.
  • It is necessary to take into account heat leakage through the walls, roof, windows, foundation.
  • In private homes, radiator batteries are rarely used. Basically, only pipes are used that do not give such heat transfer as radiator batteries.
  • It is also worth paying attention to the boiler efficiency indicator, the higher the efficiency, the less you will pay for gas.
    • Russian models of boilers have an efficiency of 50-80%.
    • European boilers have an efficiency of up to 95%.
  • In addition to heating, we still need hot water, the higher the performance indicator hot water the better for us. For a comfortable bath you need at least 7 l/min hot water.
    • 11 kW - 3.5 -5.5 l / min.
    • 17 kW - Hot water capacity at t 35°C 5.5 -9 l/min.

Floor or mounted boiler

floor standing wall
Weight 60-80 kg 30 - 40 kg
Heat exchanger and service life
The design of the floor boiler uses a steel heat exchanger service life of 25-30 years The wall-mounted boiler uses a copper or stainless steel heat exchanger, the service life is 15-20 years
Dependence on electricity Automation of floor boilers works on mechanical units. And the electric pump is usually installed separately. The smart electronics of the wall-mounted boiler, as well as the built-in pump, require electricity.
economy Mechanical automation does not provide such economic benefits as wall-mounted Due to the use of smart automation, the economic benefit from using a wall-mounted boiler is 10-15%
Reliability Due to the lack of electronic components, built-in pump, floor-standing boiler is more reliable Wall-mounted boilers sometimes have errors in the operation of electronic components. In most cases, these problems are solved by restarting the boiler.

What characteristics should you pay attention to when choosing a gas boiler

The modern gas equipment market offers three options for boilers according to the installation method

  • floor standing
  • wall
  • Parapet

By the number of circuits

  • Single-circuit - only heating.
  • Double-circuit - heating and for heating water.

Type of burner

  • Atmospheric - air comes in naturally.
  • Supercharged - a fan is used in operation.
  • Combined.

Type of power control

  • single-stage - after heating to the desired temperature, the boiler switches to the igniter mode.
  • two-stage - works in two modes, during heating to the desired temperature 100% of the power, and after heating it switches to 40% power mode, the switching process occurs automatically using the automation unit.
  • smoothly two-stage - 2 operating modes of 100% and 40% power, but the transition process is more gentle.
  • modulated - operate in 3-4 power modes.

Type of combustion chamber

  • open - air is taken naturally from the room in which the boiler is installed
  • closed - air is taken from the street, through a separate coaxial pipe.

By type of traction

  • Natural - in a natural way
  • Forced - a fan is used in the boiler, which forcibly draws air from the street through a coaxial pipe, and also removes combustion products.

According to the ignition method

  • Electro - ignition.
  • Piezo - ignition.
  • Manual.

The material from which the heat exchanger is made

  • Steel
  • Cast iron

How to calculate heat loss at home

To calculate heat loss, you can use our calculator.

Specify the area of ​​the room, m²

Specify the height of the ceilings in the house, m

2 m 2.3 m 2.5 m 3 m 3.5 m

Number of outer walls

Wall insulation quality

Good (foam block) Average (2.5 bricks) Bad (1.5 bricks))

What kind of windows do you have

Wooden double glazing triple glazing

Cold Warm attic

Window area in % ratio

10 % 20 % 30 % 40 % 50%

average temperature

10 -15 -20 -25 -30

Overview of popular boilers for heating a house of 100 m2

Copper gas floor Siberia 17K

The budget line of boilers is manufactured in Russia in the city of Rostov-on-Don by the Rostovgazoapparat company. Rostovgazoapparat is the largest domestic company in the gas equipment industry. She became famous for the release of boilers of the DON 16 series, RGA, which are distinguished by high reliability and indestructibility. Many residents of our country have DON and RGA boilers installed, and have been working properly for 30-40 years.

Thermal power: 17.4 kW
Heated area: 100-200 sq m 2

Efficiency: 90%
DHW at t=35°C, 5.5 l/min

Also the manufacturer is Rostovgazoapparat.

Power: 17.4 kW
Purpose: heating and hot water
Heat exchanger material: steel
Efficiency: 90%
DHW at t=35°C, 5.5 l/min

The most popular manufacturer of boilers. Produced in Italy. They have been sold in Russia since 2002. average price 27 886.

