Universal brazier with your own hands. Do-it-yourself metal barbecues

Connoisseurs of a good barbecue know for sure that a lot in its preparation depends on the barbecue, the material and design of which affect the roasting, juiciness and taste of meat. For this reason, barbecue fans not only invent their own recipes for this dish, but also try to make frying devices with their own hands. Most of them believe that it is best to make a brazier with your own hands from metal, which is quite good and easy to process, moreover, it is practical and durable.

Types of homemade barbecues and features of their manufacture

Homemade metal barbecues according to user characteristics can be divided into three large groups:

  • requiring welding of parts in the manufacturing process;
  • collapsible, not requiring welding;
  • braziers made from improvised means.

Also, products are distinguished by the composition of the raw materials from which they are created. It could be cast iron sheet metal, heat-resistant, stainless or galvanized steel.

Metal in the hands of a skilled craftsman can turn into a real masterpiece.

Collapsible brazier without welding

This type of metal barbecue is a way out for those who do not know the basics of welding, but really want to do it themselves. In addition, in this way you can create a portable model of the structure, which at any time can be easily disassembled and transported in an ordinary car in order to fry a barbecue in nature outside the household. For this reason, it is also called camping or folding.

Folding brazier can fit even in a small suitcase

The main secret of such a device is that each side is equipped with special grooves that hold all parts of the structure together, but, as an option, heat-resistant bolts can also be used for assembly.

It should be noted that the brazier with grooves is much easier to operate, since it does not require assembly additional tools, but in their manufacture, special accuracy is needed in work to ensure the subsequent ease of assembly of the finished product.

In most cases, ordinary sheet metal is used to make such a design, but it is worth trying to make a folding stainless steel brazier. This version of the device for frying kebabs, although more expensive due to the high price Supplies, but it has an indisputable advantage - it is not afraid of bad weather conditions and can constantly be on the street, does not suffer from repeated collection, does not corrode and therefore will last for decades.

Welded sheet metal construction

To create a solid stationary brazier, it is still better to use welding machine- so the product will be more reliable.

Sheet metal brazier

To make a simple steel brazier, it is enough to cut and weld together five metal rectangles: a bottom, two long side pieces and two short side pieces.

  1. It is imperative to mark the elements on the metal under the square so that all corners are guaranteed to be straight.
  2. On both long sidewalls, stepping back a little from the edge, drill several holes in a row with a drill to supply air to the burning wood.
  3. After that, weld all the parts together, placing the parts with holes so that they are at the bottom.
  4. The support legs can also be welded or made removable to make the structure easier to store.

Simple and affordable model

This is the easiest way to make a brazier out of metal, having your own welding machine. If you want something more aesthetic and functional, then a few more parts can be welded to the short sides of the structure in the form of small protruding shelves or made of wood. It will be convenient to put dishes for ready-made kebabs or jars of spices, which are always needed at hand, on them.

Shelves on the sides of the brazier are very convenient

Metal brazier from improvised materials

There are situations when there is no time or money for the construction of a full-fledged barbecue. In this case, craftsmen use everything that is at hand on the farm: metal barrels, empty gas cylinders and even old car wheels.

The new role of the empty balloon

A gas cylinder is most often used to quickly create a brazier, because a good craftsman, with all the necessary tools, can turn it into a full-fledged structure for cooking fragrant barbecue in just four hours.

If such an idea caught your attention, then here are a few recommendations on how the balloon can be turned into an original barbecue with your own hands:

  1. First you need to find on the farm a suitable empty gas bottle with a capacity of about 50 liters. In addition to it, you will also need two door hinges for attaching the cover, metal corner and pipe.
  2. The next step is to prepare all the necessary tools, and this is a grinder, a hammer, a screwdriver, an adjustable wrench, a chisel.
  3. Next, the cylinder should be cut lengthwise into two parts, after making sure that there are no gas residues in it that can flare up from the spark produced by the angle grinder. You also need to cut off or beat off the valve that has become superfluous with a hammer.
  4. The prepared structure must be cleaned of condensate accumulated inside and filled with water for a couple of days to complete cleansing.
  5. To make a lid for the barbecue, which will protect the structure from rain and, if necessary, turn it into a smokehouse, you should attach the upper cut-off part of the cylinder to the lower one using door hinges and a drill.
  6. In order to avoid deformation of the product due to high temperatures in the future, it is desirable to strengthen the base by welding a metal corner around the entire perimeter inside the cylinder. It can also act as a support for a grill or skewers. It is best to make cuts along the edges of such an improvised brazier so that you can securely fix the put skewer with meat, and drill several holes in the bottom for burnt coals.
  7. The last detail is the legs. To create them, an ordinary metal pipe welded to the bottom is suitable.

Delicious kebab in an old barrel

By a similar principle, you can make a brazier from metal barrel. There are two options here. The easiest way is to cut the barrel into two parts and get two simple but convenient braziers or build a more complex barbecue model with a lid.

Practical design from a barrel for cooking kebabs

Quick option from half a barrel

The only disadvantage of such designs is that in their original form they do not have a very presentable appearance, but if desired, this disadvantage can be eliminated by decorating a home-made brazier from improvised materials with additional accessories - beautiful handles, coasters, decorative forged elements.

Ideas for inspiration on how to make and decorate a metal brazier can be gleaned from numerous photo collections of products by other craftsmen or even eminent craftsmen.

New life barrels

How to correctly calculate the dimensions of the structure

Before you make a brazier out of metal with your own hands, you need to clearly determine its dimensions, because steel is not a fabric that can be finished in case of an error.

The optimal size of a homemade barbecue

There are no specific strict standards here, but there are a number of recommendations that will make the design as user-friendly as possible:

  1. In order for the brazier to be functional, its length should be calculated based on how many kebabs are planned to be fried at the same time. A proven option in practice is no more than 10 skewers per 1 m. Thus, if the family is small and huge feasts are not planned, then 70 cm in length will be quite enough.

At least 10 cm is allocated for the placement of one skewer

  1. The width depends on the length of the skewer and, as a rule, is 30 cm if it is standard (the holder and the sharp end always protrude beyond the brazier). Even if the skewers used are of non-standard sizes, then, when determining the width, it should be remembered that the meat is strung only on the central part, and you should not make the grill wider just to heat the air for nothing.
  2. The depth of the brazier in all cases cannot be less than 15 cm. This will allow you to place coals and firewood on the bottom of the brazier so that they do not touch the meat. Too deep should not be done either, otherwise the heated air rising up for too long will lose temperature.
  3. The height is purely individual and depends on the height of the one who will be cooking barbecue most often. It is quite simple to determine it: for this you need to bend your arm at the elbow, as if holding a skewer, and measure the distance from the ground to the elbow bend. It is at this height that it is most convenient for a person to turn the skewers.
  4. To calculate the height of the structure, take a skewer, bend your arm at the elbow and measure the height at which it will be convenient to turn the skewer.

