Make the wall look like a brick wall. Imitation of a real brick wall with your own hands from different materials

An expensive option for decorating walls is not for everyone, and if you have to work with your own hands, then decorative plaster can become the most affordable. You can’t do without preliminary alignment of the walls, but at the same time you will save the usable area in the room.

Brick decorative plaster: preparatory work

First, as expected, remove a layer of old plaster from the wall, or wallpaper - in a word, the old finish. If during the inspection you find cracks, potholes, they need to be filled with cement mortar. If necessary, the corners are aligned.

The entire surface is treated with a deep penetration primer. This is necessary for good adhesion and surface disinfection. Masters advise adding a little PVA glue to the primer to improve the quality of the primer.

Of the tools and materials you will need:

  • Mix container;
  • spatulas;
  • masking tape;
  • Master OK;
  • Level or rule;
  • Paint mesh;
  • Drill for mixing mortar;
  • Lace or thread for lighthouses;
  • Stucco mesh.

And cover the floor with oilcloth before work, do not forget to protect your hands with gloves.

Do-it-yourself brick wall from plaster: technology

The process, of course, is laborious, but, what pleases, it is creative. If you do it yourself, and even for the first time, strictly follow the sequence of steps.

Technology for applying plaster under a brick:

  • Wall marking is needed if you are doing such an imitation of brickwork only on a fragment of the wall, and not on the entire surface. With a simple pencil, draw the outlines of the bricks. And masking tape will be needed in order to limit the space for work.
  • Prime the wall, preferably with an acrylic primer. It is easier to do this with a foam roller. In hard-to-reach places, it is better to prime with a brush.
  • In order to make the finishing mass, you need to prepare water and gypsum plaster. The mixture should be thick so that it does not flow down the wall. If you want, add dye to the solution to make the future "brick" look more realistic.
  • Plaster only the area that can be covered only at one time. Carry out the next step until the solution has dried.
  • A surface covered with wet plaster is ideal for making bricks. Take any sharp object such as a knitting needle, and use it to push through the strips that look like gaps separating one brick from another.
  • Bricks should not be even, as if under a ruler. Some may be larger, so the imitation of brickwork looks more natural.

You can even make an imitation of texture on the wall surface with your own hands. To do this, with a dry hard brush, draw over an almost dried-up imitation of masonry.

The grouting of the wall with fine sandpaper completes the work. Decorative plaster is painted with a roller, choose shades according to the color as reminiscent of natural brick as possible.

Imitation of brickwork with putty

Alternative way brick imitation consists in the use of putty and a special narrow construction adhesive tape.

DIY brickwork imitation:

  • On a plastered dry wall, mark the seams so that the rectangles of each subsequent row move to the rectangles of the previous one.
  • Carefully paint over the marked seams with the desired paint, wait for it to dry.
  • On top of this layer along the lines of horizontal seams, glue strips of construction tape, and stick short vertical strips of tape on top of them.
  • On top of this adhesive tape, apply a fairly thin layer of putty on the wall, smooth the surface of this layer, and leave the irregularities such that they are enough to create the desired texture.
  • After the putty has hardened, remove the adhesive tape. To do this, you can simply remove the horizontal stripes, and the vertical ones will be removed along with them.
  • Wait until the putty has completely hardened.

Brickwork: ways to imitate

If you are not satisfied with the option where only one plaster works, the brick can be made in a different way. For example, corrugated cardboard is often used, which is cut in the right amount to fit the sides of the brick sides. You must smear each such cardboard brick with PVA glue with your own hands. To complete the image of masonry imitation, paper napkins can be used, the top layer of which will perform the function of decoupage - if you need a decorative finish for a wall fragment, this is a very good option.

What else, if not just plaster? Brick can also be made by embossing with a stencil. This work is carried out on fresh plaster. How to do this - you use a polymer or rubber flat stencil, it has an embossed pattern of brickwork on it. Moisten the stencil with water and press it against the plastered wall. And then it is taken away from the wall, and in front of you is brick after brick.

This option is easier than scratching out each brick, but more expensive. After all, not only plaster is required, but also the stencil itself. However, the surface will be like after the work of a team of craftsmen - everything is accurate and even. This cycle must be repeated for as long as you get the entire surface with imitation of brickwork.

A brick wall is always beautiful, stylish, modern. And imitation of such a wall is not the worst option, and not the most expensive, which is very important. Choose the way you like and do everything step by step.

Gallery: decorative brick-like plaster (20 photos)

Do-it-yourself decorative brick-like plaster: video tutorials simple solutions

Do-it-yourself decorative brick-like plaster: video tutorials on simple solutions An expensive wall decor option is not for everyone, and if you have to work with your own hands, then the most affordable one can

Ways to imitate brickwork with your own hands

There are various options for imitation of brickwork with your own hands. They allow you to create a surface that will completely repeat the brick coating. This makes it possible to bring exceptional design ideas to life, creating an interior that will be filled with beauty and comfort.

Simulation Options

Do-it-yourself brick wall imitation different ways. Some of them require the necessary skills, others are almost ready-made options. Each method is suitable for a specific case.

Ready types

Currently, there are types of finishing materials that completely repeat the texture of the brick. The advantage of such products is the low cost and ease of installation, which varies depending on the type of product. Select the following options:

  1. Wallpaper with volumetric texture. Modern technologies allow you to produce products that have a convex texture and completely repeat the brickwork. This type is distinguished by ease of installation and the possibility of high-quality care.
  2. Panels. They are sheets different sizes. The material can be mounted on the crate, which creates additional advantages. If laying is done on the walls, then they are carefully prepared beforehand.

Decorative panels with brick texture

  • Separate decorative bricks. They are made from various components (gypsum, cement, plastic). Perfectly repeat the texture and have different color solutions. They are tiled according to the principle that repeats the tiling.

All options have their advantages and disadvantages, but there are ways to make an imitation of brickwork - exclusively with your own hands.

Application of corrugated board

The use of corrugated cardboard sheets is a rather peculiar way that makes it possible to create a decorative surface, spending a minimum of materials for this. The work requires the following components:

  • Cardboard directly. Boxes can be used household appliances. The main thing is that their density should not be low.
  • High-quality paper napkins (thick, not torn).
  • PVA. To work, you need a large amount of glue.
  • Handicraft gun (refillable with hot glue).
  • Stationery knife, ruler and pencil.
  • Paint and varnish. For the final stage of finishing.

Materials required for the manufacture of corrugated cardboard brick inserts

Advice! Thin cardboard is the best solution. It will not allow you to create the necessary texture. If it is not possible to use thicker material, then you can go for some trick. It lies in the fact that the fragments are glued together to create the necessary thickness.

To imitate corrugated brickwork, it is better to use a dense material

The technology consists in a sequence of actions:

  1. The walls are completely cleaned of old decorative layers. Preparation is carried out, which is inherent in all types of finishing work. Imitation brick for interior decoration requires surface coating with a primer.
  2. Cardboard is cut. Need to get right size rectangles. The basis is a simple brick.

Cardboard is cut into blanks - "bricks"

On a note! It is better to use a thermal gun with a temperature controller. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the glue will start to melt too much and leave numerous threads.

Advice! The process is similar to decoupage technology. To achieve a greater effect, the napkin is crushed before heating. This will help create the necessary texture.

Shaping and coloring seams in corrugated board masonry

  • When the surface is completely dry, it is painted in the desired color and varnished. Joints are additionally isolated.

Thus, it is possible to form decorative wall under a brick with your own hands, which does not require large financial costs.

