Diet for building muscle. Nutrition for mass gain foods and diet example


If training is a stimulus for muscle growth, then nutrition is a source of energy for performing exercises with maximum intensity and at the same time building material for rapid growth new muscle fibers.

You can give it your all gym, but without proper nutrition for weight gain for men, results will come slowly.

In this detailed and comprehensive guide to diet and nutrition for muscle growth in men, we use our collective experience as a nutritionist and trainer to ensure you know exactly what it takes to build muscle. muscle mass. Step by step.

The article is educational and practical in nature, but it is easy to read - the perfect combination of theoretical knowledge and practical advice designed for the busy man who wants to quickly build muscle mass without unnecessary troubles.

So grab your utensils and let's prepare a diet for lean body mass growth without excess fat ...

  • The importance of calories and how to properly close the energy needs of the body
  • Breakdown and absorption of macronutrients and how to eat to increase muscle mass
  • Benefits of macro nutrition
  • Sample Muscle Building Diet Plan for Men

Everything a man needs to know about bodybuilding food for mass gain

Proper nutrition and building lean, low-fat muscles is not only a diet and the right foods, but also a training plan.

You can do set after set in the gym, do tons of reps of hard and high intensity workouts, but without the building blocks for muscle recovery and growth, you won't be able to progress.

Optimally selected BJU is the key to effective diet for muscle growth.

This means that every cell in the body must receive everything it needs - from a balanced number of calories per day and the correct balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet to the competent intake of vitamins, minerals and supplements for maximum body health and performance, which is the key to increasing muscle size.

Adaptation to stimuli: why training and nutrition are important in bodybuilding?

When you break into the gym for some serious strength training or grueling cardio, you actually destroy muscle structure. You create small microcracks in the muscle fibers and use the energy that the body has stored for training.

This process is called catabolism and is a completely normal (and important) part of homeostasis - the body's attempt to adapt to its environment.

But by exercising, you give your body strong stimuli that it responds to in the usual way - adapting to them in such a way that it increases muscle size and stores more energy in the form of glycogen so that you do not feel much stress in the next workout.

If you periodically break down muscle fibers, the body will make them bigger and stronger, making them harder to damage. If you challenge yourself all the time, then your body will make new nerve connections and release electrical impulses faster to help you in this matter.

Adaptation is an evolutionary process and one of the main reasons why the human body is so complex.

And this is where we need a bodybuilding diet.

To speed up the adaptation process, you need energy. This is the anabolic side of energy homeostasis, where your body focuses on rebuilding itself and storing energy for your next workout.

You need fuel and materials to build new muscles.

You need extra energy to help your body get better; And this is where food comes in handy.

Calorie and diet of a bodybuilder

Calories are a good start for planning your diet for muscle gain. A calorie is a measure of the energy required to warm a gram of water by one degree Celsius. A food calorie (kilocalorie, kcal) is the energy required to heat a kilogram of water at a temperature of one degree Celsius.

And that's why we often talk about "burning" calories - because energy is measured by heat.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. That is why when we eat, the energy inside the food is transferred to our body so that it can use it for its work.

The amount of energy you get is important because it gives your body the answers to questions about how much it needs to store for normal functioning.

Energy balance in bodybuilding

Calories and body weight - they are like a swing. On the one hand, you have the energy that you received from food. On the other hand, you have calorie expenditure from training, general mobility and basic body functions (heartbeat, breathing, digestion, internal organs, and so on).

What happens to your body weight depends on which side the energy balance has shifted.

  • Calories Intake > Calorie Expended - If you eat more than you burn, your body will store extra calories as fat or muscle.
  • Consumed< расхода – если вы сжигаете больше калорий, чем едите, то потеряете жир или мышечную массу.
  • Consumed = Expenditure - Provides your body with enough energy to maintain your current body weight with the same percentage of fat and muscle mass.

Build Muscles with Extra Energy

It is important for you to consume extra calories so that the body has the energy to build new muscle fibers. Without extra energy, the body does not have enough fuel to build new fibers, and it robs other important internal processes of fuel.

If you are a beginner, then you can create new muscle fibers, regardless of the calories consumed, because your muscles have not yet adapted. This is a process called body recomposition.

If you've been exercising for more than a year, you'll only be able to stimulate mass gains by consuming more calories than you burn.

Exists old way maximize muscle mass gain through a high-calorie bodybuilder diet, which gives an overall increase in body weight, that is, not lean mass, but also an active increase excess weight in the form of fatty deposits.

The point of this eating pattern was that a person ate everything he could to start muscle protein synthesis (the rate at which new muscle cells are created). This works quite effectively for weight gain, but also leads to fat gain.

Therefore, professional bodybuilders who consumed 8000 kcal often found themselves in not very athletic shape.

As you might have guessed, this is not the most effective method, because then you will need more time to burn more and gained fat.

“Too much is how much?”

To calculate your optimal calorie intake, you need to aim for a 10-20% calorie surplus above your support level. Usually it is somewhere (depending on weight) 300-600 kcal. This is enough for a set of muscles, and will not cause a special set of fat.

The rate of muscle growth may not be as fast. But it will be well paid for by a pumped-up figure.

This is a set of lean muscle mass without excess fat.

Diet for bodybuilding: macronutrients and the optimal amount of BJU

Once you have decided on your calorie intake, now you need to optimize your macronutrient intake. Macronutrients are an energy resource that provides you with the calories and nutrients you need to survive and work.

There are three types of macronutrients:

  • Squirrels- each gram of protein provides you with 4 kcal.
  • Fats- each gram of fat provides you with 9 kcal.
  • Carbohydrates- 4 kcal per gram.