Power: 14 kW
Heated area: up to 140 sq m
Purpose: heating and hot water

Efficiency: 90.7%
DHW at t=35°C, 7.4 l/min

Protherm wall-mounted boilers have gained popularity in our country due to the high quality of gas boilers and low prices. Produced in Slovakia. Average price for this model boiler is 32 723. Distinctive feature 23 kW of power, and the productivity of hot water is 11 liters per minute.

Power: 23 kW
Heated area: up to 200 sq m 2
Purpose: heating and hot water
Heat exchanger material: copper
Efficiency: 90.3%
DHW at t=35°C, 11 l/min

Italian quality. The main advantage of this model is a built-in boiler of 60 liters, this model is suitable for heating and hot water supply for a large family. The average price of the boiler is 72350.

Power: 23 kW
Heated area: up to 240 sq m
Purpose: heating and hot water
Heat exchanger material: copper
Efficiency: 92.9%
Built-in boiler: 60 liters
DHW at t=35°C, 14 l/min

To create optimally comfortable living and working conditions for a person, first of all, a certain temperature is needed. environment. This becomes especially important when rainy autumn cold winter is coming: for heating you will need a 100 kW gas boiler.

Exist alternative sources(for example, electric or solar energy), but, due to its economy and efficiency, it comes first. The tips posted in this article will help you understand the main types and characteristics of boilers and make your choice easier.

Why is it profitable to buy a 100 kW boiler

Gas, as a high-calorie and relatively inexpensive fuel, is very popular with manufacturers of heating units. Due to its state of aggregation, it is easier to organize the supply of a combustible mixture to the nozzles, and reliable protection systems reduce the likelihood of fire situations. First you need to deal with, their differences and characteristic features.

Equipment varies in power - it is measured in kilowatts. Approximately, for heating 10 m2 of the area of ​​​​the room (at a height of about 2.5 m), 1 kW of power of the heating unit is consumed. Thus, a gas boiler per 100 sq. m should have an indicator of at least 10-15 kW.

Important. When choosing equipment for heating a home, experts advise taking into account heat losses, the design of radiators (aluminum, bimetallic, cast iron) and be sure to add about 30% to compensate (so that the boiler has a power reserve).

The next gradation is directly related to the design. According to this parameter, boilers are divided into 2 large groups:

  • wall.

Read about which gas boiler is better - floor or wall.

The fundamental difference lies in the mounting method: a 100 kW wall-mounted gas boiler, as a more compact one, can be placed on the wall, and its floor counterpart will have to be installed directly on the base.

One loop or two

This parameter affects only the usability. The standard equipment () is intended only for heating - taking a shower and even washing your hands in this case will not work for one simple reason: the lack of an additional circuit for heating water. Therefore, this option will have to be supplemented with a gas column or an electric boiler.

But there is a combined solution -: it simultaneously performs the main function and uses excess heat to heat the water supply. And already such gas boilers 100 kW are recommended for a wide range of applications in the most different conditions- from a city apartment to a detached mansion.

Read about the pros and cons of single-circuit and double-circuit gas boilers.

Overview of the best 100 kW boilers

Most aggregates different manufacturers have a similar design. It includes shut-off valves, a burner block and automation with main sensors. When gas is supplied from the main and there is water in the system, the gas mixture is ignited using an ignition device. The burners heat the working fluid in the heat exchanger (water), which is supplied through the heating circuit to the radiators.

Needed to prevent ignition in the absence of water, with low gas pressure, as well as timely shutdown in an emergency. In complex units, there may be a pump to create gas pressure on the nozzles, as well as a special device for forced pumping of water through the system: this increases productivity heating installation. In addition, there is a temperature controller (it can be displayed by an analog or digital type indicator), electric or piezo ignition.

Popular boilers include products of a Slovak company: reliable, high-quality, unpretentious in operation. They can compete with the French De Dietrich with high efficiency, low power consumption and a 5-year warranty from the manufacturer.

The boilers are equipped with electric ignition with 2-stage adjustment, they reflect the indicators of temperature and pressure of the coolant in the system on the indicators. The equipment is economical and low level emissions into the atmosphere. The automatic mode allows you to set comfortable working conditions, it is also responsible for maintaining the set temperature.