Finished corrugated board masonry

Using a stencil and pattern on plaster

This is a simple option that requires only the utmost care. The work is as follows:

  • A layer of plaster is applied to the surface. The thickness should be more than 4-5 mm, otherwise an expressive texture will not work.
  • Next, take the stencil. It can be rubber or plastic.
  • It is well moistened with water so that the main side does not stick to the wet solution.
  • The stencil is applied to the surface and pressed. It is necessary to remove it from the wall carefully, because with sharp movements you can remove part of the mixture.
  • The procedure is repeated. It is important to consider that the horizontal lines must match. If this is not followed, then fragmentary sections are obtained, unrelated to each other.
  • At the end, the imitation brickwork is well primed and waxed. The seams are embroidered. The surface is painted with acrylic paints.

On a note! To create a more interesting effect, color is added directly to the plaster. Then it is possible to create a play of shades, because the joints are painted in other options. Do not forget that if you paint the wall directly, then after drying the shade will become a little darker.

Do-it-yourself brick wall from fresh plaster can be obtained without using a stencil. The technology is:

  1. Lines are drawn on the surface that indicate the seams of the brickwork. This is done a little randomly to achieve more naturalness.
  2. With the help of a narrow scraper, the plaster is removed. The joints are immediately rubbed with a dry brush. This will form a relief, as well as slightly smooth out the bricks.
  3. The finished wall is primed and painted.

Do-it-yourself brick wall made of plaster

These methods allow you to decorate only a newly made layer of plaster. If, after applying the plaster mortar, some time has passed, and it has had time to dry, then create brick wall the above methods will not work.

Bricks on putty

This option is used when the idea of ​​creating a brick wall came after some time, after plastering. In this case, putty is used for its implementation, which is pre-painted in the desired color.

Wall "under the brick" of putty

The general procedure is as follows:

  • The wall is well cleaned of dirt and dust. Degrease if necessary. Apply a layer of primer.
  • Marking is done on the surface. It should repeat horizontal and vertical seams so that an imitation of brickwork is obtained.
  • The joints are painted over with the chosen color and left to dry completely.
  • Next, masking tape is glued. Its strips should run along the painted seam lines. This is done as follows: first, they paste over the horizontal lines, and then the vertical ones (they should go to the previous ones).

Marking with masking tape for brickwork

  • A thin layer of putty is applied to the surface. The necessary texture is immediately formed, so the layer becomes uneven. Can be used additional tools to help create relief.
  • The mixture is left for a while, it should seize. Now take off the tape. This is done very quickly, because the segments are fastened together. The putty is left to dry completely. Thus, all work is done exclusively by hand. It is possible to form an excellent decorative surface, which will be the highlight of the interior. But you need to read that the question of how to make an imitation of brickwork is not only a technical side. It is much more important to correctly fit it into the decor of the room, so that there is no excessive heaviness, ill-conceivedness.

    DIY brickwork imitation: how to make a brick wall

    Do-it-yourself imitation of brickwork is a great way that allows you not only to save money, but also to transform the interior of the room

Do-it-yourself imitation of a brick wall made of plaster

When choosing a material for interior wall decoration in a residential area, one has to take into account the aesthetics of materials, cost, environmental friendliness, and what usable area will have to be sacrificed. In this regard, do-it-yourself brick plastering - best option.

Advantages of this solution:

  • coverage will not require large financial and time costs;
  • no plaster included harmful materials, and it can be considered absolutely environmentally friendly;
  • the layer of decorative coating is thin enough, therefore, you should not be afraid that the space of the room will decrease;
  • imitation of brickwork can be applied by hand, which eliminates the need to search for specialists who may turn out to be amateurs in finishing work.

If you decide that this option is suitable, check out detailed instruction, then the work will not be particularly difficult.

Preparing the wall for decoration.

A do-it-yourself imitated brick wall made of plaster will look good only if the walls are not beveled, that is, the angles between them and the floor are 90 degrees. Otherwise, leveling is performed using cement, beacons and facade construction mesh. The old coating, which is not firmly held, is removed, gaps, irregularities and other defects are sealed with a solution. After drying, the cemented wall is covered with a deeply penetrating primer.

If the wall is initially sufficiently even, cementing is not necessary. Just fill the defects with a plaster mixture and wait until it dries, and then treat with a primer solution, mixing in glue. Apply the primer with a foam roller, paint over the seams with a brush.

"Important! Decorative finishing with plaster materials in new buildings, including do-it-yourself brick plastering, should be carried out no earlier than 12 months after the commissioning of the object.

If this nuance is not taken into account, you will have to face the appearance of cracks: in the first few months, the walls may shrink.

What will be required?

Before starting work, prepare materials and fixtures:

  • a basin (bath) - to induce a plaster solution;
  • a roll of tape;
  • several spatulas (wide and narrow);
  • rule or laser level;
  • cord - to expose beacons.

It is convenient to knead the solution with a drill equipped with a special nozzle. The last option is manually. It is advisable to spread oilcloth on the floor: although you are extremely careful, you will not be able to avoid dirt.

You will also need gypsum plaster, a brush, paint roller, paint (or coloring pigment) and a small stick. Of course, real brick masonry cannot look perfect if the seams are not drawn with a special device - jointing. Applying decorative plaster under a stone or brick is a simpler process, and the seams are easy to “draw” with a broken pencil (empty fountain pen, thick knitting needle).

An important stage: applying plaster.

So, you have completed the preliminary preparation of the wall (cemented, plastered defects), primed and waited for the base to dry. Now proceed to the guidance of the working mixture. The simplest and most common option involves adding a dye to the plaster mortar. There is another way, but it will be discussed at the end. Now let's focus on the first one. Dilute the dry mixture according to the instructions, then add the coloring pigment and mix everything well.

Without experience in such work, you should not direct a whole basin of the mixture. Density - like viscous sour cream, so that the composition gradually slides off the spatula, but does not drain and does not fall off in pieces. The composition is good if there are no lumps. For the first time, it is enough to cover 1 square meter of the wall. If you hesitate - the solution will dry out, you will have to throw it away.

The mixture is collected with a spatula and thrown onto the surface, then leveled upwards. If you want a brick wall made of plaster to look as unnatural as possible, do not try to smooth the surface too much. Brick is rarely perfectly smooth, more often it is rough and uneven.

Creating a pattern of brickwork.

Pay attention to the dimensions of a real brick - this should be the distance between the seams in the "masonry". Forget to take into account this moment - do-it-yourself brick plaster will look unnatural. It is not at all necessary to focus on the parameters of the cheapest, standard brick. After all, wall material is produced both elongated and almost square.

Do not forget that now there are textured, embossed, non-standard bricks and specially chipped ones. The plaster applied by hand can also look so original! True, it is better to experiment, already having experience. A beginner should try to make an imitation of masonry from ordinary, rectangular bricks.

Do you want the lines to be perfectly even? Use a ruler. More to your liking light curvature? Draw by hand. The main thing is to have time to apply the lines until the plaster has hardened. When you paint an imitation of masonry, excess mixture will begin to form. Remove unnecessary with a dry cloth. If you do not have time to dry, you can damage the edges of the "bricks". So you need to process each section in turn. After that, the surface is left alone, allowing it to completely dry and harden. It is important not to touch the coating - there is a risk of smearing the pattern, but if you want to get an interesting textured surface, brush over the "bricks" with a hard, dry brush.

Finishing processing.

When the decorative coating becomes durable, you can polish it with sandpaper, but this is not necessary, but depends on your preferences. The final stage is the removal of everything superfluous, i.e., the remnants of plaster that violate the pattern. Further processing depends on which mixture was used - colored (dyed) or plain, without the addition of pigment.

It is clear that decorative brick-like plaster should not have a white-gray color, so an unsightly colorless wall needs to be painted. You can mix several different dyes to achieve maximum similarity with natural brick, or limit yourself to ready-made suitable color if you find what you need for sale. Brick can have different shades, so you have some freedom of choice.