Each macronutrient not only provides you with a different amount of calories, but also has unique benefits. useful properties for the body. Proteins, fats, and carbohydrates help your goals in a variety of ways.

We've ranked them in order of importance and that's how you should prioritize your muscle gains.

#one. Protein - building muscle fibers

The most important nutrient in a muscle building diet is protein, a macronutrient made up of chains of peptides and building blocks called amino acids.

Protein is a multifunctional nutrient.

It helps to synthesize enzymes and hormones (insulin, growth hormones, etc.) and is important for the creation of new cells. But its most important function for bodybuilding is to repair, maintain, and assist in the process of building new muscle fibers.

If you consume enough protein, then you accelerate your anabolic processes, which result in muscle gain.

Muscle fibers are like a tank of gasoline. When you eat protein, you open the lid and pour in the fuel needed for muscle recovery and growth.

It is called muscle protein synthesis.

But on the other hand, this lid loosens over time and muscle cells “leak out” of the tank.

If you don't increase your nutrient intake all the time, you'll suffer from protein hydration, which will eventually lead to muscle loss, even if you're eating the right amount of calories.

Supporting rapid protein synthesis is the key to building muscle.

Foods high in protein:

  • Seafood
  • Milk
  • Cottage cheese

#2. Fats - the synthesis of the production of anabolic hormones

Fats once had a bad rap and have been blamed for both obesity and cardiovascular disease.

Fats are an essential nutrient that provides athletes with many benefits.

Fats help you maintain your body temperature by insulating and protecting your internal organs from external influences. They provide you with vitamins that are absorbed only with the help of fat (and these include, we hasten to note, vitamin D3, which is very important for the body, which is necessary for muscle growth and recovery), and helps your nervous system work qualitatively.

Exist different types fats, each has its advantages and disadvantages. As a bodybuilder, you should be interested in cholesterol, because it is the basis of testosterone.

Yes, that's right.

Testosterone is created when cholesterol is converted to pregnenolone and then to androstedione by an enzyme called cytochrome p450.

You don't need a lot of fat in your diet, but you do need to consume fat to optimize testosterone hormone production. And, being the most important male hormone responsible for increasing muscle mass and strength, testosterone is the main secret of the bodybuilder's diet.

Foods rich in fats:

  • Butter
  • oily fish
  • Avocado
  • nuts
  • Oils (olive, coconut, avocado, etc.)

#3. Carbohydrates - energy for high-intensity training

And finally, carbohydrates are a nutrient that provides your body with energy, especially important during high-intensity and hard workouts, which are necessary to stimulate muscle growth.

Carbohydrates are not "essential" as your body can convert protein to glycogen if it needs to (carbohydrates are stored in your body in the form of glycone).

But having enough carbs in your diet not only gives your body energy for a tough workout, it also helps slow protein degradation so your body doesn't use muscle for fuel due to the lack of glycogen.

Carbohydrates are divided into two types:

  1. Complex carbohydrates
  2. simple carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates have long chains of monosaccharide molecules. They take longer to decompose in your intestines, so they provide your body with energy and keep you full longer.

Some complex carbohydrates They also provide you with fiber and various vitamins and minerals.

Examples of complex carbohydrates:

  • Whole grain bread, rice and durum wheat pasta, buckwheat, oatmeal.
  • Roots
  • Legumes

simple carbohydrates These are carbohydrates with a short chain of monosaccharides that break down quickly and cause a sharp spike in blood sugar, providing you with energy. They contain virtually no useful substances and easy to overeat, but they are great as a pre-workout snack due to their ability to immediately provide you with energy. And also allow you to exercise without feeling heaviness in the stomach.

Examples of simple carbohydrates:

  • Sugar, cakes, cookies, donuts
  • Syrups, fruit juices, sweets
  • Energy

The Best Sports Nutrition Products

We thought long and hard about which products could be included on this list and how to define them as "best fit".

As a result, the content of high-quality protein in products with a full range of amino acids became the basis of our evaluation system.

Protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS) - This is a system that takes into account the amino acid composition of the protein. The coefficient is based on two things - your body's need for amino acids and the quality of protein absorption from different foods. The higher the value

Meal plan for bodybuilding menu for muscle growth

Here we are almost finished with theories and move on to diet and sample menu to activate a set of muscles.

But there is something to be noted before that.

Everyone's body is different, and anyone reading this article has different BJU and calorie needs.

Your calorie count is just right for you. Or maybe you're a vegan or don't like certain foods on the list. Or maybe you have an intolerance to certain substances, such as gluten or lactose.

A good meal plan is a diet that has been designed to suit your body and lifestyle. Only then will it give good results in increasing muscle volume.

You can get acquainted with an exemplary nutrition program for men to increase mass. But this is just an "example" to give you an idea of ​​what a daily menu might look like, you don't have to blindly follow it, you can just use it as a template from which to build.

Menu for muscle gain (omnivore):


meal 1

  • 3 soft-boiled eggs baked in butter
  • 2 slices whole grain bread
  • Oatmeal with milk
  • 100 grams of mixed berries with Greek yogurt


  • 2 rice cakes with 2 teaspoons peanut butter and 2 dark chocolate squares


meal 2

  • 2 chicken breasts baked in spices
  • 160g wild rice
  • 100 grams of root vegetables (broccoli, carrots)


  • Roll with turkey, lettuce and whole grain tortilla
Publication date: 2019-12-01

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In order for muscle mass to grow quickly and be of high quality, you need to navigate not onlyfor training. Diet plays an important role in the growth process.muscles. The mass nutrition program is the observance of the basic principles of rational and balanced meals that support the body of an athlete or just an amateur during intense training. Which muscle building foods top the list? What should be the diet for weight gain: frequency, calories, nutrient ratio? What role do sports supplements play in muscle building?