Comfortable height - up to the elbow bend

As for raw materials, here we can talk about structures made of sheet metal, cast iron, heat-resistant, stainless or galvanized steel.

Cast iron is also an excellent raw material for such purposes, because it is durable, reliable and retains temperature for a long time. But to build a brazier out of it on your own at home is unlikely to work, since products from this material are very heavy and bulky.

A rather controversial material is galvanized steel. A galvanized steel brazier is not the most common design option for frying meat, since experienced craftsmen often disagree about the safety of this type of raw material.

Drum frying tool washing machine

As you know, when heated strongly, galvanized steel releases toxic substances, which, according to some craftsmen, can enter the human body along with fried meat. Although, most professionals believe that the brazier never warms up to a temperature at which zinc is released from galvanized steel.

Quick brazier from the system unit

Very good in the operation of stainless steel products. They, without fear of rust, can be left outdoors even in wet weather or rain. The service life of products made from this material is calculated in tens of years. Among other things, stainless steel barbecue grills look very modern and stylish, harmoniously fitting even into the most modern landscape design household plot.

Stainless steel products look very stylish and modern

Homemade stainless steel version

When choosing raw materials for work, also take into account that the thickness of the metal should be at least 3 mm, and ideally 5 mm. In this case, the product will be slightly heavier, but more durable, and will not overheat during use.

Ultimately, the choice of material still remains with the master, who decides what is more comfortable for him to work with, and what kind of product should be the result.

Video: do-it-yourself barbecue

It is difficult to find someone who does not like grilled meat and vegetables. That is why the brazier occupies a leading position among other attributes necessary for outdoor recreation. Modern devices have a variety of designs: they can be either portable metal or stationary made of brick or metal, with a canopy, lid, etc. It all depends on the desire and imagination of the owner. And it is not at all necessary to buy a brazier, because you can make a metal grill with your own hands.

The advantages of a metal grill

The simplest, but at the same time very practical barbecue model

The pros and cons of metal barbecues vary depending on which models to consider:

  • thin-walled they are mobile, compact and affordable. They are made by stamping parts from the thinnest sheets of metal, which has a beneficial effect on their weight. Most often produce folding versions. However, they are often used not only as a container for coals from a separate fire, but also for lighting and kindling the latter. Therefore, the life of such a brazier can be significantly reduced. The walls quickly burn out, deform and become unusable. In addition, they do not retain heat well, which leads to an unreasonably high consumption of coal;
  • thick-walled durable and roomy. Such braziers can serve for years. True, they are not so portable, as they are made of thick sheets of metal, and therefore have a rather large weight.


Before proceeding with the manufacture of the brazier, it is necessary to determine its type.

Portable (folding/collapsible)

Compact collapsible brazier can be taken with you even on a hike

Portable braziers are easy to assemble, have a simple and compact design, designed for outdoor picnics. They are of two types: folding and collapsible.

  1. In a portable collapsible brazier, the elements are connected during the assembly process using bolts, pins and other connecting elements. Such models are mobile and compact, but they have one drawback - poor reliability. Making such a brazier with your own hands is quite difficult.
  2. In a portable folding barbecue, the elements do not completely separate, but move or fold. The main disadvantage is the short service life. At best, they last for one or two seasons.
  3. Currently, such a model as a disposable brazier, which is designed for one use, is very popular. Its undoubted advantage is its low price and light weight.


A metal grill with a roof allows you to cook in almost any weather

The stationary brazier has a large number of manufacturing options. Such models can be with or without a roof. The first are self-sufficient. The roof will protect not only the cook, but also the furnace itself from direct sunlight, snow or rain, which will extend the service life. The latter are usually installed where there is already a canopy.

With a smokehouse

In such a grill, you can not only fry, but also smoke meat or fish

A brazier with a smokehouse can be used not only for frying meat or fish, but also for smoking them. To do this, it must be equipped with a tight metal cover, and on the sides on the inside, shelves should be provided for installing the grate.

The principle of smoking in such a barbecue is as follows: thin branches of fruit trees (apple, cherry or plum) are laid on the bottom, and prepared pieces of meat or fish are placed on the installed grate. The brazier is covered with a lid and a fire is made under it. The branches inside from the high temperature begin to smolder, but due to lack of oxygen they do not light up. Thus, meat or fish are simultaneously baked at a high temperature and smoked in the smoke from smoldering fruit branches.

Unlike the rectangular braziers we are used to, American barbecue is often round.

The main difference between a barbecue and a barbecue is that the meat is not fried on skewers, but on a grill. In this case, not only coals, but also open fires can be used. Thus, the sides must be higher than those of the brazier, and fastenings for the grate are necessary on them.

Table: Pros and cons of different types of barbecues

Portable (thin-walled)Compactness, ease of assembly, small weight, low price, mobility.Short service life, deformation and burnout of the main container is possible, they do not retain heat well.
Portable / mobile (thick-walled)It retains the temperature better, compared to the stationary one, it has a small weight, a long service life, and is resistant to corrosion.High price.
DisposableMobility, light weight, low price.Cannot be reused.
StationaryThe big sizes of a brazier, small heat emission, the longest term of operation.There is no possibility to move.
Allows not only to fry, but also to smoke meat and fish.Pretty hard to find for sale. Can be made to order or on your own.
Cooking not only on coals, but also on an open fire.Quite an expensive device.

Location selection

When choosing a place, you need to consider some important points:

  • you should not place the barbecue under trees or near shrubs, as the high temperature can scorch the branches;
  • do not place the device under film or fabric canopies, which can ignite due to heat;
  • it is advisable to take into account the wind rose so that smoke does not enter the windows of your house or neighbors;
  • the best option would be equipped with a barbecue separate plot located near the main recreation area.

If the brazier is on the ground, it is advisable to pave the area under it with refractory material (stones or paving slabs). In the rainy season, this will allow you to approach the barbecue without interference, and the structure itself will not sink into the ground over time.

So, we smoothly approached the main issue of our conversation. How to make a barbecue with your own hands?

Tools and materials

To make a metal brazier with your own hands, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • sheet metal (iron or steel);
  • bolts and other fastening materials;
  • welding machine;

In the manufacture of a metal brazier, one cannot do without a welding machine

  • hand drill or electric drill;
  • grinder with cutting discs for metal;
  • angle grinder;
  • pipe or corner (for legs);
  • tape measure and square for marking;

For the 'pattern' of the metal parts of the brazier, you will need a grinder

  • angle grinder;
  • hammer or small sledgehammer;
  • pipe or corner (for legs);
  • tape measure and square for marking.

DIY manufacturing technology

The brazier, which we ourselves will make of metal, will be as simple as possible. For a small company, 8-10 skewers with meat are enough, and if the need arises, you can cook another serving.

Skewers should not interfere with each other, but large gaps between them should be avoided so as not to waste heat.

Following these arguments, we calculate the length of the structure. Classic skewer places 5-7 pieces of meat. The depth of the brazier is determined by practical methods. The meat should not be far from the coals, but it should not be placed too close, otherwise it will burn. The distance from the upper edge of the structure to the ground depends on the growth of the cook. Most often it is 75–125 cm.


