Dome houses: examples and overview of construction technologies. Dome greenhouse Drawings of the rotunda dome

An interesting architectural solution is the construction of a round gazebo - in the form of a dome or rotunda. This form allows you to "dilute" the classic square and rectangular buildings, which are usually found in the country.

Beautiful shape with three tiers

Round arbors are often confused with.

They do look alike, but different design walls and roofs.

The publication will show various examples of round arbors that can be implemented on your site.

Some advice will also be given on the construction of such a structure on its own, in particular, the foundation, the frame and the design of the rafters for the roof.

There are really a lot of ideas with a round shape. One classification stretched for as many as 7 points, each of which will have its own examples with photographs. Picking up some idea for your own construction is not difficult.

All buildings vary greatly in price. The cheapest material was and remains wood, and brick or stone buildings are noticeably more expensive. The aesthetics of such a complex shape as round is quite expensive.

from wood

The classic building material - wood, is the most popular and cheapest among all types and forms of arbors (unless we are talking about debarked logs with a diameter of 300 mm).

Such buildings look very civilized, besides, modern impregnations and antiseptics allow the tree to stand and not rot for decades. Therefore, you can not worry about the reliability of such structures.

Due to the lightness of the material, the gazebo does not require a serious and capital foundation. In most cases, ordinary foundation blocks are sufficient.


I have met quite a few as unique architectural solutions(made to order), and standard (ready for sale). All these arbors are similar, but they have a huge difference both in aesthetic beauty and in the quality of the metal.

The more massive the structure, the more expensive and better it is. Thick metal will stand for decades if it is treated in time against corrosion and painted. thin metal, especially profile pipes, can be seriously deformed during operation, especially if you plan to use it often.

The presence of a metal crate also affects the price.

Any aesthetic moments associated with metal require additional material and the work of a welder, so they are expensive. But almost any metal building will look very beautiful, regardless of the project - I can’t say the same about wooden arbors.

from brick

Some of the most expensive and capital buildings are brick. To lay out round shape it is necessary to show some ingenuity and skill, since you cannot fix a brick on a self-tapping screw.

Sometimes the structure is additionally reinforced with concrete lintels and metal reinforcement in order to withstand all the contours of the building.

Of course, such structures are expensive. In addition, the owners often ask to install an oven complex, since it is somehow not civil to cook meat nearby on a small barbecue.

Before deciding to build such a large gazebo, you need to allocate a site on your site.

In addition to the structure itself, it is necessary to take into account landscape design around, and in general free space. It is pointless to build such a building on a small plot.


Against the background of past photos, polycarbonate will look simply ridiculous, but it will also cost tens or even hundreds of times less. Due to the flexibility of carbonate boards, making a round shape at the roof or even walls will not be a serious problem.

Polycarbonate sheets must be laid out with honeycombs down, and not sideways - this will allow the condensate to leave naturally.

In any case, it will not work to make a gazebo only from polycarbonate, since a frame is needed on which it will be attached. In most cases, it is wood or metal.

You can build such structures without problems with your own hands, and if you are interested in buying, then this is also not a problem - the price is quite acceptable even for high-quality slabs.

With barbecue (Finnish grill)

Due to the round shape, installing a barbecue inside the gazebo becomes difficult. They can only boast of the possibility of cooking in a round room, which have already been discussed in detail on our website.

The price of these buildings is relatively small - from 180 to 300 thousand rubles on average.

An example of a Finnish gazebo

Thanks to its design with a chimney and a barbecue in the center, you can simultaneously relax and cook meat on open hearth right inside the house. And it is safe and without strong smoke. If you are interested in this approach to the recreation area, then you can pay special attention to the Finnish grill option.

With dome and columns (rotunda)

Do you know what the gazebo with a dome and a column of 7 letters is called? Rotunda! Often this question is asked in scanwords and crossword puzzles. It is a massive structure with a domed roof and columns (in budget options, these are wooden, metal or stone pillars).

It is rare to see such a building on suburban area. Usually they stand in city parks, squares or near monuments (I saw the latter near the Victory Monument in Saransk). However, some summer residents are willing to pay for such architectural masterpieces, if the site and finances allow.


A certain thrill in me is arbors with lighting, which can be both decorative and strictly practical. In any case, the issue of light in the room is very acute, especially when the night suddenly comes around, and the rest does not plan to end at all.

In my personal opinion, you need to think over the light in any recreation area. This is a strategically important facility, which should be ready to receive people at any time. And if everything around also shines from the light, then this will also add an additional pleasant effect to the rest.

DIY construction

I would like to say a few words about the construction of round arbors. Their design is noticeably more complicated than the classical ones. If you do not want to go deep into the domed roof or undulating horizontal railings, then we recommend that you consider building a hexagonal shape.

In most cases, it also looks beautiful, but the corners still stand out. If this option does not suit you, then let's consider the option with a round shape.


If it is not planned to work with heavy building material (brick, concrete and stone), then a block foundation is enough - 20 by 20 by 40 cm placed around the foundation blocks. You can easily put the bottom trim on them and partially support the logs for the floor.