Principles of nutrition for mass gain

Frequency and number of meals

The opinions of coaches, nutritionists and athletes were divided. Some advocate the usual option - 5-6 meals a day, others - for 3-4. In the first option, the body receives building elements every 3 hours without fail. This is important for athletes who perform at a professional level. The second system is suitable for amateur athletes. For them, in addition to the three main meals, there will be one additional, but in the form of pure protein.

Daily calorie content

Muscles grow when there is an excess of calories. What matters is what foods these calories come from. Food for gaining muscle mass should come from proper nutrition. And the percentage of formed subcutaneous fat must be kept under control.

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

Squirrels- a building block of muscles. In the food they eat, they should be 30-35%. The daily norm per 1 kg of body weight is 1.5-2 grams.

Fats. In order for muscles to grow normally, it is enough for the body to receive up to 20% of fat from the total diet.

Carbohydrates- energy. Their limits are 50-60%.

Optimal time food intake

It is better to coordinate meals with your training schedule. Meal with a carbohydrate bias 2 hours before training. Immediately after physical activity, you can eat bananas. But a full meal should be no earlier than 40 minutes after class, with proteins and carbohydrates.

Diet: food and products for gaining muscle mass

Foods for gaining muscle mass in the first place should be useful for the athlete's body. It is important that they fully meet his needs for all nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

1. From proteins:

meat of chicken, turkey;
dairy and sour-milk products (milk, yogurt, cottage cheese);
Fish and seafood;
legumes (chickpeas, lentils, peas, beans);
nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts);
cereals (buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth)

2. With fat:

Oily fish;
vegetable oils (olive, linseed, oil grape seed);
nuts and seeds (flax, sesame)

3. From carbohydrates:

Cereals (wheat, millet, barley, rice, oats);
pasta (wheat, corn, rice, rye, spelled);
vegetables (potatoes, carrots);
fruits and berries (bananas, pineapple, strawberries, raspberries);
dried fruits (raisins, figs, dried apricots, prunes, cranberries).

A photo. Carbohydrate products for gaining muscle mass

4. Vitamins and trace elements

Each group of plant and animal foods contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Calcium, potassium, magnesium, iodine, iron and others. For the normal functioning of the human body, the diet must be varied.

Weekly menu for gaining muscle mass

Consider the option of a weekly menu with 6 meals a day.


» Breakfast: 3-4 egg whites (boiled), oatmeal with 1 banana and honey.
» Second breakfast (snack): cottage cheese with any fruits, berries.
" Dinner: chicken breast baked with vegetables, boiled bulgur.
» Dinner: steamed fish, avocado salad, whole grain bread.

natural yogurt with fresh fruits and berries.

Eating after workout: boiled chicken breast with rice.


» Breakfast: scrambled eggs from 3-4 proteins, greens, oatmeal on the water with apples.
» Second breakfast (snack): natural yogurt, banana, a handful of walnuts.
» Lunch: steamed fish, vegetable salad dressed with olive oil, buckwheat.
» Dinner: baked chicken breast, salad with egg whites and herbs.

Pre-workout meal: whole grain bread with honey, nuts.

Eating after workout: turkey with stewed vegetables.

A photo. Protein menu for muscle gain


» Breakfast: oatmeal with 2 apples, honey and nuts.
» Second breakfast (snack): cottage cheese casserole with berries.
» Lunch: steam turkey with vegetables and rice.
» Dinner: boiled fish, fresh vegetable salad.

Pre-workout meal: fruit salad (apples, grapes, oranges).

Eating after workout: tuna in own juice with fresh vegetable salad.


» Breakfast: 3-4 egg whites (boiled), syrniki with banana and honey
» Second breakfast (snack): natural yogurt with nuts and fruits.
» Lunch: boiled chicken, vegetable salad with avocado, brown rice.
» Dinner: syrniki with dried fruits, kefir.

Pre-workout meal:

Eating after workout: steamed beef with buckwheat.


» Breakfast: 3-4 egg whites (boiled), oatmeal with apples and honey.
» Second breakfast (snack): cottage cheese with any fruits, berries, nuts.
» Lunch: oily fish baked with bell pepper, boiled potatoes, fresh vegetables.
» Dinner: chicken breast and grilled vegetables.

Pre-workout meal: natural yogurt with banana and strawberries.

Eating after workout: steam turkey with fresh vegetables.


» Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole with banana and honey.
» Second breakfast (snack): protein omelette (3-4 proteins), vegetable salad.
» Lunch: boiled beef with vegetables, buckwheat.
» Dinner: steam fish, vegetable salad.

Pre-workout meal: fruit and berry salad with natural yogurt.

Eating after workout: chicken breast baked with vegetables, brown rice.


» Breakfast: cheesecakes with protein, fruit salad.
» Second breakfast (snack): 3-4 egg whites (boiled), greens.
» Lunch: pasta with seafood, vegetable salad.
» Dinner: turkey and grilled vegetables, herbs.

Pre-workout meal: whole grain bread with apple, honey, nuts.

Eating after workout: cottage cheese with natural yogurt and banana.

For those to whom this menu option seems too complicated and costly in terms of money, you can make a budget food ration. Where there will be more cereals, less variety of meat products and not so much fresh fruit. Homemade food for gaining muscle mass consists mainly of steamed, oven-baked or boiled dishes. The basis of nutrition for a beginner should be protein products: meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk.