Several units can be combined into a large network (when heating large areas, such as warehouses). The manufacturer provides high performance - at the level of 90-95%, a guarantee is provided.

Basic requirements applicable to such boilers

Gas equipment installed in a building under construction or already existing house must meet certain criteria. Firstly, this is performance: with a low efficiency, the unit will not fully supply heat to the premises of a house or mansion. This indicator for a good 100 kW gas boiler should be at least 90%. Secondly, it is reliability. In any emergency situation (for example, interruptions in water or gas pressure, interruption of their supply, clogged chimney), the automation must clearly work out and stop work. And, of course, not every equipment can withstand domestic networks with their floating pressure - well-designed boilers from well-known manufacturers cope with this without any problems.

Thirdly, the economic component. Too gluttonous unit will consume more fuel than it is useful. This also applies to the electricity consumed for the operation of boiler systems (pumps, ignition, automation).

For 100 sq. meters consumes about 10 W - this is less than a laptop power supply. Fourthly, it is the ability of the unit to "fit" into the environment. Wall models, in terms of compactness approaching geysers, are unpretentious in this respect. The only requirement is a sufficient bearing capacity of the wall on which the boiler will be mounted. Floor solutions require the allocation of a special place, in addition, there should be a ventilation duct or chimney nearby.

Important. Gas equipment is not an iron or a hair dryer. Of course, it is subject to general rules appeals between sellers and buyers, enshrined in the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

But it is better to approach the purchase carefully: consult with specialists so that you do not have to return unsuitable goods to the store, resolve issues with the exchange, and so on.

Additional nuances

If the choice is decided in favor, you need to decide in advance what the analysis of hot water will be. For a flow rate in the range of 10-15 liters, a model with a flow heater is suitable. More serious volumes need a unit with a storage tank. Designs with a circulation pump are more complex (and expensive), but their efficiency is also higher: the hot coolant is pumped throughout the heating system, while in conventional systems it moves by gravity.

It is very important what material the heat exchanger is made of: it will last longer. The same applies to burners - it directly depends on them. life cycle the entire unit.


In conclusion, some more general advice should be given:

  1. Funds invested in the boiler over robust design(famous brand), with a manufacturer's warranty, will pay for itself in the future.
  2. The efficient operation of the heating system, and hence the comfort in the house, depends not only on the gas unit. It is affected by the level of heat loss, the material of the radiators, the length and type of pipes from which the line is mounted, and other factors.
  3. When choosing a heating boiler, you will definitely need to consult specialized specialists. It is not worth saving on this in any case.

Don't know how to choose a boiler for a 100 house square meters? Can't calculate the optimal power of the heater? Still deciding what to choose - gas, solid fuel or electric boiler?

Let's try to understand this issue.

Electric boiler for a private house of 100 sq.m.

What boiler is needed for a house of 100 square meters?

For a house of such an area, you should purchase a compact and, possibly, inexpensive 10-12 kW boiler. Why do you need this option?

Judge for yourself:

  • Firstly, in 100 squares it is very difficult to find a place for a large boiler that needs a spacious boiler room. . Therefore, you need a compact boiler that can be placed in a small room, under stairs, in a corner in a kitchen, or even in a hallway.
  • Secondly, the cheaper the boiler, the lower the requirements for fuel quality. . However, the energy efficiency of a completely “budget” option is “lame” - the boiler wastes fuel, losing calories and ruining the owner. Therefore, you need a relatively inexpensive model with the highest possible coefficient useful action.
  • Thirdly, any house with an area of ​​100 square meters "loses" at least 10-12 kilowatts of heat . Therefore, to restore these heat losses, a heater with a power of 10-12 kW is required.

How to calculate heat loss at home?

Why did we decide that a house of 100 square meters loses exactly 10-12 kW of heat? Everything is simple here, the heat losses of buildings with an area of ​​​​up to 150-200 m2 are calculated according to the proportion:

One square meter of area \u003d 0.1 kilowatts

Consequently, a house of 100 "squares" loses at least 10 kW of heat (100 x 0.1). By increasing this figure by 20 percent of the "margin in case of extreme cold" we get the upper value - 12 kW (10 x 1.2). That's all.

Gas heating boiler

Gas, solid fuel or electric - which is better?