A more reliable foundation can be made from pillars. To do this, it is necessary to dig holes for the poles, fill them with concrete, then fix the metal "sleeves" in them and install the poles. Such a design will be protected from any "game" of the soil.

If you are interested in a more serious building, then the round foundation must be made tape. Shallow will be enough - it is not at all necessary to dig a trench deeper than the freezing of the soil, about 60-70 cm will be enough.


Installing pillars is no different from a classic gazebo. You need to fix them vertically on metal corners(if we are talking about a tree). Depending on the design of your gazebo, you will need 6 or 8 posts.

The upper trim will be covered by the roof, so it does not require special aesthetics. The main thing is reliability.

Roof device

In order to create a round roof, it will be necessary to use rafters and a circular crate, on top of which the roof will be laid. You can see the project of this roof below. An additional level has been erected in the center. There is no practical meaning in it, it is needed only for aesthetics.

The device of a round roof with sloping rafters

Small architectural forms, which include garden and park gazebos, play a leading role in the organization and arrangement of recreation areas. There are many varieties of them, differing not only in the materials from which they are built.

The main differences are constructive. It can be arbors round and semicircular; hexagonal and rectangular; light summer and capital; with a dome flat roof or awning.

The choice is rather big, but in this article we will talk about how to make a round gazebo with your own hands - the most interesting, although not the easiest option.

The main materials used are brick, wood and metal. And in this regard, there is no difference what shape they are: round, rectangular or, for example, hexagonal.

By and large, the circle is not far removed in shape from the polygon. And therefore, the gazebo is round, and to be more precise, its frame is built according to the principle of a six- or octahedron - depending on the size of the building.

  • The final shape of the building is given by the elements of filling the spans between the uprights: if they are straight, then a polyhedron is obtained (see), if spherical, a rotunda or a semicircular arbor is obtained. This applies not only to walls, but also to the structure of the roof, which in this case is not pitched, but conical or domed.

As for the foundation, much depends on the dimensions and, accordingly, the mass of the structure. can be installed on a flat area, laid out paving slabs, and nothing to the base is attached. But for capital arbors, especially covered ones, built of brick or timber, a solid foundation is being erected.

Which option to prefer

The ancestor of the round gazebo was the classic rotunda. In historical architecture, round shapes were considered perfect at all times, and the space inside such a structure was identified with peace and harmony. It is for this reason that all temples, both ancient and modern, have streamlined rounded shapes.


  • A semicircular garden gazebo or a rotunda is, one might say, universal options for a backyard or park. And if such a structure is also successfully located on a hill or near a pond (see) - the harmony will be complete.

  • Most often, rotundas are made of brick, with decorative stone or plaster finishes. Oddly enough, building a round gazebo on your own from brick is much easier than from wood or metal. After all, the whole problem lies in the curved forms of the span filling elements.
  • It is clear that bending the wooden arches, which we see in the photo above, with our own hands, and even at home, is simply impossible. This is done in woodworking industries: peeled or sliced ​​hardwood veneer is used for bending: birch, alder, beech, poplar, ash, maple. This is not a complete list of species, and birch is considered the most plastic of them.

  • It is possible to obtain a curvilinear shape unusual for wood only as a result of its hydrothermal treatment. Therefore, do-it-yourself wooden round arbors can only be assembled from factory parts, and not made on your own. Moreover, they have not only curved arches, but also the roof elements and the filling of the spans have rounded shapes.
  • All of the above also applies to: that wood bending, that metal forging is an impossible process at home. Therefore, if you want an elegant cylindrical gazebo, give preference to the factory version. The price of the building will depend not only on the size, but also on the complexity of manufacturing decorative elements.

If you want to have an elegant capital gazebo, pay attention to the classic rotunda. We will try to clarify this issue in detail by telling you how to build a round gazebo with columns. Although this option cannot be called the cheapest, it is certainly the most respectable and durable.

The principle of building a rotunda

The basis of such a structure as a rotunda are columns. They are built not only from brick, but also from stone, monolithic concrete poured into a detachable formwork with a special internal coating. Usually, these are factory-made auxiliary structures made of moisture-resistant drywall.

  • In addition, there are also prefabricated elements of columns on sale, made from composite raw materials, based on polymerized gypsum or cement. For this, even concrete piles with a circular cross section can be used, which can simultaneously play the role of a foundation.
  • This method of erecting a rotunda is possible only when the quality of the soil requires it, and on the site, according to the project, piles are also driven under the house at the same time. We will talk about how to simplify the process of installing columns a little later, but now we will pay attention to the preparation and arrangement of a reliable foundation.
  • So, let's figure out how to make a round gazebo with your own hands. If you purchase a factory set of rotunda elements, then to it in without fail drawings are also attached, which must be followed during assembly. In addition, the manufacturer will provide recommendations regarding the design of the base.