We make a drawing of our barbecue. The diagram may look something like the one shown in the following figure.

Brazier is not a space rocket, so the drawing can be the most primitive

We will use sheet metal with a thickness of 2–3 mm as the material.

So, we mark up the sheet using a square so that there are no distortions:

  • 70x20 cm - 2 pcs. (back and front walls);
  • 70x28 cm - 1 pc. (bottom);
  • 28x20 cm - 2 pcs. (side walls).

We cut the elements with a grinder.

Small slits will help fix the skewer in the right position

On the upper long side of the sides, small cuts can be made to more securely fix the skewer in the selected position.

To ensure the flow of oxygen along the sides of the barbecue, a series of holes are made.

To ensure air flow inside the base-box, several holes should be drilled on the front and back panels with a diameter of 10 mm or more in increments of 10-15 cm from each other. Measure 2 cm from the bottom edge of the structure and draw a straight line, marking the places for the cutout.


For legs, you can use a corner of 20x20 cm or metal pipes with a diameter of at least 20 mm, a length of 60–100 cm (depending on the height of the cook).

If you use tubes, you can make the design collapsible. To do this, you will additionally need 4 bolts with nuts. Bolts are welded to each tube. In all four corners of the bottom of the box, you need to drill a hole with a diameter slightly larger than that of the bolts welded to the support legs. If corners are used, then they can simply be welded to the base.

If you want to add a smoking function to your barbecue, then it will be enough to weld two corners to the inside of its long sides at a height of about 7-10 centimeters from the bottom. You should also make a metal cover by welding small sides to a metal base, slightly larger than the size of the brazier. For convenience, it is recommended to weld a bracket on top of the lid, which will be used as a handle.

If desired, you can make a canopy or a shelf for firewood or coals, weld handles on the side walls, add a hook for a shovel or poker.

The brazier can be not just an 'iron box', but a real multifunctional kitchen

How to care for a barbecue

Yes, the brazier needs care. What is it?

  1. It is impossible to pour hot brazier with water yet (from temperature changes, the metal can be deformed).
  2. Stubborn grease, soot or soot can be easily removed with a sand cloth.
  3. From time to time, lubricate the barbecue with vegetable oil applied to a clean rag - this will add shine and at the same time protect the structure from adverse weather conditions.

Unusual barbecue design (video)

In conclusion, we bring to your attention a short video that shows how to make a metal barbecue using the base from an old Singer sewing machine (Singer).

Born in 1977 in Donetsk, Ukraine. Graduated from the Donetsk Polytechnic Institute (now DonSTU) with a degree in Automated systems management. He worked at the Donetsk Metallurgical Plant. In 1997 he moved to Moscow, where for 8 years he worked in several construction teams.

In this article, we will look at options for how to build barbecues with your own hands from metal: dimensions, photos and drawings, as well as step-by-step instructions are attached! Let's talk about the advantages of such structures, as well as the properties of the steel from which they are made. The following are the four master classes in detail.

  • First of all, we will tell you how to make a brazier from a gas cylinder: a photo instruction with explanations will not let you make mistakes during installation. We will use a standard 50 liter bottle.;
  • The second chapter contains instructions for installing a barbecue from a 200l metal barrel;
  • Next, we will discuss standard design portable type of heat-resistant steel 5mm. A drawing of a metal brazier with dimensions is also attached, we specially made it for this master class.
  • In conclusion, we will tell you how to build a portable camping sheet brazier from 3mm steel.
You will learn how to make metal

Advantages of metal grills

The metal brazier has a number of advantages. Their main ones include:

  • strength and reliability;
  • low cost. The cost of creating such a design is much lower than products on sale;
  • mobility - it is simple and easy to install, and also transferred around the site.
  • freedom of creativity. Since you make this product yourself, you can decorate it the way you want;
  • durability. Such a brazier will serve you for more than a dozen years with proper operation and strengthening of the bottom of the structure;

Braziers of different heights

However, this design also has several significant drawbacks:

  • material will rust over time. Especially under the influence of adverse environmental factors, such as moisture. However, if you choose the wrong metal for manufacturing, the walls will rather lead to the structure;
  • the process of preparing a barbecue or other dish in a metal barbecue is inferior to that which takes place in a brick structure, since this material retains heat worse;
  • you must have the skills to work with a welding machine to make a brazier with your own hands from metal. Drawings, photos and dimensions from the team of our site will help with this;
  • barbecues assembled from gas cylinders are quite heavy, so it is not always convenient to move them around the site. For more comfortable movement, such designs are made on wheels.

To make a project on your own, you need to understand at least superficially the grades of heat-resistant steel. More on this later.

From a barrel on legs

Characteristics of heat resistant steel

In this block, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the characteristics of heat-resistant steel. It is from it that we propose to make a brazier (the third master class), because. structural integrity and resistance to deformation over time - that's the main task. The second point is to make sure that the steel rusts for as long as possible.

As suitable metals, we propose to consider the characteristics of 2 grades of heat-resistant steel: 09g2s, 15khsnd (nl-2). In addition to their heat-resistant qualities, they have several advantages:

  • long rust;
  • in stores you can buy a thickness of 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 6mm. In general, this thickness is enough to implement the project (15KhSND (NL-2) only 6mm and more). A metal thickness of 6mm is suitable if you want to make a solid stationary barbecue(he is heavy);
  • great for cutting and cutting.

09G2S - decoding and properties of steel

09GS2 - low-alloy structural steel with increased endurance limit. This brand is widely used for cooking steel structures, including suitable for barbecues. Use this steel grade if you want to make a portable one.

On sale you can find sheets with a thickness of 2 mm, which is ideal for portable barbecues and barbecues. However, nothing prevents you from making a stationary barbecue from the 09G2S steel grade. For a more detailed acquaintance with the properties during heating, we suggest studying the table below.

The decoding of steel 09G2S is carried out as follows:

  1. 09-0.9% carbon content;
  2. G- Contains manganese;
  3. 2 - manganese 2%;
  4. C - silicon, less than 1%.

15HSND (NL-2) - decoding and properties of steel

Steel 15HSND (nl-2) has excellent physical properties when exposed to high temperatures and resistant to overheating. This quality allows it to be used when cooking thick-walled structures, including barbecues.

Such steel is more suitable for stationary structures than for portable ones, due to its thickness - at least 6mm. How does 15HSND (NL-2) behave when elevated temperatures can be seen in the table

15HSND is deciphered as follows:

  1. 15 - 0.15% carbon
  2. X - Chrome 0.6-0.9%
  3. C - Silicon 0.4-0.7%
  4. N - Nickel 0.3-0.6%
  5. D - Copper 0.2-0.4%

If you have not yet decided which of these steel grades should be purchased for the manufacture of a metal barbecue, rely on the price in your city and the availability of steel on sale.