The role of sports nutrition in gaining muscle mass

The diet for the mass is quite painstaking. It is often difficult for an athlete to do without taking additional funds - sports nutrition.

Why Include Sports Nutrition

Properly selected sports nutrition gives an additional boost of energy for training, increases the endurance of the athlete and contributes to the recruitment of muscle mass. Nutritional supplements help the body recover faster. They complement the complex of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. When a regular diet cannot fully provide the athlete's body with all the necessary nutrients, sports nutrition comes to the rescue.

Who needs a gainer

When muscle mass is gaining with great difficulty, you can use a gainer. The sports supplement easily copes even with advanced cases: with a thin physique, underweight.

Who needs protein

Protein will help those athletes whose training regimen is very intense. At the same time, there is a desire to transform your body - to build muscle mass. Protein - protein concentrate, up to 90%.

Who needs creatine

A strong natural energy drink that is useful for amateur athletes who want to increase their strength performance. Creatine saturates the muscles inside, as it freely penetrates into them. Thus, the mass grows faster.

Who Needs Amino Acids and BCAAs

The advantage of supplements is instant absorption. Muscles that have worked hard need reinforcement. Amino acids and BCAAs reduce muscle breakdown after intense work. That is, they are needed by everyone who trains hard.

The result that you want to achieve from training depends not only on the set of exercises, intensity of training and diligence, but also on the diet. It is important to choose the right nutrition for weight gain.

It is impossible to gain a powerful and inflated body without a decent muscle mass, for the set of which you need a properly and competently composed diet. Muscle-building workouts are also important, but they are useless if there is no “material” for work.

Those who want to have good muscle mass should always start with building a carefully calibrated menu, which should fully coincide with the tasks and goals. This can be done with a clear understanding of the basics of building nutrition for mass gain and what kind of products should be included in such a diet.

Based on four main principles. They give a clear idea of ​​​​what the menu of an athlete who wants to gain muscle should be.

Meal frequency

In order for muscle mass to grow, a person needs to eat. Together with products, a person receives energy and substances, thanks to which all vital metabolic processes are carried out, tissues receive material for development and increase.

A set of muscle mass occurs only when the three most important nutrients are present in the body - proteins, fats, carbohydrates. If they do not come with food at a certain time, the muscles simply stop growing, which, of course, is a serious problem for the athlete.

For an ordinary person who does not strive to become bigger, it is enough to eat three times a day. This routine is not suitable for a bodybuilder, since long pauses between meals create a nutrient deficiency. He needs to eat with breaks of no more than 3 hours, that is, adhere to five or six meals a day.

This mode allows the body not only to digest food more easily, but also to receive all the necessary nutrients for uninterrupted work on building muscle tissue.

Caloric content of food

The fundamental principle of building good muscle mass is that you must always clearly know how many calories are consumed per day. Otherwise, it will never be possible to achieve the intended goal.

Muscles grow only when the body receives calories. They don't all go to building fabrics. This process takes only a certain part. Consequently, the energy value incoming food should always exceed the number of calories burned.

Harmony of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

A carefully calibrated ratio of nutrients allows you to accurately build a diet for mass gain:

  • Squirrels. Their number varies from 30 to 35%.
  • Fats. Should make up 10-20% of the diet, and preference should be given to walnut, sea ​​fish, fish oil, fatty polyunsaturated acids.
  • Carbohydrates. They make up the bulk of the menu, ranging from 50 to 60%.

The presence of a "window" of 5-10% implies that the exact ratio of BJU should be determined and adjusted individually, depending on the characteristics of the organism and goals.

Water and its amount

Gaining good muscle mass is impossible for those who do not pay attention to water - the presence of a sufficient amount of moisture in the body. The disadvantage is fraught with a lack of progress in the task assigned to the athlete. Optimal daily rate for those who build muscle, it is considered from two to four liters. The exact amount is determined by the weight of the athlete.

You should not drink while eating. This creates an obstacle to the natural process of digestion and absorption of nutrients, does not allow the digestive system to work one hundred percent. Water is best consumed in between meals.

Before the start of training

It is better not to eat before class, but at least two hours before it. Preference should be given to products that contain complex carbohydrates. They allow you to get a large boost of energy to ensure an efficient and effective workout.

You can eat a portion of pasta, cereals, as well as vegetables with fruits. A protein-carbohydrate mixture will not bring any harm. You can drink it about half an hour before your workout.

After completing training

You can not neglect eating after class. This time is most favorable for the assimilation of all the nutrients necessary for building muscle mass, while in the largest amount.

Immediately after class, it is permissible to either consume a portion of the gainer, or eat two bananas. A full meal should be in 40 minutes and consist mainly of proteins and slow carbohydrates.

What foods should be included in the menu for muscle growth?

Nutrition should consist not only of well-absorbed by the body, but also of healthy products, which contain the necessary nutrients. Carbohydrates are rich in cereals such as semolina, buckwheat, rice, as well as oatmeal and potatoes. A lot of fat contains mackerel, herring, tuna, salmon.

There is a clear gradation of products according to the high content of a particular nutrient:

Foods rich in carbohydrates

  • bread (black);
  • cereals;
  • noodles;
  • muesli;
  • cereals (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, wheat, millet, corn);
  • pasta;
  • hazelnut;
  • walnuts;
  • mushrooms;
  • peanut;
  • potato;
  • apricot seeds.