A successful design technique: apply a dye of one color with the first layer, and after a couple of minutes - another. It will also be useful to paint over individual “bricks” in a bright shade. After all, real masonry often strikes with variety and diversity, so that a brick wall made of plaster with your own hands has the right to be not monotonous. Creative natures can experiment with colors, because now it is not uncommon for the products of the most different colors from bright yellow to black. Guests will not guess that the "masonry" is not real!

Consider the environment, lighting, color of the floor, ceiling and doors, as the overall impression of the interior will be created in the aggregate of all shades. Neighborhood with unsuitable color furniture or, say, with flooring"Wrong" material can spoil the whole impression.

Imitation of brickwork using adhesive tape.

This method of applying plaster to imitate a brick wall is interesting in that you can do the job yourself. Significant defects on the wall should be eliminated in advance, while it is not necessary to level it to a perfectly smooth state, the main thing is that there are no significant differences.

“Tip: instead of plaster, you can use colored putty.”

In advance, you need to prepare a skein of construction tape of the same width as is usually between adjacent bricks. Then the order of work will be as follows:

  • on the surface where the decorative plaster will be located, vertical and horizontal lines are drawn at the seams. It should be borne in mind that the vertical lines in each next row should be shifted by half a brick in relation to the previous one;
  • the drawn stripes are painted over the entire length with color paint cement mortar or close to it;
  • after the paint is completely dry, stick horizontal strips of adhesive tape, and then vertical ones. If you stick the tape in a different order, then it will be difficult to remove it;
  • a layer of plaster or putty is applied to the prepared base;
  • without waiting for drying, the surface is smoothed, and the degree of smoothness that the brickwork plaster will have is chosen at will, depending on what you like best - a relief or perfectly leveled surface;
  • when the plaster hardens a little, remove the strips of adhesive tape. It is enough to pull the edges of the horizontally glued strip, and the vertical pieces will easily peel off, as they are on top of the horizontal ones;
  • when the composition is completely dry, apply the finishing option you like decorative finishes.

“Tip: a DIY brick wall made of stucco will look as realistic as possible if painted with more paint. light color than a brick: when it dries, it will darken.

How much does decorative brick stucco cost?

Given that the wall can be treated with ordinary putty or cement plaster, the cost of it makes up the bulk of the costs. To this add the cost of the rule, level, coloring pigment, as well as other materials and fixtures, if you plan to buy them.

First, let's calculate the consumption of plaster. Usually manufacturers indicate that it is 8.5 kg of dry mix per 1 sq. m when plastered with a layer of 10 mm. Since the decorative plaster under the red brick is not applied in such a large layer, but about 2 times less, the estimated consumption, respectively, is halved. It turns out 4.25 kg per 1 sq. m. The resulting value must be multiplied by the number of square meters.

It is realistic to buy gypsum plaster at a price of 250 to 500 rubles. for a package weighing 30 kg. It is easy to calculate the final consumption, taking into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall.

"Important! Buying too cheap plaster is fraught with the fact that it will be of poor quality. The best option is to order right amount packages at a price of 350-400 rubles.

When making calculations, do not forget to round the received data up: in practice, the consumption is often higher. Keep in mind that the “bricks” may not work the first time, you will not have time to use some part of the mixture, and it will dry out, and other nuances may appear. In any case, it's better to have something left than not enough.

For another decorating option, check out Concrete Look Stucco.

Now you understand how to create beautiful masonry at home in a day, for the manufacture of which you do not have to spend a single brick!

Imitation of a brick wall made of plaster with your own hands, All about plaster, its varieties and features

A wonderful element of decorating your wall and the whole interior as a whole is the creation of a brick wall at home with the help of simple plaster. Do it

Imitation of brick with plaster: we finish the walls under a brick with our own hands

Brickwork, in which a strict pattern of seams is harmoniously combined with the "individuality" of each stone laid in the wall - business card interior style loft.

Many people like the idea of ​​reproducing the skillful work of a bricklayer in their apartment. To implement it, it is not necessary to take on a trowel and a hammer. It is enough to make an imitation of brickwork on any wall or on a separate section of it.

There are two options for doing this work: using a gypsum tile that imitates brick, and applying a masonry pattern to wet plaster. The second method is not only cheaper, but also easier than the first. We will talk about it in this article.

Examples of brick plaster in the interior

Before proceeding to the study of the technology of finishing brick walls using plaster, let's get acquainted with several examples of this work.

The photo below shows original version imitation brickwork. Its author deliberately left the straight lines of mortar joints. The result was an interesting surface, as if inaccurately folded by a bricklayer.

And here is a typical example of untinted brick-like gypsum plaster. The work was done with high quality, so even at close range, the imitation is indistinguishable from natural face masonry.

Painting bricks white with dark seams is a common decoration technique. It is often used in Scandinavian-style interiors.

To create a beautiful surface, you need to carefully mold the raw plaster in the form of bricks. In addition, it is necessary to carefully process the "face" of each stone, giving the array the appearance of an aged masonry. good example We see this approach in the photo below.

Standard masonry stone correct form with sharp edges - not the only option for decorative plaster. Designers love to use brick imitation in the interior with smooth and ragged edges.

Brick plaster can decorate not only a solid wall array. With its help, you can make an apron in the kitchen, decorate corners and doorways.

How to make a wall decoration under a brick with plaster with your own hands?

First, let's consider the starting conditions for this technology. Without their observance, work cannot be done efficiently.


The thickness of the finishing layer imitating brick is relatively small (0.5-1.5 cm). Therefore, a wall intended for such decor should not have large depressions and protrusions. Before starting work, you need to measure the level of curvature of the surface using a long rule. If the deviation of the wall from the vertical exceeds 2-3 cm per 1 m of length, then it must be leveled with a plaster mixture and allowed to dry for several days. Only after that you can start decorating.

Whatever brickwork imitation master class you look at, everywhere the obligatory operation is to prime the surface before applying the mortar. Without it, a layer of decorative plaster will peel off over time. The type of primer is selected based on the material of the wall.

There are two technologies for applying brick decor:

  • With cutting seams with a scraper.
  • Using masking tape to form seams.

We will consider both options and give our comments on each.

Cutting masonry seams with a scraper

The main tool for applying and leveling plaster is a steel spatula 20-25 cm wide. For ease of use, a narrower spatula (5-10 cm) can be used with it. With its help, the solution is applied to a wide tool, small protrusions and pits are corrected.

Work is being done separate sections- captures. Their area depends on the amount of solution that is prepared at a time (10-15 liters).

First, gypsum plaster is spread over the primed surface of the wall with a wide spatula, periodically leveling its layer.

After the solution dries a little, the seams are marked. It is most convenient to do this work using a long rule (1.5-1.8 m). It is applied to the surface of the plaster and seams are drawn along it with a sharp plate. Their width is chosen in the range of 0.5-1.0 cm.

The "drawing" of the masonry depends on your preferences. In this case, the dimensions of a standard brick should be observed (length 250 mm, 65 mm height and 120 mm width). It is impossible to draw bricks on the wall at random. When marking, you need to take into account the dressing of the seams.

After the seams are drawn, the scraper comes into play. It can be a narrow carpentry chisel or makeshift fixture from bent steel strip.

They are carefully led along the seams, removing the plaster. The depth of the joints depends on the thickness of the decorative finish layer and can range from 3 to 6 mm.

Working with a chisel is not so convenient. Excess mortar from the seams forms a "fringe", which constantly has to be removed.

There is another tool for forming seams - stitching. It is used by masons at the stage of finishing the masonry. With the help of the stitching, the seams can be given a convex or concave look.

The cutting of the plaster begins with long horizontal seams, and then moves on to short vertical ones. Having done this work, the plaster must be given time to gain strength. Before this, all the mistakes and inaccuracies of the drawing should be eliminated, since this cannot be done on the hardened layer.