It is possible that the foundation will not have to be built, since some rotundas are self-supporting. It's not the best cheap option, but such a building will have not only columns, but also a beautiful balustrade with figured balusters, and a fiberglass dome. If you want to completely manage on your own, build a brick gazebo.

brick supports

Be that as it may, for the stability of the structure, you need to make strong supports under the columns. The most convenient in this case will be a columnar foundation. It is also built of brick, it can even be used, but always ceramic.


  • The order of work is as follows: first, the territory is planned, the outline of the building is marked, and then earthworks are carried out. Marking is necessary in order to observe the geometric proportions of the building and correctly determine the location of the foundation pillars, and, accordingly, the columns of the rotunda.
  • To do this, you need to determine the size of the gazebo and, in accordance with them, first draw a circle of the appropriate radius on the ground, and then enter a polygon into it. Classic variant for a rotunda with a diameter of 4 m, these are six columns. So, you have to draw a hexagon. You can easily find instructions on how to do this correctly, including on our website.

  • According to the markings made in the corners of the hexagon, hammer in the pegs, and you can begin to develop the soil. The foundation pillars are usually deepened by 1-1.2 m, for which it is necessary to make an appropriate excavation of the earth. The bottom of the pit is poured about 20 cm sand and gravel mix, covered with a waterproof film and proceed to laying out the column.
  • Depending on the massiveness of the building, one row of masonry may consist of four or six bricks. The space formed inside is filled with masonry mortar, into which the reinforcement bars are embedded. This also applies to foundation pillars and brick columns, into which they pass in the ground part of the structure.
  • Vertical reinforcement gives the structures the necessary strength, and the reinforcement outlets in the upper part of the columns make it possible to make a rigid strapping of the frame, as well as to weld, say, a metal roof dome to them. If the columns are not laid out of brick, but are assembled from factory elements, then the base of the columns is also welded to the embedded parts on the foundation.

We should not forget about horizontal reinforcement, which, according to technology, should be carried out in every fourth row of masonry. For this purpose, steel strips or mesh are used, which are laid in the seam between the rows. After the foundation pillar (see) is brought out just above the ground surface, the masonry surface must be leveled with mortar and allowed to harden.


Next, the laying of columns will begin, but before proceeding with it, it is necessary to make horizontal waterproofing. To do this, the squares of roofing material are laid on a layer bituminous mastic. This operation is mandatory for tape, monolithic and columnar foundations, as it prevents capillary absorption of moisture from the soil by ground structures.


  • For the vertical surfaces of the foundation, only coating waterproofing is sufficient, which is usually performed either with hot bitumen or liquid glass. To protect the structure from moisture and low temperatures, appropriate additives should be added to the masonry mortar.

  • As for the columns, they can be laid out not only from ceramic, but also silicate brick. Here the main thing is its shape, and if you don’t want to deal with plaster later, the decorative effect of the surface. For laying out cylindrical columns, it is very convenient to use a shaped brick of this shape, as in the picture below.
  • It differs in configuration and, as a rule, has a higher grade than ordinary brick, as it is used not only for masonry, but also for cladding. There are no differences in masonry technology, and columns are erected similarly to foundation pillars.

  • The rotunda is usually made higher than simple gazebo. With a diameter of 4 m, its height with a dome reaches about 4.5-4.8 m. At the same time, the columns are 2.8-3m, and the rest is the roof. A classic rotunda can only have columns, or it can have walls with openings. If you want to build just such an option, then along the contour of the circle, between the columns, you will have to fill in a shallow strip foundation.
  • Openings are made in the walls and usually they have an arched shape. To lay out a brick arch, a special formwork must be used - circled. It is installed so that it rests on the walls, and wedged. For laying an arched lintel, a wedge-shaped brick is used, which has a trapezoidal shape in cross section.
  • The difference in the width of the narrow and wide edges can be 10 or 20 mm, due to which it is convenient to lay out arches with different radii. When using ordinary bricks, the shape of the arch is given by increasing the thickness of the seams on one side. There are many nuances here, and it is impossible to tell everything at once. Best Help for a beginner at work - this is a video from professionals.
  • The binding of the upper perimeter of the columns can be made by analogy with lintels - using formwork and brickwork- but it's quite difficult. It is much easier to do this, as, indeed, the entire dome for the rotunda is made of metal. As a lining under roofing material it is better to use flexible plastic slats.
  • Do not bend a wooden beam in the desired radius, but the polymer analogue bends well and is not inferior in strength to wood at all. They are laid in two rows and, like ordinary shingles, are screwed to the rafters with self-tapping screws. It remains only to choose a suitable form, flexible roofing material. And here it is hardly possible to come up with something better than roofing tiles.
  • The easiest way is to order the roof frame separately, install it entirely on the finished columns, and then make the crate and lay the roofing material. Under the order, they will make the roof completely for you - just such an openwork, as in the picture above. It looks gorgeous, however, you can’t hide from the rain in such a gazebo.

As for the finishing of brick columns, they can be decoratively plastered, for example, marbled, as well as various overlay decors can be used. As a result, you will get a real antique rotunda: the pride and beauty of your estate.