Products containing protein

  • peas;
  • eggs;
  • walnuts;
  • beans;
  • boiled fish;
  • fat cottage cheese;
  • yogurt;
  • poultry meat;
  • Fried fish;
  • kefir;
  • milk;
  • caviar;
  • semolina;
  • mutton;
  • sausages;
  • boiled sausage;
  • beans;
  • beef meat.

Foods high in fat

  • sardines;
  • anchovies;
  • salmon;
  • red meat;
  • melted butter;
  • butter;
  • sour cream;
  • chips;
  • cream;
  • Salo;
  • walnuts;
  • crackers;
  • cake;
  • chocolate;
  • mayonnaise;
  • sausage;
  • bakery products;

Based on this information, making a diet is not difficult. The main thing is to keep the ratio of nutrients.

Building muscle mass: the main stages

In order for muscles to increase in mass, it is necessary to understand that this process takes place in a certain sequence. If you follow each step exactly, the result will not be long in coming:

  1. Starting to train, you must immediately take vitamins, amino acids, trace elements.
  2. Further, they introduce a variety of specialized food additives into their usual diet, and supplement the main dishes with protein.
  3. Then start drinking gainers. This must be done gradually. First, use a mixture with a small concentration of protein, and then increase it.
  4. After three months, gainers are replaced with carbohydrates and proteins.
  5. Having achieved that muscle mass has increased significantly, you should start using fat burners. They are accepted within a few weeks.

Tips from experienced bodybuilders to build muscle

Experienced bodybuilders have vast experience in how to build muscle. If we analyze what recommendations they give, then success in achieving the goal set for the athlete to gain good muscle mass is as follows:

  1. Good appetite. You need to eat a lot, but not everything. A correctly and well-designed strategy for increasing muscle is that you need to eat much more than an athlete can spend during the day, including taking into account the fact that a certain amount of calories is spent on normal metabolism.
  2. The best exercises. For training, it is recommended to choose only those that have proven themselves on the positive side and bring real results - deadlift, squats, bench press, as well as bending with a barbell in hand.
  3. Progress. It is not recommended to stay at the same weight for a long time, if it needs to be increased. You should always strive for the desired mass, training a lot and hard, eating right.
  4. Be careful with lifting weights. In order not to get injured and not harm the body, you need to take only the weight that is really possible. Otherwise, you can fail for several months.
  5. Full and good rest. Lack of recovery slows down the process of mass gain. The body should always be given a good rest, sleep is especially useful.
  6. Do not chill, but work in training. You shouldn't give yourself a break. In the gym you need to work hard and hard. Breaks between individual approaches should never exceed three minutes. This is quite enough to gain strength for the next set. Turning to training, you must be prepared for a fruitful and productive lesson.


So, to build muscle mass, you should remember the following important points:

  • training only partly determines success;
  • a balanced diet is required;
  • you can not neglect your own health in pursuit of a goal;
  • recovery and rest are an integral part of the muscle building process;
  • never be lazy in training.

If these points are observed, then the result is guaranteed.

Power to ground is a two-component phenomenon. The diet should “supply” the actively exercising male body with the necessary energy (carbohydrates are its source), as well as provide building material for the “building” of new muscle fibers (protein products).

By and large, the process of gaining mass (in other words, increasing muscle in volume) includes three main steps:

  1. Muscle stimulation as part of the training process by working with large weights;
  2. Supply of nutrients to the body (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) with food and special supplements (BCAA, protein, vitamin-mineral complexes);
  3. Quality rest is necessary for muscle recovery and effective growth.

Below we will discuss the key points related to nutrition, the purpose of which is a qualitative increase in body weight (that is, muscle gain).

Meals for gaining muscle mass for men should be high in calories, so the amount of nutrients obtained from the diet should exceed those consumed during periods of intense training.

Some athletes (especially beginners) are afraid to gain and excess fat. Of course, there is always the possibility of an additional fat layer appearing at the stage of active mass gain. It is extremely difficult to avoid this. However, you can give the muscles a beautiful relief later with the help of a carbohydrate-free diet (“drying”).

Some athletes go the other way - their weight gain diet is initially "dry" - that is, they both build muscle and get rid of fat. Although this approach has obvious advantages, it overloads the body too much - the body is subjected to daily high-intensity training in a calorie (and, accordingly, energy) deficit. With an improperly organized diet for men, “dry mass gain” can harm the body of athletes.

For example, three meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) are supplemented with two carbohydrate snacks (second breakfast and afternoon tea) and a glass of protein shake before bed.

This approach will help increase the total daily calorie intake and "disperse" the metabolism.

The advantages of such an athlete’s nutrition for mass are obvious:

  • There can be much more food than the athlete is used to eating during the day;
  • You can increase the number of meals from 6 to 10. This will allow you to evenly distribute the intake of amino acids and other nutrients in the body throughout the day and speed up your metabolism.

To gain mass qualitatively, an athlete needs to eat every two to three hours - it can be either a full meal or a snack.

So, the first two requirements were considered above, which should be followed during a set of muscle mass:

  1. Increase in total daily calories;
  2. Correction of the diet (the number of meals increases from 6 to 10).

Now we need to pay attention to one more important point- changing the structure of the athlete's diet during training for weight gain, that is, correcting the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (hereinafter BJU).

Optimal proportions:

  • Proteins - 25-30%;
  • Fats - 10-15%;
  • Carbohydrates - 50-60%.

This ratio is considered not only "healthy", but also useful for anabolism (raising muscle mass). This structure is designed to provide the body with a sufficient amount of amino acids (“building materials”), as well as give it the necessary energy while “supporting” a minimum amount of vegetable fats.