Remember or write down: the best boiler is gas, followed by solid fuel and electric heaters. Why this particular order? We answer: it's all about the cost of operation - the cost of fuel burned to obtain 1 kW of power.

  • In inexpensive, compact models the cheapest operating costs are demonstrated by gas boilers that burn no more than 1200-1500 cubic meters of gas per season.
  • Solid fuel option will cost a little more - 5 tons of coal and 3-4 cubic meters firewood per season.
  • And here is the electric boiler they buy it only out of desperation - it consumes hundreds of kilowatts of electricity per month.

However, in the segment of expensive boilers, the gas option has a quite worthy competitor - a pyrolysis boiler that decomposes solid fuel carbohydrates into combustible gases (olefins). But this boiler does not work without electricity and is very expensive.

Popular gas boilers for a house of 100 sq.m

Domestic gas boiler AOGV 11.6 (M)

For a house of 100 "squares", demonstrating the following characteristics:

  • Thermal power - up to 11.6 kW.
  • Heated area - up to 100 m2.
  • Number of circuits - two (heating + water heating)
  • The capacity of the hot water circuit is 2.5 liters per minute.
  • Installation scheme - on the floor.
  • Dimensions (height, width, depth) - 0.9 x 0.4 x 0.45 meters.
  • Cost - up to 17 thousand rubles.

Slovak single-circuit gas boiler Protherm Panther 12KTO

For a heating system for a house of 100-120 m2, with the following characteristics:

  • Thermal power - 11.6 kW.
  • Heated area - up to 120 m2.
  • Consumption natural gas– up to 1.4 m3/hour.
  • Number of circuits - one (heating only)
  • Installation scheme - on the wall.
  • Dimensions (height, width, depth) - 0.7 x 0.32 x 0.32 meters.
  • Cost - up to 35 thousand rubles.

As you can see: having opted for gas boilers, you can purchase a relatively inexpensive heater, suitable not only for heating, but also for hot water supply.

Demanded solid fuel models

Budget, single-circuit solid fuel boiler UYUT-10

Demonstrating the following characteristics:

  • Thermal power - 10 kW.
  • Efficiency -72%
  • Dimensions (depth, width, height) - 0.62 x 0.48 x 0.67 meters
  • The volume of the water "shirt" - 22 liters.
  • Cost - 13.5 thousand rubles.

Energy-efficient solid fuel boiler "Bourgeois-K" STANDARD-10

  • Thermal power - 10 kW.
  • Efficiency -85% (which is a little less than 90 percent of the average efficiency of a gas boiler)
  • Dimensions (depth, width, height) - 0.85 x 0.38 x 0.93 meters
  • The volume of the water "shirt" - 18 liters.
  • Cost - 40 thousand rubles.

Long burning pellet boiler for a house of 100 sq.m.:

  • Thermal power - 10 kW.
  • Efficiency -87% (!).
  • Duration of burning on 1 bookmark - up to 130 hours (coal).
  • Dimensions (height, diameter) - 1.92 x 0.45 meters
  • The volume of the water "shirt" - 34 liters.
  • Cost - 108 thousand rubles.

As you can see: solid fuel boilers, close in characteristics to gas heaters, are 3-4 times more expensive than the latter. And there's nothing you can do about it.

Economical electric boilers for a house of 100 "squares"

Auxiliary electric boiler for a 100 sqm house:

  • Thermal power - 13.86 kW
  • Power consumption - 14.1 kW
  • Efficiency - 99%
  • The electrical network is three-phase 380 volts.
  • Dimensions (height, width, depth) - 0.7 x 0.55 x 0.27 m.
  • Cost - up to 43 thousand rubles.

Three-phase electric boiler Kospel EKCO.L1z

Consider the main components of the heating system of a private house up to 100 sq.m. for year round living. In most cases, this one-story houses with one bathroom. Less common two-storey cottages, but the presence of the second floor does not fundamentally affect the choice of thermal and mechanical equipment. We remind you that this section is advisory in nature, we consider averaged data, characteristics of objects and equipment.