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Deciding on a project for dacha construction, first of all, not only comfort is evaluated, but also appearance future building. Private house It is considered to be a place to relax, so it should be made beautiful and comfortable. If you wish to build on personal plot unique greenhouse, house or gazebo, then you should try to think about the construction of a geodesic dome. In appearance, this is a rather complicated structure, but even a not very experienced builder is able to build it, and material costs will be small. This article will describe how to build a dome with your own hands.

Geodesic dome definition

Experts believe that most people have no idea about this building design, because it is very rare. That is why it is worth describing in detail all the features and technical characteristics of a geodesic dome. Developed buildings with a load-bearing mesh shell inventor Richard Fuller. First, he took a very solid spherical structure and divided it into small triangles, whose sides are located on regular geodesic lines. Richard Fuller's calculations were able to make the construction of the dome simple and accessible to anyone.

The inventor believed that such a unique building design was supposed to solve the problem of quickly building a cheap and comfortable house. This development was not appreciated by experts, and it not applicable in mass construction. However, for building a unique cafe or a beautiful summer house, the Fuller geodesic dome is the best option.

The development of Richard Fuller is a fairly stable design. The geodesic dome evenly distributes the entire mass, can withstand huge loads and reduces financial investments in the construction of the foundation. The unique spherical shape is able to withstand the most powerful gusts of wind. Savings in the construction of such houses are due to a reduction in the total area of ​​​​the side surface. In the dome itself, round walls help high-quality air circulation, creating a comfortable microclimate.

The main disadvantage can be considered very complex, in comparison with simple houses, mathematical calculations. Since the construction consists of a huge number of parts, then it is necessary to insulate quite a lot of joints. The geodesic dome has no other significant drawbacks.

Measurements and calculations

If you want to build a geodome with your own hands, you must first carry out all the mathematical calculations. the main task calculation of a geodesic dome is that, having a certain radius, get data like this:

It is necessary to focus on such a node for building a geodome as a special connector. This detail is a node that connects all the rafter parts. Since the connector is the main element for fixing the entire structure, it is made of durable high quality material.

Depending on the design of the geodesic dome and the location in it, the connecting connector must have a different number of petals. All fixtures for building a domed house can be purchased or made by hand. A good example would be a connector from ordinary perforated tape. Such a connector has a very valuable quality, because it is quite easy to adjust the angle of inclination on it. Small diameter geodesic domes can be built using the connectorless method. However, when building a large house, it is necessary to use a metal connector to fasten the ribs.

In order to make calculations, you need to know the dimensions of the building. It must be remembered that total area the manufactured geodesic dome will be slightly less than the area of ​​the circle, because at the base there is a polyhedron that is inscribed in a circle. The height of the building can be determined by the total length of the diameter. It is worth noting that the greater the height of the dome, the more the structure will look like a sphere.

To calculate the necessary details of the future design, it is worth using a special online calculator. Need to enter data about the height and radius of the building, and the calculator will calculate the geodome and provide the length and number of ribs, the type and number of connecting connectors.

DIY construction

The most suitable structures for dome construction can be considered small greenhouses, cozy gazebos or country houses. First you need to choose a place to build. If it is a greenhouse, then you need to find a well-lit area. Suitable for a house or gazebo slightly shaded area. The site for any of these buildings is leveled, and then all debris and tree roots are removed from it.


Building a domed greenhouse is the easiest. To assemble it, you do not need a foundation, and the material for the base can be ordinary boards, bars or metal pipes. On a previously prepared surface, it is necessary to begin assembling the base of the greenhouse-dome. First of all, triangles are assembled and fastened together. In order not to confuse the faces, they must be signed and checked against the drawing. If the greenhouse is small, then during assembly, the connecting connector should be replaced with a simple mounting tape and fasteners.

The manufactured geodesic dome should be covered with a simple film. A domed greenhouse will look much better, which covered with polycarbonate sheets. The triangles cut out of polycarbonate must be fixed on the frame, and all joints must be closed with decorative strips. From the street, the geodome can be decorated with decorative stone, plant flowers and install a small fence. Such a domed greenhouse will be a unique decoration of any country house.


In the form of a geodesic dome, you can build a gazebo. For this it is necessary follow these recommendations:

After the manufacture of the design of the domed gazebo, an equally important stage of work follows. It consists in covering a round gazebo with a dome. The material for this can be used very different. If the design of the geodesic dome is not completely covered, and a couple of sections of the gazebo are left open, then they can be decorated with a beautiful fabric. In such a comfortable gazebo, you can enjoy spending your free time with family and friends.


The dome is able to become the basis of a unique house in a summer cottage. The main difference from the gazebo and greenhouse is the need to build a foundation. In order to build a domed house, it is worth adhere to the following recommendations:

  • a well-insulated foundation is needed;
  • special corner posts, which are strengthened with horizontal struts;
  • the construction of a domed house is being assembled;
  • outside the house must be sheathed with plywood sheets.

Having installed the door and window frames, it is worth starting the decoration of the geodesic house from the inside. It is laid in all openings good insulation, which is sewn up with sheets of plywood. In order to build a domed house, it takes no more than three months of work. The shape of the geodesic dome will help save on materials.