About Nutrients

Obviously, the basis of nutrition for muscle growth is BJU. Each of these components can also be different. So, proteins are fast (protein, whey protein isolates - are instantly absorbed) and "long" ( meat products- absorbed very slowly).

Fast proteins are needed when the athlete’s body has been “starving” for a long time and needs to be replenished building materials- this happens early in the morning and immediately after an intense workout.

"Long" proteins are required by the body in all other periods of time. The best time to take a protein shake is right before bed.

The best sources of protein for a sports diet for weight gain:

  • Meat (preferably poultry);
  • Seafood, fresh fish;
  • Dairy products: fat-free cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, milk;
  • Eggs;
  • Nuts;
  • Legumes (lentils, peas, beans).

Along with this, athletes (especially beginners) should avoid the following protein foods:

  • Smoked meat;
  • Homemade fatty cottage cheese;
  • Ham;
  • Sausage (particularly salami);
  • Sweet milk formulas (eg yogurt).

Carbohydrates are also divided into "fast" and "slow". The first group should include fructose and glucose (compounds that are absorbed at lightning speed and raise insulin levels), the second - dietary fiber, which is slowly absorbed and therefore does not cause a sharp "jump" in blood sugar.

Fast carbohydrates should "get" into the body immediately after training and early in the morning, immediately after waking up. Their task is to “supply” the body with the necessary amount of energy or quickly replenish its massive costs. At all other times, as part of the main meals, athletes need slow carbohydrates (cereals). Before going to bed, any carbohydrates should be discarded.

The best carbohydrates for athletes gaining muscle mass:

  • Kashi (millet, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • Pasta (only from durum wheat);
  • Black, bran, rye bread;
  • Muesli (flakes);
  • Vegetables such as potatoes, beets and carrots are recommended to be consumed within reasonable limits - they contain a large amount of starch.

Fats are either saturated (bad) or unsaturated (good). The last group should include vegetable oil, fish, omega 3. Their main task is to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the body. It is better to refuse bad fats (mayonnaise, butter) - their use is fraught with a set of extra pounds.

The best fats:

  • Vegetable oils (olive, corn, linseed);
  • Avocado;
  • A fish.

Power scheme

Consider an approximate menu for building and growing muscle mass:

  • Morning - water + simple carbohydrates;
  • Throughout the day - slow proteins + complex carbohydrates;
  • A few hours before training - light proteins + medium carbohydrates;
  • Half an hour before training - free-form amino acids + whey protein isolate;
  • During the lesson - sweet water with glucose (if the athlete wants to increase muscle mass), BCAA (when the athlete also wants to “dry out”);
  • Immediately after training - simple carbohydrates (juice, gainer) + amino acids in a simple form;
  • An hour after class, there should be a full meal;
  • In the afternoon - complex carbohydrates + complex proteins;
  • Before going to bed - there are no carbohydrates, "long" proteins (cottage cheese, casein protein) are recommended.

Athletes who are gaining muscle mass should completely abandon sweet and flour confectionery. Of course, they are very tasty, but, once in the body, they instantly cause a jump in blood sugar, stimulate appetite, and, in fact, they themselves are a source of a lot of unnecessary calories. In response to this "behavior", the body immediately begins to convert glucose into fat.

Fast carbohydrates and fats in the diet are also better to limit. In no case should there be any smoked meats, sausages, store-bought sauces, ketchups and mayonnaise in the athlete's daily menu.

It is recommended to eat as many fruits, vegetables and greens as possible - fiber has a positive effect on the digestion process and slows down the absorption of carbohydrates - thus, the blood glucose level rises gradually, and mono-, di- and polysaccharides do not turn into hated fat cells.

Pay attention to the diet. Athletes "on the mass" should not eat several times a day in large portions (moreover, heterogeneous food).

How much to eat after a workout

For some people, gaining weight or muscle mass is just as difficult as shedding extra pounds for others.

However, simply adding certain foods to your diet can help achieve positive results.

1. Homemade protein shakes

Homemade protein smoothies are very nutritious. This is one of better ways rapid weight gain.

It's best to make your own smoothies, as store-bought versions often contain a lot of sugar but not enough nutrients. Besides, home cooking will allow you to vary the shades of taste and aroma, as well as diversify the set of various macro and micro elements.

Here are several delicious recipes. You can add two cups (470 ml) of milk or choose another alternative such as almond milk.

  • Chocolate Banana Shake with Nut Flavor: Take 1 banana, 1 scoop of chocolate flavored whey protein, and 1 teaspoon (15 ml) of peanut butter or any other nut butter.
  • Vanilla Berry Shake: Combine 1 cup (237 ml) fresh or frozen berries, ice, 1 cup (237 ml) high protein natural yogurt, and 1 serving vanilla flavored whey protein.
  • Chocolate hazelnut shake: Take 15 oz (444 ml) chocolate milk, 1 scoop chocolate flavored whey protein, 1 teaspoon (15 ml) hazelnut oil and 1 avocado.
  • Caramel Apple Shake: Combine 1 sliced ​​apple, 1 cup (237 ml) natural yogurt, 1 scoop caramel or vanilla protein whey, and 1 teaspoon (15 ml) caramel sauce or sugar-free flavor.
  • Vanilla Blueberry Shake: Under similar conditions, the next cocktail is prepared. Combine 1 cup (237 ml) fresh or frozen blueberries, 1 serving of vanilla flavored whey protein, 1 cup (237 ml) vanilla yogurt. Add sweetener if desired.
  • Super Green Shake: Combine 1 cup (237 ml) spinach, 1 avocado, 1 banana, 1 cup (237 ml) crushed pineapple, and 1 scoop vanilla or unflavoured whey protein.