Carry out preparatory work

Before proceeding to the main stage of work, it is necessary to properly prepare.

  1. Decide on the type of installation. Will the structure be stationary or portable? Basically, metal barbecues can be easily transported and installed anywhere;
  2. Decide where you will install the structure. At the same time, it does not matter whether it will be a portable or stationary installation, in any case, the heat from it can harm your vegetation, trees, or other elements on the site.
  3. Dimensions, photos of the brazier with their own hands made of metal are well known. Basically, they are within the following limits: width - from 50 to 120 cm, and depth - from 15 to 20 cm.

These barbecue sizes are optimal. They allow you to place a grill, several skewers and coals inside. At the same time, the latter do not touch the product that is being prepared.

How to make a brazier from a gas cylinder: photo instruction!

This design is based on a gas cylinder with a volume of 50 liters. Its length reaches 96 cm, which makes it easy to place 9 skewers in it. If you want to learn how to make a barbecue from a propane tank with your own hands, follow these steps:

  1. prepare the necessary tools and materials;
  2. design the look of your future barbecue;
  3. prepare the balloon for cutting;
  4. cut the balloon;
  5. install the cover;
  6. make a stand;
  7. make holes for skewers, as well as ventilation;
  8. paint.

How to make a brazier from a gas cylinder: do-it-yourself photo instruction

Tools and materials

To make a barbecue from a gas cylinder, we need tools and materials:


  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • drill;
  • wrench;
  • ruler..


  • old propane tank;
  • handle with wooden insert;
  • rivets;
  • professional pipe;
  • corner;
  • band.

Drawing, project, scheme

Now you need to prepare do-it-yourself brazier drawings from metal in the photo. Take a ruler and chalk and measure the cutting lines on the balloon according to the given dimensions. The dimensions of the brazier from a gas cylinder with your own hands in this project should be as follows:

  • The length of the gas cylinder is 960 mm.
  • The standard height (and in our case both height and width) of the gas cylinder from which we make the project is 290 mm. We cut the lid exactly in the middle - 145 mm.
  • cut length - 884 mm;
  • the number of holes for the skewer - 9 pieces of 5x11 mm;
  • handle dimensions - 260 mm;

All other data are shown in the drawing.


And two more tips:

  • Leg height. The average height of a man is 175 cm, women - 162 cm. Keep this in mind when setting the height at which the brazier from the propane cylinder will be located. We recommend using a leg height of 80 cm.
  • steel thickness. As mentioned earlier in the article in the paragraph “Characteristics of heat-resistant steel”, it is advisable to use from 2 to 6 mm, depending on the purpose and type of steel.

Preparing a cylinder for a barbecue (we pump out gas)

First we need to prepare the balloon itself for cutting. Usually there are gas residues in old cylinders that need to be removed. For this you need:

  1. Open the valve and put the bottle on the side. if it comes out of gas, wait until it comes out completely.
  2. Unscrew the top shot of the faucet with two gas wrenches. After that, some more gas should come out of the cylinder.
  3. We bring a hose with water to the cylinder and open the water. We wait until it is completely filled.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a brazier from a propane tank

After the cylinder is completely filled with water, you can start cutting metal:

  1. We install a cover for a barbecue from a propane cylinder. To do this, we completely cut it along the previously outlined lines (as in the drawing).
  2. We drill holes in the lid and the cylinder with a drill, after which we fasten it with the help of corners and then with rivets.
  3. We weld the handle with a wooden insert so as not to get burned
  4. We make a stand. To do this, we take 4 parts of the professional pipe, each with a size of 15x15x800. Also a corner of 850 mm, 1750 mm strips, and two more parts of the pipe 15x15x280. Next, we bend two parts of the strip of 450 mm each to fit the shape of the balloon, cook. We weld two pieces of a professional pipe 280 mm from the bottom to our frame for stability. We connect the professional pipe with a corner of 850 mm from above and the remains of a strip measuring 850 mm from below. Do-it-yourself stand for a barbecue from a gas cylinder, as in the photo, is ready.
  5. Make holes with a 8.5 mm drill in the base of the cylinder - for ventilation.
  6. Make holes for the skewers. FROM front side 5x11 mm is the best option. From the back, make an 11 mm drill.
  7. For more convenient movement and operation, weld handles on both sides. We would also advise welding a shelf on the right side.

We improve and strengthen

As for improvements - here you are free to do whatever you want, do not be afraid to experiment. Can add small table in front of the brazier from a propane cylinder, make another small brazier next to it and turn the whole structure into a wonderful smokehouse.

Brazier smokehouse from a gas cylinder

Another “upgrade” of your brazier can be to strengthen the place on which it is placed. To do this, we recommend that you read our other article on this topic.

You can also make such barbecues with a metal roof - photos will be presented at the end of the article.

Examples of barbecue from a gas cylinder

We hope that after reading this article on building a homemade barbecue from a propane tank, you have discovered a lot of new and useful things. We wish you good luck with your build!

And as usual, finally, we attach you a photo gallery of examples of barbecue from cylinders from professional gardeners.

We build a brazier from a barrel with our own hands

To build a brazier from a barrel with your own hands, you must first familiarize yourself with its dimensions and characteristics.

Barbecue metal barrel 882 mm long, 595 mm in diameter. As a rule, such 200 liter barrels have the following characteristics:

Now let's move on to the construction of the grill. In this case, a drawing of a brazier made of metal with dimensions is not needed, since there is nothing complicated in the installation of such a design. The technology is the same as in the case of construction.
We take a metal barrel and make markings using a long ruler or board, as shown in the photo.

With a 6 mm drill we make 4 holes on each side. Please note that you must have bolts with the same diameter. Later we will attach the hinges for the lid here. The dimensions between the holes depend on which hinges you are using. Measure the distance directly on the spot.

We cut with a grinder with small teeth along the already marked line.

The lid will occupy about a quarter of the entire circumference of the homemade brazier from the barrel.

Having cut the lid on all sides, we take it out of the barrel.

We use a metal grinder to level the metal at the cut points.

The next step is to insert the screws with nuts into the loops in the pre-prepared holes so that the lid can open and close. The fixation is shown in the photo.

Now it's time to make metal legs for the barbecue with your own hands. We take an old iron corner and outline two segments of 170 cm each - these will be our legs, which we can attach to the barrel without using a welding machine.

As a result, we get a leg 85 cm long - quite comfortable for an average human height (keep in mind that the legs are not perpendicular to the ground at 90 degrees). When making such barbecues with your own hands from metal, the dimensions in the photo will help a lot.

To attach the legs to the barrel, we lay it as shown in the photo and drill 3 holes with an 8 mm drill. One on top and two on the sides of the barbecue. Don't forget you must have 8mm bolts.

We insert a screw with a nut and washer into the hole, thus fixing the resulting leg. In the remaining holes we twist on the screw and wind on the nut.