When living in such a house, you can appreciate the main advantages of this design.

Villa Rotunda

Villa Capra in Vicenza.

La Rotonda - Vacation home, or villa, built by Andrea Palladio on a hilltop near Vicenza for retired Vatican official Paolo Almerico. After the transfer in 1591 to the ownership of the Capra brothers, Villa Almerico was renamed Villa Capra (Villa Capra). It is sometimes called Villa Almerico Capra.

Andrea Palladio (Italian Andrea Palladio; November 30, 1508 - August 19, 1580, real name - Andrea di Pietro) - the great Italian architect of the late Renaissance. Founder of Palladianism and Classicism. Probably the most influential architect in history.

Palladio's masterpiece is the Villa Almerico-Valmarana ("La Rotonda" (or "Capra") in Vicenza (1551-1567, completed by Vincenzo Scamozzi) - the first secular building of the Renaissance, crowned with a dome. The building is built in proportions of the golden section, like a belvedere with a round a hall crowned with a dome, with a light lantern and light Ionic 6-column porticos with stairs located around it on the sides of the facades.

“In order not to go into architectural details, the easiest way is to conjure up the Bolshoi Theater or the regional House of Culture - they are such thanks to Palladio. And if you were to make a list of people whose efforts the world - at least the world of the Hellenic-Christian tradition from California to Sakhalin - looks like it does, and not otherwise, Palladio would take first place.

Peter Weil. "Genius of the place"

The Villa Rotunda, which is under the protection of UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, is generally recognized as one of the central buildings in the history of European architecture. For Palladian architects, this was the most revered example of a manor house. Thousands of buildings around the world were built in his image and likeness - from the American estate of Monticello to the St. Sophia Cathedral in Tsarskoe Selo.

Villa Capra is one of the first private houses in the history, solved in the form of an ancient temple. The building has a perfect symmetry based on carefully calculated mathematical proportions. The villa has four identical facades with Ionic porticos, which are reached by a balustrade with statues of ancient gods. The plan of the building, including the porticos, resembles a Greek cross in outline. Among the first repetitions of the villa outside of Italy belonged to the estates of English aristocrats - Chiswick House and Mereworth Castle.

Vincenzo Scamozzi, who was responsible for the completion and decoration of the villa after the death of Palladio, crowned it with a dome-rotunda like the Roman Pantheon. From a round hole on top of the dome, according to the creators, the sunlight was supposed to pour into a round living room in the center of the building. Its walls are covered with elaborate frescoes. All other rooms are designed in such a way that the sun also peeks evenly into them during the day.

Unlike many monuments of Renaissance architecture, which tacitly oppose themselves to the surrounding landscape, the villa fits perfectly into it. A wide alley for carriages leads to it from the front gate. Palladio and Scamozzi achieved in this work of theirs harmony with nature, unknown to European architecture since antiquity.

The monument is currently owned by Mario di Valmerana, a retired professor of architecture at the University of Virginia. It is interesting that the main building of this university (the so-called Rotunda) was designed by Thomas Jefferson on the model of the Villa Rotunda. The influence of this Palladian masterpiece is also marked by the unrealized design of the Presidential Palace in Washington, which was designed by Jefferson.UNESCO World Heritage Site No. 712
Material from Wikipedia

In essence, there can be no completely round roof. The roof structure can be conical or domed. Such a roof can be called round only conditionally, as it frames a round building, for example. As roofing material for such roofs, natural tiles or metal are usually used, but in Lately the so-called soft tiles bitumen based.

It should also be especially noted that in order to build a truss system for such a roof, you need to carry out a lot of calculations and drawings. So, you need to have considerable knowledge in the field of higher mathematics and drawing. If there is no such knowledge, then the most optimal way out of the situation would be to turn to the services of specialists.

If we describe the truss system that equips a house with a round roof, then it should be said that it is mounted according to the layered principle. The stiffeners or rafters rest with one end on the annular mauerlat, which is laid along the perimeter of the walls of the building, and with the other end on the annular run, which is attached to the central bearing pillar. Several such runs can be equipped, depending on the height of the roof.

Note! The installation of a central post will entail an increased load on the ceilings, which must be taken into account when designing and choosing a roofing material.

If it is assumed that the future roof will have a domed shape, then the rafters should be in the form of arches, which are also attached with one edge to the base on the wall, and the second to the ring support mounted at the top of the central pillar.


In order to better understand the essence of the manufacturing process of a cone-shaped roof, it is necessary to consider in more detail the technology of its production.

· First of all, waterproofing is laid under the Mauerlat. To do this, you can use the familiar and well-known roofing material.

After its installation, the Mauerlat itself is mounted, which can be used as wooden beam section from 150 × 150 mm, depending on the length of the rafters. The Mauerlat is attached to the wall with anchor bolts.

After installing the Mauerlat, it is necessary to install a central pillar, which will serve as a support for the entire truss system. It is attached to the base with the help of supporting slopes made of timber or boards with a thickness of 40 mm or more. It is worth considering that before installing the supporting column in its upper part, you need to fix the second support ring for the rafters, made of timber.