Boiler selection according to the "type of fuel" parameter

The presence of a gas pipe on the site sweeps away all doubts and questions about the choice of fuel for the heating boiler. Today, gas heating is the most economical. But what if there is no gas? For small houses, there are recommendations to use either electricity or a gas wall-mounted boiler running on propane-butane (liquefied gas). If there is a prospect of connecting gas in the village, then when choosing electric heating give preference to an electric boiler with water heating.

The use of solid fuel and pellet boilers is advisable when permanent residence V country house, since it is often necessary to control the combustion process of wood. In the best cases, the interval between laying firewood is 12 hours (when using a pyrolysis boiler), and the initial purchase costs solid fuel boiler there will be more.

Heating on a diesel boiler will be expensive both in terms of purchase and operation, therefore this method is not considered in this section.

The choice of the boiler according to the "heating" parameter.

The small area of ​​​​the house allows the use of a small-capacity boiler, regardless of the selected fuel. In a rough approximation of 10 sq.m. heated area requires 1 kW of heating boiler power. More accurate and correct figures can only be given by a competent calculation of heat loss at home. It is important to choose the boiler that is optimal in terms of power, otherwise, the equipment will not work correctly (clocking or constant operation of the boiler). For example, for wall-mounted gas boilers from leading manufacturers, you can forcibly lower the power for heating, while there will be no loss in power during the preparation of hot water. This will help to get away from the problem of boiler clocking.

Also for small houses it is important to properly manage the free space, in this case, a wall-mounted boiler is ideal due to its compactness, functionality and the possibility of installation in the kitchen.

For houses and cottages up to 100 sq.m., when it comes to gas heating, it is preferable to use wall double-circuit boilers with flame modulation function. This will allow, firstly, to achieve more economical fuel consumption, and secondly, due to a smooth change in the temperature of the coolant, a more comfortable heating system will be obtained. Floor boilers for this category of houses are equipped with single-stage atmospheric or inflatable burners, and the minimum power, as a rule, borders on around 15 kW. These two factors again lead to the problem of clocking. In addition, the initial costs for the purchase and installation of a floor-standing boiler will be higher compared to the cost of a wall-mounted boiler. Do not forget that for floor-standing boilers it is necessary to bring the chimney above the ridge of the building. In cases where a chimney shaft is not designed in the house, the solution to the problem of removing combustion products is very acute. For wall-mounted boilers, this issue is easier to solve: the chimney is removed using a horizontal passage through the wall without further lifting the pipe along the wall.

Boiler selection according to the "hot water preparation" parameter.

For residential buildings up to 100 sq.m. the most common case is the presence of two hot water outlets for 1-2 people. For example, a gas wall-mounted double-circuit boiler with a built-in secondary heat exchanger will perfectly cope with the task of preparing hot water. With a temperature difference of incoming and outgoing water of 30 degrees Celsius, the average boiler produces 12-14 l / min. If you turn to the reference data, you can see that the water flow for the washbasin is 10 l / min, and for the shower - 15 l / min. From here we get that the volume of prepared water for the simultaneous use of two points is not enough, but with sequential use it is quite enough. If there are more than two hot water outlets or if 3-4 people live, we recommend using a water heater from 100l.

Consider a generalized scheme for heating and preparing hot water for houses up to 100 sq.m.

Essential elements:

  • Wall mounted heating boiler
  • Voltage stabilizer (to protect the boiler automation from power surges)
  • Remote dispatching module (for remote inquiry of the operation status of the heating boiler, as well as changes in system settings)
  • Outdoor sensor (weather-compensated operation improves heating comfort and reduces operating costs)

View finished complex solutions for houses up to 100 sq.m. You can .

  • View Basic Solution
  • Comfort solution view
  • Comfort plus solution view

The main elements of this circuit are a heating boiler and a voltage stabilizer. The remote dispatching function, as well as weather-dependent control, are not available for all boilers, and, as a rule, only leading manufacturers can offer these options.

If you are not sure how to choose a heating boiler or you have other questions, call: 8 921 416 24 24 or write to our mail.

You can heat a house with an area of ​​​​100 m 2 different ways: gas, solid fuel, electric boiler or heat pump. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's compare options.

Total information

You can heat a house with an area of ​​100 m 2 in various ways: with gas, solid fuel, an electric boiler or a heat pump. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. Regardless of the type of boiler, the heating will be water, with the distribution of the heating circuit through pipes to radiators or underfloor heating.