To make a handle, we take a small bar, we drive two self-tapping screws into it from both ends. We also drill two holes in the lid. Next, the handle with self-tapping screws is attached to the barrel lid with screws and washers. Dimensions can be done by eye. If you can’t by eye, take 170 mm distance between the holes. Now it remains only to make a grid, and a do-it-yourself barbecue grill from a barrel with your own hands will be ready!

Bon Appetit!

We suggest you look at other options for a photo of a barbecue grill from a barrel.

Making a brazier from heat-resistant steel

It's time to consider the third version of the brazier made of metal with your own hands. This time we use a sheet of steel 5 mm - 0.6 sq.m., a corner of 50 - 270 cm, a professional pipe 15x15 - 3 meters, bolts 4 pieces M8x50, 8 nuts M8 and 8 washers D-8.

The first step is to make a drawing of the brazier. The design parameters will be:

  • width 600 mm;
  • length 300 mm;
  • height 200 mm;
  • total height with legs 800 mm;
  • the distance between the slots for skewers is 60 mm.
  • all other data you can see in the diagram below.

Dimensional drawing

We combine the side plates of a simple metal barbecue and make tacks using a welding machine.

The next step will be to markup for future ventilation holes. We will drill in three iterations - 5 mm, 8 mm and 12 mm, gradually increasing the diameter of the cut.

We mark the slots for skewers and then cut them out with a grinder. The distance between the slots in our case is 60 mm. Let's make 9 cuts with a depth of 8 mm.

We collect the walls for tacks.

We weld the arms and legs. We use a pre-prepared professional pipe 15x15 and corners.

Full height 80 cm.

This is the end of the job! We offer you to watch the video of the brazier with your own hands.

The simplest collapsible brazier made of metal

The simplest brazier can fit in an ordinary umbrella case, for example! Well, if you do not want to transfer the umbrella cover, then sew a new one.

The dimensions of a simple collapsible portable barbecue are as follows:

  • crossbar length 500 mm;
  • leg length 450 mm;
  • crossbar width - 30 mm;
  • leg width - 10 mm;
  • steel thickness - 3 mm;

To make a collapsible brazier with your own hands from metal, follow the instructions.

The brazier is driven into the ground with a hammer next to the fire
You can cool it in water, or just wait.

Conveniently folds into a single design

The size is very attractive to take with you on a hike, fishing or just to nature.

How to paint a brazier and protect it from corrosion

And now let's answer the question of how to paint a metal grill. It is necessary to paint the installation after completion of all work, preferably acrylic paint in a can (requires protection in the form of gloves, a respirator and overalls) or heat-resistant varnishes KO/08, KO/815. This stage is the final one. It solves several problems:

  1. The design is given a complete look - it is pleasant to use a beautiful outwardly brazier than a peeled one.
  2. Heat-resistant paint for metal for barbecue will protect the structure. As a result, the corrosion process will slow down.
  3. Since the paint creates a smooth surface, it simplifies the process of cleaning a homemade metal brazier from soot after use.

Braziers with a metal roof: photos and benefits

Using one of the step-by-step instructions and having built a metal brazier for a summer residence, you need to think about the roof for it. The roof will perform several important functions:

  1. Protection of a metal barbecue from any external influences, which in turn will not lead to rapid rusting.
  2. The ability to use the unit in any weather - sunny and inclement.
  3. Having built a lantern on the roof, it will be convenient for you to fry meat in the dark - nothing will burn!
  4. The structure with a roof has a much more solid appearance than just a free-standing structure.

There are several types of canopy for the barbecue, we list: We can distinguish several types of coverage, constructing barbecues with a metal roof. Photos will be presented below.

  • Metal gazebo with barbecue, made of brick or other material;
  • polycarbonate canopy;
  • Roof welded to the frame (you can also add a countertop, sink, etc.).

We suggest you look at the braziers with a metal roof: a photo of several options below. And if you want to do it yourself, then read the article about self-assembly a canopy made of professional pipe and polycarbonate, this knowledge will help you make a roof for the barbecue.

In this article, we looked at how to make a metal brazier in four ways:

  • using a 50l gas cylinder;
  • from a metal barrel 200l;
  • from heat-resistant steel 5mm;
  • from sheet 3mm steel.

We hope our master classes were useful, and you can easily make a metal barbecue with your own hands!

For suburban areas and country houses the brazier has long been an almost indispensable element. There is nothing better rest from the labors of the righteous in the fresh air, with a barbecue in a pleasant company. But only the right barbecue guarantees a good barbecue and other dishes on the coals. Let's figure out together with FORUMHOUSE users how to choose the perfect brazier.

The market today offers a huge number of devices for street picnics - from portable collapsible to solid forged and stationary barbecue complexes. Such products cost solid money, but it is not a fact that they will please the owners with ease of use and a long service life. A good device for cooking barbecue according to your needs is not difficult to make on your own, many members of the forum are convinced. The main thing is to keep a few important rules, dimensions and parameters, such as the height of the brazier, the width of the walls, the distance between the skewers, etc.

Brazier, correct depth.

The brazier is the right size.

The "correct" installation should be ergonomic, that is, convenient and safe to maintain, consume a minimum of fuel and not require any "waving" plywood and other unnecessary manipulations.

Choosing a brazier is not an easy task, we must take into account the material, dimensions, design. The thin steel from which the so-called "camping" collapsible devices are made is perhaps the worst material. The structures made of it are flimsy and unstable, they do not hold heat well. You will have to constantly swing a “fan” over such an aggregate, fanning the coals - from this, the kebab on skewers is charred from below, and burns from above. You can get used to it, but by this time the brazier itself may burn out: thin sheet steel simply cannot withstand regular use. Therefore, if you really had to use the "camping" option on occasion, it is better to cook the coals separately in a kindled fire, and then pour them into the furnace.

Collapsible designs attract many summer residents with the opportunity to remove the device for safety at the end of the season. In this case, you need to choose a simple and reliable assembly-disassembly system, without loops and clips for skewers, which quickly fail.
Ideal brazier: steel thickness 3-5 mm.

A competent metal unit for giving, according to experienced FORUMHOUSE users, should have a wall thickness of at least three to five millimeters.


Everything perfect is simple. The thickness of the steel for the brazier is 3-4 mm, the length of the walls is 600 mm, the width is 350 mm, the height of the brazier wall is 150 mm, no sliding shelves for ash. Turn over the steel on top, along the entire length with a profile 20 * 20, removable legs - from a profile 30 * 30. This is a base on which it is easy to put a roof, a firewood shed, racks for a skewer, side shelves.

The optimal distance between the skewers on the grill

It is better to make recesses for skewers in the form of vertical slots so that the skewer can be rotated 90 degrees, the forum member advises Kuznecs. The distance between the skewers on the grill is 70 mm. It is desirable to paint the device itself with heat-resistant paint for a better appearance and protection against corrosion.