Excess mortar remaining on the edges of the bricks after cutting the seams is removed with a dry cloth immediately after this work is completed. After that, if desired, you can smooth the edges with a damp sponge.

The last operation is painting an imitation of a brick wall made of plaster. It is performed in two stages. First, the entire array is tinted with a brush or spray gun. After that, the seams are carefully painted over with a narrow brush, making sure that the paint does not get on the surface of the “brick”.

To create an imitation of masonry, many craftsmen use Volma gypsum plaster. Mix cement tile adhesive with gypsum plaster it does not follow. Different types of binders do not get along well with each other. Therefore, the finishing layer may peel off the base over time.

According to the consumption of the plaster mixture, the following can be said. With a layer thickness of 1 cm, its consumption per 1 m2 of wall is from 8 to 9 kg. A standard bag (30 kg) in this case is enough for 3.5 m2. With a bag price of 450 rubles, one "square" of plaster will cost 128 rubles (450 / 3.5). If we add to this the price of a primer and paint, then the final cost figure will be at the level of 180 rubles / m2.

For comparison, let's say that the minimum cost of a gypsum tile imitating brick is 400 rubles / m2. Adding the price of glue, we get 480 rubles / m2. This is more than 2.5 times more expensive than gypsum plaster imitation.

Forming seams with masking tape

In this embodiment, after priming on the surface, mark the seams with a pencil and stick narrow masking tape on them.

The ends of the tape are brought out of the border of the area to be plastered and the gypsum mortar is applied with a spatula directly onto the adhesive tape. After leveling the plaster and letting it dry a little, gently pull the ends of the tape. Adhesive tape, extracted from a layer of plaster, leaves a pattern of seams on the wall.

It should be noted that making an imitation of brickwork with your own hands using adhesive tape is more difficult than removing the mortar with a scraper. This work takes more time and requires additional cleaning of the edges of the bricks.

In inept hands, the adhesive tape does not always separate evenly, dragging part of the solution with it. Therefore, for beginners, we recommend using the pattern formation technique using a chisel or scraper.

Imitation of brick with plaster: we finish the walls under a brick with our own hands

Learn how to make imitation brickwork using plaster. Examples and ways to create a brick wall with your own hands.

Brick-like decorative coating - a large selection from purchased materials to do-it-yourself creations. How to combine brick tiles and wallpaper, and how to properly glue the material on the corners. Photo selection of brick decor ideas.

Properly created room design solves problems such as:

  • compensation for the lack of light;
  • interesting stylistic choice.

To solve many problems, designers use non-standard materials in surface finishing, which are often used from the street side.

Brick wall decoration creative solution. It fits harmoniously in the bathroom, kitchen, bedroom. Sometimes this finish highlights the area where the plasma is located, and sometimes protects the surface from the influence of moisture and other factors.

Brick wall decoration: room style and design

Brick wall decoration is applicable almost everywhere: offices, cafes, cottages, private houses and apartments. And the size of the room does not matter, because the choice of material for such a finish is great - from painting to applying tiles.

The brick wall has many variations:

  • pure white masonry in the kitchen, in the bathroom;
  • red facing - finishing the partition in the hall to highlight it;
  • old masonry (it's about to crumble) - a creative solution to the attic;
  • the royal version - finishing corners, arches, the edge of the wall. Highlighting a significant place with backlight;
  • imitation of brick with different shades for interior decoration of an apartment.

Materials needed for wall decoration:

  1. Tiles - gypsum, clinker.
  2. Wallpaper - the texture may be different.
  3. Paint - use stencils.
  4. Styrofoam.
  5. Drywall.

These materials are light in weight, so when decorating the surface, it will not be burdened with finishing material.

Cladding inside the apartment

Facing the walls of the apartment is made of plastic panels (light weight material), tiles. This is laborious work, but at the end of the work there is no difference between real masonry and cladding. Correct work gives a guarantee of masonry. It can be washed and wiped. She doesn't scratch or flake.

Depending on the color, the lining is done in the kitchen. White color makes the room well-groomed, bright, conducive to cooking and tea drinking.

In the hall, partitions are sometimes highlighted with LED strips. Allocation of a niche for photos or under the TV.

In the bedroom, this could be the headboard. Here the choice falls on the "royal clinker material".

Decoration from the inside

Wallpaper, paint, decorative plaster are also used to decorate the room inside.

These materials create an imitation of masonry.

Depending on the chosen cladding material, the room may be slightly darkened or separated.

For example, in a large room, you can allocate an area for indoor flowers or a place for tea drinking.

Wallpapering under a brick in the corridor at the entrance will not last long due to constant impacts on the wall.

In the bedroom, one side is made under the masonry to create originality. Creation unusual interior always associated with non-standard solutions. So, in a surface made for a certain decor, you can simply insert dowel-nails and hang handmade crafts on them.

Options for imitation of decorative bricks in the interior: finishing materials

Brickwork in the interior of the apartment makes the room interesting, cool in summer time, and if the masonry is decorated with wooden crafts, then in winter it will be a warming element of the interior. Wood brings warmth.

Imitation of decorative bricks can be made from different materials from paint to stone.

In the corridor lay out the entrance to the apartment with plaster tiles. Lacquering gives protection against abrasion, shock, and at the same time makes the interior unusual.

At the bottom of the walls, brickwork is made to protect the coating from pets. Everyone knows how cats love to scratch the wallpaper. With slabs, the walls will remain intact.

The bathroom is special - sudden changes in temperature, high humidity. Therefore, if there is a desire to highlight shelves with accessories, then a clinker model will do. It is not afraid of moisture, like gypsum or wallpaper, at the same time, the manufacturers of this tile made a wide choice in terms of colors and for various designs, loft styles, Scandinavian.


Wallpaper for brickwork is produced in many versions. They have their differences:

  • ease of gluing;
  • suitable for any surface due to its weight;
  • application to uneven, semi-circular surface.

Wallpapers are divided into types:

  1. Vinyl - repeat the texture of the brick, all the bulges, roughness. They make the interior cozy, in addition, they protect the walls from external negative factors.
  2. Paper - ordinary wallpaper with printed masonry pattern. A budget option.
  3. Non-woven - have the appearance of natural masonry. Ease of sticking.
  4. 3D wallpaper - the highest quality, realistic coverage. Repeats masonry exactly. At first glance, there is no certainty that this is not a real brick surface.

Wallpaper should be glued based on them specifications. Many of them do not withstand high humidity.

Brick-like plaster for interior stone finishing

Textured plaster is a full-fledged imitation of masonry, which has a number of features:

  • ease of doing the work yourself. To create brickwork, there is no need to involve craftsmen;
  • availability of acquisition of material - has a relatively low price;
  • the created masonry from decorative plaster is painted in various colors and shades;
  • due to the plaster layer, sound insulation and thermal insulation increase;
  • decorative plaster is absolutely safe for health.

Disadvantages: dust collects in the grooves of the pattern.

Textured plaster is divided into types:

  1. Cement mixture - has shrinkage. Use on balconies, attic, wet rooms.
  2. Lime-sand - mainly goes to walls prone to fungus and dampness. Lime dries.
  3. Clay mortars - well used on wooden surfaces.
  4. Gypsum plaster - afraid of moisture. Its application is living room, hall, room.

Each type has its own installation specifics. Therefore, before use, it is necessary to study the technical characteristics.


An ordinary wall can be painted to look like brickwork. For this, 3 methods are used.

  1. On a white wall, you need to draw each element with the help of brushes.
  2. With tape. They are given the seams of brickwork and the main color is painted over the entire surface. After removing the adhesive tape, you will get a brick wall.
  3. Apply foam. A brick is cut out of it. Foam rubber should be dipped in paint and stamped on the wall.