When the pole is installed, you can proceed to the assembly of the truss system itself. For its manufacture, it is most advisable to use glued wooden beams. This material is able to withstand fairly large mechanical loads, despite the fact that it is affordable and versatile. The assembly of the rafters consists in their laying and fixing to the supporting elements. This is done using building corners. Distance between supporting elements depends on the diameter of the roof, but should not be more than 50 - 70 cm, otherwise the truss system will not be able to perform its supporting functions.

· If the roof height is more than two meters, then an additional support ring is mounted, which will support the roof. This ring is fixed to the rafters with self-tapping screws or otherwise, and is attached to the pole with spacers.

After the truss system is ready, you can proceed to the next stages of installation. Next, waterproofing material is laid. You can attach it to the rafters and the crate using a stapler.

After waterproofing, you can proceed to the installation of roofing.

As mentioned above, since the truss system of a round roof is geometrically complex design, its design is best entrusted to specialists.

Note! It is better to pay and get high-quality and accurate calculations than to save money and make a mistake, because of which, after a while, the roof will leak or even collapse. This type of roofing is usually used for round or multi-faceted houses with a layered truss system. For support, there is an annular run fixed on the central column. The run is mounted so that the top point of the cone is not loaded. The second support is an annular Mauerlat, which is mounted along the wall of the turret. Ceiling beams must be designed so that the maximum load is in the area of ​​​​the central column, to which, in turn, the ridge annular run is attached with braces. To calculate the nodes of the rafter system of houses with such a roof, it is better to involve specialists


This type of roof is built using a hanging truss system. Usually this is a 3-hinged arch, consisting of hanging rafters. One end of the arch rests on the mauerlat (laid along the wall), the other end on the support ring.

Dome roof, construction, photo of how the final version should look - all this is on our website construction company with the necessary specialists.

In addition to the standard type of roof, there is another way to arrange it. Creating a dome formed by triangles. This is also a domed roof - a geodesic dome: a structure with rather complex calculations of an unusual appearance. For fastening the rafters, connector and non-connector methods can be used. The connector method involves assembling triangles with pieces of timber and special locks. The connectorless method involves prefabrication of triangular panels and their collection at the construction site.

A geodesic dome has several advantages:

· More usable space.

Less cost for Construction Materials.

· Savings on space heating costs.

· Possibility of glazing the entire dome.

· High levels of snow load and wind protection.

Sound insulation is higher than other types of roofs.

· Original appearance.


Another option for how to make a roof with a round base is to build it according to a domed pattern. As in the previous case, on preparatory stage it will be necessary to carry out calculations and draw up detailed drawings, which are best entrusted to specialists. This approach will avoid design errors. But the construction work itself is quite possible to perform independently.

It is worth saying that in general terms, the process of manufacturing a domed roof truss system is not much different from that described above, but it has some features.

· First, waterproofing is laid on the walls.

After the Mauerlat is installed and fixed.

· Then a vertical support post is placed, on which the second support ring is mounted at the top.

Next, you can proceed to the installation of rafters. For their manufacture, wooden arched elements are used, consisting of several sections. At one end, the arch is attached to the Mauerlat, and at the other, to the second support ring at the top of the supporting column. A similar design of the truss system is called hanging.

Rafter arches should be installed around the post at a distance of approximately 70-90 cm from each other.

· After their installation, a circular crate of unedged boards or timber is installed along their outer area.

· On top of the lathing, waterproofing is laid and, finally, roofing.


Another way to make a "round" roof is to install the so-called geodesic dome. This technology is most common in Western countries, in particular the United States, but for a general outlook, it is worth getting acquainted with the technology.

So, in general terms, the process of manufacturing a truss system using this technology consists in the fact that triangular elements of the truss system are made from timber trimmings, which, when connected to each other, form a rounded base of the roof.

It should be noted that the connection individual elements produced using special elements called connectors. In the case of their use, the assembly of the general structure takes place directly on top of the walls of the building. There is also the so-called connectorless mounting method, in which individual triangles of the structure are assembled in advance, and their assembly into a single structure occurs later.

It is worth noting that the use of such technology allows you to quickly build the necessary structure that will meet all the necessary operational requirements, as well as have a rather interesting and original appearance. It is also impossible not to note the following advantages:

In addition, a fairly large free space is formed inside such a dome, which can be used, including as a living space.

This design requires fewer materials than if other technologies were used.

· The geodesic dome system is not very heavy, which means it will not greatly increase the load on the walls and, therefore, the foundation, which in turn will have a positive effect on savings.

· It is also necessary to highlight the excellent strength characteristics of the structure, allowing to cope with significant snow loads, which is important for residents of the northern regions.

· Among other things, such a roof will have good performance in terms of aerodynamics, which allows the roof to successfully withstand large wind loads.


Another option for making a roof on a building that has a round shape is the device of the so-called onion roof. It should be noted that this form of roof is usually used during the construction of churches and its use in private construction is hardly appropriate. However, it should be said that cases in life are different and no information will be superfluous.