Many are worried about the slots for the barbecue, at what distance from the coals they should be. In this case, the dimensions do not matter: the holes in the side walls, which are often found in purchased devices, are considered by many members of the forum to be meaningless and even harmful. Because of them, the meat on skewers is fried unevenly, and an additional flow of air from below will provoke the appearance of a flame. In a furnace of optimal depth without slots, the coals will smolder evenly and for a long time due to the air flow from above. Alternatively, to speed up the ignition of coal from below, sometimes a blower is provided, closed by dampers. At the time of frying, the dampers are tightly closed - the finished coal is not blown by the wind and burns evenly.

What should be the optimal height of the walls of the barbecue

The height of the brazier wall is the value that raises the most questions. Most users agree that the height of the barbecue grill should be quite large: an effective minimum that allows you to cook a good barbecue and save fuel is 13-14 centimeters. These are the optimal sizes, and it is recommended to choose them. With a wall height of 18-20 centimeters, you will need too much coal, otherwise the kebab will turn out to be “dried”.

summer resident I,

- The ideal or close to it distance from coals to meat on skewers is 11-13 cm. That is, the net height of the firebox is 15 cm. Towards the bottom, the sides will taper correctly, and upwards - expand: the consumption of firewood or coals is less, and for cooking heat enough.

User Alex286 I made a height-adjustable bottom for my device: initially - 14 centimeters, but you can raise it by reducing the depth of the firebox to 8 centimeters. The height of the brazier for barbecue should be universal, because such versatility allows you to successfully cook various products on charcoal: not only meat, but also fish, vegetables, etc.


- 2 mm plates are welded to the bottom on both sides, and handles from a 10 mm square are welded to them. In the lower position, the handles lie on the sides of the brazier. Hooks are welded in the middle of the plates. If you need to increase the cooking temperature by reducing the depth of the firebox, raise the bottom by the handles up and hook the sides of the brazier with these hooks.

Optimal Height barbecue grill.

To get a delicious barbecue, it is not enough to choose just a box with metal sides. The real owner strives to make it not only reliable, but also as convenient and multifunctional as possible. forum member Vkokorin for a long time I was looking for one among purchased products, but in the end I could not find anything of my choice and made a transformer of my own design - with folding grilles, covers and shelves. The tests passed on a solid "five"!

Brazier. Distance between skewers

Transformer Advantages:

* Folding bars. When they are above the firebox, it is convenient to cook on them: put a cast-iron frying pan, a pot, etc. In the folded state, the grates become comfortable tables on the sides of the barbecue.

* Removable cast iron grate under .

* Removable covers have multiple uses. From above - so that water does not get into the furnace, because there are no holes in it, and there is nowhere for water to drain. Bottom - like a shelf. And if you put them on the folded bars, you get two tables.


- Hinges for gratings - pipe sections with a diameter slightly larger than the fittings. They are first welded to the finished grating, then a piece of reinforcement is threaded into them and welded to the barbecue. The depth of the furnace is sufficient for cooking in a cauldron placed on the grate from above.

Many owners, however, believe that a metal device of even the most successful design is still inferior in reliability, durability and convenience to a stationary unit. Portable braziers are indispensable for outdoor trips, but they tend to rust, lose shape, which affects its useful qualities. Another thing is a solid brick structure.

Brazier. Board height.

stone oven

A brick barbecue or stone oven on the site is ideal for preparing a variety of dishes, and is a small architectural form that can perfectly decorate the landscape. But the cost of manufacturing such a capital hearth will be more significant.

And here is a simple brazier design from fireclay bricks it is easy and inexpensive to build, but it will last a long time and will be much more economical than steel in fuel consumption. And it is not even necessary to lay bricks on the mortar.

Such a unit, with careful use, will last fifteen years, the forum member claims. JimDaddy .


- The bottom is a flat brick. Walls, first row - brick flat, second row - brick on edge. It turns out a height of 18 cm, which is close to ideal. Gradually, the side of the brick, looking at the fire, will crumble, such bricks can be moved to the bottom, and whole ones from the bottom to the walls. Such bulkheads will be no more than once every three years. Cover the firebox with a sheet of iron, press the sheet with a brick.

forum member queser invented and brought to life the design of a collapsible mobile "Lego-barbecue" made of bricks. As the author assures, his unit "scales" in size, which can be selected depending on the company's appetite, free space, budget, etc., it is easy to assemble and disassemble, saves firewood.

As can be seen from the diagram, on which all sizes are indicated, the design is simple, like everything ingenious. According to its creator, the "constructor" easily fits in the trunk of a car, does not require careful handling (it will easily survive a dozen winters in the open), any damaged element is easy to replace. And if you build a heat-capacitive lid for the “Lego-barbecue”, then the possibilities of cooking become comparable to a Russian stove or tandoor.

If you add to skillful hands, material, correct size and a little imagination for the tool - your unit will become a real decoration of the site. Here is a work of art created by forum member VZenev. You can’t deny its dragon its functionality: it’s both a brazier, a grill, and a smokehouse at the same time.

Join the discussion and various designs. Find out which paint is best to use to join the design and construction of stone ovens and barbecues. Watch our video from detailed description construction

Barbecue craftsmen can cook this dish even in the middle of a dense forest without a single device for this. But still, it is much more pleasant and more convenient to use reliable, proven and durable devices for cooking in nature. But most often this process occurs with the participation of barbecues.


The most common barbecue device is a metal grill.

Here are its main advantages.

  • Simplicity. Most often, the brazier is a box with legs, inside which firewood or coals are poured, a fire is made, and skewers with meat or a grill with vegetables are placed on top.
  • Mobility. Some metal models can be used anywhere: on the ground, on a concrete pad, on a terrace, and even on a sandy beach.
  • Functionality. Even the simplest inventions can be decorated with ornate forging, which can serve as additional hooks for hanging skewers or nets. You can build a structure with a roof or with additional shelves.

  • Security. The metal does not burn, does not melt and does not create fires. And this is a big plus.
  • Profitability. Even in the absence required material and the desire to make a brazier out of metal yourself, you will spend a small amount of money on its purchase.

The disadvantages include not always aesthetic appearance and the fragility of some models. However, all these nuances are eliminated and adjusted individually for each user and for each case.

The unique feature of metal braziers is that they can be easily made by yourself.

You do not need to have any special knowledge or skills to do this. You just need to decide on the model and materials, listen to the advice of professionals or just knowledgeable people, and also be sure that your plan is 100% realized.

Device and principle of operation

Starting to consider the device from the bottom up, be sure to pay attention to the legs. As a rule, these are four metal corners, pointed downwards so that they can be stuck into the ground. The height of this element is selected individually if the product is made to order. In construction and gardening stores, you will most likely come across standard universal models from 80 to 120 cm long. Metal reinforcing bars are sometimes chosen as this element, some craftsmen resort to a forged version of the base of the brazier.

There are also unique home-made designs installed on the lower iron part of sewing machines, tables unsuitable for use, and so on. Almost everything is used that is stable on any surface and is able to withstand the mass of a metal box and its contents in the process of cooking on fire.