All methods are simple and do not require large expenditures. It is only necessary to properly dilute the paint to get a brick shade.

Gypsum brick tiles without coating

Gypsum elements without coating are used only in dry rooms. Dust can quickly settle on them, and they will lose their original color. Therefore, the purchased tile will either be self-made, it must be coated with paint or colorless varnish.

Plastic elements

Plastic bricks are made at home. This simple solution saves the household budget and at the same time creates an individual design of the room. Plastic elements a brick wall is cut out of ordinary even plastic, glued to the PVA surface, then painted or left white, painting over only the joints. Fix them with screws and glue. All borders are overwritten with grout or drawn.

Separate bricks for relief integral masonry

If the surface in the house is not plastered and there is no putty, then this is a ready solution for the design of the apartment. It is worth cleaning it, holding a row preparatory work and cover with colorless varnish.

How to make laying tiles under a brick inside the house with your own hands: how to decorate correctly

For the correct laying of plates, 2 methods are used:

  1. With glue.
  2. With the help of rails and screws.

The first method is no different from laying ordinary tiles. The second method is used with grooves. It is fixed to wooden slats with self-tapping screws. They are closed by the grooves of the next element.

At the end of the work, the joints are grouted with a mixture for these purposes and coated with a colorless varnish. In some cases, the decorated surface is covered with paint that creates a shade.

List of necessary equipment for masonry during repairs

To fix with a wet method, you need to collect tools and buy materials:

  1. Meter, marker, build-level, ruler, glue, spatula with serrated spatula.
  2. Saw for cutting tiles or tile cutter.
  3. Roller, brush, primer.
  4. Decorating brush.
  5. Grout for seams, adhesive tape.

In the process, you may need a rag, a damp sponge. As well as a container for mixing the adhesive mixture.

Before work, it is necessary to prepare the surface.

How to put: where to start

Before laying decorative elements, work is done in stages:

  1. We need to level the walls. To achieve the desired result, putty is used.
  2. After the solution dries, the wall is covered with a primer.
  1. On a dry surface make markings. To do this, use a pencil, ruler, level. Horizontal lines must be even, otherwise the masonry will turn out to be crooked.

When creating markup, do not forget about the joints. Minimum size its 3-5 mm.

If you want to make an individual drawing using different colors or sizes, you must first lay out the elements on the floor (like a puzzle).

When the markup is done, the glue is diluted. There are instructions on the back of the package that you need to follow.

How to lay out one wall

Lay out the wall should be read according to the markup, from the second row from the corner to the center. With the first two rows laid out, everything must be left until the glue is completely dry. After laying out another 4-5 rows and again leave everything to dry. Thus, the entire surface will be laid out without displacement. The very first is laid out last row. If required, the elements are cut to maintain evenness with the floor covering, plinth.

How long do the first rows dry

After kneading the glue, laying starts from the second row from the floor. This is done from the corner to the center. After laying out the first 2 rows, the work is left to dry completely.

The first rows dry for about a day. It all depends on the composition of the adhesive, on the humidity in the room, temperature. On the packaging of the adhesive composition, the hours of drying of the solution are indicated. From 5 hours (Knauf) to 12 hours (Ceresit).

It is necessary to wait for complete drying, otherwise, with seamless masonry, the upper rows will put pressure on the lower rows, thereby causing an offset.

How to trim corners

In order to finish the corner of the room, it is necessary to measure the distance. If the tile is long, cut it. On the second wall of this corner, the tiles are measured to the edge of the laid out elements at the corner. Also cut and fixed.

There is already a formed corner for sale. It is made at 90 degrees. It remains only to glue it to the surface. This eliminates the possibility of cutting (dust) and taking measurements (may be inaccurate - error in millimeters).

How to stack with wallpaper combination

There are 2 methods to combine cladding with wallpapering:

  1. First, according to the markup, they make a lining without the last pebble. Then they glue the wallpaper and lay the last tiles with an overlap.
  2. Initially, they glue the wallpaper, then they make the lining.

The first method is:

  • surface preparation;
  • its markup;
  • lining, without the last pebbles bordering on future wallpaper;
  • sticking cut wallpaper according to the intended pattern;
  • laying the last elements. They should lie on the wallpaper by 2 mm.

Second way:

  • it is necessary to prepare the surface and cover it with a primer;
  • further draw the borders of wallpaper and tiles. Make markings for decor;
  • glue wallpaper;
  • after that, the surface is lined with brick slabs.

Do not forget about the seams between the rows. If glue gets on front side tiles or wallpaper, it must be wiped immediately with a rag or sponge.

What to consider when interior decoration

While working, you need to take into account the nuances:

  1. Do not forget about the gaps between decorative bricks.
  2. Before you make a lining on the surface, you need to choose the right adhesive solution. If the wall is cemented, cement-based glue is chosen (it shrinks), if it is GKL - gypsum plaster.
  3. If the surface is made of plasterboard, care must be taken that it can withstand the weight of the tile and glue. How well the metal crate is made.

No floor-to-ceiling cladding required decorative elements if the GCR is glued to the surface. You can make fragments - around the door or below.

  1. If glue gets on the front side of the tile, it must be removed immediately, otherwise the appearance of the decor will be damaged.
  2. The bottom-first row is laid out last, fitting the tiles under the floor surface or the border of the plinth. Sometimes tiles need to be cut.

If you know all the nuances, the installation will go smoothly.

Do I need to open the surface of the decoration for artificial brick in the room with varnish

After the glue has dried, the surface must be varnished. This will protect against external destructive factors: moisture, temperature changes. As well as dust settling - the lacquered lining can be easily wiped with a damp microfiber to remove settled dust. Unvarnished decor will quickly be erased, darken from absorbed dust.

There are different types of varnish - matte, glossy, with color and semi-white.

How to decorate walls around imitation brick: options

The surface decoration around the decor is made according to the general interior. It could be wall painting. The color is chosen lighter than the brick, at the same time it should be in harmony with the general background.

Wallpaper is also selected light. Patterned wallpapers are not allowed. Mostly it is a monochromatic material.

Photo wallpapers are selected carefully so that the brick complements the overall picture, and does not stand out. Also pick up and 3D wallpaper.

Sometimes there is a combination of cladding and wood. But, this is approached with caution - natural wood should be present in the setting of the room.

Useful video

Modern designers claim that the brick wall in the interior is back in fashion - photos and videos abound interesting ideas. In this case, it is not necessary to make solid brickwork in a house or apartment, you can stick photo wallpaper or make a beautiful decoration with your own hands from foam.

We are accustomed to the fact that the walls must be necessarily smooth, even, that wallpaper must be pasted on them, and rarely do we dare to realize bold ideas and fantasies. And sometimes we even get an old house with uneven brick walls already in the hallway or living room, and we spend fabulous money to put it in order - this is new plaster, primer, grout or the need to paint. As a result, complete finishing costs us too much. At the same time, we miss a unique opportunity not only to save on repairs, but also to realize original design with their own hands, leaving a good part of the wall in its original form, slightly correcting the texture.

Advice! A brick wall is a great alternative to panels, tiles, it is more interesting than wallpaper or even photo wallpaper, it is loved to be used as part of a kitchen or living room.

Where is it appropriate to apply a brick wall

Previously, a brick wall was used as an organic decoration. lofts- apartments that were arranged in abandoned buildings of former factories, many have been preserved in history unique photos reflecting the style of those times. The authorities gave them to the tenants on the condition that they themselves repair them, the tenants, as a rule, became poor families or students who decided that a brick wall could exist anyway, they didn’t really need plaster, wallpaper, and any decoration, just a little sand the surface and paint the walls.