The general task of heating is to replenish the heat losses of the house with new heat, which, at a street temperature of -24 ° C and an indoor temperature of + 21 ° C, range from 30 W / sq. m - in well-insulated buildings up to 110 W / sq. m - where the walls are 1.5 bricks and old wooden windows.

To simplify the task of heating, before installing or upgrading the heating system, you need to minimize the heat loss of the building - insulate the walls, roof and foundation of the house. Insulation of the building will provide heat savings of up to 30-40%.

In our calculations, we take the heat loss of the building as 100 W/sq. m, which is the maximum value for the climatic zone of the Dnieper (where the average monthly temperature in January is -5.5 ° C).

For a 100 sq. m in the Dnieper or Dnepropetrovsk region for the entire heating season will need to generate 16.6 thousand kWh of thermal energy.

Knowing the required thermal performance of the system, we select heat engineering equipment and the necessary shut-off valve assemblies.

The power of the selected boiler must be no less than the calculated heat losses of the building, but no more than 20% (otherwise, the problem of storing the generated heat will have to be solved).

The list of equipment for strapping for any of the heating options coincides by 90%. Each scheme requires circulation pump, boiler safety group, expansion tank for 10-24 liters, shut-off valves: taps, thermostatic valves, couplings, etc.

The number of radiators and sections directly on each battery is calculated based on the required amount of heat for each room in the house. Radiators are installed under each window and on walls that border the street, without windows. To regulate the temperature, thermostatic heads with valves are installed on each radiator - this will allow you to control the temperature in each individual room and spend the heat received without unnecessary losses.

The cost of the entire standard set will be from 4000 to 10000 UAH. The exact list is selected in accordance with the heat engineering equipment piping scheme agreed with the customer.

An example of a circuit diagram for heating a private house

Heating of a private house with an area of ​​100 sq. m

Heating area 100 m 2 have one-story residential buildings or small two-story country houses with attic. The total heat loss of such buildings will be: 100 W × 100 m 2 = 10 kW.

Coolant circulation system in houses 100 sq. m - closed with forced circulation.

Gas heating

convection 16 223 Condensing 21 893

Features of gas heating

  1. Automatic gas supply to the house is one of the main advantages of gas heating.
  2. Does not require regular maintenance of the fuel combustion process throughout the season.
  3. Increased requirements for fire and explosion safety require special approvals of plant designs and constant monitoring of compliance with such requirements.
  4. Rising gas prices.
  5. The calorific value of the gas may vary, which affects the performance of the boiler.

Heating system with solid fuel boiler

To reduce heating costs by refusing gas, or in the case when gas supply is not available, a heating system with a solid fuel boiler is installed.

Selecting a solid fuel boiler model

Depending on the preferences of the owner, we choose the type of solid fuel boiler with a capacity of at least 10 kW: classic, long burning, pyrolysis or with automatic fuel supply.

We choose the desired type of fuel: firewood, briquettes, coal, pellets or universal.

From the passport of the solid fuel boiler we take the parameters of the chimney: the inner diameter of the pipe (or the cross-sectional area of ​​​​the chimney) - Ø150 -160 mm, the minimum height is 5 - 6 m.

Now we determine the configuration and consider the cost of the chimney.

Estimated cost of the chimney - about 7000 UAH.

The cost of heating a house with electricity

At the standard rate, heating a house with electricity is the most expensive. Approximately 17,000 kWh will be required per season electrical energy, which will cost 15 300 UAH.

To reduce the cost of heating with an electric boiler, it is necessary to submit an application to the electricity supply company and agree on one of the preferential tariffs.


Up to 3000 kWh - 0.9 UAH/kWh

Over 3000 kWh - UAH 1.68/kWh

Dual zone - reduction factor 0.5 at night.

Three-zone - three zone tariffs:

from 23:00 to 06:00 - coefficient - 0.4

from 7:00 to 8:00, from 11:00 to 20:00 and from 22:00 to 23:00 - coefficient. - 1.0

from 8:00 to 11:00 and from 20:00 to 22:00 - coefficient. 1.5

Tariff "Electric heating" - 0.45 UAH/kWh

The use of the night tariff in the electric boiler + buffer tank system allows to further reduce heating costs by 40%.