The steel box, which consists of four sidewalls and a bottom, is the basis of the brazier structure. Often, the lower part of this box is made reinforced in order to increase the life of the entire structure. The side walls must be perforated so that the heat does not accumulate in one place and air circulation occurs. Thus, a kind of blower is created, as in stoves.

On the upper edges of the long sides of the metal box, recesses are made, into which skewers are then very conveniently inserted. This allows you to minimize the movement of mini-skewers on metal.

The principle of operation of such barbecues is known to everyone. At the bottom of the metal box, coals or logs of firewood are laid out, a fire is kindled. When the fire subsides, and only coals, ash and heat from them remain in the brazier, skewers with pre-prepared meat or vegetables are laid out in orderly rows on the structure. The heat in the hearth is maintained by improvised means that create a powerful flow of air into the structure, but do not re-ignite the fire on the ashes.

Types of structures

As for the various designs that involve comfortable cooking barbecue, here you should first deal with the main types of metal barbecues.

There are four types in total.

  • Disposable. Mangal in a hurry. Everything that can be found nearby is used - from cans to two U-shaped metal profiles.
  • Stationary. The second step in the evolution of metal barbecues. Simple, economical, sustainable. Can be used both outdoors and under a canopy. If necessary, it can be completed with a roof, a hood (or even a chimney), a pot rack and a double bottom.

  • Collapsible. It differs from the stationary way of attaching the barbecue elements to each other. In the first, all joints are spot welded. In the second, they are screwed with metal bolts or hinges, which allows it to be disassembled for a while when it will not be used.
  • Folding. Original models of mobile barbecues made of metal, which are very convenient to store directly in the trunk of a car in case of a sudden trip to nature. They are suitcases, inside which you can put skewers and folding legs. metal structure.

Each of the modifications has both positive aspects and disadvantages. By making a metal barbecue with your own hands, you take responsibility for its design and operation. And this is in your favor.

Having decided on this crucial step, you can plan the presence of a smokehouse or barbecue grill.

Some projects also include a lid in the overall design of the brazier. By covering the barbecue, you can achieve the fastest cooking of your dish and be sure that all the most valuable and beneficial features and vitamins will be preserved in it.

In order for proper air circulation to occur inside the metal box of the brazier, it is better to make slots called a blower at the bottom of the sidewalls of the structure. Special holes with a diameter of 10-12 mm are made in the bottom so that the oxygen entering these holes burns out, thereby enriching the meat over the fire.

For barbecue legs, metal rods or even pipes are sometimes easily used. The main thing is to properly cut, weld or fasten with the main structure.

Craftsmen make metal barbecues almost out of thin air.

So, there are options from a barrel, a gas cylinder, and even from a drum of an automatic washing machine.

Drawings and dimensions

Before proceeding with the production process, it is worth deciding on the model, dimensions, material. The next step will be the creation of a small but correct project plan, in which you need to display all the nuances and necessary numbers. On the sketch, you need to schematically depict the future design.

Consider the main components and tools that will be needed for work.

  • Sheet of metal or its pieces. The thickness of the material, according to the recommendations of professionals, ranges from 3 to 5-7 mm. Of course, the higher this indicator, the longer the life of the metal structure itself will be. It is convenient in this case to manufacture a prefabricated structure, when the bottom can be made denser and the walls thinner.
  • metal corners or profile pipes. The former are suitable both for arranging barbecue legs and for reinforcing the thin-walled sides of the box. Pipes are suitable only for creating two pairs of legs on which the whole structure will stand.

  • Bulgarian with discs for metal.
  • Drill for drilling ventilation holes or mounting holes.
  • Welding machine, if you decide to make a stationary brazier from one or more sheets of metal.

The main dimensions of a standard stationary metal barbecue are shown in the diagram. But in order to make your measurements, you need to understand why such numbers were chosen. The width of the box is always focused on the length of the skewers minus 8-10 cm. On average, it will be somewhere around 30 cm.

The length depends on the number of skewers that will be simultaneously involved in the preparation of kebabs. It also takes into account the distance from one semi-finished product to another, because they should not fit snugly against each other. So, the figure is taken as the basis - 10 cm per strung skewer.

The depth of the metal box of the barbecue is calculated clearly and has parameters of 20-25 cm. This distance is enough to fry the meat, but not burn it. If the depth is made more than 25 cm, fuel consumption and cooking time will increase.

There are also original mini-models, all sizes of which will have to be cut, depending on the reduction of the layout itself.

They tend to have short legs and are close to the ground. But even such designs look beautiful and practical thanks to a systematic and careful approach to manufacturing and assembly.

Step by step manufacturing instructions

Worth figuring out step by step process creating stationary metal barbecues with your own hands.

The first step is markup. On a solid sheet of metal, we draw the silhouette of the future structure in a disassembled state. You should get a cross.

In the second stage, we cut out the drawn figure with the help of a grinder. Next, you will need to bend all sides and weld them together. The box is ready.

Then we drill holes in the bottom for air and cut a blower in the walls of the box. It is also important to follow a certain system here. The holes must be approximately the same distance from each other and from the edges of the box. Approximately - about 60 mm in one row.

Given that the holes are staggered, the distance from the bottom to the top is only 30 mm. This is necessary so that oxygen enters the brazier evenly.

The next step is to cut grooves for stable fixation of skewers on the grill. These "cloves" are located on the upper side of the long sidewalls of the structure. The manufacture and fastening of the legs is planned to be done last.

The stationary metal brazier is ready. You can attach additional handles to it (for ease of moving from place to place), hooks, gratings and even wheels for transportation.

You can make a collapsible iron brazier for a summer residence yourself.

All work is carried out in four stages.

  1. Marking and cutting the walls and bottom. All elements must be drawn taking into account the allowance for bent seams.
  2. We make blowers and air ducts in the walls and bottom.
  3. On the allowances left when cutting the elements, holes are made for attaching them to each other.
  4. The legs will also be attached without the help of welding. A metal corner is suitable here, which is screwed to the box with refractory screws or self-tapping screws. It would also be a great idea to use tubes on which you need to make a thread, and weld bolts to the structure and screw the leg tubes into them.

A home-made collapsible iron brazier can be used for its intended purpose immediately after all work is completed.

After cooking, it is easy to fold and store in a shed or garage. It won't take up much space and won't get in the way.

A camping "suitcase" is also easily made at home. To do this, you need to make a drawing on a metal sheet, where 4 cm is added to each side. Holes are made on the long sides. The bottom and walls are fastened together door canopies. Bolts for fastening the legs are welded to the bottom. We supplement the design with a hook and loop so that the brazier does not decompose itself. We weld a handle to the side to make it convenient to carry a metal “suitcase”, even if you are going to nature by public transport.

Making an original barbecue grill from improvised materials is as easy as shelling pears. The most popular projects today are a brazier made from a metal barrel, from a gas cylinder and a washing machine drum.

The design of the barrel can combine two functions at once: a barbecue and a smokehouse.