Students organized parties, where representatives of the wealthy segments of the population also came, they drew attention to interesting walls living room, took photos, showed it to friends, even considered it a unique design, and began to copy it in their homes. This is how a specific style appeared, combining incompatible things - bohemianism and poverty, as a result, this design fell in love with many city dwellers for many years. Today it fits into many modern trends.

Styles to Match with Brick Finishes

Such a decor element will look great in the following styles:

  • grunge - in fact, it is a mixture of many directions, the main point of which is "time slowdown". It is the brick wall that perfectly reflects this nuance, and it does not matter whether it is natural brick or wallpaper for brickwork. This attitude is typical special people who live "in their own world";
  • provence, country - this style involves unity with nature, the style of a cozy rural house, a warm stove, etc.

Advice! For lovers of rustic motifs, wallpaper with a painted fireplace in the living room or brick apron for the kitchen;

  • english interior- not a single medieval castle could do without brickwork, many people found the combination of a brick wall and a huge wrought-iron bed for the bedroom to be a special charm. Many apartment owners who love medieval themes from the Game of Thrones series even use specific wall murals with traced bricks and antique candelabra for the living room and kitchen. Such imitation allows them to feel like the heroes of films about old England;
  • gothic - the “a la brick wall” style is loved by artists in the design of their studios and people with informal notes in their souls who prefer dark tones, gloomy castles, crosses, heavy forging, etc., they are ready to see this element in any room - from the bedroom to the kitchen. Decorating the walls with bricks with their own hands will be a joy for them, they are happy to study the technique and decide on brickwork, or, if they come to the conclusion that imitation will be a more meaningful move, they build decorations from foam.

In order to ennoble a brick wall today, just like in the old days, wallpaper, plaster or sanding is not required, it just needs to be cleaned and varnished or painted. But what if the soul demands to make a brick wall the heart of the kitchen or living room, but it is not? There is a way out of this situation - imitation, for this you simply need to purchase wallpaper or make walls according to photo or video instructions from foam.

Brickwork appears in many fashionable interior styles. Imitation brick for interior decoration is spectacular way create a cozy and harmonious design of the room. The reception allows designers to gently focus on all the walls or subtly emphasize a certain area of ​​​​the apartment.


Natural brick has a large weight and volume. It creates too much load on the load-bearing floors, which is unsafe for residents of a multi-storey building. And yet, such masonry is not easy for a beginner in construction work.

Sometimes partitions are laid out of brick in large rooms, which are left to "live" in a rough finish.. You can use stone in spot decor elements. For interior finishing work, it is almost never used.

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Stone masonry as the main accent in the interior of the kitchen

There are many methods to create an artificial brick wall that is visually indistinguishable from the real one. Depending on the financial capabilities, preferences or fantasies of the tenants, you can choose different texture, color, cell size. Choose the best view for the chosen interior style in accordance with the design of the building.

On the modern market finishing materials there are dozens of decorative tiles with different levels of rigidity, ready-made flat panels or thick wallpaper with an imitation of a characteristic pattern. If desired, you can not buy special products at all, using ordinary plaster, adhesive tape or a plastic stencil.

Ways to create a brick wall using ready-made finishing materials

The main advantages of products imitating bricks are the absence of pressure on the slabs. due to its light weight and small thickness, thanks to which the volume does not steal from the space. And yet, it is much cheaper than a real stone. It is much more convenient and faster to work with it.

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Spectacular look of ceramic tiles

In stores there are different options for finishing materials. Among them are several types of tiles, roll wallpaper, wide panels. Each element of decor has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The complexity and speed of the laying process differ for each method. Read all the instructions carefully and choose the best option. Be sure to consider the physical properties of the materials.

Soft tiles

It is the leader in ease of installation and handling. It has bright decorative qualities, it is almost impossible to distinguish it from the original texture. Not only suitable for interior rooms, but also for decoration of balconies, loggias, terraces, external columns or building walls.

Read also:

Flexible tiles are available in a wide range of colors

Due to the elastic, bending structure, it is convenient to spread it on rounded planes, in corners, for facing of small architectural forms. The product is sold in a variety of colors, which makes it interesting to combine shades, create catchy compositions.

Advantages of facing material

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Consider the advantages of soft tiles and find out the reasons for its incredible popularity among master finishers:

The perfect fake

Products are resistant to high temperatures, practically do not burn, immediately melt and fade. This is the most important factor in terms of safety in case of an unexpected fire.

What you need

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First of all, prepare everything you need:

  • Flexible tiles (check the quantity with the sales consultant, having previously measured the area)
  • Primer

It is best to buy a bucket with a ready-made mass for tiles, which does not have to be diluted and brought to the desired consistency. However, a dry mix will also work if there are good reasons in its favor. Be sure to consult in the store what glue is best to use to work with the selected material, and read the recommendations in the instructions for the tiles.

Universal adhesive for flexible stone

  • 2 spatulas: smooth and serrated, 15-20 cm wide. The depth of the teeth of the latter should be 4-8 mm. The first is needed to apply glue to the surface, and the second will help to evenly distribute the substance, which will ensure better adhesion.
  • Building level and long ruler(1-1.5 m). If you allow the slightest unevenness or bevel away from the right angle, after a couple of three rows they will become visually obvious. The neatness and impeccability of the appearance will be hopelessly spoiled
  • Cord for marking
  • tassel 1 cm wide for processing tile joints
  • Simple pencil and scissors

Installation steps

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1 At the first stage, the wall is carefully prepared. It is leveled, polished, cleaned of the old coating.

2 Next, they pass through it with a primer, which has antiseptic qualities. This will protect your decor from mold and mildew. Will provide more tenacious fastening of a tile and a wall.

Wait until the primer is completely dry. Work begins in a room where the air temperature is not lower than 5 ° C.

3 Mark the entire surface with a simple pencil. Be sure to determine the bottom and top row of masonry. Use a ruler and level.

The visual simplicity of tiling corners and outer edges of walls with soft tiles

4 Stir the glue with a flat tool and apply it to an area 1 m wide and 0.5 m high. The layer thickness should be no more than 3-4 mm.

5 Carefully level the adhesive mass with a notched trowel.

6 Spread the first row, work from the bottom up. If the first one started with a whole tile, then the second one continues with a half or a third, depending on the desired type of masonry. Cut tiles with simple scissors.

7 Gently press the material against the wall and gently smooth over the entire area.

8 Make sure that the distance between the rows is the same. So the seams will look neat.

9 Before applying glue to the next section, go over the seams with a thin brush dipped in water. Smooth out both vertical and horizontal furrows.

Before laying, remove all the tiles from the packages and mix them thoroughly with each other. So you evenly distribute products, the shades of which can vary minimally.

Volumetric panels with brick imitation

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Finished panels have big size, so their installation is much faster. They are glued end-to-end, in rows, like puzzles. They close right away large plot surface, so this lining is easy to do with your own hands.

Cladding panels with characteristic check pattern

Product varieties

Exists different types panels, depending on the material from which they are made:

  1. Hardboard (compressed woodworking waste)
  2. fiberglass
  3. Glass fiber reinforced concrete (cement with glass fiber fibers). Very strong but heavy material
  4. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
  5. Modified fibreboard (MDP)

PVC Sheet Panel Instance

For interior decoration, the last two varieties are most often used. PVC is a high-quality plastic, and MDP is wood-based panels with plastic elements.