All of these smoothies contain 400-600 calories, as well as plenty of protein and other vitamins and minerals.

There are many recipes for making delicious fragrant cocktails. Try to avoid commercial versions that are high in sugar and low in nutrients.

2. Milk

Be sure to drink milk. It will help you recover faster and supply the body with calcium.

Milk provides the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In addition, it is a good source of vitamins, calcium and other minerals.

For those looking to build muscle, milk is an excellent protein source, provided by casein and whey protein. Research shows that when combined with the right exercise and training program, milk can help you gain weight.

In addition, experiments have shown that milk or the combination of casein with whey protein can increase weight more effectively than many other protein sources.

Try drinking one or two glasses throughout the day, with meals, and before or after exercise if you're exercising.

Milk is a good source of proteins. It contains casein and whey protein.

3. Rice

Rice is a good source of nutrients with a low carbohydrate content. It is great for helping you gain weight. Just 1 cup (165g) of cooked rice contains 190 calories, 43g of carbs, and very little fat.

In addition, it is a very high-calorie product that is perfect for gaining weight. That is, you can get a large amount of carbohydrates and calories in one serving. It helps to eat more food, especially if you have a poor appetite or feel full quickly.

If you are on the road or in a hurry, rice reheated in microwave oven, can be added to other protein sources.

One more good way: prepare a large bowl of rice for a week and combine this dish with others healthy foods containing proteins and fats.

However, eating extremely large amounts of rice is far from a wise decision, due to the potential content of arsenic and phytic acid. Arsenic acid can cause the deposition of heavy metals in the body, and phytic acid reduces the quality of absorption of zinc and iron.

Rice is a wonderful source of carbohydrates that is easy to eat and digest. However, some types of rice contain a lot of arsenic acid.

4. Nuts and nut butter

Nuts and nut butter are excellent choices if you're looking to gain weight.

Just a small handful of almonds contains over seven grams of protein and 18 grams of healthy fat.

Since this product is very high in calories, it is enough to eat only two handfuls a day. This will allow you to get a lot of calories.

With the help of nut butter, you can also diversify your diet by adding it to smoothies, yogurts and all kinds of dishes.

But make sure you choose a 100% nut butter that contains two or three ingredients, no sugar or extra oil.

Nuts and nut butter are very tasty and high in calories. They make a great addition to any menu.

5. Red meat

Red meat is probably one of the best available products nutrition for building muscle.

For example, a steak contains about 3 grams of leucine per 6 ounces (170 g). Leucine is a key amino acid that the body needs to stimulate protein synthesis and muscle building.

In addition, red meat is one of the best sources of dietary creatine, which can rightly be called the best muscle building supplement in the world.

Also, this product is much higher in calories and contains more fat than lean meat. This helps you get extra calories and gain weight.

One study was conducted in which 100 women took part. They supplemented their diet with 6 oz (170 g) of red meat and did strength training 6 days a week for 6 weeks.

As a result, they were able to put on weight, increase strength by 18%, and raise the level of the IGF-1 hormone involved in building muscles.

Both lean and fatty meats are excellent sources of protein. However, fatty meats provide more calories, which helps you gain weight.

Red meat is an excellent source of protein that helps build muscle mass. It contains leucine, an amino acid that stimulates muscle protein synthesis. This meat is more fatty and high-calorie.

6. Potatoes and starch

Potatoes and other starchy foods are another good source of calories.

Try supplementing your diet with these healthy carbohydrate sources:

  • Quinoa;
  • Oat flakes;
  • Corn;
  • Buckwheat;
  • Potatoes and sweet potatoes (bagat);
  • Pumpkin;
  • Winter root crops;
  • Beans and green peas.

Moreover, it will not only help to diversify foods for mass gain, but also increase glycogen stores.

Glycogen is the predominant fuel resource for many sports activities.

Many of these carbohydrate sources also contain nutrients and fiber, as well as resistant starch, which provides nourishment for beneficial gut bacteria.

Healthy starchy foods are a great way to get calories and fiber, increase your calorie intake, and boost your glycogen stores.

7. Salmon and oily fish

Like red meat, salmon and fatty fish are considered excellent sources of protein and fat.

Among all the useful substances that are contained in these products, there are fatty acid omega-3s are one of the most important and well known.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are very beneficial for the heart and cardiac system, the brain and improve metabolism, allowing you to maintain health and fight various diseases.

Just 6 oz (170 g) salmon fillet provides about 350 calories and 4 g of omega-3 acid, as well as 34 g of quality protein, allowing you to quickly gain muscle mass.

Salmon and other fatty fish are great sources of the healthiest omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, these products contain a lot of protein, which is the main building block for muscles.

8. Protein supplements

The use of protein supplements is a common strategy used by athletes and bodybuilders who seek to increase muscle mass.

Special serums containing proteins help to gain weight easily and effectively, especially when combined with strength training.

Some people believe that this kind of protein is unhealthy and unnatural, but this is not the case. Whey is made from dairy products. In addition, it helps to reduce the risk of many diseases and improve health.

Whey protein is an extremely important product, especially if you play sports, as the daily requirement for proteins increases. Like meat or other animal products, the protein supplement contains all the essential amino acids to stimulate muscle growth.

You can consume protein before or after sports, or at any other time during the day.

Protein Supplements- simple and affordable way to increase protein intake.

9. Dried fruits

Dried fruits are a high-calorie product that also contains antioxidants and trace elements.

There are many varieties of dry fruits.

Since they contain a lot of sugar, they are not suitable for those people who want to get rid of extra pounds.