In general terms, the construction of such a roof takes place according to layered technology, that is, the truss elements are installed and fixed, as if leaning against the bearing supports, that is, the central pillar and the Mauerlat along the perimeter of the walls. The main difference from other options for the manufacture of truss systems is the very specific shape of the rafters themselves, which provides the roof with a recognizable appearance.

To achieve the required strength indicators, the rafters are additionally strengthened with the help of a complex system of braces and spacers, which are installed in places of the greatest load.

Concluding the above, we can add that, in principle, it is possible to build a roof, even if it is round, on your own, but it is better to entrust the calculations necessary for the correct design of the truss system to specialists. Perhaps this is the main thing. The construction work itself can be carried out independently, of course, subject to the availability of certain knowledge and practice in carpentry.

By itself, a round roof is not such a rarity. Most architectural monuments of cult purpose are round roofs: bulbs of Russian churches, domes of Muslim temples. The exception is Catholic Gothic. In Western Europe, domes usually crown secular buildings.

The dome is a common variant of the roofs of urban buildings in individual projects, scientific buildings - observatories, etc. Only in suburban villages, houses with a round roof are rare. The reason is the complex installation of the truss system. How to make a round roof?

What is a round roof?

Calling the roof round is wrong. It's not completely round.

This group includes any roofs, the shape of which is a figure of rotation or one of its segments:

§ Dome (half or upper third of the ball);

§ Conical roofs;

§ Bulbous roofs;

§ Curvilinear roofs with complex geometry that do not have their own name.

The truss system for all these types of roofs is manufactured in different ways.

The design of the truss system of a round roof

Rafter systems for round roofs are usually layered. This implies the presence of additional supports for the rafters inside the structure.

Support points:

§ Ring Mauerlat;

§ Ring run in the upper part of the roof. If the roof is high (above two meters), there may be more than one run;

§ Central pillar. For small structures, one is enough;

§ Additional reinforcing elements (struts, couplers).

The rafters themselves:

§ For bulbs - rounded (often metal trusses are used instead of wood).

§ For domes - rounded arched, made up of several parts. The exception is the so-called. geodesic dome, popular in Western countries: it is assembled from many small triangular wooden sections.

§ Cone - rafter legs straight, based on round annular runs and a round Mauerlat. The ridge knot at the top is mounted similarly to hipped roofs.

The order of installation of the system as a whole is similar to the installation of conventional roofs:

1. Laying an insulating layer of roofing felt on the wall.

2. Installing the Mauerlat. For example, a bar 15 by 15 (the section must be indicated in the roof project). The Mauerlat is fixed to the wall with anchor bolts.

3. If the entire building is wooden, do not put a Mauerlat. The rafters rest on the upper crown and are fixed with galvanized nails.

4. Mount the upper annular run on the beam for the support post.

5. Place a support post in the center of the floor. Reinforced with struts about 4 cm thick.

6. Install the rafters in increments of 50-90 centimeters, depending on the project. They are fixed to the Mauerlat and the run with building corners.


The general requirement for the installation of the truss system of any roof: pre-treat all elements with fire retardants and antiseptics.

Round roof installation

After the installation of the rafters, the roofing pie is installed - the same as for others pitched roofs:

§ Vapor barrier;

§ Insulation;

§ Waterproofing;

§ Counter-lattice + crate.

You can limit yourself to one waterproofing (without vapor barrier and insulation) if the roof is cold. But it is quite possible to arrange a warm attic in the dome, there is enough space there. Or your own observatory

Roofing of round roofs can be made of different materials:

§ flexible tiles;

§ composite tiles;

§ thin sheet steel (including seam roofs);

§ with some restrictions - ceramic tiles;

§ wooden piece coatings - shingles, shingles, etc.;

§ polycarbonate.

Laying of any of these materials is carried out in accordance with the instructions.


Installation of flexible tiles is not difficult, but for iron, a bending machine and / or seam-rolling equipment may be required.

If you are planning to make a roof from typesetting wooden tiles, do not forget to treat them with all the necessary protective compounds and waterproof varnish.

Features of a round polycarbonate roof

Polycarbonate stands apart in a number of roofing materials. Roofs of it are often made near greenhouses, greenhouses, arbors, winter gardens. In any case, these are transparent or translucent roofs; they do not have a roofing pie.

But polycarbonate itself has low thermal conductivity. The building is not completely cold, even in the absence of insulation.

When installing, you need to take into account the features of the material:

1. Drill holes for fasteners in advance. When drilling and cutting, be careful, avoid vibration of the sheets, because. the material is prone to cracking.

2. An electric jigsaw or a circular saw with a fine tooth is suitable for cutting sheets. The speed is medium: at a low speed, chips appear, a high one can lead to melting of the material.

3. If moisture accumulates inside the sheets, they are blown with compressed air (for example, using a vacuum cleaner).

4. Polycarbonate is subject to thermal expansion. Mounting holes should be made a couple of millimeters larger than the diameter of the screw rod.