Let's analyze the advantages of such structures:

  • Durability and resistance to environmental influences
  • Plastic is not afraid of chemical detergents, is not subject to mold, corrosion
  • Easy to clean from dust, dirt, grease, yellow plaque
  • Provides excellent sound insulation
  • In case of mechanical damage to a certain area, the block can be easily replaced without destroying the entire masonry
  • The material is very light
  • Installation technology is simple and fast
  • Low prices. Due to the large area, fewer boards are required
  • The optimal material for a room with high traffic, which is subject to temperature and humidity changes: kitchen, bathroom, loggia, hallway
  • Panels are easy to cut with an electric jigsaw or hacksaw
  • They perfectly mask the irregularities and imperfections of the wall, do not require their preliminary preparation.
  • When mounted on a frame, the panel perfectly masks engineering communications: pipes, wires, recesses

Facing the balcony with MDP panels

There are models with heaters, which with reverse side supplemented with foam or mineral wool. They are suitable for facing balconies or cold verandas in country houses.

Wall laying

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Depending on the direction of the pattern, the panels are mounted on the wall vertically or horizontally directly on screws or self-tapping screws. On a flat surface, the sheets are perfectly glued to liquid nails or any other polymer adhesive. Heavy blocks can be planted on a cement adhesive mass.

There are designs that are installed on special frames that are attached to the wall with dowels. If the surface is not level, a special subsystem of metal slats or wooden beams. Many panel manufacturers sell ready-made frames with hooks, on which the blocks are hung.

Mounting pattern on the frame subsystem

If you buy the panels separately from the frame, make sure they match and can be used for a single mount. It is best to purchase designs from one manufacturer.

Gypsum tiles

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It belongs to the varieties of hard facing materials and is considered the most cost-effective option. It is very light and aesthetically attractive, it allows you to reliably imitate brickwork.

Elegant appearance of gypsum tiles

The disadvantage is the impossibility of decorating in rooms with high humidity, since gypsum is considered a highly hygroscopic rock. However, there are specimens on sale with additional moisture-proof layers on the inside and outside of the stone. Such tiles can be mounted even in bathrooms.

In addition to the usual rectangular tiles on sale, you can find figured specimens in the form of corners, squares, triangles. It is necessary to glue such material on the composition with the inclusion of gypsum in it. To create aesthetic seams, it is necessary to purchase grout, which fills the space between the rows.

cement tiles

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This material is very strong, durable, resistant to low temperatures. Consists of sand, cement and water. Comes in a variety of textures and shades.

By the way, you can make such a tile yourself if you find a silicone mold. Knead the solution with water and two equal parts of sand and cement to the consistency of thick sour cream. Pour it into the mold and wait until it dries completely.

Cement tiles disguised as "wild stone"

Homemade tiles require external decoration, as well as applying paint or varnish. It can be coated with color and apply a protective coating.

Clinker tiles

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The most expensive option, but also the most effective. This finish looks expensive, noble, elegant. The tile has the highest operational qualities.

Impeccable interior with clinker tiles at the head of the ensemble

It is made from natural, plastic clay, which is pressed and fired at high temperatures. The result is an environmentally friendly and natural material that can be used to line existing fireplaces, stoves, internal and external walls. It will last a long time without losing its bright appearance.

Clinker tiles are decorated in a variety of ways. Its surface can be smooth, rough, glazed or "raw". There are dozens of colors and textures.

How to properly stick hard material on a vertical surface

The process of gluing decorative tiles

Solid tiles are mounted on the wall following the same algorithm. Only the type of adhesive composition can differ. Choose the one that is preferable for the material from which the tile is made: gypsum, cement, clay, etc.

Process technology:

The same tools are prepared from the inventory, which are listed in the section on installing soft tiles. Add grinder with a disc designed for cutting stone or a hand-held circular saw.

Due to the severity of the material, the procedure is considered more complex. It also includes an additional final stage for sealing seams.

1 The wall is leveled, cleaned, primed

2 Carefully make markings with a simple pencil. Designate the upper and lower boundaries of the masonry, calculate the number of rows between them, draw perfectly straight lines

When calculating the distance between rows, do not forget about the gaps for the seams. The average thickness of the seam in brickwork is 8-12 mm.

3 Prepare the glue

4 Carefully study the instructions for packaging with tiles. Some heavy materials must also be glued on the inside

5 Apply adhesive to the wall and level it with a notched trowel

Clinker installation

6 Press the tile to the surface for 10 seconds. Start working from the bottom up

Do not be lazy to check the evenness and symmetry of each row with a level.

7 To perform the same seams temporarily inserted between rows wooden slats or special calibrators. After setting the adhesive composition, they are removed and transferred to the next row.

8 When the masonry is completed, the seams are filled with a special grout. It is placed in a plastic bag with a cut corner, and gently squeezed into the hole. They work carefully so that the mass does not fall on outside tiles

Wallpaper for brick coating

Wallpaper with a brick pattern is an inexpensive and easy way to add charm and sophistication to the interior. They look especially advantageous in the office, in the kitchen, in the hallway. The appearance of rooms changes quickly and irrevocably.

Wallpaper with this pattern looks stylish and catchy

Please note that if the entire room is covered with wallpaper, such a print will visually reduce the space. Therefore, registration is permissible only in large rooms.

Wallpaper is glued in the traditional way, without special recommendations and additional instructions.

DIY brickwork imitation

Looks original and stylish. Against its background, a loft-style room or other interior design options will look spectacular. To create a similar finish, it is not necessary to make natural masonry. You can simulate it. Masonry in this case can be made on different grounds. under the brick, will be discussed in detail later.

Brick imitation options

Brick wall decoration (photo below) will be relevant for almost any room. The masonry looks stylish, interesting. Such walls allow you to create an original, modern interior. However, not everyone has them built of brick. In this case, you can make an artificial finish. Depending on the technique chosen, it will look more or less natural. There are the following options for artificial brick trim:

  • decorative tiles;
  • gypsum;
  • building panels;
  • dye;
  • wallpaper;
  • Styrofoam;
  • decorative plaster;
  • drywall.

To choose suitable option, you need to consider the features of each of the listed types of brick wall decoration.

One of the popular options is the use of panels. This material has different options for decorating the outer surface. One of them is brickwork. These are rectangular slabs that can be made of plastic or MDF. The first of these options is suitable for installation in rooms with a high level of humidity, for example, in a bathroom or kitchen.

MDF boards can be used in almost all rooms. Since they are made of pressed wood chips, it is better to mount such panels in dry rooms.

The advantage of panels that imitate brickwork is ease of installation, light weight of the material, and ease of maintenance. If for some reason one section is damaged, it can be easily replaced. To do this, the plates are purchased with a margin.

Wallpaper and painting

You can decorate the wall of the room under a brick with the help of wallpaper. This is one of the most simple options. In this case, repairs can be done quickly and inexpensively. You just need to choose the appropriate pattern for the wallpaper. Modern printing technologies allow you to create really brick-like imitations. The surface may even have a texture similar to masonry. Each brick will be convex and have a rough surface.

The use of wallpaper with a brick pattern is suitable for finishing even a small room. Its dimensions will not decrease. At the same time, the costs of repair work will be minimal. It is quite possible to paste over the walls with wallpaper yourself. The disadvantage of this technique is the fact that the finish will still look unnatural. The bricks will not be convex enough. Therefore, it will be noticeable that this is just wallpaper.

When considering how to make a brick wall yourself, you should pay attention to such an option as special coloring. This technique is suitable for rooms with very smooth walls. Repairs can also be done by hand. Even a novice master will cope with this task. Painted walls are easy to clean.

Finishing in this case will be relatively inexpensive. At the same time, paint can additionally protect the walls from moisture. Therefore, this option is suitable for the kitchen, bathroom, loggia.

To create such a decorative surface, you will need to purchase acrylic, water-based or elastomeric paint. Each brick can have a natural color. In some interiors (for example, in a nursery), the masonry can be bright, unusual. Each brick is decorated with colors unusual for such a finish (pink, yellow, blue, etc.).