However, this is an excellent snack for those who want to put on weight. Dry fruits have excellent taste and are easily digestible.

Many people believe that after drying, fruits lose useful elements, however, this is not the case. They contain a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Try pairing dried fruits with protein sources such as meat or whey protein. Plus, they go great with nuts and natural yogurt, providing healthy fats, protein, and other important vitamins and minerals.

Dried fruits are high in calories, fiber and antioxidants. This is a great way to get additional micronutrients.

10. Bread with bran

Bran bread is another good source of carbs to help you put on extra pounds.

Try combining bread with protein sources such as eggs, meat, and cheese. This is a balanced diet, providing the body with all the necessary nutrients.

When buying bread, give preference to natural bread with grains. One of the best is Ezekiel bread, which is available in many stores.

Bran bread is very effective for weight gain, especially when combined with good sources of protein.

11. Avocado

Avocados are high in fat.

Unlike many fruits, avocados are high in calories. This is an excellent fruit that allows you to quickly establish a high-calorie diet for weight gain due to the large amount of healthy fats that it contains.

One large fruit (200 g) provides 322 calories, 29 g of fat and 17 g of fiber.

In addition, they are very rich in vitamins, minerals and various nutritional compounds.

Try adding avocados to different dishes like scrambled eggs or sandwiches.

Avocados are rich in healthy fats. These fruits go well with various dishes or are used separately.

12. Useful cereals

Healthy grains are considered an excellent source of carbohydrates, calories and all sorts of nutrients.

However, try to prioritize useful species such as oatmeal. Eliminate processed grains that are high in sugar from your diet.

When purchasing cereals, focus on healthy options:

  • Oatmeal;
  • Granola;
  • Multicereals;
  • Bran;
  • Ezekiel (bread).

Be sure to check the label and try to avoid refined grains with added sugar.

The use of cereals allows you to increase body weight. In addition, they contain fiber. Try to choose healthy grains like oatmeal.

13. Cereal tiles

Some healthy cereal bars make an excellent snack when you're on the road.

They are also an excellent choice if you need to snack before or after your workout because they contain a variety of carbohydrates.

As with cereals, try to choose healthy products with whole grains. In addition, you can find tiles that contain other healthy ingredients, such as dried fruits, nuts or seeds.

If you are using these bars as a snack, try pairing them with other protein sources such as yogurt. boiled eggs, sliced ​​meat or protein shake.

Opt for healthy cereal bars made with whole grains and other healthy ingredients like dry fruits and nuts.

14. Black chocolate

Quality dark chocolate provides a wealth of antioxidants and other health benefits.

Like other foods high in fat, chocolate is high in calories. This means that even a small amount provides a lot of calories.

A 100g (3.5oz) bar of chocolate provides about 600 calories. In addition, it contains many useful trace elements and other substances, such as fiber, magnesium and antioxidants.

Dark chocolate contains antioxidants, and it is also very high in calories and delicious.

15. Cheese

Cheese has been one of the main products for many centuries.

Like dark chocolate, it is high in calories and high in fat. If you consume it in large quantities, it is also a good source of protein.

Since cheese has an excellent taste, you can add it during the preparation of various dishes or eat it separately.

Cheese is an excellent source of proteins and fats. Add it to a variety of dishes to improve the taste and get more calories.

16. Eggs

Eggs are one of the healthiest foods to build muscle. They provide an excellent combination of various vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats.

In addition, it is important to eat a whole egg, discarding all the prejudices inspired by old myths and the likelihood of problems with the cardiovascular system.

In fact, almost all the nutrients are found in the yolk.

If you do not have an individual intolerance to this product, there is no need to eliminate it from your diet. You can easily eat three eggs a day.

In fact, many athletes and bodybuilders eat 6 eggs a day.

Eggs are one of best products, providing the necessary substances for gaining muscle mass. There is no need to limit them.

17. Full fat yogurt

Full fat yogurt is another great source of micro and macro elements. It provides a balanced combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

There are numerous recipes delicious meals, one of the main ingredients of which will be yogurt. Here are just a few of them:

  • Yogurt with fruits: Mix two cups of yogurt with fresh or dried fruit. You can also add nuts, seeds, honey, granola or coconut.
  • Chocolate hazelnut pudding: Take two cups of yogurt, cocoa powder, nut or peanut butter, and a sweetener. You can also add a serving of whey protein.
  • Dessert with yogurt: Two cups of yogurt, granola and berries. This is a great nutritious breakfast or light snack.
  • Cocktails: Also, yogurt is a great addition to any cocktail. This will increase the protein content and make the shake more creamy.

Full fat yogurt is an excellent ingredient to add flavor and add extra calories and protein. It tastes great on its own. But it also combines wonderfully with various ingredients, which allows you to prepare new delicious dishes.

18. Healthy fats and oils

Healthy fats and oils are the most high-calorie foods on the planet.

Simply adding a teaspoon (15 ml) of oil to sauces, salads, or while cooking will provide you with an additional 135 calories. In addition, thanks to these oils, any food acquires a wonderful flavor.

Try not to use processed oils. Give preference to products such as olive oil, avocado or coconut oil.

It is very important to include healthy fats and oils in your diet. Especially for those who are trying to gain weight. Eliminate refined oils. Opt for olive, coconut, or avocado oil.

The main secret of success

The secret to weight gain is to eat more calories than your body burns in a day. If you get less energy from food than you spend in a day, you will not be able to gain a single kilogram of body weight.

Moreover, it is important to strength exercises so that calories are used to build muscle, not gain fat. It doesn’t matter if it’s home workouts or a visit to the gym, try to find an effective complex.

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