Features of heating with an electric boiler

  • For heating, it is necessary and sufficient to connect electricity.
  • The allocated power corresponding to the maximum total power of all electrical appliances and equipment in the house must be agreed with the power supply organization for the facility.
  • Easy installation and operation of the equipment. Regular Maintenance not required.
  • Unlike fuel burning boilers, a chimney is not required.
  • Significant reduction in costs when using feed-in tariffs.

Heating of a 100 sq. m heat pump

Heat pumps are an environmentally friendly and economical alternative to traditional fossil fuel boilers. Heat is obtained from renewable sources - geothermal energy from the earth, air or water. For the operation of heat pumps, electricity is needed to ensure the circulation of the coolant in the circuits of the system. The conversion of thermal energy from an environment with a low temperature potential into a heating circuit occurs in a ratio of 4:1 - for 1 kWh of electrical energy consumed, the system receives from 3.5 to 4.5 kWh of heat.

Equipment selection and installation

The cost of heat pumps strongly depends on the heat output - each 1 kW of power costs 500-800 euros. Therefore, to cover peak loads that occur for a short period of winter frosts, additional traditional heat sources are used - gas or solid fuel boilers.

Options for heat pumps for heating a house of 100 sq. m and prices

Model name

Heat pump type

Price, UAH.

For intelligent control of a system with a heat pump and a parallel source of thermal energy, multifunctional tanks with a programmable control unit are installed. Such equipment reduces the cost of heating by 70-80% compared to traditional gas.

The cost of installing a heat pump (without drilling wells for a geothermal circuit) and connecting to a heating system in Dnipro and the region is about 10% of the total cost of equipment, which corresponds to about 25,000 - 30,000 hryvnias.

The cost of heating with a heat pump

Electricity consumption for the entire season for heating our house will be 4750 kWh. With a standard electric tariff, the costs will be 4275 UAH. And on the tariff "Electric heating" the amount is reduced by 50%. The use of the night tariff reduces this figure by another 40% - up to 1300 UAH.

1300 hryvnia per year for heating a house with an area of ​​100 square meters! This is more than 10 times cheaper than gas heating!

How long does it take for a heat pump system to pay for itself?

The difference in the cost of heating a 100-meter house is about 14,000 UAH/year. And if gas prices rise, the delta will grow even more. However, in the case of upgrading existing system when the gas is already connected, the payback period for heating a house with an area of ​​​​100 m 2, as you can see, will be about 15 years.

But, the minimum payback period is obtained when installing a heating system from scratch in a house under construction of the same area. In this case, not only the cost of equipment is taken into account, but also the price of gas connection, which varies in different connection points from UAH 80,000 to 250,000, which is comparable to the cost of heat pumps.

Features of heat pumps

  1. No harmful emissions. It does not require the installation of a chimney, as in combustion boilers.
  2. High cost of equipment.
  3. The payback of a heat pump decreases with an increase in the heated area.
  4. Air source heat pumps, although they cope with the heating of the heating system and at outdoor temperatures down to -25 ° C, but provide maximum efficiency (COP from 3.0 to 4.76) at ambient temperatures from -2 to + 12 ° C and higher.
  5. Ease of installation of air heat pumps, allows you to install them on any object without restrictions.
  6. To install ground source heat pumps, it is necessary to drill wells or overburden to lay a geothermal heat exchange circuit, which increases the cost of installation by 100%.
  7. Geothermal heat pumps are more expensive to install, but their COP - about 4.0 - is independent of the ambient temperature.
  8. Most effective in combined heating systems with low-temperature heat distribution - water warm floors or fan coils.


  1. Heat a small house with an area of ​​​​about 100 square meters. m can be done in various ways - it all depends on the capabilities and desires of the customer.
  2. Seasonal heating costs for various energy carriers differ significantly:

  1. The cost of heating a private house consists of the price of equipment and the operating costs of the energy carrier throughout the entire life of the installed heating system.
  2. It is difficult to guess which energy source will be the cheapest, therefore, combined heating systems with various types fuel.

An example of a combined system “gas boiler + electric”:

An example of a system with gas, electric boilers and an air source heat pump CTC EcoAir 520M, combined through a multifunctional buffer tank CTC EcoZenith 250i:

For accurate calculations, please contact us - we help to do optimal choice which saves a lot of money and time.