Of course, a paint coating is not able to create the look of a natural brick. However, if this is not required, this option will be one of the most preferable. For finishing, you need to mark the wall by drawing each brick. First, the surface is primed, and then painted with the main color. It matches the shade of the mortar between the bricks. Next, seal all the gaps that imitate the lines of the solution. The first coat of paint is applied using a roller. You can manually add shades to the bricks. So the drawing will look more effective.


Considering options for how to make a brick wall in an apartment, you should pay attention to material such as tiles. Today, many options for tiles are produced, which imitate with their appearance brick. At the same time, tiles have a number of advantages. Compared to natural brickwork, this finish is relatively inexpensive. Its weight will be less, since the thickness of the plates is small. You can choose the design of tiles for almost any interior.

Tiles can be made from different materials. It may be artificial or a natural stone. Also on sale are clinker and gypsum tiles that imitate brickwork. The choice depends on the operating conditions of the finish, as well as the budget allocated for the repair.

Clinker tiles are made from clay and sand. Its surface may be smooth or rough. This is a strong, durable material that is not afraid of various external influences. Most often, this option is used to finish the kitchen. Such a surface is easy to clean from various contaminants using detergents.

How to make a white brick wall? In this case, you can use gypsum tiles. On sale is a material that has a different shade. It is an inexpensive, environmentally friendly material. It is suitable for dry rooms.

Tiles made of natural or artificial stone are often used to create exterior finish, for example, when decorating an outdoor fireplace or a recreation area on your own site.


Considering options for how to make a decorative brick wall, you should pay attention to another interesting approach. You can create an imitation of masonry from ordinary foam. The masonry in this case will be convex and uneven. With the right finish, it will be possible to create styrofoam bricks that look very similar to the natural material.

You can create such a finish in almost any room. Styrofoam is a very lightweight material. Therefore, there are no difficulties during installation. It is especially recommended to pay attention to this option when finishing interior partition from drywall. Styrofoam in this case will perform the function of not only decor, but also soundproofing.

You can make foam bricks quickly. The cost of such finishing will be minimal. To make artificial masonry, you will need to draw lines on a sheet of foam that will delimit each individual brick. The material is cut with a sharp knife.

When the required number of blocks is cut, they are glued to the wall. Leave a space between each brick. After that, the surface is painted. You need to choose a coating that will be compatible with the artificial material.

You can make a similar finish from drywall. The technology is the same as when using foam. Drywall blocks are glued to a special gypsum-based compound.

Decorative plaster

You can make a brick wall out of plaster. This option looks spectacular in the interior. With the help of this material, convex, textured surfaces are created. At the same time, the creation of such a coating does not cause difficulties.

Apply to the surface. It is not necessary to perfectly align the walls. They may have minor imperfections. The finish will be durable. It is washed with the help of economic means. You can make such a finish with your own hands. This greatly reduces the overall cost of repairs.

In addition, imitation brickwork from plaster is good insulation. Heat loss in the room during the cold period is noticeably reduced. Moreover, the owners of an apartment or a private house can choose the texture and color of the finish on their own.

When creating a brick wall finish from plaster, you can choose different shades. The invoice can be very different. The final result will depend on her choice. The surface of each block can be rough or smooth. Interior design using this technique can be created in accordance with the latest fashion trends.

The disadvantage of finishing with plaster is the fact that its surface is clogged with dirt and dust. Therefore, it is better not to use such materials when finishing the kitchen. In rooms, such surfaces are easily washed with ordinary household chemicals.

Making decorative bricks from gypsum

Brick wall decoration can be made from. Moreover, they can be created independently. This is a creative and interesting process. First you need to make a form. It is made from silicone. Each decorative brick should be 5 to 20 mm thick. To create a form, you need to make from solid material base model. It could be a real brick. It is coated with Vaseline, and then with a layer of silicone. You can make a form with which several will be poured at once decorative bricks.

When this step is completed, you can start mixing the solution. Dry gypsum is mixed with water. You should get a thick mass. The form must be lubricated with soapy water or petroleum jelly. Next, plaster is poured into it. This must be done carefully. The fill is leveled by drawing a regular ruler over the surface. Gypsum hardens within 30 minutes.

After that, the form is carefully turned over, taking out the blanks. White decorative bricks are obtained. They can be painted in any other shade. The white wall also looks interesting in the interior.

There is a simple technique for making a brick wall from a similar material. It is glued to a special composition (you can purchase glue for tiles). Using a notched trowel, the composition is applied to the surface. Next, each homemade block is glued to the surface.

Preparing the wall for finishing

It is quite possible to make brick walls with your own hands. Step by step instructions will help you with this. Before finishing, you will need to properly prepare the base of the walls. To do this, remove the old wallpaper, helmet or other material. When this procedure is completed, the surface of the base is thoroughly washed. If it's wallpaper, take it off. Old plaster also needs to be removed.

When the wall surface is prepared, it is necessary to assess the extent of its damage. If the irregularities are large, they should be repaired with putty. If painting or wallpapering is to be carried out, you need to create a perfectly flat surface. To do this, a layer of starting and then finishing putty is applied.

When the surface is leveled, it must be primed. This is necessary for a strong adhesion of the adhesive to the base. The primer may include antiseptic components. They prevent development under the layer finishing material mold.

There are different primers. They are designed to be applied to different types of substrates. There are the following types of primer:

  1. Acrylic. It is applied to concrete, cement, plywood and wooden walls.
  2. Glyphate. Apply to metal and wooden surfaces.
  3. Alkyd. For wooden walls.
  4. Perchlorovinyl. Suitable for concrete, metal or plaster surfaces.

By choosing suitable composition, it is applied in two layers. The primer is applied for the first time, leaving it to dry completely. Next, you should process the walls again. After that, the surface becomes ready for further finishing.

Finishing work

When learning how to make brick walls in the interior, you should use a simple instruction. After preparing the base, it should be drawn. Draw a straight line at the bottom. In this case, you should not focus on the level of the floor. For this work, a building level is used. The wall is delimited, leaving the required distance between the blocks.

The material chosen as a decorative brick must be coated on the reverse side with an adhesive composition. Further, according to the markup, the block is glued to the wall. First lay out the first row from the bottom. The next row is created in a checkerboard pattern. The material from which decorative bricks are made usually does not weigh much. Therefore, it is not necessary that the blocks rest on one another.

After all the decorative masonry elements are glued to the base, you can paint the seams in the selected color. This must be done carefully. In the course of work, a thin brush is used.

Application of plaster

When deciding how to make a brick wall in an apartment, many owners prefer plaster. From it you can create a textured surface. First, markup is also created. The seams between the decorative bricks are painted with paint of the desired color. When it dries, the surface of the wall is covered with construction tape. Special thin tapes are on sale. They are glued first along horizontal lines.

When this work is done, plaster is applied to the wall. The mixture should be quite viscous so that it does not spread or slide off the base. Pigment can be added to the composition if desired. The surface of the wall must be rough. You can also make the finish smooth.


How to make a brick wall from plaster? After the necessary training the composition is applied to the walls from the bottom up, evenly distributing it over the surface. You need to work quickly so that the plaster does not have time to harden. After that, while the layer is still semi-moist, you need to carefully remove the masking tape. At the same time, they pull on the horizontal lines. The vertical crossbars will also be removed from the solution. After that, the finish should dry well.

It can be made easier. A layer of plaster is applied to the prepared wall. Until it is completely frozen, with the help of a knitting needle or other sharp object, markings in the form of bricks are cut out on the surface. Dry brushing clean the edges, giving the finish a more natural look. After that, the space between each drawn block is painted. This must be done carefully so as not to go beyond the lines. The surface of decorative plaster bricks can be treated with varnish or paint.

Having considered how to make a brick wall, you can create an original, stylish interior. The room will look interesting and unusual.