There are at least three ways to make it. At the first, the barrel is placed on its side, its upper part is cut out, leaving the ends intact. The cut-out cover is attached to the main body of the future barbecue with ordinary door canopies. Legs are welded to the ends of the barrel, for example, metal rods. At the cut line of the upper part, corners are attached with a welding machine, on which notches are made to fix the skewers.

The second option for trimming a barrel is to divide it into two parts. Having put the base of the brazier on a flat surface, we make a vertical cut from the top end to the bottom. The percentage of parts can be different: from 30/70 to 50/50. But the bottom must be greater than or equal to the top. Further, the whole process is identical.

Making the perfect smokehouse is also easy. But this will require two barrels. One will become a base for a smokehouse, inside which a fire will be made. The second will be cut into two parts horizontally and become the smoking unit itself. Sawdust must be laid on the bottom of this barrel. The lid must remain closed throughout the entire process.

Making a metal barbecue from a used gas cylinder is schematically very similar to the same process for a barrel.

The main nuance that you should pay attention to is the preparation of the used container for work.

The cylinder must be at least 50 liters in volume in order for the brazier to turn out to be solid. The next step is to clean the tank from the remaining gas.

To do this, you need to do three things.

  1. release the remaining gas through the valve and turn the cylinder upside down;
  2. moisten the valve with soapy water, in case of bubbles or a corresponding smell, the gas has not yet completely escaped, you need to wait;
  3. rinse the empty container.

In order to carry out the third step as safely as possible, this procedure is recommended to be performed with an assistant.

First of all, while one saws off the crane with a grinder, the other periodically pours water over the cut point so that the sparks do not get inside and react with the remnants of the gas substance on the walls of the cylinder.

A hose is inserted into the resulting hole, from which water is supplied under good pressure. While the liquid enters, the balloon is periodically shaken to wash all the walls well. Pour full capacity and leave for several days. After the allotted time, the water is drained, but remember that this is already poison. To remove the pungent smell of gas from the cylinder, it is burned inside before starting to make a brazier from it. Further manipulations look and are performed in the same way as in the case of a metal barrel.

original designs braziers are obtained from old cars. Using the hood and front of an old vehicle, you can get an excellent heat-resistant and unusual brazier with a lid.

The simplest is the brazier, made from improvised means.

The fastest and most durable in this category is the roaster from the drum of the washing machine. The average time required for processing is 10-15 minutes. The main condition is to find a drum. You can use it completely, or you can cut off the unnecessary part if you think it is too high. As for the support, the convenience of this option lies in the fact that it can be placed directly on the ground, bricks or stones. And you can make legs specially for him from reinforcement rods. Both options are worth considering. Choose it individually for yourself.

It is impossible to do just by assembling the constituent parts of a metal barbecue. There are a number of features in the operation of this device that must be adopted and implemented to improve its functional qualities and performance.

After all the manufacturing work is completed, it is necessary to clean the finished brazier from dirt and rust. To remove the latter use grinder or a drill with a special nozzle.

The inner walls of the barbecue already during operation do not need to be cleaned of carbon deposits. It is believed that this is what gives kebabs a special flavor and "health".

It happens in two stages:

  1. surface degreasing;
  2. keeping the barbecue elements in a solution of caustic soda for about an hour and a half.

Such treatment will not only provide a special heat-protective film, but also protect against metal corrosion for the entire period of operation of the device.

If the overall design uses wooden details, special attention should be paid to their treatment with various antiseptic, moisture-resistant and heat-repellent agents.

The place where it is planned to place the brazier must be freed in advance from dry grass, branches or other flammable objects and it is imperative to install a container with sand nearby, which, in case of fire, will extinguish the fire.

So that the acrid smoke from the fire does not interfere with cooking and enjoying nature, you can independently build a hood for a metal barbecue. It is made from the same material as the outdoor cooking device. It differs from standard brazier structures installed indoors in that it looks like a truncated pipe. The area of ​​​​the dome of the hood is usually equal to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brazier itself. This allows you to minimize the emission of smoke outside the cooking area. The dome of the hood is welded to the body of the brazier. Here it is also important to take into account the mass of the structure, so that everything together is stable.

Beautiful examples

The original stationary brazier made of metal, made with forging elements. At the same time, the forged parts are a table-stand for a brazier. Under the table there is a place for preparing firewood or coals, so as not to run far behind them. Such a brazier will not be easy, but quite mobile. That is, rearranging it to a convenient place or putting it in a barn for the winter will not be difficult. Forged products about

A metal brazier with a roof allows you to cook meals on a fire even in bad weather. If you don’t have a shed or gazebo in your yard, but you want meat or vegetables fried on a fire, this option is a great solution. In addition, the design is equipped with a stand for installing a cauldron and also a convenient place to place fuel.

Unusual models are also found among stationary barbecues. Two large wheels are very successfully attached to the legs of this design. Simulating a garden wheelbarrow, the device easily moves around your site and is strong and stable where you need it.

This configuration of metal braziers in the shape of a boot is quite common. It combines a barbecue, barbecue and even the possibility of cooking meat on a spit. A convenient grid table allows you to optimally arrange all the necessary tools and ingredients at your fingertips.

A folding metal grill when packed resembles a suitcase. This allows you to take it with you wherever and whenever you want. If necessary, skewers and other necessary little things can be folded inside. The only downside to this design is the height. It is as compact as possible, and therefore you will have to cook on it only in a sitting position.

Another example of a suitcase barbecue, which is already equipped with legs. These additional parts are conveniently folded inside the box, which closes with a special fastener so that nothing falls apart. The photo also shows other models of folding barbecues, which also have compact dimensions and convenient to use.

A spacious stationary brazier made of a sheet of metal with the addition of forged patterns. It is also equipped with a device for cooking in a cauldron, has a convenient side mini-table and a place for firewood or dishes under the box itself.

The original way install a pipe hood over the barbecue. Suitable for those who do not want to fix the barbecue in one place and install a bulky exhaust structure in the gazebo or on the veranda. Here all the nuances have already been taken into account. Some manufacturers even offer benches and chairs in the same style.

A fabulous brazier in the form of a carriage with a roof will not leave indifferent even the most skeptical buyer. However, the price of such a forged model may not be the most pleasant value. Of the features of this design, we can note the presence of a lid on the barbecue.

The original hearth is obtained from the front of the car. This allows you not only to surprise your guests and get a convenient device for cooking on fire. Thanks to this non-standard approach, you also get rid of an unnecessary vehicle that only took up space.

A chic forged brazier in the form of a camper, equipped with a roof and a chimney, will become a true decoration of your site. The design is bulky, but it allows you to cook immediately for a large company both on skewers and on a barbecue grill.

There are a lot of beautiful and practical examples of metal barbecues. It is important to keep all important safety measures in mind when using them so that the external aesthetics do not turn into trouble. Making metal barbecues for your own use on your own and with your own hands is a responsible and creative process that requires concentration, caution and an individual approach.

How to make a metal grill with your own hands, see the video below.