5. The ends of the blanks of polycarbonate sheets must be glued with waterproof aluminum tape before laying.

6. For the installation of a polycarbonate roof, metal arcuate profiles are used. Installation is carried out along the radius. The frame is built up gradually, as the sheets themselves are attached.

7. protective film from the sheets are removed only at the end of the installation.

8. Sheets can be curvilinearly formed using thermal, vacuum and cold forming.

9. It is impossible to move along the coating; roof ladders and ladders are used during installation.

The installation of a round roof is a complex and energy-intensive process. A small inaccuracy can turn a beautiful design into something shapeless.

The arched or domed roof is mainly used in the construction of buildings such as winter gardens, swimming pools, galleries and stadiums. But more and more often arched roofs can be found in cottage construction, where the building design allows you to mount this type of roof. The domed roof looks very impressive above the hall or above the attic, which is equipped for relaxation.

Design Description

Domed roofs have a peculiar truss structure; wood, concrete or metal are used for their manufacture, and sometimes all together. As a rule, the coating of arched domes is made of translucent materials: special glass, polycarbonate, transparent slate. But sometimes they may not apply transparent materials: copper, galvanized, titanium coated sheets or wood.

Domed roofs have many advantages over conventional roofs. standard designs. Aesthetic appeal, such a roof is really original and incredibly beautiful. The shape of the arch or dome makes such roofs very resistant to wind and snow loads, since snow does not linger on such a roof. Using a transparent roofing material, the premises receive full-fledged, natural lighting, which is very valuable for winter gardens. In technical terms, the domed roof removes a lot of problems, you can cover several rooms at the same time and make a single smooth transition.

Arch or dome structure

The truss bearing elements of these structures have a curved appearance such as a truss or arch, they are made of metal, concrete and wood. For example, for a private low-rise building, heavy concrete structures are not used, so metal and wooden floors. If the building is large, then the load of reinforced concrete trusses is immediately taken into account during construction, so the walls and foundation are made especially strong.

It is worth saying that there are domed roofs of a small area, in the construction of which supports are not used at all, the coating of such roofs is made of durable and at the same time lightweight polycarbonate. Its properties allow you to make a wide variety of roof shapes.

Metal support structures are also very heavy and must be treated regularly to prevent corrosion. Plus, big metal structure creates a strong load on the walls and foundation. Therefore, recently, aluminum profiles have been increasingly used in the construction of domed and arched roofs. Aluminum is very light and at the same time strong, does not corrode, and thin beams are in harmony with the translucent material. Installation of truss supports is greatly simplified and becomes easier.


With an aluminum frame, the same aluminum crate is installed, its pitch is calculated taking into account the thickness and weight of the polycarbonate sheets. The bending of the sheet is also taken into account, it also creates a load. However, the crate is not done here with frequent steps, as a rule, one jumper is placed on the floor of the sheet. Here are the main parameters of the lathing that need to be taken into account when constructing the lathing of domed roofs:

It is necessary to take into account the size of the polycarbonate and its type. If cellular polycarbonate is used, then its length is from 6 to 12 meters, the width is basically standard 2.10 meters;
- sheet-type polycarbonate has smaller dimensions, length 3 m, width 2 m, but here the sheet thickness of 10-32 mm can significantly change the weight;
- you also need to clarify all the characteristics of polycarbonate, since sheets and honeycombs are often made according to custom order and this must be taken into account;
- for the installation of an aluminum frame and crate, it is necessary to create the most complete and accurate drawing, taking into account all the details, only then you can proceed with the installation;
- polycarbonate and aluminum do not need additional finishing, they blend well and create an original style.

Worth a close look at right choice polycarbonate, a variety of types and thicknesses allows you to optimally select the right material, the main thing is to correctly calculate the weight for the structure. In small roofs, it is possible to create a domed structure without the use of a frame, which makes the roof especially beautiful and airy.

But it is worth remembering that polycarbonate, when exposed to the sun, creates a greenhouse effect, especially with a large coverage area. For rooms covered with a polycarbonate dome, it is necessary to install air conditioning or ventilation.
Fastening sheet and cellular polycarbonate

Proper fastening plays an important role in the strength of the polycarbonate dome structure, there are different methods of fastening for honeycomb or sheet material. It is necessary to take into account the bending capabilities of the polycarbonate and its thickness, as well as take into account the full internal channels that must go in the longitudinal direction. You should also remember about the necessary thermal expansion for sheets when heated.

Often, for sheets of medium size, no more than 3 m, a point type of fastening is used. Do not use ordinary bolts or nails for fastening, otherwise the polycarbonate will crack when expanded. If the coating sheets are up to 6 m in size, then it is necessary to additionally use thermal washers. But with sheets up to 12 m this will no longer help, so it is recommended to use special polycarbonate that has been hot-formed and has stiffeners. Sheets are pressed from the outside, polycarbonate rails or other materials are used as clamps.

Between polycarbonate and surface joints roof structure it is advisable to put a gasket so that oxidative stains do not appear. However, if you use an aluminum profile, then it is already covered with a special rubber or silicone sealant at the production stage.